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Member Since 07 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2008 06:33 AM

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In Topic: Paladin Healing Bonus

24 January 2008 - 06:29 AM

There's an idea! And don't try to tell us the classes are equal cause we all know, as Autek stated, which are the most dominant.

In Topic: A Public Forum

16 April 2007 - 12:00 AM

Supported. Just because the staff may not care about what the changes will do to current players but in the long run, the current players do sometimes care about the game they love to play and whats happening to it good or bad.

In Topic: Nm1a

23 March 2007 - 10:57 PM

Ryuku itll probably never happen that there will be 50 levels. I dont think that this server will die out either, its more exciting to play on 1 character and who is ognna play on the main when its just you and 1 other person total? When theres 40+ ppl on 1alt.

Still no roll yet! Gdit!

In Topic: Nm1a

22 March 2007 - 10:35 PM

I do understand where Eternyte is coming from. For many other games it takes about a month or more to get to the highest level especially when there are no other advantages such as AA's(Rev) or better equip for more exp ect.

I do agree with Autek though on the fact that this is not the first time these players have ever leveled a character to 30 before.

I for one would just like to get a dang roll to start leveling before I'm too behind!