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#31 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 10:26 AM

Just to add on, being staff is a job. It's volenteer work yes, but it's still a job. There is work that has to be done. Even volenteers get fired if they don't do what they are supose to be doing. I supose the comon response to what i just said would be "well we have other things to do too". That very well may be, but if you can't do your job step down and let some one whos serious about it step up. I believe that staff should be choosen with careful consideration this time around. Anyways just my thought on the deal. I know this may strike a nerve or two, but don't delete it just cuz it's hard to face the music.

Edit: Just to clerify, i'm not saying staff havn't done stuff. Trev and Elf especially have done and do a lot for the game in more recent times. All i'm saying is from the player perspective there are no active staff at the moment. Hence hiring some one to do the work would be a good idea. If staff are active and doing things, well then why not just speak up and say so? Then there is no new staff discussion to be had...

Main: http://nm8080.nightm...nmm_online.html
1a: http://nm8080.nightm...nms_online.html

(are those graphs right shows staff activity?!?!?!)

Edited by «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤», 06 October 2008 - 12:18 PM.

I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#32 -×»ºLätérãlù§º«×-

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 02:00 PM

lmao. the truth is revealed by numbers!

#33 Elf

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 05:20 PM

Please explain how I am MIA when I am ingame daily ?

Yell and I answer

As far as another game... I draw for enjoyment. If I can help someone else is it really your business ?
I am not on 24/7 for your service.. I DO what I can for NM Drawing and trying to sort petty quarrels.
Yes I would love to draw more..... if I could... without the "politics" of the game all the time.


Meeting you was fate,
Becoming your friend was a choice,
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#34 JadedSoul

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 02:45 AM

I am by far not a programmer. So I am going to throw out a few examples of what I think would require coding and please correct me if I am wrong.

1)NPC's for the two guilds Elf just created.
2)Level restriction lifted for Catacombs.
3)Level restriction applied to Spider Tunnels.
4)New items created for the new guilds by Elf.
5)New clan house rooms added to main by Trev
6)Recycle Bin and Dwarven Melder added to main by Gaddy.

Are these examples of things that require coding or do staff crits come with preset abilities like a thiefs assassinate?

If JLH is the only one with the ability or permission to code then Nightmist has been hacked. Because since I have been back I have seen 4 members of staff doing what I believe to be coding.

And for the exception of 4 days in the entire time I have been back I know for a fact Elf has been logged into Nightmist. So to say she is not active is incorrect.

But as I said. I could be wrong. I just sit at the NGH on main waiting for pks. . . :ph34r:
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#35 cxoss

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 03:51 AM

Lol if you think that is coding then.... Not to mention your sitting at NGH on the nopk main for pks.......
But to correct you.. All that stuff is done by staff commands such as /create item etc.. Coding on the other hand is actually going in to the NM data base and changing things around.. To how the hp random works to how much dex multiplies a certian equation etc.. As for items, npcs, squares and such its really just /create then changing it to do what you want.. Any moron can follow the steps to make a npc..

#36 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 05:22 AM

Definition of MIA: a person in the armed forces who is lost during combat and who cannot be accounted for as a known casualty

1.) I used the term to refer to the simple fact that i was not aware of what staff have been up to.

2.) I also said "If staff are active and doing things, well then why not just speak up and say so? Then there is no new staff discussion to be had..."

3.) I also put that edit there because i knew my words where bound to be tangled. I clearly remember saying that elf and trev have done great things, and do great things.

4.) If any coding was to be done through that, i suspect it was done by JLH. Further more while i'm on the topic of JLH. I would like to say i feel he's far more active with nightmist than what people think. He is still very helpful when called upon.

5.) The Main and 1a server traffic things i posted links too are a clear indicator for the most part only 1 staff gets on on a regular basis.

6.) I won't apologize for what i said. I only said i didn't know what staff where doing aka MIA. If any staff are not doing there job, then make way for people who will. I did not say that all staff are completely worthless and don't do anything. I went out of my way to edit my post(s) and mention that i am well aware of what trev and elf have done for the game. Also not just what they have done but what they do. Finally i said correct me if i'm wrong. Tell us what staff are doing. If all the staff are behind the scene plugging away at things, well then there really isn't a reason for this post is there. If there is only 1 staff carrying the work load of an entire staff team, i believe we have a problem. I just said give us answers as to what the staff are up too, so we can move on from there. Again i say there is no point in this post if staff are busy doing things.

7.) As for jadedsoul, the way i understand it there are diffrent levels to staff. For instance elf was an artist. That was simply her job. Being she got appointed to do the guilds she was also awarded access to the tools and commands to complete the task. Wes was just a normal staff. JLH and Simon felt it was time for him to become admin, and so he got more commands and such to suit that job. Trevayne is also a great example of a staff that knows no limits. He trys to push what he can do to the limits with out accessing the main code of the game that only jlh can touch. Part of one of his areas still amazes me. Has since i learned about it. It's only a small thing but never the less. Anyways the point is, most of it don't take actual coding. What does... JLH can do. He is not dead. Just not as active as once upon a time. Don't hold a wake for the man just yet. Staff are equiped with the commands, knowledge, and tools that they require to do there job. Be it a admin, an area developer, or making graphics.

8.) According to the traffic logs, there is only majorly active staff at the moment. For what ever reason the other staff don't seem to be active i do not know. I do not care to speculate. What i do know is that active staff members are vital to the continued sucess of nightmist on any level. The very presence of active staffers gives the player base hope. Noting the current lack of players, my personal suggestion is to hire two to four more staff of the highest quality. Maybe we could just clone elf and trev a couple times. Though we would have to fidget with trevs DNA to make it so he will help with 1alt. Then again i don't blame him. On the topic at hand though. My current evaluation of this proposition is one that that stands firm and will agree that more staff are needed. How ever, not just a couple of people who post in all diffrent types of colors, like to flex there muscle, and can manage to win a popularity contest.

*Special Thanks To*
JLH - I know you still help with nightmist when the time presents itself. I thank you for that.

Simon - He's good people.

Mark - Havn't seen him around as of late. He's good people too though.

Wes - Get back to uni and nm!!! :ph34r:

Trevayne - Master architect of areas, and overall game development. Also level headed, fair, and just. Truley one of the greatest to bless the staff team.

Elf - Truley underrated. One word comes to mind. Resilience. When given a task she does it no questions asked. With or with out help. When she says she gonna do it, it gets done. Give the woman a trophy!

Gaddy- Momma sa... momm.. my momma sai... ma.. my mamma said if you don't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all, and that your the devil.
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus, or occasionally pee on yourself. Hang in there you're friggin special!

#37 Isolated

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 06:44 AM

should make me a staffer then id come back :ph34r:
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#38 Gnarkill



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Posted 07 October 2008 - 07:43 PM

Wes must be somewhat around now.. he answered my memos and sorted something for me very promptly which was very suprising he got around to it and memo'd me back so quick! but a pleasant suprise! Either way.. thanks Wes!

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#39 JadedSoul

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 09:46 PM

Lol if you think that is coding then.... Not to mention your sitting at NGH on the nopk main for pks.......
But to correct you.. All that stuff is done by staff commands such as /create item etc.. Coding on the other hand is actually going in to the NM data base and changing things around.. To how the hp random works to how much dex multiplies a certian equation etc.. As for items, npcs, squares and such its really just /create then changing it to do what you want.. Any moron can follow the steps to make a npc..

Understood. Knowing now that any moron can follow the steps to make a NPC I'd will be submitting a list of players who are qualified.

Main is NOPK? Man I been sitting here for days waiting on pks. :ph34r:
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#40 Slushie

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 05:29 PM

when have staffers ever really been able to be accounted for, just because you cant see them doesnt mean theyre not around

#41 Tietsu

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 05:33 PM

I didn't the initial reason for the post, but we deffinately need staff who play the game -and- staff it. But I guess it'd be hard to find someone unbiased to do such a thing.

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