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Lvl 19 Ranger/lvl 11 Cleric (cheap)

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#1 Guest_zip_*

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 07:19 PM

Race/Class: Male Halfling Ranger. Str: 18, Int: 12, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 16, Lev: 19, Exp: 6,981,177, HP: 178, MP: 0, Stm: 3.

accepting gold/crits

Start with any bid (plz bid respectable)

Etnie is a Male Halfling Adept Ranger. He looks strong, smart, extremely fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds a Leather Bound Bow, the other a Mesh Shield. He is wearing an Elven Breastplate. Around his neck sits a Bunny Foot Necklace. He is wearing Centipede Gloves on his hands. His feet are protected by Crocodile Skin Boots. He is in a healthy condition.

Race/Class: Male Halfling Cleric. Str: 8, Int: 16, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 19, Lev: 11, Exp: 254,822, HP: 107, MP: 119, Stm: 2.

Edited by zip, 12 July 2004 - 09:51 PM.

#2 ChaosKid255

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 10:42 PM

40k for the halfling ranger

#3 xace_dragonx

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Posted 12 July 2004 - 10:54 PM

1k on the cleric

#4 marsh

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:04 AM

50k for ranger
Sorry, no pictures in signatures. - Zephie

#5 SaberTooth

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:36 AM

u have an IS on ranger?

#6 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 04:20 AM

60k on the ranger if it hasn't been sold yet
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