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Member Since 06 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2020 01:48 AM

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Quality Of Life Suggestions

30 March 2020 - 07:56 PM

It's a clear and honest realization; Nightmist will never know the glory it once knew. I remember town's full of noobs of varying backgrounds and culture coming to enjoy this gem among the internet. To those of who still play, or wanting to play again are in need of some help to re break ground.

I heard XP improvements were made, which is nice. I'd love to see some stuff outside the actual main game. My proposal is a restructure to the roller, without changing the dynamic.

Firstly, remove the math questions. I know this was made as a means to prevent auto-rolling, but considering the state of the game, only proves a hindrance and with no active auto rollers to my knowledge and the likelihood of them ever returning is improbable, this is a quality of life improvement worth considering.

Secondly, reduce the range of the stats for potential stat changes.
Take example the Human who maxes at 19 across the board. The lowest potential stat is 8, giving a range of 12 potential choices across 6 tables. This is a substantial hill to climb unless you happen to stumble across a few 3-4 stats you're willing to settle for. Ideally, cutting this down to about 7 or 6 would help new players break ground and begin the experience without so much hassle and making 3-4 stat characters much easier to obtain and still making 5-6 stats fairly elusive. Buying rolled crits is no longer the viable option it once was as those who rolled for money have likely moved on or stopped playing, thus making realistic demand virtually zero outside the die-hard player base. We must consider those who wish to play an important part of the equation too or this game will likely never see any kind of new players as the first hill to climb is so invariably steep and unforgiving.

Lastly, which I believe this is a little game breaking and likely not a good fit, but will suggest it anyways. Record the last roll, and allow us to roll back once. Once you roll again, previous roll is no longer recorded and will update. This is a stretch, I will admit.

The game as it stands is a lush wonderland of possibility, but I cannot deny that is has a certain charm that beckons that people come to it. Here's hoping we see some consideration to help people move past this steep hurdle.