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#1 Crane


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 08:55 PM

My suggestion of "Soul Steal" didn't go down too well, but what about a spell that helps a mage to escape rather than kill...


When cast, the target loses 10 Dexterity points and becomes drunken in movement (in the case of players) for 30 seconds. With monsters, they are more likely to miss and you are able to get past if they are blocking the square. Certain monsters, like Vines (you can't Disorientate a plant), Aet'Thol (too powerful for something as simple as Disorientate to affect him) and some other boss monsters, are immune to the effects. Plus the effects can be neutralised with Dispell.

It might have to be a high-level and/or high mana-using spell because it would be lethal if the Mage had backup with them.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#2 Squee



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Posted 19 March 2004 - 10:12 PM

Good idea.

However, I see this getting abused if it's put in. I can't give you specfic examples...but I have this gut feeling.
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#3 Crane


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Posted 19 March 2004 - 10:18 PM

Perhaps... I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'abused'... let's see what other Nightmisters think about it.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#4 Wolfgang

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Posted 20 March 2004 - 12:06 AM

let me see....

Evolve cast Disorientate on you.
Wolfgang attacked you with a Great Axe for 56 damage.

Plus... i dont think Disorientateis a word. I dont think you can put Disoriented into that kind of context. though if anything i think it would be Disorient.

What the what?

#5 Crane


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Posted 21 March 2004 - 09:36 PM

My apologies for my spelling - I'll use a dictionary more often in future!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#6 Ryuku


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Posted 21 March 2004 - 10:25 PM

How about you have to be on use all mana points and mana has to be full. Takes all stamina and can't use spells while someone is disoriented. It may not be abused after that.

#7 Squee



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Posted 21 March 2004 - 11:06 PM

A spell that costs 400 mana? Who would use that?
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#8 Despair

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Posted 21 March 2004 - 11:14 PM

could be funny if cast on someone training in the desert maze and they go west and end up going north into a death trap :)

I like the idea and hope its added

Edited by Despair, 21 March 2004 - 11:15 PM.

If I were the rain... that binds together the Earth and the Sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle... would I be able to bind two hearts together?

#9 Poison

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 09:21 AM

I don't like it. A lot of the ideas that have been posted are just a spin off from Hypnotise for rangers. We need to think up more original ideas, and explain them fully.

Thr only spell I would contemplate using with 5 stamina would be a 'psionic wave' causes between 100 and 600 damage variable to the whole square. Uses full mp and stamina, and you must have full hp to cast the spell.

In other words, massively destructive at a high price of mana plus if you fail or do only 100 damage you are totally vulnerable to the others on the square attacking you.

Need to have something coded so 2 mages(any alternative class for a hit&run) aren't used. One casts the wave, the other to cast invisibility and run. Also I think the spell should bypass nopk's, because if your casting a spell to damage the whole area, no one is protected (except the caster). Would need some strategy when being used then too.

#10 Crane


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Posted 22 March 2004 - 01:24 PM

But Psionic Wave (Yuri from Red Alert II is coming to mind!) would just be another death and destruction spell that I feel most people want to avoid. Besides, I am sure that Beam and Devastate are damaging enough for most.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#11 Poison

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Posted 22 March 2004 - 04:04 PM

No has devastate. Plus I said that would be the only spell I would contemplate using all 5 stamina.

Personally I'd rather see intelligence have a greater impact on damage, and keep the main damage spell as beam.
Then just have numerous other spells, like a vamparic touch, or a slow spell, maybe a better invisibility spell. All are great options without more damage spells. Which I would prefer to see, more strategy is need when using characters.

#12 Wolfgang

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 12:41 AM

Psionic Wave=bad idea. Very bad idea.

No offence or anything... but as Crane pointed out, many people would prefer it if mages are NOT all about death and destruction, but instead abot altering the world around them. Squee has said this before...

Your idea, while good, could (and most likely would) be ripped to shreds by the majority of the players.
I also think its good to see people using/posting spells not meant to be used in a completely attacking manor.

So... the point being: >_> Good Job! ^__^ I look foreward to reading other suggestions made by you in the future.

Edit: Made it sound less mean. Was not meant to be mean.
Edit 2: *sigh* my emoticons we're slewn (yes, slewn) into smiley faces. >_> i fixed that....

Edited by Wolfgang, 24 March 2004 - 12:44 AM.

What the what?

#13 Poison

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 11:01 AM

Just curious but how many of you actually own a level 30 mage?

#14 Squee



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Posted 24 March 2004 - 08:59 PM

I have owned one to 25, to 30 and have one at level 28. I have trained them all from level 1. Don't even try to insult me like that.

Edit: I'd also like to add, I did it without alts. I know all too well the hardships of training mages...Probably better than most.

Edited by Squee, 24 March 2004 - 09:00 PM.

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#15 Poison

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 10:26 AM

I'm just wondering how many people own a level 30 mage who know so much about mages. I merely stated that the only spell I would consider using 5 stamina with on a mage would need to be something very destructive.

Obviously people suggesting 5 stamina/1 click attacks have no real idea just how poor mages are at present. They need lower mana costs, more effective armor for the spells casted (can still get rounded by many), their fizzle and resists are insane. Intelligence items I would like to see make a difference, as any mage should need intelligence of dexterity anyday. Int needs to make a much bigger difference in fizzle's and damage.

I would also prefer more strategy with using mages, and I don't really want to beam,beam,beam,beam,invis. As you have no hope of killing anything this way, especially with the amount of people using 6 alts+.

#16 Squee



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Posted 25 March 2004 - 11:42 PM

If I'm reading correctly, most people are saying that mages shouldn't just be about killing. They should about manipulation, destruction should only be a side-effect of this.

Sure, an ultimate spell that just completely wipes squares clean would be fun...but that'd just be stupid. Mages aren't hell-bent and they don't have one tracked minds. They are users of magic, manipulators of the world around them.

A mage doesn't move, a mage makes the world move around them.
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#17 lowmion

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 01:41 AM

you all basically agree that mages dont need more firepower, but it would be nice not to be clicked by an equal lvl different class,

i've yet to get to Aop lvl so i cant comment on if we mages need more armor yet at lvl 30,

So how about a magical back pack, which is hand held ie taking up the place of a weapon,
so any class can use it , but only true intel using class's would want it, such as clerics, mages, and paci's,

and because it's cumbersome it reduces dex

it would allow however unlimited items to be held and auto-feeds your main inventory , but an items x negative dex ratio is involved so stopping ppl from 'over-filling' etc,

most like myself use covert thiefs as pack mules, but thieves get hungry etc and i use to much mana to explor long distances between towns by self this would allow more freedom but with out impacting on the defences of other arch crits

#18 lowmion

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 01:42 AM

you all basically agree that mages dont need more firepower, but it would be nice not to be clicked by an equal lvl different class,

i've yet to get to Aop lvl so i cant comment on if we mages need more armor yet at lvl 30,

So how about a magical back pack, which is hand held ie taking up the place of a weapon,
so any class can use it , but only true intel using class's would want it, such as clerics, mages, and paci's,

and because it's cumbersome it reduces dex

it would allow however unlimited items to be held and auto-feeds your main inventory , but an items x negative dex ratio is involved so stopping ppl from 'over-filling' etc,

most like myself use covert thiefs as pack mules, but thieves get hungry etc and i use to much mana to explor long distances between towns by self this would allow more freedom but with out impacting on the defences of other arch crits

#19 Silverwizard

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 02:58 AM

Maybe a magical pack that makes it so you cannot attack but allows another 14 items, that would ROCK. Also to Squee, you cannot say that mages are not hell bent, for proof see the 8-bit theater, specifically Black Mage. 8-bit theater
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#20 Squee



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Posted 26 March 2004 - 03:02 AM

BM is a "special" mage. ^^;
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#21 Silverwizard

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Posted 26 March 2004 - 03:09 AM

BM may be special but other mages can be special. I look up to Black Mage, I mean ruler of Hell, he is doing well with his life.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#22 Deval

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 12:29 AM

He's not the ruler no more :)


Eh he hehe, I love that comic.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#23 Silverwizard

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 02:43 AM

I am sorry I read that one directly after I posted acctually, well he was, so that means is he powerful, so yeah. Anyway, I like this spell, it is partly defensive and partly aggressive which is really the point of the mage, making them better than fighters (I mean style wise).
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#24 Flux

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 01:20 PM

In response to questions posted above, disorientate is, in fact, quite a word.

2 entries found for disorientate.


v. t. To turn away from the east, or (figuratively) from the right or the truth. [R.]

v : cause to be lost or disoriented

Oh, and I have a level 30 mage.
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