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Stand In Disbelief!

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#1 Guest_M0STH8T3D_*

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 09:21 PM

I stoped playing this game like 7 years ago or so, out of curiosity googled it today and seen it's still around and some of the same people play... I don't know if I should take that as a good or bad thing, It some what saddens me to see the same people doing the same thing everyday as they was 11 years ago.

I am not really hear to start drama or disresect anyone, but dont you think it's time to grow up and move on? Growing up people hit milestones and as they do they mature, they start to grow out of things they enjoyed in the past and move on. This is all within the structures of growing up, most of the people I played NM with 11 years ago were around 16-18 years of age. This would place them around 27 now...

As I see some of these same people still play NM, this is wrong in so mant cases.

#2 Prototype

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:35 PM

You mean no disrespect, yet you think yourself worthy of deciding what other people should do in their life.

Kinda reminds me tho, when I saw this elderly acquaintance, she used to play bridge when I was little, and she still does. What a tard, doesn't she know she could play CoD or WoW instead, or maybe just watch more TV. I hate people who think they can fill in their own free time, tossers.
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#3 Apocalypto

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 04:29 AM

hahaha. best reply ever.

#4 Gnarkill



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Posted 17 February 2011 - 06:22 PM

I probably played back when you did.. I'm 30 now and I still log on here and there to catch up with people and play a bit when I'm bored and have a bit of free time. I do have a couple questions though feel free to answer in essay form if you can.

1. Did you bother filling a little bit your awesome life with learning how to spell at all?

2. How old are you now? and how is coming in to troll the forums of a game you haven't played for "11 years"
a better hobby then playing a bit here and there?

3.Do you need attention that bad? oh well negative attention is still attention right?

Obviously you hold animosity for the game itself or some of its players after all this time and thats not healthy. If you hold grudges enough to come and talk trash 11 years later over a free game like nightmist thats kind of sad. Way to prove a point and attempt to boost your self-esteem by putting others down(behind backs on the forum even, not in the game itself) for something they choose to do in thier free time. :P

Edited by Gnarkill, 17 February 2011 - 06:26 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#5 Freek

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 06:42 PM

Naw its cool instead of just playing the game still I get on to troll it and talk about how I have moved on with my life.
Freek ingame.

#6 Autek

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 09:14 PM

Autek in game.

#7 Isolated

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 10:15 PM

Your a joke guy, I've moved on as well but maybe you shouldn't give advice.
I'm 2 months from a Health Degree, and yet I still occassionally log on, and post on here.
Never will I play again, I find this game boring, the staff have tried to rebuild but it wont work.
f uck you I wont do what you tell me

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