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#1 The Joker

The Joker
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Posted 30 December 2013 - 10:48 AM

Welcome to Nightmist
Type /? to obtain a list of online staff. While staff are here to help you, please don't pester them to give out free items, experience, gold, teleports or ask them to start moshes, because pages are ignored and clutter the screen up for when players are looking for real help. To page a player or staff member type /p name message.
You can get general help at any time by typing help to get a list of topics, there is also the frequently asked questions list on the website along with the forum at http://www.nightmist-online.co.uk to further aid you.

Type /? to obtain a list of online staff. While staff are here to help you, please don't pester them to give out free items, experience, gold, teleports or moshes.

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This is the 1-alt server. This is a PK server with a maximum of 1 character per user.

There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Clan Message:
Blackthorn Inn: You are in Blackthorn Inn. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker, Outbreak, Solstice, Superbeast.
Paged User Outbreak: So close...
You feel refreshed.
Paged User Superbeast: That's too bad..
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
---------------- Superbeast ----------------
Name: ¨¨*:·-ßÅРŧ§-·:*¨¨
Class: Male Dwarf Archmaster Class II Knight
Clan: Pandemonium (Mike)
E-Mail: Stats: 21 17 18 21 18 10
Comment: .!.
AIM Name: .!.
MSN Name: .!.
Kos List: .!.
Monsters Killed: 39881
Players Killed:
Deaths by Players: 2
Total Game Time: 15 days, 23 hours and 44 minutes.
Character Score: 2816
Overall Ranking: 122/1036
Class Ranking: 15/181
Logged on: 10:27:27
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 10:27:05
Staff Comment:
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): y
---------------- Outbreak ----------------
Class: Male Dwarf Grandmaster Class III Slayer
Clan: Pandemonium
E-Mail: Stats: 21 18 18 21 18 16
Comment: You have increased to level 37, and gained 33 hp.
AIM Name:
MSN Name: You have increased to level 38, and gained 36 hp.
Kos List:
Monsters Killed: 78013
Players Killed: 176
Deaths by Players: 164
Total Game Time: 84 days, 11 hours and 28 minutes.
Character Score: 9002
Overall Ranking: 7/1036
Class Ranking: 1/131
Logged on: 10:29:50
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 09:54:23
Staff Comment:
---------------- Outbreak ----------------
Class: Male Dwarf Grandmaster Class III Slayer
Clan: Pandemonium
E-Mail: Stats: 21 18 18 21 18 16
Comment: You have increased to level 37, and gained 33 hp.
AIM Name:
MSN Name: You have increased to level 38, and gained 36 hp.
Kos List:
Monsters Killed: 78013
Players Killed: 176
Deaths by Players: 164
Total Game Time: 84 days, 11 hours and 29 minutes.
Character Score: 9002
Overall Ranking: 7/1036
Class Ranking: 1/131
Logged on: 10:29:50
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 09:54:23
Staff Comment:
Paged User Outbreak: Glad I have these amazing crits with great HP.
Paged User Outbreak: Phew.
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): You mean your bot exiting the game? I have the time logged so JLH can check
Paged User Outbreak: Log all you want, hah. You're attempting to kill me, I rapidly /who, and superbeast just paged me saying he seen me.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): He didnt see you.
Paged User Outbreak: Immediately after, you tried to assassinate me, and failed.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Lings thieves suck.
Paged User Outbreak: Well, your dumb ass buddy gave me a heads up.
Paged User Outbreak: Like.. immediately before you attempted to.
Paged User Outbreak: So, JLH can check my logs to, lol.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Happy days!
Paged User Outbreak: Also, I'm here.. speaking to you ..immediately after. Knowing exactly what happened. And responded to his page 5 seconds before you attempted. Good luck.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): You can be sat at the computer or monitoring it.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): nuts i know a few people who still do it.
Paged User Outbreak: Well, maybe you should tell JLH on them, because I'm no botter :)
Paged User Outbreak: Snitch ass pregnant dog.
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
Text saved to your nightmist directory
There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker, Nausea, Outbreak, Superbeast.
Blackthorn Inn: Blackthorn Inn is quite a small establishment, simply somewhere for visitors of the town to get something to eat and a bed for the night. You may exit North.
A Bartender is here with you.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Hey, they are my friends. You however choose to be an arsehole. So it makes no odds to me.
Paged User Outbreak: Well, you and your cheating friends can stick together, no matter to me. I'm gone in 1 week. I'll just get this red before then. Maybe work on a zerker. and get it red for 31 too.
Paged User Outbreak: But I won't get 31 on this, then you'll have open season with a 36 thief.
Paged User Outbreak: Zerker, however, you'll never click me.
Paged User Outbreak: Good days to you, as well.
There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker, Nausea, Outbreak, Superbeast.
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): I have a 36 Zerker too.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Just so you're aware.
Paged User Outbreak: I'll have a work-a-around for that. :)
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Hurry up and level.
Paged User Outbreak: Keep smiling, don't fret, you'll get wrinkles.
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Oh i dont.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): ;)
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): how come people dont  like u im curious
---------------- Superbeast ----------------
Name: ¨¨*:·-ßÅРŧ§-·:*¨¨
Class: Male Dwarf Archmaster Class II Knight
Clan: Pandemonium (Mike)
E-Mail: Stats: 21 17 18 21 18 10
Comment: .!.
AIM Name: .!.
MSN Name: .!.
Kos List: .!.
Monsters Killed: 39947
Players Killed:
Deaths by Players: 2
Total Game Time: 16 days, and 0 minutes.
Character Score: 2816
Overall Ranking: 122/1036
Class Ranking: 15/181
Logged on: 10:39:43
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 10:39:11
Staff Comment:
Paged User Superbeast: Because I'm superior to them.
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): ahh



Superbeast paged me saying he "sees me" or something, so obviously I'm on the lookout. turnip-face tries to assassinate me, and I've already been shaded by him multiple times, so now he accuses me of cheating. But apparently he knows who the real cheaters are... Maybe instead of JLH looking into my logs, he should be further investigating Pandemonium...?



Also, I bosses and quested with you mooses for like 4-5 hours a couple days ago, died at the at the last spot of that long ass trip, and wasn't invited for any of the 20 or whatever /randoms. You expect me to mend bridges when you simple minded mooses couldn't even be fair on /randoms? I said, AFK, Pissing,, was gone 30 seconds and you let me die. I will show the same respect I receive.

Edited by The Joker, 30 December 2013 - 01:01 PM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#2 Cadabra


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:13 AM

Everyone knows a cheater.

I sat under you on my thief the other day and watched you leave multiple scarabs mortally wounded and then move on. I hit you and you continued to hit the scarab. Once the scarab died you then attacked me. At this point I was lol'ing irl.

Your cheating only bothers a certain few people. The rest just don't want to put up with your attitude. You are repeatedly doing things to irritate people causing drama.

If JLH gave a nuts about this game still, you would of been caught by now.

Funny how you need to cheat at an easy game tho.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#3 The Joker

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:21 AM

You have openly admitted to multiple people cheating... and I'm on a bad internet connection, I lag. Check my logs all you want, buddy. But you have outted your friends.


Should you not be banned, just by association? Should you have to speak names?

If you know of a murder and don't speak up about it, your still getting the hammer.

So, by all means, continue to incriminate yourself and your multiple friends.

Edited by The Joker, 30 December 2013 - 11:45 AM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#4 Chronic

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:27 AM

Lol at investigating pande.. I boot cheaters, i booted you like 2 years ago for auto training your ranger on demonic soldiers.. dont remember? yelled for staff while i tracked you, got u down to 2 hp and u never said a word and i lefted after a few minutes of u sitting at 2hp still hitting demonics and funny enough you were leaving them all mort too... hmm. Same nuts will happen now and i know who may or may not!


And dont blame pande for the randoms that happened either.. If u would like i have some amethyst and black sapphires you can have. You only missed out on giant aquamarine as you never made it to kunal for the Keeshe. I also told the clerics to heal you as you were afk.. maybe u didnt look back to see that? I dont remember who was clericing but if u want to be mad at someone.. be mad at them and not pande.

Solstice 1a

#5 Cadabra


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:28 AM

Problem is, Staff are investigating people who they suspect are cheating. That's how I know people still do it.

I would name names but Staff have them.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#6 The Joker

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 11:31 AM

There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker (AFK), Outbreak, Solstice (AFK), Superbeast.
Storm just arrived from the North.
Storm looked you over.
Storm left the game.
---------------- Storm ----------------
Class: Male Gnome Expert Mage
Clan: Death Inc. (Goodfellas)
E-Mail: Stats: 17 21 20 18 19 18
AIM Name:
MSN Name:
Kos List: PKyou@yourtrainspot.com
Monsters Killed: 3193
Players Killed: 9
Deaths by Players: 18
Total Game Time: 5 days, 16 hours and 1 minute.
Character Score: 2034
Overall Ranking: 264/1036
Class Ranking: 23/106
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 11:05:23
Staff Comment:
There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker (AFK), Makaveli, Outbreak, Superbeast.
---------------- Makaveli ----------------
Name: Andrew
Class: Male Halfling Archmaster Class V Hunter
Clan: Pandemonium Founder (!.-'-. ±Çø£Ð H€â®têб .-'-.!)
E-Mail: 18 x 21 18 18 19
Comment: A Crystal Golem dropped a Bright Crystal Shard.  x9
AIM Name:
MSN Name:
Kos List:
Monsters Killed: 31208
Players Killed: 8
Deaths by Players: 17
Total Game Time: 27 days, 12 hours and 59 minutes.
Character Score: 3408
Overall Ranking: 75/1036
Class Ranking: 8/73
Logged on: 11:07:30
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 08:52:52
Staff Comment:
Paged User Outbreak: Aw, didn't want to show me those sexy 6 yellow numbers?
There are 4 characters online, (4 users).
Online users: Joker (AFK), Makaveli, Outbreak (AFK), Superbeast.
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): ur funny
Paged User Superbeast: Well, I am the Joker.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): On?
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): how can i see u if im not in zuem. lol
Paged User Superbeast: You messaged me, and said "I see u"
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): i know whated to see if u would relog
Paged User Superbeast: So, obviously I would be on guard.
Immortal Pages You from (Hidden): Race/Class: Male Human Grandmaster Class I Templar. Str: 19, Int: 19, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 19, Lev: 36, Exp: 1,711,439,707, HP: 418, MP: 481, Stm: 7.
Paged User Superbeast: You gave me heads up on your face-faced buddy
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): nah
imm is not logged in.
There are 3 characters online, (3 users).
Online users: Joker (AFK), Makaveli, Superbeast.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Race/Class: Male Elf Archmaster Class V Guardian. Str: 18, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 21, Lev: 35, Exp: 1,432,976,340, HP: 390, MP: 426, Stm: 6.
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): just proving a point
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Those 2 alone are worth morethan your life.
Paged User Superbeast: ..which is?
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): youll see
Superbeast Pages You from (Hidden): soon
Paged User Outbreak: I've had a 6 stat in every race, lol. Good job, buddy.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): I have also has a 6er in every race.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Nerve was mine
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Belphegor was mine
---------------- Nerve ----------------
Name: Mike
Class: Female Halfling Archmaster Class I Templar
Clan: Pandemonium («¤°Cãú§t좰¤»)
E-Mail: Xario from main years ago.
Comment: Don't listen to the voices... This is a 3 Stat!
AIM Name:
MSN Name:
Kos List: You have increased to level 31, gained 16 hp and gained 22 mana points.
Monsters Killed: 12192
Players Killed:
Deaths by Players: 1
Total Game Time: 8 days, 1 hour and 4 minutes.
Character Score: 2737
Overall Ranking: 127/1036
Class Ranking: 13/78
Last Logon: 12-30-2013 09:48:29
Staff Comment:
Paged User Outbreak: I mean at one time.
Paged User Outbreak: :)
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Yeah they were at the same time
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): lol
Paged User Outbreak: I rolled Nerve, more than likely.
Paged User Outbreak: Pretty sure I sold it to Bill.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Actually a friend of mine rolled it. You rolled Belphegor tho.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): I commented back to your post.
---------------- Belphegor ----------------
Name: walt
Class: Male Half-Orc Master Fighter
Clan: Pandemonium (Pope of the Black Arts)
Comment: Pope of The Black Arts
AIM Name:
MSN Name:
Kos List:
Monsters Killed: 7147
Players Killed:
Deaths by Players: 1
Total Game Time: 6 days, 15 hours and 37 minutes.
Character Score: 2996
Overall Ranking: 100/1036
Class Ranking: 12/181
Last Logon: 08-23-2013 07:10:58
Staff Comment:
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): No idea what you want to achieve from it tho.
Paged User Outbreak: Well, you accuse me of being a cheater and have told me you will be informing of JLH so
Paged User Outbreak: I figure I'll cover my bases.
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): You will eventially be banned. Everyone gets caught.
Paged User Outbreak: You've already outted your friends, should we really continue this conversation?
Paged User Outbreak: I mean, you've already incriminated yourself.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): You have no clue how this works do you.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): Staff may come to me but i will comply.
Paged User Outbreak: I'm sure you'll tell me.
Outbreak Pages You from (Hidden): We will see :)
Text saved to your nightmist directory
Paged User Outbreak: The Joker always gets the last laugh, your hocus pocus, abra cadabra nuts are only illusions.
Paged User Outbreak: Keep smiling.
Gabriel just logged on.




Still scared to show that Storm is a 6 stat gnome, huh?


Also, Chronic, I was actually assuming he meant you being the main botter, just speculation, but wow.. your on an aweful lot. So many legendarys..Maybe your using one of these "monitored bots"..food for thought..



But anyway, apparently Cadabra is willing to snitch out his friends when Stig or JLH or whoever "comes to him", so, keep that in mind, whoever this Cadabra guy's friends are.

Edited by The Joker, 30 December 2013 - 11:47 AM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#7 Gaddy

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:25 PM

So you have a rolling program and an auto-trainer?
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#8 The Joker

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:57 PM

An "Advisor" would target me, when I've given supstantial proof that there are multiple people cheating as we speak? Hm...


JLH would have been able to tell if I had an "Roller"


And I had a long conversation with Stig in Arilin Arena while being accused of "Auto-Training"


You are a fool to comment on a server in which you don't even play on.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#9 ice_cold

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 01:29 PM

I don't believe I actually understand the point of this topic. I do understand certain people don't like you and think you're cheating, however making this topic will do very little to help your image. If you're trying to say other people cheat, then I'm pretty sure staff have already been alerted o it. On top of that, I highly doubt JLH still reads the forums anymore so telling him or anyone to check logs is unrealistic.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#10 Tietsu

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 02:03 PM

One of these rare occasions I have to agree with Danny.  The only thing this thread does; making you a target.  I don't personally dislike you, I'm more than willing to help almost any player in the game.  Do I think you use a robot?  Yes, I believe so.  Some games allow the use of robots and I haven't exactly checked the rules in quite some time, but I am not entirely sure it's even against them.  Fairly certain auto-training is, as I have seen people banned for it. Maybe I should go back through the rules.


If I am one of these people being accused of using a robot; I have a gaming macro mouse.  (Originally purchased for DoTA)  It is programmable with 13 macro sets.  I have to actually press the buttons, I can not be away from the computer.  All it is really good for is hit and running and getting stamina off really quick.




The best thing you can do is make a ticket.  Making a thread on forums is just not a good way to go about this.

Edited by Tietsu, 30 December 2013 - 02:09 PM.

#11 Justice

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 02:42 PM

This guy is so full of himself.
...Añd Jústícè Fòr All

#12 Sneaky

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:16 PM

This is hilarious, thanks for the laugh. Agreeing with ice_cold, not sure what the point of this was beyond making all parties involved look like a bunch of jabroni's. 


My favorite part is when one clown pages the other clown saying that two six-stat characters on a text based game are "worth more then your life." Lol. I wonder what you people are like in real life. 


why so serious? gif sums up my reaction to reading this thread... http://i676.photobuc...oards/fifty.gif

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#13 The Joker

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 07:33 PM

I created the topic because he falsley accussed me of cheating, then telling me he will have me banned by JLH, and then openly admitted to multiple other people cheating, like a dumb ass, but  said it's cool if they did it, they're his friends. If your concerned about where my image and reputation is going with this game, uh, that ship has sailed. I've already said it. I'd have done bosses with you, but I never intended to join any of your clans. But you guys can't even be fair about that. The point of this is exactly as the log reads, he said I was cheating, I obviously wasn't, and then he snitched out his friends. Point closed. *You didn't boot nuts from Pande. I left. I honestly can't say I enjoyed ever being in there.


Also, I am quite full of myself, I'm a very sexy mofo.




Us on new Chrismas Eve, very entertaining. I got hammered.


And I am a nerd,



And also military trained,





The Joker

Edited by The Joker, 30 December 2013 - 08:59 PM.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#14 ice_cold

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 08:41 PM

Realistically JLH won't ban anyone, he's pretty off hands with the game nowadays. I'm also sexy and military trained.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#15 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:06 PM

Man at first I thought you were the black dude, I was like nuts, he's going to unleash a can of whoop ass on us.. 



... then I realised your the skinny ass white kid who looks like he's missing a chromosome, and the world made sense again.



Did you get that body by auto-training by any chance?  :P

Disaster ingame.

#16 ketchup

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:59 PM

He got hammered from behind by the black dude as he got his arms all over him.......

That asian chick infront needs some good hammerin as well from all sides... ;) yummy

Why so serious happy fckin new year to all!!!!

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#17 Cadabra


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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:09 PM

Lmfao Jc, just had to comment about the Asian chick.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#18 Hansol

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 04:55 PM



that chick is ugly as moose

#19 Sneaky

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 05:16 PM

Man at first I thought you were the black dude, I was like nuts, he's going to unleash a can of whoop ass on us.. 



... then I realised your the skinny ass white kid who looks like he's missing a chromosome, and the world made sense again.



Did you get that body by auto-training by any chance?  :P



Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#20 The Joker

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 10:18 PM

Priceless, so much feed back and yet.. I see none of your pictures.. I'm currently 180lbs... So.. if that's skinny to you then I'd say I know the reason you haven't posted your Spartacus-like bod pic.  Try not to ruin all of your keyboards spanking it to my wife.


Happy New Years, Jelly-beans.

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#21 Ste

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:14 PM

You said in one of your posts there that you have a really bad internet connection and you lag quite abit.

Having been in the same situation myself (when i was in australia) with an extremely bad internet connection it puzzles me as to how you roll so many characters :S Rolling throughout the last year all I have to show for it was a couple 4 stat clerics lol only one your fooling is yourself :) have fun.

#22 The Joker

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:40 PM



My Internet service, the only one available near my place of residence. It CAN go up to 12mbs, but usually is just nuts.

Also, I had like 15 friends rolling with me while they were bored at work.


Nice try,

The Joker

"LeTs PuT a sMiLe oN tHaT fACe!"

                SErVer: 1aLt

                                    nAMe: Joker

#23 ketchup

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 08:05 PM

15 friends rolling o.o daaaaaaaaannggggg teh roller gang

1alt : Titan / Viper / Exellency / Rampage. Main : Predator / Frostie

#24 ice_cold

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 08:25 PM

If another moderator wants to unlock this topic, so be it. I see zero productivity coming from this topic.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

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