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The Gauntlet

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#1 green_mantis

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Posted 29 July 2004 - 06:38 AM

Posted on tavern doors all across the region, a large parchment reads:

Adventurers Wanted

Brave adventurers are wanted for a test of their mettle in the legendary gauntlet of the honorable Lord Darksparrow. Those who reach the end will have their choice of treasure from Darksparrow Keep's vast treasury.

By placing your hand on the space below you will be transported to Darksparrow Keep foyer

As well as agree that no reprocussions by you or any of your kin or companions can be justified by anything that may happen to you

((I will ask that you use OCC brackets when speaking outside of character and quotes " " when speaking in character. I will suggest Italics for thoughts, and Bold for actions if you do not have your own system.))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#2 Mec

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 04:09 AM

Mecrenary places his hand on the space and is teleported.

During the small time within that void, various thoughts run through his head.

First and often, he wonders whether he shall be on of those brave adventurers to gain the treasure.

Secondly he fears for his life.

Thirdly he surrenders himself to his fate, whatever that maybe.

He is ready to face the gauntlet.

#3 The Matrix

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Posted 30 July 2004 - 11:56 PM

The second adventurer to take the challenge steps toward the entry form.
He puts his hand on it and is also teleported away. When he emerges from the void he is in a chamber. Several other chambers are in the room. The first challenger is in one of the chambers. The two challengers glance at each other then the second adventurer draws his sword and clenches it tightly. The first challenger seems more calm and dosent draw a wepon as they are both in seperate chambers. After a while the second adventurer puts his sword away and waits for the next challengers to appear.

#4 green_mantis

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Posted 02 August 2004 - 04:24 AM

((The adventure has not started yet, and you both are in the same room. The foyer, or entrance if you need a more vague term.)

Darksparrow watches in his viewing crystal as the two adventurers stand in the room.
"Hmmm. Not very many takers yet, I think I will wait for at least four more to appear."
Darksparrow snaps his fingers, and a servant brings a small platter of food, setting it down on the table placed before Darksparrow. With a nod, and a wave, the servant is dismissed, and quickly leaves the royal chamber.
Darksparrow munches on some of the grapes on the tray in front of him.
"Four more, I think. Four more." He says as another grape is removed from the tray.

Edited by green_mantis, 02 August 2004 - 04:25 AM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#5 Charon

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 09:08 AM

The elderly man looked up, grim smile on his face as he read the notice and looked around the establishment. Noone else seemed to be paying it any great heed, at least not in this particular outpost.
Wind roared loudly as the door swung open and a young feminine figure dashed through the door, shutting it forcefully against the elements behind her.

With a sigh she swept a hand through short, firey red hair in frustration as water splatted and splashed against the floor with her steps, looking down at her soaked attire with notable despair and annoyance as she wiped her hands against herself as if that would do something to help

"Child" he murmered softly, looking up and meeting her eyes... they flashed wildly, energetically and her annoyance seemed to disapear

"Master" she grinned, walking towards him with a dignity that didn't become her attire, a playful glint in her eyes that didn't quite fit with the lazy stretch of her arms towards the ceiling as she wandered his way. His face was chiselled and sharp... and shady.

He was a man of notable aplomb, a slightly haunty glint in his eyes, a slightly pompous tone. He was alert in a way she wasn't, aware of those around him in a way she couldn't be bothered with... and yet not aware of her speaking to him until she waved her hand infront of his face


"I was talking to you" she smilied understandingly. Yes, he was more alert than she in some ways... but in others she had the obvious advantage. His hearing had long been failing him, though he tried to hide it. His eyes darkened at her sympathy, as her mood seemed to soften in his presence. He hated her pity... and yet needed it

"I'm glad you came" he said abruptly "You know... that long ago I lost something very important"

"I am aware of that" she nodded softly as she perched on a stool and flashed a wild grin at a man across the room to promptly looked away, somehow terrified of the fact that he'd been caught looking... she rolled her head around her shoulders and back to the elderly figure "You think you found it? That why you called me here?"

"Some of the elders... have been speaking. There is rumour that within Lord DarkSparrows treasury... there is rumour that what I lost could have come to reside there. The Elders do not believe he knows this, but we have to investigate. We have to"

"You have to" she grinned "The elders dislike my lack of discipline, and the things you lost are your problem"

"I am to old... to try" he said with distaste "You are young... energetic..."

"Inexperienced?" she suggested, substituting another of the words she'd heard her teachers 'elders' use to describe her

"I want you to do this for me" he murmered "Consider it... a test"

"Why not one of your other students?" she looked around "There are many of them... who are far better than myself, so says your elders. More trustworthy, more experienced, more skilled... more tame" she arched her eyebrows playfully "Or are those students... considered too important? Too noble or influential?"

"Child" he wanted to stop her from continuing, but that was the exact reason they would let him send her and no other... but that wasn't his reason. He thought she stood more chance than the arrogant others... but he couldn't say that. Never would he say such things

"Thats it isn't it?" she asked, looking around... and her eyes roamed the room as she shook her head in mock reproach, short messy hair looking like flames springing from her head as she clasped her hands about her shoulders, slid off the stool and began to walk towards to wall "Nobles are too scared, so send in the pyromaniac?"

She tilted her head at the sign and he nodded softly

"That... is why I sent for you. I must ask you to enter this 'gauntlet' he has thrown down... I must ask you to win, so that you may see if what I seek is in his treasury"

"I'll enter" she nodded deftly "Can't say whether I'll 'win' ... haven't heard a great deal about this thing y'know? Noone has. Noone is quite sure what our dear lord is playing at. Noone is quite sure what he gets out of this"

"Rats in a maze" the elderly man mumbled "Are always walled in. They choose their own path to an end... but can never leave the maze on their own. They simply run for the enjoyment of those... who enjoy seeing them trapped. I want you to be careful"

"Rats live in alleys" the young girl grinned "Not mazes"

Then without another word she placed a hand on the sign. She let out a slight gasp as her vision faded and she felt the energy sparking across her... and then with an eerily silent crackle she was gone from the inn. For a moment, silence washed across the establishment, then the old man rose to his feet, pulled his cloak tight about himself and left the building.

He walked out into the rain outside... but unlike his 'child' the rain never dampened his attire, never so much as dared to touch his head as he walked through the sodden streets. His cloak hung unnaturally still against the wind... and then he faded into the alleyways and rats scuttled at his feet.


The young girl arrived in the foyer with a breif flash, arm still outstretched, though now it touched empty air. She raised her arms and stretched them behind her head, testing her motion, making sure that after her transportation she was still capable of moving. There was fire in her eyes as she looked around almost... excited. The room was.... well, nondescript at least to her eyes, though she tried to find things worth making note of

"Darksparrow keep" she murmered under her breath... and then she caught sight of the others with her

"Heya guys" she flashed them a grin "I'm in the right place... right?"

((ooc: The gray was a one off... if anyone has a problem with me using orange text for her, let me know and I'll stop ^^))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Crane


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Posted 05 August 2004 - 02:00 PM

After an unfortunate incident in a tavern a few weeks ago that had left him humiliated, Crane was surprised to find himself walking towards a public house once again; but something on the outside of the door caught his attention.

As he approached it, amidst people pointing and laughing at him, he came across the item that caught his eye - it was a large message on parchment. He was a little bemused to find the blank region in the middle of it completely bone dry whereas the rest of the parchment had been damaged slightly from a recent rainstorm.

Only now did he notice the crowd around him taking the opportunity to call him names - the incident in the Sleeping Fox that left him in a very emotional state had made him a little infamous.

"*sighs* Anything to lie low for a while." he muttered, touching the hilt of his Justice Blade for comfort, before resting his palm on the parchment. His vision suddenly blurred and he was in vertigo. The last thing he remembered was briefing seeing everyone distorted but looking shocked, but he was not sure whether it was due to his disappearing act or upon the realisation of the magic within the parchment.

Crane came round a few seconds later, lying on the floor in the Keep foyer - once again he felt embarrassed; it might just him being paranoid but he was certain that he was the only one who had had a rough landing upon entry to this mysterious abode.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#7 Charon

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 02:17 PM

((ooc: I'm wondering... would it be possible for me to play an additional character in this rp if I swear I won't allow it to give me an unfair 'advantage' in your competition? I'm very trustworthy, you see, so you could take my word on that ^^;; If not that's fine, I just decided it was worth asking ^^))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#8 green_mantis

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 08:49 AM

((Charon, I do trust you, but, I will have to ask that you message me the details of any second character you plan to use. I will evaluate them and give you a few pointers of things to help keep it fair.))

"Only two more adventurers? So few take to adventuring these days..."
Darksparrow looks around the room, it is so similar to every room in his keep. Tapestries of long-past battles line the cold, gray stone walls, giving the keep a more fortress feel than a lord's manor. The entire keep was lit magically, no torches lined the halls, and the light's origin was undiscernable.

Darksparrow snaps his fingers, and a multitude of servants enter the room.
"I want you all to prepare rooms for our guests, and when they are prepared... show our guests to their rooms."
With a bow, the servants leave the room, not saying a word.
"So few will hardly be entertaining, will it?" Darksparrow utters to the cavernous room around him.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#9 Opie

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 09:33 AM

A hearty, yet quiet laughter fills the room.

"I imagine that a few twists will be in order to liven the event. Especially considering I will be entertaining the guests."

From behind a pillar, a tall smiling human with blood red hair steps out. The hair is as alive as a fire, moving around in the most windless areas, and he has a small goatee of the same color. Billowing around him are dark crimson robes. So dark they seemed black in the lack of light. In his right hand he carries a staff matching his height, at six feet.
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#10 Charon

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 01:33 PM

((Charon, I do trust you, but, I will have to ask that you message me the details of any second character you plan to use. I will evaluate them and give you a few pointers of things to help keep it fair.))

((Your rp, your rules :P Consider me sending that information to you, and I shall graciously accept any pointers you offer ^^))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#11 Opie

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 04:07 AM

((Oh i should let you guys know that Mantis and I are in on this torgether, but he's the head honcho. I just thought i'd let you guys know that considering i just kind of butted into his story line. or at least that's what it seemed like))
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#12 Charon

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 10:39 PM

The young girl grew faintly annoyed as the warriors ignored her. Perhaps they were enthralled by this place, or eagerly awaiting for someone they deemed challenging to appear before them... but ignoring a lady was rude.

She'd crossed her arms and wandered around the room a little aimlessly until the next had arrived.... and the lack of grace with which the participant after her arrived had drawn a laugh from her before she could help herself, though luckily he hadn't been conscious enough to hear it

<Clumsy, for a warrior> she noted as she walked towards him. Her footsteps clacked against the floor but didn't echo, something she distantly noticed as being quite strange, given the acoustics a room this size should have had. She crouched down besides him, trying to gage whatever she could to give her some sort of headway... whatever they would be doing here, it couldn't do her any harm to know who she would be with

<Hmm... tallish, quite well-built I suppose. Clean appearance, short hair...> something about him was almost familiar though she knew she'd never met him. She noted his sword and paused, looking at her own hands, down at her own sides. Had she any sword skill she wouldn't have been able to draw a sword from that position but maybe... she lowered her left hand... yes this man was left handed, at least so far as his weapon went, and that could well be something worth knowing

Slowly she rose to her feet once again and looked down at him, waiting

"Hey" she called down with a grin when she noticed him come to "Ya don't look too comfortable down there Sir. I don't suppose I could I offer you a hand to get up?"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#13 Charon

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 10:40 PM

Grey eyes flickered coldly across the notice which had been clumsily fixed to the door of the Sleeping Fox. By rights it should have fallen down, or blown away in the evenings winds and yet still, it remained there untouched

"'Legendary gauntlet'... 'honourable Lord DarkSparrow'?" a hand swept through short pale hair and a mocking chuckle escaped the short mans lips "Heh, what trash"

A perpetual smirk was glued on his shadowed face as he stepped aside so someone else could enter before resuming his place, slamming his hand against the swinging door to halt its movement and allow him to continue reading. He was about to walk away when something at the bottom of the notice caught his eye

<Small print?>

Curious now he looked around to make sure noone would stumble across him then knelt down and traced the words

"No repercussions can be justified eh?" his eyes glimmered slightly at that, the phrase drawing his interest somewhat more than the arrogant advertising of the rest of the notice "My my my.... Aristocrats trying to play dangerous games? I've lived through danger I don't need some Lord living in an ivory tower warning me not to participate" he sneered "Perhaps its time I relieved the Dear Lord Darksparrow of the treasure in his keep"

With a laugh more sinister than it should have been the young mans hand brushed past the weapon strapped to his thigh and made its way towards to notice. He paused the briefest of moments to look at himself as if making sure he had everything he needed, then caught a glimpse of himself in the dirty windows of the inn... he caught his hand in its movement, instead tying a black bandana around his head to obscure most of the unnaturally pale hair that sprouted there... then he pressed his hand against the notice and was gone.


The moment he appeared in the foyer he looked around, taking quick note of his surroundings, quickly taking stock of how many were there; One...two... three... four... It couldn't be-

He felt his hand stray to his weapon as he saw the girl across the room but quickly closed his fists

<Wouldn't do to draw any attention yet> He'd arrived silently, not yet moved, not yet made a sound as was his way but... his lip curled in what could all too easily have been disgust as he cursed under his breath realising that it was, indeed, Pyriphlegethon who stood across the room, and he realised that whatever scheme he'd had could well just have become a whole lot harder. Now he'd at least have to make it look like he was playing by the rules...

<At least to start with> and the smiles that came with that thought was calculating, cold and cruel. Silently he took in the rest of the room, planning, evaluations... making the most of whatever time he had before he was noticed.

Edited by Charon, 09 August 2004 - 01:37 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#14 Crane


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Posted 08 August 2004 - 11:00 PM

"Hey" she called down with a grin when she noticed him come to "Ya don't look too comfortable down there Sir. I don't suppose I could I offer you a hand to get up?"

"So much for lying low!" Crane thought angrily.

"I have been in less comfortable places, little one." he replied, slightly in awe of this small child who dared the gauntlet. He immediately sensed something about the girl that did not immediately meet his eye, but he was not yet sure whether it was good or bad - he could not shake the thought that he knew her already. Nevertheless, it would seem rude if he did not accept her help. He stretched his hand out to meet hers. Then he suddenly noticed the man standing in the shadows who teleported there a few seconds ago, and almost instantly felt something sinister about him. Crane had only just arrived and already he was feeling uneasy and beginning to wish he was back where he was hiding before from humiliation... in the religious, mystical temple that he called his home.

Edited by Crane, 08 August 2004 - 11:08 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#15 Charon

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Posted 08 August 2004 - 11:17 PM

<Little one?> Pyri repeated to herself, almost amused <Who does this guy think he is?>

"Still, you probably should still get up, hm? Here" she grinned, taking the hand he'd extended in order to assist him, the movement causing the simple clasp at her garments shoulder to glint slightly in the light, for a moment revealing the letters 'ID' carved there

"So" she asks with a smile, raising her eyebrow slightly "What brings the fair Sir to brave the gauntlet?"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#16 Crane


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Posted 08 August 2004 - 11:29 PM

"Oh dear; the very question I do not want to answer." He muttered to himself, quiet enough so she would not hear him. Thing is, Crane was sworn to not lie - he had to say something that was remotely true.

"I was fed up and looking for adventure." he replied a little bit stupidly, then he added... "and people think I am a nitwit, so I want to prove them wrong." It was all true to a certain extent, but he did not want to tell her about the incident in the Sleeping Fox Tavern, as he was sure that this kid would use the information to boast to her friends, hence make him even more infamous, and hence wind him up even more.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#17 Charon

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 12:14 AM

"Looking for adventure?" she asked curiously, something about the way he said that statement somehow sounding odd, but she let him continue... and she laughed slightly before she managed to stop herself and then realised how bad that would sound "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean... I wish you luck with that Sir... on both accounts"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#18 Opie

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 03:29 AM

Opie stared past Lord Darksparrow into his viewing crystal and notices the various people in the room.

"Hmm, should we start to have some fun?"

He raises his staff above his head and slams it on the ground, making a loud *POP* sound. He is teleported into the gauntlet silently as a small black beetle. He takes flight from the wall he landed on and lands right inbetween the girls eyes.
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#19 Charon

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Posted 09 August 2004 - 03:14 PM

"Gah!" Pyri exclaimed before she could stop herself, stumbling back reflexively as the black beetle seemed to get larger as it moved towards her, and she flailed her arms infront of her face.

As it landed on her and she spun around somewhat cross-eyed... she caught sight of the man in the shadows and froze

<No> she thought futilely as she met his gaze shaking her head slightly

"Don't... say... a word" he mouthed almost threateningly as the sneer curled onto his face, conveying the silent extension of that message... because if you do...

Her eyes narrowed somewhat at the challenge but she faltered... had to look away even as she again was forced to fixate on the thing between her eyes, a faint blur in her blindspot

"G...get it off of me" she spluttered waving her hand infront of her face and turning away from him, trying to disrupt the beetle without hitting herself

Edited by Charon, 09 August 2004 - 03:32 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#20 green_mantis

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 09:11 PM

((Opie, they are not in the gauntlet yet, they are still in Darksparrow's Keep entrance. Please pay attention if you are going to help me.))


Four servants enter the foyer, and each one addresses one of the first four entrees in an identical manner.

*Bows* "Lord Darksparrow has had a room prepared for you, please follow me."
The four servants begin walking down a corridor.

A fifth servant enters the foyer, and addresses Tlaloc.
"If you would wait here just a moment longer, a room will be prepared for you shortly." The servant states plainly before going over and standing against a nearby wall.

Darksparrow sighs, and reaches into his viewing crystal. A ghostly hand appears in the foyer, pulling Opie off Pyri's nose and back into his royal chamber.
(I will make it known that none of the contestants can see the viewing crystal or know it exists. Without using magic, anyway, but there is no reason to do that here.)

"Very entertaining, my friend, but not yet the right time. Save you tricks for when dinner is served."

(Darksparrow is a very big man, six foot, 275 pounds, dressed in black, with a small white sparrow stitched into all his garments.)
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#21 Charon

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 09:40 PM

"H...hand" Pyri stammered, her voice tending towards panic as the ghostly appendage appeared before her to rid her of her pest problem. And as it faded away she looked around again seeing the room in a new light

<Something isn't right here> she thought desperately <Things like that... are there... where did it come from?>

And yet... she had asked for someone to get the beetle off of her, she just hadn't expected...

"Th... thankyou" she mumbled under her breath, bowing slightly to the space infront of her where the hand had been, before starting a staggered run after the servant who had addressed her and instructed her to follow... that she had ignored due to her more immediate area of notice

"I'm sorry, thankyou" she mumbled in somewhat muted awe as she caught up to the person, her previous grin replaced by wary curiosity, eyes flicking continually around as she walked alongside them


Tlaloc watched as the first four servants entered, thinking for a moment that his arrival hadn't been noticed but as he raised his head and cleared his throat he noticed the fifth making their way towards him. Yes, each servant to their individual quarries... his own late, as the others attempted to lead their chosen competitor away

"Not expecting me eh?" he looked the servant up and down a moment before sauntering towards them and flashing a dangerous smile and lowering his voice "And what, my dear friend, gives you the right to keep me waiting while the others are seen to? What exactly will do you do if I do not wish to wait?"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#22 green_mantis

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 10:05 PM

The servant stares blankly ahead, as if he could not perceive anything, or as if he were very good at ignoring irritating guests.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#23 Opie

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 10:38 PM

((LOL, my bad Mantis, but you gotta be more clear on some of these things! jk))

Opie stumbles as he's pulled out of the viewing crystal.

"Alright alright, I get it. I'll wait."

He conjures a fluffly chair, large enough to accomidate Lord Darksparrow and sits down in it. He puts his hands together and twiddles his thumbs impatiently.
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#24 Charon

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Posted 10 August 2004 - 10:58 PM

The servant stares blankly ahead, as if he could not perceive anything, or as if he were very good at ignoring irritating guests.

Tlaloc waited a moment, his dangerous grin turning into an annoyed grimace a lot faster than he would have liked

"Then again, doesn't look like you'll be doing much of anything if I don't like waiting" he mused as he leant against the wall besides the man with his arms crossed

"Most rude, my friend... be sure to let dear Darksparrow know I'm not impressed by his hospitality" Tlaloc muttered through gritted teeth, knowing there was nothing he could do this time. Patient though he was when necessary, to be told to wait and to have no choice but follow such instruction... was not his idea of fun.

His glowering expression made that more than clear.

((finally, you relented to a gender ^^ it was hard eliminating all reference to it in my previous post ^^;; ))
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#25 The Matrix

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 04:55 PM

Suddenly out from the shadows comes Vardoth. He had been watching the several arguments and conversations for some time now without being noticed. Like a thief in the night. After taking a look at Crane and the other people he qietly sits down in a chair in the corner.<There is no real compitition here.> He gets up and aproaches Crane. He stares at him menicingly thinking <As i said no compitition here.> He then says to Crane ''I would like to see you battle.'' Smiles again then pulls a hidden dagger from his long coat then sits back down.

Edited by The Matrix, 14 August 2004 - 05:01 PM.

#26 The Matrix

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 04:59 PM


The second adventurer to take the challenge steps toward the entry form.
He puts his hand on it and is also teleported away. When he emerges from the void he is in a chamber. Several other chambers are in the room. The first challenger is in one of the chambers. The two challengers glance at each other then the second adventurer draws his sword and clenches it tightly. The first challenger seems more calm and dosent draw a wepon as they are both in seperate chambers. After a while the second adventurer puts his sword away and waits for the next challengers to appear.


((It wouldnt let me edit it so every just ignore that post and look at the one above this.))

Edited by The Matrix, 14 August 2004 - 05:00 PM.

#27 Crane


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Posted 14 August 2004 - 05:15 PM

Crane watched in terror and amusement at Pyri's little misadventure. When that eventually quietened down, he finally noticed the servant addressing him. Feeling a bit rude of not respnding, he bowed slightly, and proceeded to follow the servants down the corridor. He stopped short when Vardoth approached him... he was a bit put off by his menacing look.

"I look forward to seeing you in battle as well," Crane replied to his comment. He sensed Vardoth was a bit overconfident, which can prove to be a fatal mistake of one. He caught sight of the dagger's blade in Vardoth's tunic, and was a bit concerned that he might use some dishonourable tactics to exterminate his competitors.

Not wanting to hang around him much longer, he jogged to keep up with the servants.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#28 Charon

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Posted 14 August 2004 - 05:43 PM

"He has more respect for you than for me, it seems, Sir" Pyri grinned slightly at Crane as he caught up with the servants and herself, casting a glance back at Vardoth

<Good> she thought to herself somewhat distantly <I don't know what's going on here yet, don't know what I've gotten into... So long as I am not considered a threat, I stand more chance of getting through this>

"H-Hey?" she tapped her servant on the shoulder lightly "Excuse me... if you don't mind me asking, where exactly are we heading to?"

Edited by Charon, 14 August 2004 - 05:45 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#29 green_mantis

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Posted 15 August 2004 - 03:23 AM

The servant still in the foyer suddenly became alert, and addresses Tlaloc:

"Your room is ready sir, please follow me." The servant states before walking off in the direction the other servants had taken.


"We are heading to the eastern wing of the castle. That is the wing which contains the guest chambers." The servant states, without turning her head.

(The servants are matched up by gender; male to male, and female to female. Just to mess people up.)
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#30 The Matrix

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Posted 15 August 2004 - 01:41 PM

Vardoth on his own follows the servants and the other compititors thinking <i have made my fame and fortune as a skilled thief and assassin, this is just another oppertunity to prove my worth>

Edited by The Matrix, 15 August 2004 - 02:07 PM.

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