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Member Since 12 Oct 2010
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In Topic: Client Update Problems? Check Here!

07 March 2025 - 06:29 AM

Download the latest version of libbz2.dll here: https://github.com/p...8.0-win-x86.zip


Extract it into the same directory as the Nightmist EXE.  Note that you will likely have to right-click the DLL, go to Properties, and check the "Unblock" option to permit its use.  Windows can get rather protective sometimes!

In Topic: Client Update Problems? Check Here!

06 March 2025 - 09:05 PM

If Windows Defender is blocking the download itself, take a look at this video on how to permit it.  If it mentions libbz2.dll being missing, you should be able to find the x86 (32-bit) version on the Internet.  This just handles internal compression and is a standard library, so should be safe.

In Topic: Abstinok Key Drop Rate

05 February 2025 - 05:43 AM

The people have spoken!  I'll increase the drop rate.

I will nevertheless add one or two extra Drow Champions in Tirantek so you get the bonus of a key.  I can think of one place to put one!

In Topic: Abstinok Key Drop Rate

04 February 2025 - 11:25 AM

It is a difficult one for sure since you can't solo the Drow Champions.  i'm not sure what Jace's original logic was in restricting their drop rate, other than the fact that the Drow Blade Mage is otherwise very easy to access for what it drops.  It is possible to go for another boss while you wait for the respawns, but when I did just that, I found players had to switch weapons (from Royal Sword to Sarin Trident to take on the Hornet Queen in the interim).

Before I take action though, there are some things to consider, like the Abstinok Key is sometimes dropped by the Locksmith, although that's more of a bonus than anything.  However, I have one possible alternative (or coupled with an increase to the drop rate)... how would you feel if there were more Drow Champions in other locations, for example, a few spawning in the Subterranean City?

In Topic: Main Training Weapons & Damage Tables

23 December 2024 - 10:42 AM

Here's the thing.  The two servers play very differently once you get to level 25 or so.  1-alt is all about the strength of an individual crit, but it's difficult to get into the more high XP areas without support, yet you have to train up to be useful in boss encounters, and this can be a problem against bosses who are magic-resistant or who have a lot of armour, where classes that aren't clickers really struggle - some of the training weapons affect bosses so this is a great bonus - then there's the person delegated to the Cleric role which is both thankless and critical.


With multi-alt, it's all about the strength of your army.  You'll likely have Rangers, Thieves or Berserkers in the bulk of of your team due to their reliable damage.  You will probably have a single non-clicker as your party leader for reliability of movement and a number of Clerics out of necessity.  Your clickers will be the ones getting the bulk of the experience, although the ones lower down the list may get to see less depending on the health of the monsters, in which case your party may be too large (e.g. often, a party of 10 is better than a party of 20 in the desert in this regard).


Now generally it's the Clerics that suffer the most in parties since most monsters aren't undead and you have to train them differently.  Heck, even if the boss you're fighting is undead, you'll be spending more time healing the army than dishing out damage with them.  While some specialised weapons are useful with them, nothing beats their healing spells against the undead.

For the non-clicking party leaders, Mages don't benefit from training weapons, while Druids, Fighters and Paladins already kind of get training weapons out of the Dragonclaw Scythe, Dragon's Breath and Sword of Light, although admittedly these are endgame targets (and Berserkers greatly benefit from the Dragonclaw Scythe too, maybe unfairly so).


On 1-alt, the Royal Sword has been repurposed into a useful training weapon for Fighters and Paladins since it has damage modifiers against Drow and Bandits (and the Bandits of the Royal Forest drop loot that bulid up towards a 1m XP bonus).  Granted I can't repurpose it on multi-alt since it's been bought a few times and is a required item to craft the Dragon's Breath if I remember.  It will take some thought because ultimately it's the non-clickers that need such training weapons, not the clickers.