They both stood for a moment awed at the marvels of their new found abilities. Visa was the first to move as Cova wandered into the main part of the room. "Hello there! And what do we have here? New cloths? Very nice." He noticed the lightning bolt shape on the sides of the pantlegs and filed it away in his memory for later, making a mental note to talk to Ayame, not just about the design, but the interesting look of the thread that sewn it.
He nodded to Avis then turned to the wall and keyed the speaker and called the kitchen, ordering breakfast for the three of them. Then turned and motioned Cova to join them at the table.
"Alright. After breakfast I'm going down to the arena to train, its been a while since I've fought against the simulators here. In the meantime, you can wait for Ayame to wake up and start teaching Cova a few things."
With that he leaned back in his chair, waiting for breakfast to arrive. When it finally came, he shifted some scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast over to Cova's plate before helping himself and eating his fill. "Aahhhh" he side with relief at his full stomach, "Time to train" He stopped a moment. "Ah, and call down for me when Ayame awakens, we still have that meeting with her, father and mother to attend to."
He stood from the table, and walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him.
Avis nodded, walking to the table with Cova and Visa and helping Cova to his chair, then sat himself across from Visa. "Breakfast sounds great." he added as Visa sat and started talking about the days plan. "Yes, I can teach him a few things, and maybe once we get a few things down, I'll take him to the playground and let him play for a while, after the meeting, give him time to stretch after being cooped up in the meeting room." He turned as breakfast arrived and Visa shuffled a few things to Cova, then showed Cova the propper way to handle the utensils and left him to eat. He ate his fill, between the three of them, clearing the platters that were sent up, then smiled at Cova and wiped his face with a napkin as Visa strode out the door.
He stood and took Cova's hand, leading him back to his room, taking a pad of paper and a quill and ink from his satchel, he sat down and started to show Cova different letters and words, writing them out, then letting Cova try for himself until he got close, after a few explinations, a few more words were hopefully added to Cova's understanding and vocabulary. As he put aside the paper and quill he heard Ayame step from her door and emerged from his own with Cova by his side. "Lady Ayame, good morning, I hope you slept well?" he bowed deeply to her and gestured Cova to do the same, then smiled as he rose and took notice of her cloths and hair. "M'lady, did you cut your hair? And that dress is divine, as is that cloak." He gestured her over to the table and sat across from her and proceeded to tell her of the meeting with Shapeshifter and Draggy. "I'll call Visa back from the training grounds and we can all head back to the meeting room." He wandered over to the reciever on the wall and keyed up the loudspeaker in the training room. "Visa, lets go."
He walked back and settled himself amongst the chairs and waited patiently for Visa's return.
Shapeshifter wandered about the throne room a short while before he sat upon his throne and lost himself in thought about the forthcoming events. He looked up, hearing the door open as Draggy walked in, then opened his arms to her and collected her into his lap. Her presence calming, allowing him to think more deeply into matters without the fog that all the other clutter in his mind seemed to bring. He sat, his eyes closed, lost in thought, absently holding her close and lacing his left hand in her right.
He opened his eyes after a few hours had passed, well past midday, remembering his meeting with his sons and their compliants. He sighed softly and looked around the throne room. Then, lifting Draggy into his arms, he wanders off towards the study to work on some papers that are scattered about his desk, waiting for the call from the boys for their meeting.

Adventure In A Strange Land
Started by LostMagicianGrl, Oct 02 2007 11:40 AM
93 replies to this topic
Posted 13 March 2008 - 02:47 AM
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 18 March 2008 - 02:56 AM
Cova smiled at the attention from Avis, standing proudly with a big shining smile beaming from him as his new clothes were noticed. He followed Avis to the table scooching into the almost too tall chair next to him and waited for the meal to arrive. As the food was set up on the table he watched as Visa filled a plate, then watched as Avis showed him how to use the utensils, mimicking the older elf as he ate.
His hand patted his belly as he finished eating, a giant belch emitting from him and causing his eyes to widen in surprise before giggling. He watched as Visa got up and made to leave saying, “mouse,” at his departure.
Cova got up from the table and walked around for a minute before taking Avis’s outstretched hand and walking beside him into the elder elf’s room. He watched with eyes full of curiosity as Avis got out paper, quills, and ink from his satchel.
He followed Avis to a low table and stood right next to the elf as he showed him how to say and write different letters and words. When he learned how to speak his own name he beamed and screeched, “Cova,” over and over. Then he pointed at Avis and said, “mouse?”
Cova looked a little confused when Avis corrected him, pointed towards himself and said, “Avis,” then pointed towards Cova and said, “Cova.”
After a minute understanding lit the boy’s eyes and he pointed to himself and said, “Cova,” and then pointed to the older elf and said, “Avis,” doing it over and over again until he got bored of it and awkwardly took up the quill and started trying to mimic Avis’s writing.
His brow furrowed in concentration as nothing but squiggly lines were all he accomplished at first. Wrecking several sheets of paper before he finally figured out how to do the letters Avis was doing, a smile of accomplishment gracing his face when he finally succeeded. Time passed in this manner until Avis began to put away the paper and quills away.
He followed Avis out of the room, a happy smile on his face as he saw Ayame emerge from her room. He mimicked Avis and bowed to her then walked over to her and tugged on her dress lightly to get her attention saying, “mama,” then pointing to her then pointing to himself and saying, “Cova,” then kinda pointed to Avis and said, “Avis,” beaming proudly up at her.
She tilted her head and stared at Avis, puzzled at the alteration in his demeanor towards her, the puzzlement showing in her voice as she answered his questions, “I slept very well, thank you,” watching as he and Cova bowed towards her, “yes I did. I find that having my hair this length is more than adequate. It was rather high maintenance before,” she explained, smiling silently at the compliment her simple garments provoked.
A tugging brought her eyes down, her hand settling gently on the child’s head as he called her attention to him. A gently smile graced her as he called her mama, then she smiled proudly down to him as he announced who he was and proceeded to call Avis by name, “I see you’ve learned some new words, Cova. That’s wonderful! I hope that you shall keep learning and bring honor to yourself and me,” and having said that she ruffled his hair playfully and turned her attention back to Avis, keeping one hand resting on the child’s head.
Just before Ayame followed Avis into the sitting room, she thought for a moment she had heard Tears’s voice in her mind it puzzled her, but in just in case she allowed a very small tendril of power escape for just a moment before sitting down and listened to Avis as he went ahead and explained about the meeting that was about to happen, watching as Avis got up and recalled Visa to the room so that they could head to the meeting.
Frost having had his fill of breakfast followed Visa out the door, flying through the many halls of the palace and familiarizing himself with it so as to be of better use to Ayame.
His hand patted his belly as he finished eating, a giant belch emitting from him and causing his eyes to widen in surprise before giggling. He watched as Visa got up and made to leave saying, “mouse,” at his departure.
Cova got up from the table and walked around for a minute before taking Avis’s outstretched hand and walking beside him into the elder elf’s room. He watched with eyes full of curiosity as Avis got out paper, quills, and ink from his satchel.
He followed Avis to a low table and stood right next to the elf as he showed him how to say and write different letters and words. When he learned how to speak his own name he beamed and screeched, “Cova,” over and over. Then he pointed at Avis and said, “mouse?”
Cova looked a little confused when Avis corrected him, pointed towards himself and said, “Avis,” then pointed towards Cova and said, “Cova.”
After a minute understanding lit the boy’s eyes and he pointed to himself and said, “Cova,” and then pointed to the older elf and said, “Avis,” doing it over and over again until he got bored of it and awkwardly took up the quill and started trying to mimic Avis’s writing.
His brow furrowed in concentration as nothing but squiggly lines were all he accomplished at first. Wrecking several sheets of paper before he finally figured out how to do the letters Avis was doing, a smile of accomplishment gracing his face when he finally succeeded. Time passed in this manner until Avis began to put away the paper and quills away.
He followed Avis out of the room, a happy smile on his face as he saw Ayame emerge from her room. He mimicked Avis and bowed to her then walked over to her and tugged on her dress lightly to get her attention saying, “mama,” then pointing to her then pointing to himself and saying, “Cova,” then kinda pointed to Avis and said, “Avis,” beaming proudly up at her.
She tilted her head and stared at Avis, puzzled at the alteration in his demeanor towards her, the puzzlement showing in her voice as she answered his questions, “I slept very well, thank you,” watching as he and Cova bowed towards her, “yes I did. I find that having my hair this length is more than adequate. It was rather high maintenance before,” she explained, smiling silently at the compliment her simple garments provoked.
A tugging brought her eyes down, her hand settling gently on the child’s head as he called her attention to him. A gently smile graced her as he called her mama, then she smiled proudly down to him as he announced who he was and proceeded to call Avis by name, “I see you’ve learned some new words, Cova. That’s wonderful! I hope that you shall keep learning and bring honor to yourself and me,” and having said that she ruffled his hair playfully and turned her attention back to Avis, keeping one hand resting on the child’s head.
Just before Ayame followed Avis into the sitting room, she thought for a moment she had heard Tears’s voice in her mind it puzzled her, but in just in case she allowed a very small tendril of power escape for just a moment before sitting down and listened to Avis as he went ahead and explained about the meeting that was about to happen, watching as Avis got up and recalled Visa to the room so that they could head to the meeting.
Frost having had his fill of breakfast followed Visa out the door, flying through the many halls of the palace and familiarizing himself with it so as to be of better use to Ayame.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
Posted 27 March 2008 - 01:53 AM
Visa turned his head, his arms outstretched, holding the gargantuan viper at bay. Hearing the summons the turns back, curls his arms, then twists and throws the beast over his shoulder across the open valley. As it stirs and coils up, ready to attack, Visa makes a few quick hand signs, then touches the glyph that appears before him, dispersing the illusion. Heaving a sigh of relief, he walks back through the door and along the hall, back towards their room.
"Ayame." He bows, then straightens, taking in her appearence, "Youve cut your hair, and those are very nice robes" He looks around the rest of the room. "Are we ready?"
Avis turns to the door as Visa enters, then watches as he bows as well, then takes in her attire. He turns to Cova and takes his hand. "Aye, lets go meet with Father and get everything straightened out." He turns, motioning to Ayame, then follows Visa out the door to the conference hall, then takes his seat amongst the others as Shapeshifter enters the room and sits at the head of the table
Shapeshifter strides into the room after everyone, taking his seat at the head of the table. He looks about, taking in Ayame's new appearances himself, "Youve cut your hair. And thats a fine set of robes"
He turns to the whole table, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. "So, what is it that I can do for you m'lady?"
"Ayame." He bows, then straightens, taking in her appearence, "Youve cut your hair, and those are very nice robes" He looks around the rest of the room. "Are we ready?"
Avis turns to the door as Visa enters, then watches as he bows as well, then takes in her attire. He turns to Cova and takes his hand. "Aye, lets go meet with Father and get everything straightened out." He turns, motioning to Ayame, then follows Visa out the door to the conference hall, then takes his seat amongst the others as Shapeshifter enters the room and sits at the head of the table
Shapeshifter strides into the room after everyone, taking his seat at the head of the table. He looks about, taking in Ayame's new appearances himself, "Youve cut your hair. And thats a fine set of robes"
He turns to the whole table, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. "So, what is it that I can do for you m'lady?"
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap
Posted 30 March 2008 - 01:25 PM
This thread has been moved. For the link to continue reading this thread, memo or contact me ingame for site info.
Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 30 March 2008 - 05:41 PM.
Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.
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