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1a Team Spirit

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#1 Angelus

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 10:17 PM

This thread is purely made out of curiosity and no way intended to start nuts.

So having said that, let's start some nuts.
I keep seeing bosses being dropped on 1a, after which they do a random and then it's decided who it goes too. Most of the time the one who got randomized has either a.) A ton of them already or b.) No use for the item.

Conclusion, they sell it.

Now my question, why do clans do this? Why are you in the random if you have no use for the item?
Don't you want your clan to get better equipped, where's the I in team spi...where's the I in team?? Are you people too clan hippity hoppity to not share it equal amongst your members and therefore growing more powerfull as a whole, instead of just yourself?

Anyways, I was just curious. Looks so odd someone winning a random and then posting it for sale while other's could really benefit from it.

Need before greed people, need before greed.

~choo choo

Edited by Angelus, 11 March 2009 - 10:19 PM.

Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#2 Autek

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 10:28 PM

With the rediculous prices people have to pay for tokens, they can get gold by selling the drops. In DA we would give people in clan the first opportunity to buy the items from whoever was randomed. On need based trips like for a scroll of DR, we would usually let whoever needed it have the drop provided they covered the costs of the trip, basically just mana.

Also, even if you do manage to get enough gold to just level your character, there is usually none left to get any equipment above the basics. Just another reason people insist on having a chance at the drop.
Autek in game.

#3 Throwback

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 10:55 PM

Well in my honest opinion, it would be great if members could get the things they need. However, I know first hand how easy it is for people to change allegiance. So you ask yourself, should we share the wealth, if there is a chance that person will take the spoils of war to the other team? I mean I don't want to rely too heavy on my personal past, but I can share a few instances

1) Halloween Quest 2007: Nick was a member of MD, as a clan we got first Dragonbane drop, Nick got random and left. (now i know this isn't giving to a specific member but helps boost my analogy)
2)Sorry to mention Matt aka Midas but he was pretty bad at this: he would beg and beg for us to run specific runs for items he needed (just as you suggest, helping the clan) However, if the item we were after did not benefit him, he would not go. He was not the only one, just the one that sticks out the most.

At MD we tried to apply rules for drops, like after you obtain 2 cr's via random you must sit out until everyone in the party has 2 cr's. And sg trips went to whoever, and when we got the blades of time, only people with lvl 30+ pallies or fighters were in random, the first pair of gaunts of faravar only went to lvl 30+ thiefs. So like we tried something similar, but because I am clanless and honestly not interested in trying to appease the masses, it seems pointless to try and make an ideal situation out of it. People will be greedy, and rightfully so, it's a game, sg's don't help you get out of bed in the morning so it's no big deal.

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#4 Masta

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:16 AM


Those were the old times, with the recent influx of lots of strong thieves and people generally having more level 35 crits now. Sometimes 3 or 4 in one account then costs start to mount.

I would love for it to back to the need basis, but it won't ever work like that.

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