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#1 Raylen


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Posted 11 June 2008 - 09:51 PM

This might just be possible to work without requiring any coding. Let's see.

What I propose is a system of Runes for Nightmist. The system could involve a set of runes, for example:

Rune of Power
Rune of Stealth
Rune of Speed
Rune of Decay
Rune of Restoration
Rune of Glory

You would take the Rune, along with a weapon/armor of your choice, to the Dwarven Runemaster, who for a fee, would inscribe your weapon/armor with the rune, enhancing its stats in some way (e.g. Rune of Stealth gives a +cons modifier).

The fun comes when you start collecting the Runes, and finding out how different combinations affect different weapons/armors. It should only be possible to inscribe weapons of a certain status with Runes - no Runemaster would inscribe anything on a common Oak Staff, but they would certainly be willing to work with a Blade of Time.

Runes should therefore be hard to get. The Runemaster should be hard to find/get to. The inscription should cost a lot. I would go for around 1 mil per rune (since stat mod ammys cost 1 mil).

More fun comes when you start introducing different Runemasters - for example, the Elven Runemaster works much better with bows.

Finally, here's a sneeky preview of one or two of the items that you could end up with!

Sword of Existence + Rune of Power + Rune of Glory + 2,000,000 gold (1 mil per rune) =

Library info for Runesword of Existence:
Base damage: 30, Can be used by: fighters, paladins, berserkers, Description: This sword posesses the potential to drain the health of your foes, but also convert it to the advantage of whom wields this weapon. The blade of the sword is forged from the finest of all metals, and the handle crafted from solid steel. Two delicately inscribed runes twist and turn along the length of the blade; the Rune of Power to deal cold steel death to your foes; the Rune of Glory to sing your praise to the ends of the earth., Level needed to equip it: 30, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: 0.05, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 1, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

Azure Robes + Rune of Restoration + 1,000,000 gold =

Library info for Embroidered Azure Robes:
Armor base: 42, Can be worn by: clerics, paladins, pacifists, Description: These robes sparkle with azure sequins. They feel remarkably comfortable around your body, while the thick material and the enchanted, overlapping sequins provide an incredible amount of protection from impacts; however, the magic diminishes if the attire is worn by all but those of high faith or an intimate closeness to their deity. A golden sigil covers the back of the robes - emblazoned across your back lies the Rune of Restoration, helping to soothe your ills and heal your wounds., Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 1, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0.

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#2 Autek

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 11:44 PM

Autek in game.

#3 Desendent

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 02:44 AM

my only criticism to this would be the rune of speed adding a dex mod to things that wouldnt/shouldnt have dex mods making people have way too high dexterity
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#4 Sleeping

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 05:59 AM

Good idea (in theory). Now write out all possible rune/item combinations and balance it with everything already in-game :ph34r:

Tip for you: instead of adding runes as alternative drops or even worse, shop items (and so turning whole thing into oversimplificed crafting), make runes craftable just like high-end items, for example blade of time+sovereign sword+sword of existance=rune of power.

Actually I'll do some work for you, before some staff read this thread and shoot down whole idea as unreasonable.
1. To avoid nightmare with balancing tons of new equipment, each runemaster would only work with his favourite weapon, so Dwarven Runemaster would only work with Blade of Time (for example), Elven Runemaster would only work with Elven Long Bow and so on.
2. Runes would be divided into two groups - weak and strong ones.
3. Each strong rune can also come in two variants - positive and negative ones. Negative give opposite effects but are required to balance out strong positive ones. Weak runes can used without need for negative runes.
4. To craft each rune you would need a base (for example, Golden Flax Cord for positive one and Withering Scarab for negative one), some items which are strong in rune's properity (dozen crystal rings for protection rune, couple sovereign swords for rune of power) and stat amulet.
5. Inscribing each rune would cost additional 1 mil gold.
6. Weak runes increases level requirement by 1 level, strong runes increases level requirement by 2 levels.

An example.
You want to modify your favourite Elven Long Bow to increase your dexterity. Rune of Speed is a strong rune, so you need to balance it out with equal strong rune - you decide to give up some damage, so you take Negative Rune of Power.

You make following trades:
Step 1. To make Positive Rune of Speed give Elven Runemaster: 1 Golden Flax Cord, 2 Bewitched Spider Gauntlets, Amulet of Hermes.
Step 2. To make Negative Rune of Power give Elven Runemaster: 1 Withering Scarab, 2 Sovereign Swords, Granite Amulet.
Step 3. Finally to inscribe the bow, give Elven Runemater: Elven Long Bow, Positive Rune of Speed, Negative Rune of Power, 2 mil gold.
Step 4. You recieve:
Library info for Sigel-Cen Runed Elven Long Bow:
Base damage: 21, Can be used by: rangers, Description: The Elven Long Bow is made from an assortment of plants and materials found in the forest near Kantele. Among the woods and soils found in the bow are metallic attributes which strengthen the bow for longer ranges. The bow is carefully hand made by archers who are not only skilled craftsmen, but are also proven combatants. This bow is inscribed with mysterious runes of speed and power., Level needed to equip it: 32, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: -1, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 1, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

Example 2:
You decided you need more charisma but just can't give up that trusty blade of time you had since you were noob, so you go to Dwarven Runemaster and ask him to help you out. Rune of Glory is weak rune, so it does not requires balancing out with negative runes.

You make following trades:
Step 1. To make Rune of Glory give Dwarven Runemaster: 1 Golden Flax Cord, 1 Fancy Golden Staff, Amulet of Grace.
Step 2. To inscribe the sword, give Dwarven Runemater: Blade of Time, Rune of Glory, 1 mil gold.
Step 3. Recieve:
Library info for Wyn Runed Blade of Time:
Base damage: 29, Can be used by: fighters, paladins, berserkers, Description: You can tell right away that the blade is hand crafted from the finest of all metals. The blade can inflict large amounts of damage due to its very jagged structure. The handle is pure gold with shaped indentions to improve grip. There is a translucent orb at the base grasped by a claw. This blade is incribed with mysterious rune of glory, Level needed to equip it: 31, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 1, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

I know I'm genious ;)

Edited by Sleeping, 12 June 2008 - 07:01 AM.

Does not play well with others.

#5 Raylen


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Posted 12 June 2008 - 09:12 AM

my only criticism to this would be the rune of speed adding a dex mod to things that wouldnt/shouldnt have dex mods making people have way too high dexterity

Obviously not everything would be able to have a dex mod. For example, I wouldn't put one on a Cobalt Staff of the Winds. But a Sovereign Sword would probably be OK.

Actually I'll do some work for you, before some staff read this thread and shoot down whole idea as unreasonable.

Aren't you a sweetie pie :ph34r:

Just as a comment - I have specifically considered items and prices with 1a in mind. I would suggest multiplying gold figures by 4-5 for multi.

Runes would certainly not be bought in a shop. Equally, very very few shop-bought items would be able to hold Runes (cobalts maybe...also maybe something like the Silver Bracelet). I would however like to see runes available as low % drops from uber bosses (e.g. Kunal, Imhotep, BD), rather than having to craft them. They could also be prizes from mini-quests.

Cobalt Bow + Rune of Power + Rune of Speed + Rune of Decay + 3 Rune of Glory + 6 mil gold =

Library info for Arcane Cobalt Bow:
Base damage: 25, Can be used by: rangers, Description: Animals are alive. Plants are alive. Rocks are not alive. Pieces of wood and flax cord, those things might once have lived but now are dead. But this bow... something about it lives. It wants. It needs. It hungers. Arcs of blue static jump and flicker across the bow, which seems to want to be in your hand. It wants you to pull the bowstring, to take sight. It needs to be used. It needs to take. It whispers to you silently, the words like a fog around you, promising you strength, promising you power. Tattooed veins of Elven ink pulsate gently along its length as it combines its energy with yours, willing you to bloodshed and wanton lust for battle. It hungers., Level needed to equip it: 30, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: 0.25, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 1, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 2, Poison chance: 0.5, Poison/30s damage: 40, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

Edited by Raylen, 12 June 2008 - 09:18 AM.

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#6 Cruxis

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Posted 12 June 2008 - 12:17 PM

Considering if they're very rare, and they do take gold to use aswell, it probably will be many years before everyone and their mom has some uber weapon.

A little points I'd like to throw in.

I dislike having to have negative runes in, these should be very hard to get, and that alone should be worth a single stat mod.
Of course, I'd be good if you couldn't add onto it. So you can't keep adding as you get them, wait until you get as many as you want to upgrade.

I like the idea of for every rune you use, the level to use it increases by 1. So if you use 10 or more runes on a weapon at once (hack power for sure), you'd have to be atleast 40 to use it. Considering it's arch equip.

Another good idea is not all runes are compatible with all weapons/armor.
Just make sure you don't put 2 very strong stats together, don't make any melee class weapons able to get str and dex.
Don't allow any cleric weapons wis and chr (cleric healing itself for possibly 150? wtf never die)
Druids wis/str
mages int/wis

If measures are taken right, this will make crits even more diverse, and a wide range of weapons/armors for lvl 31+ can easily be made, what people have been wanting, this is a very crazy and cool way of being able to get them. They can easily be made, just need a sexy name and descrip, which you already have the base for in the original.

Lastly, for drops, I was thinking... .5% 1a, .25% main (200 kills per drop on 1a, considering big bosses are not dying every...week, it won't drop in awhile, on main, every 400 kills since they are dying daily, and more power isn't really needed there anyway).

Int/wis could be from Imhotep
Str/chr can be from credenza
dex/con could be from kunal

Of course, quest prizes are a nice idea too, but make sure only one or two are attainable in the whole quest.

That'd probably work nicely, get people always out killing bosses to improve their crits even more..gl, it'll take awhile to max em out as possible as you can ;D

Edited by Cruxis, 12 June 2008 - 12:21 PM.

#7 Raylen


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Posted 12 June 2008 - 03:21 PM

I agree with the + amount of lvls as number of runes. So my cobalt bow example would be lvl 36 to equip. I also agree with not making negative runes.

Suggested drop points and %'s:

Drow Archmage: 0.03%
Ku'Nal: 3%
Credenza: 4%
Kraken: 1%
Blue Dragon: 2%
Imhotep: 2.5%
Spider King: 0.2%
Aet'Thol: 1%
Banshee: 2%
Giant Chameleon: 1%
Time Knight: 1%

And finally...

Scepter of Balance + 2 Rune of Power + 2 Rune of Stealth + Rune of Speed + 2 Rune of Decay + Rune of Restoration + 2 Rune of Glory + 10,000,000 gold =

Library info for Divine Scepter of Balance:
Base damage: 29, Can be used by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, berserkers, Description: This staff is carved exquisitively from oak. Sitting atop the stave a rune of healing glows a bright lilac colour. The staff holds equal parts of good and evil, and possesses the strength to cause great damage to a foe, but in opposition possesses healing powers. Between the dark and the light there are shades of grey, but these are overlooked by the desire for such a deadly weapon. Like strands of dark spider silk, ten sacred runes lace the smooth oak beneath your fingertips. Immortality is at its closest when this mightiest of all weapons sits perfectly in your grasp., Level needed to equip it: 35, Magical: Yes, Vamparic: 0.35, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 1, Dexterity modifier: 1, Constitution modifier: 2, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 2, Poison chance: 0.5, Poison/30s damage: 50, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: .

Better start saving :ph34r:
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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#8 Wind


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Posted 14 June 2008 - 03:39 PM

Very nice idea tho the items are overpowered but would take abit to get them, alot of hard work and effort put in to get them.
Cry me a river!

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#9 Desendent

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 06:55 PM

this would give people who dont have much to do a reason to go killing lots of bosses and could give you nice, semi-one of a kind weapons. I like it :ph34r:
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#10 Raylen


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Posted 26 June 2008 - 09:42 AM

So any word from staff when this is going to be implemented? You can delegate the writing of item descriptions to your loving playerbase...
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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#11 Piggy

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 10:52 AM

Looks like a more advanced version of tincs on rev :ph34r:

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#12 Gaddy

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Posted 26 June 2008 - 10:14 PM

So any word from staff when this is going to be implemented? You can delegate the writing of item descriptions to your loving playerbase...

The other sysops are too afraid that I will hunt them if they support these ideas.
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#13 Crane


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 01:14 AM

That very much disturbs me, Gaddy.

The idea of 'socketable items', or 'modular items' as I prefer to call them, has been around in a number of games for some time now, and it is a nice idea that opens up many doors of customisation. If only that note mattered, I would support it wholeheartedly, however...

The trouble here is that, on this game, even unitary increases in a statistic risks overpowering the equipment, especially if a player augments multiple armaments with similar runes. Plus no item stays rare for long! True, the gold cost is high, which means the super-rick players will probably see a couple of their coffers implode under newly-found vacuo, but that state of bankruptcy will be short-lived once they attempt to auction their abomination of a weapon or armour piece, or simply use it to monopolise on a high-yield area that they already dominate.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#14 Raylen


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Posted 27 June 2008 - 08:54 AM

The other sysops are too afraid that I will hunt them if they support these ideas.

Hunt and be damned!
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#15 Elf

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Posted 27 June 2008 - 05:20 PM

*runs around a corner.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek !!!

He is a fast one !!!

Elf :ph34r:

Looks like a more advanced version of tincs on rev

Tincs woah been ages since I thought of Rev lol
have a AA35 Assassin or something there and a slew of other chars lol

But I agree... very Revish

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#16 Scripto


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Posted 28 June 2008 - 03:51 AM

Sorry... every time I read this topic all I think is about Diablo 2 LOD.
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#17 Raylen


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Posted 29 June 2008 - 09:23 AM

That's great but guess what, I don't, seeing as how I've never played the game...
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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