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Llra: Rooftops Section 2

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#1 Raylen


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 12:37 PM

The rooftops of Nightmist; version two.

My original idea for the rooftops had them being used almost as a means of getting around, although this is unlikely to ever actually happen, as people are happy enough using the roads. However, it would still be nice to climb across the rooftops from South to North gate, across the walls (there are walls, right?) and down into the forest/grassy path.

The access points for the rooftops would be numerous; some parts would be class-restricted (e.g. only thieves can climb out the back window of the gambling hall and up on the roof there; zerkers can climb up in a few places but have to use climbing gear).

Any monsters/drops would not be sufficient to entice people up there beyond about level 15-18. Some areas would contain monsters that are OK to train low levels on (similar to small snakes), and some that are OK for slightly higher levels (like brown bears).

There would be a number of traps, but there would also be some /examines for potions. There would also be kill-to-pass monsters in certain places to help prevent people camping/farming the /examines.

Sample descriptions:

Slate Roof: You are crawling slowly across a wet slate roof. Dark green moss creeps between the cracks, and its velvet sensation is in stark contrast to the slippery slate. Gaps in the clouds above throw your unwanted shadow onto the houses opposite. You can continue along the rooftop to your North and South, or you can cross the apex of the roof to your West.

You went West.

Slate Roof: You are crawling slowly across a wet slate roof. Dark green moss creeps between the cracks, and its velvet sensation is in stark contrast to the slippery slate. You can continue along the rooftop to your North and South, or you can cross the apex of the roof to your East.

You went East.

Slate Roof: You are crawling slowly across a wet slate roof. Dark green moss creeps between the cracks, and its velvet sensation is in stark contrast to the slippery slate. Gaps in the clouds above throw your unwanted shadow onto the houses opposite. You can continue along the rooftop to your North and South, or you can cross the apex of the roof to your West.

You went North.

*As your shadow falls across the window opposite, you hear a clunking noise. You turn round, only to feel a crossbow bolt thud into your shoulder. You lose your footing and fall from the roof onto the hard stone cobbles below. You die.*


Tiled Roof: You are standing on the dark red roof of one of Nightmist's bigger houses. Four storeys up, the wind whips across your face, threatening to bodily toss you over the brink. Smoke billows from a double chimney at the far end of the roof. You can go North towards the chimney, or you can climb back down the ivy to the balcony below.


You notice that the tiles where you stand seem to have cracked somewhat, no doubt due in part to the movement of the big house over the years.


You try to break through the tiles, but you are not able to force a way through.

[down] (carrying a warhammer...)

Using your warhammer, you smash through the cracked tiles into the attic space of the old house.

/examine to find some antique/relic that you can sell for varying amounts of gold at different places.


You are standing outside the NM Mage Guild (forget the actual street name).


Your roving eye spots a thick vine that snakes its way up the northern face of the guild house. {to go up here, you must have a constitution value of 18 or less (if possible, otherwise just class-restrict to elf/ling/gnome)}

[up] {can be 1 person max per square on ledge}

You scramble up the vines onto a stone ledge that runs around the building some thirty feet high.

You are standing on a narrow stone ledge above the sorceror's guild in Nightmist. The ledge continues to the North and South, although it appears somewhat crumbled with age. The window directly in front of you to the West appears to be slightly open.

{if you go N/S from here without climbing gear, you DIE}


You are standing in a large, ornately decorated bedroom. Three crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, and the heads of wild beasts are proudly displayed on the walls. [etc]

/examine for something nice!

BUT here, if you go around the ledge with climbing gear, you can get into a different part of the house and find something even better!

Anyway there's some thoughts that I would develop more if I had any time and patience and all those other qualities that would make me a better human being. LATERRR
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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