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Member Since 23 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2009 10:32 PM

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In Topic: Re-enable Pking?

08 November 2008 - 12:09 PM

Hey guys!

This is my first post in years, I haven't played in years either, haven't looked at this forum in ages either! But I just wanted to add a suggestion...

If you reduce the amount of alts allowed per person on the main server to say 4/5, this would put everyone whatever their connection on a pretty much level playing field. It would also make bosses harder and encourage teamwork like in 1a.

You could then re-enable pking and with the gameplay being more balanced between users it would make things more exciting and players on weaker connections wouldn't get put off by being killed by people using xx crits at once. And people like me logging on my old crits for the first time in years won't get accused of being 'the problem with nightmist'! (true story, I rofled)

If this happens then I don't see the problem in having powerful drops that many people have to work to get, as it means more than one person is likely to get the drop so one person won't have all the best equip. And the stuff that peoples chars do get will add personality to their characters so I think this is a positive thing.