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Member Since 27 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2010 03:33 PM

Topics I've Started

Slave To The Vampires

27 February 2010 - 11:23 AM

damelia woke up in a dark room with no knowledge of the events that took place. with a slow and weak motion she sat up only to be broght back down to the floor by a heavy metal collar and chain. she weakly cried out in confusion and dispair and felt the metal upon her neck. she looked down at her cloths and noticed the ripps and tares that now existed upon her newly bought dress. the red silk tight to her form yet stained in something. thats when she noticed the wounds. she let out a breath of anguish as she reolized that she was trapped and couldnt do anything about it. she could hear the faint dripping of water and could also smell the mustyness of the liquid. she had a bad tast in her mouth and got slightly dizzy with every breath she took. she suddenly fell to the floor completly from her sitting up posture and she listened to her weak breath and heartbeat as it rang in her ear. she could hear nothing else until footsteps echoed within the darkness.