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1-alt Limit.

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#91 Mec

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 02:33 AM

Humm, never really thought of that. What was your definition of RPG then?

Edit: In fact, I didn't really think period, that post of mine is all bunk.

Edited by Mec, 20 June 2004 - 02:35 AM.

#92 trigger happy

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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:49 PM

ok cause i am lazy i didn't read all of this..but i dont like the 1 alt limit..but i do like what rapid_death said(or was it rapid ninja..anyways one of the firs to reply) they said a 3-4 alt limit..i think thats fair..lets face it....10 alts at a time creats lag for people..makes to many crits on at once..if could only use like 3-4 crits your good to go..wut 1 cleric and 3 hiters?..or something like that..would be helpfull for alot of things..i dont think anyone should be allowed to use 15 alts at once..just doesn't seem right for some reason..anyways the 1 alt is dumb and the one who posted this is prolly a big newb(no offence) so it wouldn't matter to him/her...also the bosses would be harder to kill which makes the drop even harder to get which brings the price for things up which brings more meaning into the game lol..well dunno was just my thoughts about it..

#93 Squee



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Posted 20 June 2004 - 11:56 PM

You should probably read the entire thread.

Oh, and thank you. It's been a while since someone has called me a big newb.
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#94 trigger happy

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Posted 21 June 2004 - 01:39 AM

yea but i dont want to my eyes are hurting atm from looking at the screen to long or something dunno why...anyways thought the one that made this said they had 2 crits.so sry.but either way np lol..didn't pay much attention in to this cause it doesn't really make sence to have just one crit even tho its a rpg why should it have to be like all the others?

#95 Tiomat

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Posted 29 June 2004 - 07:47 PM

I remember this idea coming up, ooh at least 20 times before this :) Everytime it has been shot-down, forgotten about or just plain ignored by JLH. The alt-limiting is a good idea, but would involve so much work to redesign every area I dont think it will happen. Also have you thought about just how many archmasters there are in game? If the 4 alt-limit came in would people keep 20 arches in their accounts, I doubt it. So they would sell, the price of them would fall and everyone would end up having arches.
The game has been around for a long time, and has evolved into an alt driven game and would take a major overhaul (which i doubt John and Simon would have the time, or the will to do). Then you have the problem of just how you would go about enforcing the alt-limit? If you do a client-side check on how many instances of the client there are or checking by IP, that can be got round by people with multiple computers in their house. Ive seen it happen in other games (Revelation for example). Then what happens? Everyone else apart from a few are limited to 4, while they get 8, 12 or more. You will end up with the same situation just with less characters online.

All that said, if a way to get the alt-limit going id be all for it, 3 or 4 would be a good idea rather than straight down to 1 though.

#96 Eamon

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Posted 07 July 2004 - 09:09 AM

Its 5am, I didnt read the entire post, I only read some of it, and Im tired and about to go to bed.

If you want to play one alt, play one alt.

If you want to play with 20 alts (Like Gaddy, he admitted he likes playing with himself, and noone else), play with them.

If you dont like the way JLH has allowed ppl to play the game,


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