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Member Since 26 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2010 07:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Blood And War

26 September 2010 - 07:04 PM


The year is 2025, in England, that is ruled by a Totalitarian Government. Before their election they promised to make the country a better place, but as with all politicians they were lying. Their regime bought prosperity to only the upper class of society leaving the poor even poorer than before. This is bad news under any circumstances but add the fact that vampires exist and are openly known to the general populace and things take a turn for the worse. The governments motives are a lot darker than they seem however. Under the guise of 'protecting the innocent' they have begun to mobilise specialist Vampire Tracking Squads. As far as the general public is concerned these squads are killing the vampires who step out of line to keep them safe. They are in actual fact capturing these vampires and experimenting on them in order to create the perfect soldiers.So far all of their attempts have failed and their 'subjects' have all perished which could be considered a blessing in disguise. A vampire is a fearsome creature anyway but who knows what the outcome would be if these scientists succeeded in messing with a genetic code that they know little of. This all falls in line with the governments plans to make England a major player amongst the world's superpowers.

With the lower class rioting against their unfair treatment and the vampires slowly losing patience with the human government it is only a matter of time before this already volatile situation becomes explosive.

As it stands at the moment the vampires are very few in number having been hunted to near extinction. Of those left two are of an ancient bloodline and the only surviving members of the Elder Council which was at one time the ruling body of vampires worldwide. These two are currently in hiding gathering their brethren and contemplating a bloody revoloution to overthrow the corrupt and twisted government.

Of the lower class quite a few have taken up arms against the government though they are outnumbered and outgunned having but a fraction o the firepower that the military possess. This has forced them to consider a course of action that most had never dreamed of taking. They have come to the conclusion that they need to ally themselves with the vampires as both groups have the same goals more or less.

Current Setting- The story starts just after the vampires have gone into hiding and the humans have only just formed their rebellion. The Government are tightening their grip on the country and their Specialist Vampire Tracking squads have just cleared their training and are ready to be deployed.