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Summer, It's Almost Over..what Have You Done?

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#1 Devotchka

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 03:25 PM

I went to the NJ shore with my kids twice, once so Walt could take them to see WWE and then to do rides, I had a family reunion picnic. loads of 21st b-day parties this year.. going to Maryland next week and then to Boston Sept 1st to take my kids to see Green Day... that's about it

how about you?
To hurt is to feel
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#2 Dracoden

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 06:03 PM

I uh.. moved into a bigger house.. then proceeded to sit on my ass all summer. It was great. ^_^

I also applied for colleges/scholarships and raised moneh working all summer.

#3 Stotic

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 06:47 PM

I worked.
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#4 Parry

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 07:33 PM

I got drunk at a BBQ and slept

#5 Valentine

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 07:42 PM

I worked...took a road trip to see the mountains and the ocean for the first time...worked more...family reunion...been working every since. Oh, and fighting with the nursing school over financial aid (seriously, if you don't fund college for a single mom, who will get the money?).

But it's been a good summer...first one with no classes to attend in a long time. ^_^
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#6 Vodka

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:06 PM

I haven't done much as I'm one who doesn't enjoy much socializing.

Besides sweating my rear off due to the high humidities . .

I got my hair trimmed! (I seriously, never go and get my hair trimmed or cut.)
I've spent more time with the family.
I've spent more money on my mooching family member's bills.
I've went to West Virginia and met family members who've I've never met before. Coming to find out my uncle who I've met before is soon to die of some type of Cancer.
I've also relocated/moved to a different place and am loving it so far.
I'll be celebrating my 19th birthday nearing the end of this month.

Sadly enough, this is probably one of the most "exciting" summers I've had.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

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#7 Sneaky

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:16 PM

I went to the NJ shore with my kids twice

I'm still mad at you for not visiting me, you were 20 minutes at most away.

I went to a conference called Presidential Classroom in Washington, DC for a week in June. The topic was Science & Technology (basically what the government is doing in it). Highlights of that included hearing the Surgeon General give a speech, going to the Navy Medical Research Center, and the nights that I dominated Egyptian Ratscrew (card game). Oh, and I met lots of cool people there and did the robot w/ one of my roommates in a dance circle ^_^.

I came back from that, and basically lived with my grandmom for about 3 weeks. By live, I mean, I would sleep there, go home when I woke up, shower, then go back there around early-afternoonish. She had a Staph infection, and required infusion treatment. Gave me good practice on bedside manor :P.

Other than that...nothing much. Living at the shore in the summer is overrated, I can't stand the crowds on the beach. Old ladies gossiping and little kid's throwing sand is a poor alternative to a nice relaxing clean swimming pool.
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deimos the noob said no

#8 JadedSoul

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:28 PM

Hmm...well I quit my job of 3 years(it was going nowhere), and have happily spent all summer with my 2 youngest children. They start school back tomorrow and my youngest will be going to kindergarten. I am kinda sad, but will not lie and say I won't enjoy the quiet time.

Jim has been working his butt off supporting us, and doing a fine job. We kind of don't see alot of eachother, but we make it work.

I have done alot of reading and just pretty much had a relaxing summer overall.
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#9 Emo

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:40 PM

Worked far too many hours on far too little pay and spent time with my girlfriend.


#10 Epic

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:52 PM

^ I hear that one...cept for the g/f part.

Drank, Smoked, Partied, Moved into a diff place..thats bout it more or less

#11 Deval

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Posted 10 August 2005 - 12:51 AM

Winter fer meh, but.

Started Uni
Got much fitter
Met Girl
More Uni
Had heart broken
More Uni
Been cold & rained on
Sold Car
More Uni
Been cold
Paid Bills
Had heart broken x2 by same girl
More Uni
More Uni
Been cold
Had heart totally poopied on x3 by same girl
More Uni
Desperately anticipating summer, my winter has kinda sucked.
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#12 Ryuku


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Posted 10 August 2005 - 03:35 AM

I got to move across the states away from someone I loved very dearly ^_^

#13 Bubba

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Posted 10 August 2005 - 07:25 AM

Absolutely NOTHING!
Yeah Thats Right... Im Bubba... The Drunk Redneck... The Man You Meet In Prison... The Pimp On The Streets Of L.A.

#14 Squee



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Posted 10 August 2005 - 03:31 PM

Winter fer meh, but.

Deval lives in backwards land o___o

Anyhoo, I've spent countless hours playing Dungeons and Dragons with tons of friends.
I worked for $7 an hour washing dishes because it was the best job I could find.
Spent time with my girlfriend.
Made the ridiculous goal to become a Sorcerer in Nightmist. (What was I on?)
Quit my job so I could play more Dungeons and Dragons with friends.
Currently, planning the next Dungeon and Dragons session with friends. xD

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#15 Devotchka

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Posted 10 August 2005 - 05:31 PM

Forgot to add my daughter's birthday is tomorrow she'll be 2 years old ^_^ We had her party last week and she made out very well. My son Franny's 10th birthday is the 16th and I'm thinking of having it at a fun center(skating/games/lasertag/rides.. etc.) Should be fun... ohhh and does anyone live in the Boston area? If so page me on Devotchka, I'd like to know what I can do with my boys down there besides the concert and the aquarium.
To hurt is to feel
To feel is to scream
This is what it's like
In my most intimate dream

#16 Foxie


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Posted 11 August 2005 - 01:06 PM

What have i done?


.... nah not really

- moved house
- got a job
- got a credit card
- went 2 alot of partys
- bought alot of books
- drunk alot
- spent too much

... so nothing interesting...

ps. manda take me 2 see greenday too
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On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

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