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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2007 08:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mmorpg's

12 May 2005 - 03:10 PM

If you don't mind paying...

FFXI is extremely good.

Thats where I am now ^_^

In Topic: Good To His Word, Bad To His Testicles

08 February 2005 - 10:35 PM


Men & sports... I just don't get it...

In Topic: Explanation On Mine And Kevs Actions

17 December 2004 - 04:13 PM

I wouldn't pass judgement until Kev posts for himself, on the forums. Anyone could pose as him on Nightmist...

Bun claims that him and Kev came up with the prank... making Kev accountable for the action as well, despite the fact he hasn't really came out and admitted his role in the whole thing.

In Topic: A Day In The Life...

14 December 2004 - 09:34 PM

Just wondering, but whats/is there a storyline in this thing... I never did understand ballets.

And whose that guy in the fluffy thong in later pictures? :unsure:

In Topic: Explanation On Mine And Kevs Actions

14 December 2004 - 08:05 PM

Saying someone got hit by a car, had head severe head trauma, then passed on after struggling for his life is not a joke.

I knew someone who died of trauma to the head after a car accident. It's not amusing in any way, shape, or form...