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Who Would Have Thought...

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#31 fallen

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Posted 26 November 2005 - 11:37 PM

American pie!?!?! MILF hunter all the way .....hunter is the man :(
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#32 Roidhun

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Posted 27 November 2005 - 04:21 PM

Had to happen sometime I suppose - even to you Alan :ph34r:

All the best to you and your newfound love!

Just in case we don't meet again, as I've become a very infrequent guest on the forum and the game, thank you for your friendship and caring during the time I thought I'd come down with cancer. That friendship might even have saved my marriage by providing a safety valve for me during those times :ph34r:

I hope this is not good-bye, but rather a "talk to ya later m8", even though you will probably be totally immersed in your relationship :(. Should you ever feel the need to talk to me, send me an e-mail at bca@fakse-ldp.dk (I might even be persuaded to start up my MSN in that case :ph34r:)

Remember me in your prayers as I will remember you in mine - and hey, that newb ta approach to things is not a half-bad thing to bring into a relationship - crazy as it might seem on first outlook :ph34r:

P.S. Say hello to Jimmy for me
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#33 Thunderja


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Posted 28 November 2005 - 08:57 AM

Why is everyone talking as if he wont be back lol? He has NO chance of actually completly quitting.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#34 Raylen


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Posted 28 November 2005 - 11:05 AM

Posted Image

Not the best photo, just took it quickly on my mate's phone camera.

And as for having no chance of actually quitting...well don't hold your breath, lol.

Thanks for all the nice things said though, yeah it's pretty neat hehe, take care all :(
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#35 Exodia



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Posted 28 November 2005 - 05:27 PM

Primex ingame

#36 fallen

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Posted 28 November 2005 - 06:20 PM


what a turnip
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#37 Raylen


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 10:22 AM

lol. It's interesting though, i'd always rather have people just say what they think, rather than running off and gossiping behind my back =/

Heh, I have an ultra-conservative mate who doesn't know yet either. Gonna find out this weekend when he comes down for my friend's wedding (she is 19 and has a baby due in march, so he is already in a right state about that lol), he'll probably die when I tell him about us :(
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

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#38 Wind


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Posted 29 November 2005 - 05:37 PM

Didnt really know you Alan

But best of luck with you new love :( :ph34r:
Cry me a river!

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#39 PurpleHaze

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 07:52 AM

Oh snap, where to start.. First of all, on her 50th birthday you'll be 29, what happens when her seemingly perky tits turn into saddlebags in which you'd find in the local stable? you gonna get some supports to hold em up durin intercourse? or close ur eyes and stomache the g-i-l-f lmao...

I am glad your happy and all, but 44 is a tad bit older... I quit because my gf, we're around the same age tho (im 17 shes 16) .. but 44-23=21, a 21 year difference... i mean come the hell on lololol... Your gonna be like 27 and helping her through menopause... Ah well, good luck and all, I wanted to rip you up on this thread, but I am yet another victim to the love bug, so I can't say shizzit... Good luck and best of things


EDIT : she is pretty hot tho lol. Bang her till she dries up, then change churches <LOL>

Edited by PurpleHaze, 30 November 2005 - 07:52 AM.

#40 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 30 November 2005 - 06:47 PM

^ someone needs to learn what love is :(
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#41 The Unholy Newt

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Posted 01 December 2005 - 12:30 AM

Geez man, leave the guy to his love. He's obviously happy, don't cut him down.

Good luck man even though I never actually spoke to you or anything, but good luck, don't listen to anyone else, if you love her then that's awesome, don't let anyone bag it out.


David of Draco

#42 Exodia



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Posted 01 December 2005 - 02:19 AM

^ someone needs to learn what love is :(

^^ someone needs to get a gf to actually know what love is before they talk bout someone else erm ainna rappy? yeh go get one :ph34r:
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#43 Raylen


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Posted 02 December 2005 - 01:55 PM

Why is everyone talking as if he wont be back lol? He has NO chance of actually completly quitting.

See you say that, but on wednesday I had a good 5 hours at home because server at uni crashed. Obviously normally I would have just come on and chatted, etc, but instead I played guitar and wrote a song and did 100 press-ups so I can get into shape for next tennis season ^.~

Anyway, maybe I'll log on in a week or so, this weekend is rather hectic, what with the wedding I am supposed to be singing at! Wish me luck, I have a sore throat right now...

Oh and Ed, nice post lol, kinda sweet but also vulgar in so many ways...think you may have missed the point of church hehe :(
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#44 Vodka

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 02:52 PM

The chic looks a bit like Sheryl Crow. :(
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#45 Wierd

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 05:45 PM

Ah, the classic "met a chick over summer and played tennis, then fell in love and started dating" bit. But I can tell you right now, that these things never work out. In like, 100 years, I doubt you'll both be alive - that's a relationship buster if I ever heard of one. Well, as far as earthly relationships go :ph34r:

The thing about the kids sounds a bit of a sticky wicket - I really couldn't imagine my mom dating someone 23...If she were in love, though, and if the guy wasn't a jerk (be nice to the kids!), I'd have to let her be happy. I'd personally be honored if you married my mom!

There is a bit of an age gap, and it seems like I should be bothered by that...but I'm not at all, so eh. Sing Stocky the Stocking at the wedding! It'd be great, and you know it! It is a christmas song, after all.

If I were still into NM, I'd say I'm sad to see you go, come back soon, and I'd say that I love you just about as much as a person can love someone online (of course, in a straight way :( ). Probably because you're one of my only christian friends... But I'm not still into NM, so, congratulations on finding Janet (she sounds awesome :ph34r: ), I hope her kids come around and stop plotting your death (ever seen Blackhawk Down?)..and I hope everything works out and that you have a wonderful life together, Alan, I really do, scooby doo, yeehaw!

When's the wedding!


#46 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 02 December 2005 - 06:19 PM

Aww <3 Kev. :(
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#47 fallen

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Posted 03 December 2005 - 06:11 PM

Aww <3 Kev. :(

/nod <3 kev
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#48 Roidhun

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Posted 04 December 2005 - 04:03 PM

/nod @ <3 kev

Nice to see you're still alive kev-buddy :(
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