Way to go on defeating Mahakali and Crystal Dragon!! Although I never got to go to Crystal Dragon, it brings me memories of when we all went with me & Rappy doal-clericing. Thanks for that walk down the memory lane. Congratulations.
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In Topic: Boss Thread
20 January 2025 - 12:33 PM
In Topic: Main Training Weapons & Damage Tables
24 December 2024 - 03:34 AM
The only reason I would agree about this is because I think it would be amusing to see how fast things drop. That always makes me laugh, logging on all 20 driving somewhere only to remember how so well my party rips through absolutely everything. Bandit Leader? 2 rounds. Captain Wylsen? 3 maybe 4 rounds. Like bullets through tissue paper. Everything is dead so quickly, there is still a character somewhere in the party with full stamina or regenned & ready to go so just keep going wrecking things.
Let us examine the already observable scenarios such as:
Ercule Swamp: Someone loads up on all 20, sticks a Torch on all of them, goes swamping. They can wipe out the place in matter of minutes. They will start to complain, "There just not enough monsters here, expand the swamp or make them spawn faster, please!"
Genderas: Someone loads up all 20, sticks a Machete on all of them, braves the lush jungle. They will just make a trail of destruction provided they know their way around the jungle seeing as even Manticores do not take that much to kill with the use of Machetes. They would still need to have robust clerics to heal the high damage the monsters do there.
Dragonclaw Scythe: Someone loads up on all 20, zerks with Dragonclaw Scythes, goes to Temple of Sun and Shadow. Not only can they go & solo Stone Dragon with zerks which was supposed to have been difficult to do without Dwarven Pickaxe, they can also proceed to solo the "unsoloable" Shadow Drake which once required teamwork efforts now rendered non-requisite. These areas were meant to encourage teamwork efforts where players worked together to make things happen. Purple Dragon Queen is more likely to be soloablewith the Dragonclaw Scythe too.
Dwarven Pickaxe: We all know how short of a work that makes CG even with its HPS around 1 million. We all see the insane damage it can do on things stone, statue, & crystal. Using a party of 20, done gone made them into a pile of pebbles faster than Michelangelo could carve a statue.
In the first place, loading up on all 20 already has the potential to wreck anything a player wants to. Go to Banshee on adepts & it can be done. Load up 20 arches, go do Spider King or Lyzanthir no problem. 20 arch thieves for Malok. Full party capped rangers for Gh'ul'arg. 20 arches for Ku'Nal. No problem. Easy.
On the 1-alt server, these bosses require extraordinary efforts especially with how many players actually still play it. Four players can go up & kill Banshee but they *must* have the absolute best damage potential. Eight players fighting Banshee is a far more achievable challenge but it is possible that the party cannot eke out the damage to slay her. I know, I have seen it. I thought eight was enough. Then one dropped & the other started dropping & the party unraveled. Malok? If there are thieves brave enough to work together & kill Malok. Ku'Nal? Not that Ku'Nal herself is the problem, it is the mass of Priestesses & Templars as well as the Drow Archmage that pose a great hazard. Then the Nether Beasts at Ku'Nal can make short work of a robust 1-alt party of 10. There is actually challenge. With a damage mod weapon, it doubles the damage potential of the character wielding it versus specific monsters. People struggle to do Gh'ul'arg too.
So, basically, a player on Multi-lalt server loaded up on all 20 has a damage potential of 20 because there are 20 characters. On the 1-alt server, a player can only load up on one character making it a damage potential of only 1. A damage mod weapon with 2x damage enables that character to have a damage potential of 2. So, if you compare Mult-alt damage potential per player versus 1-alt damage potential per player you get 20 : 1. 20 : 2 if the 1-alt player has a damage mod weapon dealing 2x damage.
Also, I have noticed that you log on 40 characters. You say that the other 20 is your wife playing the game for you. So, that makes it 40 : 1. You can already steamroll the whole server just as well as me & my account partner did.
In case you are not sure what I mean by "damage potential", it is the overall damage that a single character can do with one round. So a full party of 20 on Multi-alt doing a single party round has a damage potential of 20 where on 1-alt server there are no alts to load so only one character so a single damage potential, one round. I hope you see the big difference between the two servers.
If you still cannot comprehend what I have posted here, then I would recommend that you actually play 1-alt. Not just log on to say a few words, go kill a couple of Small Snakes at Southern Gatehouse or maybe a Bobcat or two in the Large Forest. Lead a boss trip. Go lead for Blue Dragon, go lead for Banshee, go lead for the Goblin Elder. You will be shocked. You will see & understand why that having damage mod weapons on 1-alt is amazingly useful. You will understand, that because you are limited to only a single character, you would need all the damage you could deal out along with all the teamwork efforts churned out to the max to make things happen as opposed to on the Multi-alt server where you can just alt + esc click everything & pay little to no attention to the screen watching a movie or something. When we talk about Multi-alt & 1-alt servers, we are talking about 2 different games. On one server, the raw power is in having the 20 characters. On the other, the raw power is in teamwork.
Again, would be nice & very amusing to see things dro quickly. But in terms of balance, it is just going to throw the game out of whack. The Dragonclaw Scythe has already done that.
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