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3-alt Pt

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#1 Ryuku


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:35 AM

As I am me, I shall now be running a, you heard it, DAILY 3-alt pt, if you do not trust me holding the gold, then screw you, don't join.

Now for some terms.
-Will not be run on the day of the staff run 3-alt pt
-I will officially start this September 13th.
-Will be run around midnight server time, 3-6pm for people in the USA depending on region (subject to change depending if any staff events are run within that time)

-1 invent of basic mana
-10k entry fee
-5 minutes after the appointed time (midnight server time) is the latest to register
-There will be a 2 days, no spellcaster rule 1 day of the week on any given day (this includes clerics/paladins), and no zerks the other, thieves/rangers/fighters are always allowed.
-Basic pots will be allowed ONLY when there is a nospellcaster mosh, 3 invents

Bias issues
-Do not claim me of being bias, I will not be.
-No favors no matter who you are, I dun care if you bribe me with a cobalt for whatever, no lame shyt is going down.

Any questions page/memo me on Cruxis

Edited by Ryuku, 08 September 2006 - 06:38 AM.

#2 Spectra

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:38 AM

good idea alex i know some ppl cant make it on the sunday one :)
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#3 Snoopy


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 06:46 AM

good idea.. as long as "basic mana and pots" simply means standard pots and mana... like advanced mana lodestone...

Although other then n/s's where you can see it working in that you get extra stam.. if you took in a vamp pot the aint no way of seeing if they had/used with out taking up staffs time
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#4 Raylen


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 08:02 AM

I think he means the basic 50 mana crystals you buy at the arena, and likewise with the pots.

Good idea ill come play when i can :)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#5 Ryuku


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 10:18 PM

Alan is correct, and no special pots, the duels will not be monitored by anyone except the duelist, if you notice them use a special pot, they are disqualified, if you don't notice, pay more attention next time. And pots will only be allowed when there is no spellcasters (thus no healing).

Edit: -Basic pots will be allowed ONLY when there is a nospellcaster mosh, 3 invents

Not mosh, sorry if I confused anyone.

Edited by Ryuku, 08 September 2006 - 10:20 PM.

#6 combusta

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 06:49 AM

idea is good, needs fine tuning, make it like real PT. Just cuz thats rappy's way of dueling doesnt mean its the right way, make everything allowed, and no1 in their sane mind would waste a NS on this event....like the whole no spellcasters idea, hope other things like that will be implemented, like no fast attackers (zerks rangers thieves)

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#7 Ryuku


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 07:05 AM

Any suggestions to how it could be made better are welcome.

Sam your suggestion of no clickers will be used, 1 day of the week will be no fast attackers, ty :)

#8 alone

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 12:06 PM

You know how common and easily available Nightshades are? What do you mean no one would waste one on this event?

What's going to be the judgement when someone cries the other person cheated? Used 15 pots/mana? Or used a special potion? How're you going to check? I could easily join, be losing, then just claim the other person used a Vamp Pot, or Nightshade (it refills full hp/mp, if they don't use the stamina advantage how do I know?)...
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#9 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 03:06 PM

I am sorry sam my dueling rules are the most balanced

but if its dueling for gold using advanced stuff is fine just would get expensive in a fast hurry if this was run everyday
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#10 Ryuku


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 08:17 PM

Alone, I've been thinking of that since before you posted, and if someone is accused of cheating and they didn't, sucks, so now I will personaly monitor the duels.

#11 joanna

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 02:09 AM

Telling if someone uses a nightshade is pretty easy, 12 stam of berserk in 1 sec... or 2 assassinates...

As for vamps, if someone slugs something off the bat you can be pretty sure its a vamp, or if you see a ranger you know has under 300hp knock back four bad boys after you hit him... or if a crit goes from mod to healthy after attacking without slaking its thirst, ect ect ect

Edited by joanna, 10 September 2006 - 09:04 AM.

#12 Ryuku


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Posted 17 September 2006 - 04:08 AM

I got grounded, this will now start tomorrow, the 17th, remember, midnight server time :)

#13 alone

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Posted 19 September 2006 - 10:22 PM

Sorry for the delay Joanna. Nightshades have other uses. They're a full recovery don't forget. Therefore, it could be used to give full HP/MP back, and then it's easy to cover up the stamina useage, wait a few extra seconds n do a full round then.

Glad to hear some ruling will be done over this. Hopefully will get a chance to par-take one day :)

Edited by alone, 19 September 2006 - 10:24 PM.

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