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Whats Ur Favorite Anime?

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Poll: Whats ur favorite anime?

Whats ur favorite anime?

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#1 Valveous

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 07:10 AM

I myself like them all, but I like slayers the best.

#2 Cule

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 07:13 AM

I dont really watch anime, but naruto is kinda cool :unsure:

edit: oh and gto is funny allso ...

Edited by Cule, 03 December 2004 - 07:14 AM.

#3 Valveous

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 07:14 AM

I liked the comic book of that

#4 Angelic

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 12:53 PM

Inuyasha is my favorite... Dragon Ball Z is good (although GT kind of sucks), and Yu Yu Hakusho is okay. :unsure:
Ç®åz¥ Åñgë£ äká º»½ GøôÐ G ½ ßåÐ G«º

Crith/Angelic in-game.

#5 Crane


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Posted 03 December 2004 - 05:09 PM

Spirited Away (Or the Japanese title: The Spiriting Away of Sen and Chihiro)

Edit: Who voted Pokémon?!

Edited by Crane, 03 December 2004 - 05:15 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#6 Lifeless Void

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 05:44 PM

I put Yu Yu Hakusho, woulda put dbz but its been getting lamer.... BESIDES THE NEW GAME WOOTNESS!!!! DBZ BUDIKI 3 OWNZ!!!!
How the hell would I know?

#7 MCM

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 06:40 PM

said it once, shall say it again...HIEL IL PALAZZO!
The Smily Pill

#8 Charon

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Posted 03 December 2004 - 10:50 PM

Spirited Away (Or the Japanese title: The Spiriting Away of Sen and Chihiro)

More accurately (because I'm bored and have nothing better to do) the japanese title would be 'Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi' or Posted Image

Using that at face value that would make yours "Sen and Chihiro's [experience of] being Spirited away"

It's sometimes written as "Chihiro to Sen is spirited away" or in your form " The spiriting away of Chihiro to Sen"

the reasoning for writing 'Chihiro to Sen', is based on the film itself because Chihiro (meaning- "thousand fathoms") had her name stolen to become the number Sen "thousand"

It is also because I have my mind set on the idea that "no" translates as "is" and not "are" ^^;;

I understand that the actual idea of the film (as shown by "and") is that Sen is always Chihiro, and Chihiro is always Sen, so your "Chihiro and Sen" is probably more correct than my "Chihiro to Sen"

But I can try to legitimise mine in another way :)
The term kamikakusi (spirited away) is is based on the idea that it used to be said that missing children had been "spirited away" ... in a sense Chihiro goes missing, and so Sen 'becomes' when Chihiro is spirited away, and Chihiro becomes when Sen is spirited away.

The film is about Sen... only at the end is it about Chihiro once again... and so "Sen to Chihiro is spirited away"
If you lead through this assigning meaning to the words its a bit like a puzzle-
"Sen to Chihiro is spirited away"
or with different words "Sen is spirited away to Chihiro"
which can be seen as 'Sen goes to Chihiro' or 'Sen and Chihiro come together/become one'

Which leads us to the ultimate end implied by your term of 'and', but that allows the term 'is'

Or, if you like word play-

"Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi" - change this to "Sentou Chihiro no kamikakushi" and you get "Bath-house Chihiro is spirited away"/"The spiriting away of Bath-house Chihiro" ... which is strangely apt, when you consider the film B)

And yes, I did say that I was bored :unsure:

Edited by Charon, 03 December 2004 - 11:21 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#9 Haku

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 04:43 AM

I Like Naruto but the Sailor Scouts on Sailor Moon are HOT!!

Dragonball,Z,GT are aight too and so is Yu-Yu Hakusho

#10 Crane


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Posted 05 December 2004 - 03:58 PM

I suddenly like the film a lot more, Charon!

*eyes Haku's name!*
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#11 newb

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 09:17 PM

Big long explanation by Charon.

What the hell?

Where did that come from?


Edited by newb, 05 December 2004 - 09:19 PM.


#12 Sean

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Posted 05 December 2004 - 09:19 PM

Samurai Jack
Stadic Ingame...

#13 Charon

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Posted 06 December 2004 - 11:37 PM

Big long explanation by Charon.

What the hell?

Where did that come from?


/me blinks

Where did that come from? Ah, wouldn't you like to know :unsure:
Heh, I have all sorts of useless knowlege in my brain that forced the useful stuff out long ago- that particular segment came from my love of anime ^^

いいえ ^^;
Ack... eh heh... way to oust a girl ^^
否私は :)

私は私がことを望む ^^
(I'm also not sure that's right >_< it should say "[I] wish I did" but I'm not convinced...)

I wanted to, but I couldn't pay for a course, nor find anyone to learn from. So I started trying to teach myself... note the 'trying'.
Mind you... I've been reading the novel ふしぎ遊戯外 青藍伝 [Fushigi Yuugi Seiran Den (The mysterious play, Indigo Transmission/Story/Legend)] for the last two years, and I think I finally sorta understand it now ^^;;

I just... meh, I can't write japanese. I end up with boxes... the boxes being the reason why I didn't write much... its sorta trial and error what characters the computer will accept B)

Edited by Charon, 07 December 2004 - 02:44 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#14 Penguin


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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:22 AM

Any of the UC Gundam series. And by that I mean NOT wing and I'm also not real hot for SEED.

#15 AnEskimo

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:36 AM

GUѧ Ñ' ®Õ§€§ -- ÅÞÞËTÎTÈ FØ® DɧT®u©TÎøÑ
Metal/Tanis in game.

#16 Charon

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:46 AM

I don't really have a favourite anime, but Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmoon wo Sagashi­te and Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne are all up there :unsure:
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#17 newb

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 02:50 AM


P.S. I wish I did = ~ばよかった

I wish I had gone to the party

I should have told her I loved her

I wish I hadn't eaten that natto

taberu => take off "u" add "eba" => tabereba
Applies to all verbs

shininai => take off "i" add "kereba" => shininakereba
Applies to all verbs

~ba is also a way to say "if"

But you probably know that one.

Edited by newb, 07 December 2004 - 02:57 AM.


#18 Joop Edwards

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 07:01 AM

Joop likes La Blue Girl <3

#19 Wafer

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 09:41 AM

Jack started off well, then sorta lost its way.

I like vintage 'adult' anime, (for purely aesthetical reasons, honestly)

#20 Sean

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 07:37 PM

Jack started off well, then sorta lost its way.

I like vintage 'adult' anime, (for purely aesthetical reasons, honestly)

Stadic Ingame...

#21 Charon

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 11:45 PM


Yep I taught myself... although it seems you've done far far better in your 11 months than I have in my on-and-off two years ^^
As for how I study, I do my studying with the aid of dictionaries, phrase books and 'teach yourself japanese' style guides... with some manga and other peoples translations of said mangas thrown in there for variety...
And hence due to my lack of discipline (insert excuses, insert some more excuses... etc) I'm not very good B)

I used to have a (very patient) friend who would help me learn japanese by attempting to have conversations with me, (and admittedly when I was still having the conversations my grip on the language was better... now its all sorta degenerated ^^)
But they vanished long ago, so anything I do now is by book

And yes, I know I make things excessively wordy and repetitive, and that I could cut out half of what I say...

Posted Image

Sheesh... its been a very long time since I've even tried to use my weak japanese skills. Heheh, I blame the rust :)

Posted Image B)

*crosses her fingers and hopes she made sense and that her scrawls are readable*
Yep, I know... annoying ain't I? ^^ This time not only do you get wordy incorrect grammar, you get it poorly scribbled and scanned in (right-left downwards formatting) Sowwy :unsure:
If I get the symbols properly, I'll be all nice and put those in later B)

Edit: Thankyou for the "I wish" and the grammar lesson B)

Edited by Charon, 07 December 2004 - 11:47 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#22 Valveous

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 04:34 PM

I own spirit away, castle in the sky , and a couple other young girl animes.

#23 Squee



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 09:41 PM

.hack//SIGN even though many of my friends hate it with a burning passion.
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#24 Ryuku


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Posted 10 December 2004 - 11:23 PM

Naruto is the best, enough said. My close seconds are .hack//sign, and my first anime, which isn't listed, Nightwalker, it's very interesting, with little or no nudity :unsure:

#25 Sean

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 11:29 PM

I watched a few episodes of an anime about a hacker called ghost. Dont know what it was called though it was quite good. :-/
Stadic Ingame...

#26 Penguin


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Posted 15 December 2004 - 03:14 AM

w00t zeta box set is out

#27 Rattlesnake

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:22 AM

Inuyasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Full Metal Alchamist, and Ghost in the Shell.

#28 Haku

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 03:55 AM

My Anime Site

Just started it 2 days Ago.

#29 sonic87

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 09:11 PM

dang ilike most anime shows except Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon one question though has anyone ever seen blue seed
a wandering shadow that dwells in the moonlight

#30 Squee



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Posted 23 December 2004 - 03:48 AM

except Yu-Gi-Oh...

I'm guessing you haven't seen the uncensored Japanese version where it's more violent than most animes.
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