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Hating People

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#1 two

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 10:23 AM

i get the idea that the majority of players of this game hate people in genral. i'm just curious what type of people ya'll hate.

me personally, i hate people who are fake. if you talk about music or surfing, or if you dress in a certain way that leads me to think you know anything about either of those two subjects when you really have no idea on either of the subjects...i hate you. or you say something that's completely false, but it impresses friends...i hate you.

so what type of people do ya'll hate? and i know you hate somebody, cuz somebody hates you. mwahahahah.

#2 Malavon

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 11:00 AM

me personally, i hate people who are fake. if you talk about music or surfing, or if you dress in a certain way that leads me to think you know anything about either of those two subjects when you really have no idea on either of the subjects...i hate you.

That isn't being fake, that's just wearing the type of clothes they like... they never claimed to know anything about either subject; you just assumed they did.

But... I hate townies and stupid people in general.

#3 two

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 11:14 AM

i'm sorry, i didnt really explain. i'm not one come to snap judgements about people, it's just that two or three times i went up to a person who had a t-shirt that said "band X" or "sex wax rules the earth", and i ask them "so what do you like about "band X" or sex wax, and they reply "what? dude it's just a t-shirt" moose those guys. but that was a poor example of fake people in the first place.

i tried to answer this in the most accurate way crane would. god i hate that little nuts too.

#4 Lady_Maha

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 11:31 AM

I hate liars above all. I also hate people who have a brain but don't use it. Stupidity itself is annoying, but stupid people can't help it, unline those who have the brains but use them like a TV on standby.
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#5 Thunderja


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Posted 22 November 2004 - 11:47 AM

I hate gangsters, weak arse little bitches who have to have back up or weapons to have some balls. moose them, you see some on the rugby field and they are such little bitches but get them with a large group of "homies" and suddenly they think they are the nuts. If there was a law to pass in New Zealand to make killing "gangsters" legal I would back it 100% and go bag me a few scalps without losing a wink of sleep at night. They don't deserve to live.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#6 Vodka

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 12:52 PM

I could make a huge list, let's see how this turns out.

I hate liars.. pathological liars. I hate fake people, if you can't be you.. then there's no point of even trying to converse with me. I hate two faced people, you either like someone or you don't. I hate those who seem to think they're better than everyone else. As if they're some kind of 'God', I'm supposed to be worshipping. I hate egotistical people, that kind of goes along with thinking their some kind of 'God'. I hate racist people. Judging someone because of their skin color/type.. is just wrong. (I guess for this one, you could use the legendary quote, "Treat others as how you would like to be treated")

I think that about sums it up. I'm sure there's loads more I could mention, but I'm lacking sleep atm.
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Hump in game.

#7 Crane


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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:28 PM

I dislike sheep, people who follow the crowd because they cannot or are too afraid to be themselves... I dislike people who deliberately set the fire alarm off at 3am by smoking directly underneath a smoke detector (and being the only person fully dressed at the time!)... I dislike people who think life is drink, drugs, partying and sex... I dislike people who worship a human idol (e.g. a pop star)... and I dislike people who try to perfect their physical appearance, which is an impossible task anyway. All in all, that sums up a good proportion of the human species!
The Crane Temple Chairman

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#8 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:29 PM

I used to hate people in general, now its more just whomever I deam a dumbass. Maybe its not really hate though? I mean now, before it was, but now its probally just a general dis-liking. I mean sure theres certain dumbasses that I do hate and then others who I dis-like and thats probally it. A person I dis-like would have to be teenage girls who wear mini-skirts they get on my nerves, and a dumbass to hate would have to be hm most likely what Ash has on her list, just copy and paste it to my post, I'm to lazy to do it myself.
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#9 alone

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:56 PM

Personally, I don't hate anyone. Hate is such an extremeist word to use, seen as the direct opposit of Love. How many of you can say you've truely been in love? Yet you're all so willing to say that you hate another person?

I can't stand people who'll willingly and knowingly upset or damage another persons life, whether it be emotionally or physically.
Stupidity through lack of thought is another thing I can't stand, and tend to lay into people who do it.
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#10 Epic

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 03:32 PM

The field is to big to pick groups from, i dislike alot of people. So many people are rude, disgusting, inconciderate(sp) and just dont have any maners of anysort and those kinds of things piss me off

#11 Ryuku


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Posted 22 November 2004 - 04:22 PM

I dislike everyone I don't know.

#12 Exilus

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 06:19 PM

I have truly loved and can honestly say i know the word hate all to well.

I hate people who talk about killing when they have never seen, the face of dieing man they pulled a trigger on. I hate people who speak of sin and consequence to much, because half of them are sinning and not fearing the consequences more than anyone, and the other half are to they just dont see it because that would be admitting they were wrong, I hate people who look at me and say they know how it feels to have a doctor tell you I'm sorry Mr. Hilton im not sure if you will live to see your daughters next birthday. I hate people who just because they are better at something use the excuse well the last person i tried to help didn't want to learn niether will the next one, I hate people who follow the leader and not what they know to be right, I hate people who think that what they believe is true when they have just as much proof as anyone else, so then seek to force it on others.

I hate people who hide behind emotional masks, blaming the world their parents, the dog across the street and not their own partakings in what ever their emoptional trains were, i hate people who ask advise then don't take it screw it up then wonder why... I am willing to bet Angel is going Daummmmm i have never heard Shawn pop like that.
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#13 Malavon

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 06:45 PM

I also hate people who have a brain but don't use it. Stupidity itself is annoying, but stupid people can't help it, unline those who have the brains but use them like a TV on standby.

Ah, yeah. That's what I meant :P I don't have a problem with people who are stupid because of some illness, because they can't help it. It's only if they are stupid because they choose to be (e.g. someone who smokes/drinks because it's 'cool')

i'm sorry, i didnt really explain. i'm not one come to snap judgements about people, it's just that two or three times i went up to a person who had a t-shirt that said "band X" or "sex wax rules the earth", and i ask them "so what do you like about "band X" or sex wax, and they reply "what? dude it's just a t-shirt" moose those guys. but that was a poor example of fake people in the first place.

Oh, yeah I do see what you mean. That does irritate me, but it's not something that I hate.

#14 Bishop

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 06:51 PM


#15 Bun

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 06:57 PM

hate is such a strong word i dislike people but i dont hate anything/anyone, hate people shoiuld be shot!!!!

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#16 Horny

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 07:25 PM

so bun, you hate haters?
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#17 Exilus

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 07:28 PM

Thats what i understood....lol..
The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#18 World

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 08:25 PM

(sorry for ne1)

but i h8 jehovas witnesses

#19 Malavon

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 08:34 PM

so bun, you hate haters?

No, he dislikes them. Did you bother to read what he said, or did you just think "yay, I can flame him and look cool" and not actually think about it?

#20 Exilus

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 08:42 PM

No mal you missed the point, the flame was because in the same sentance he says he doesn't hate. he says that haters should be shot, a strong statement that usally only comes with something you hate so much you wish it removed from the plnet and your visual range.
The rebirth is coming, is he god or devil? The fires of Sol are burning. May they burn your fingers.

#21 TimmyRamone

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:09 PM

I hate people who try to impress other people by breaking rules and stuff. Like, if they're in my class, they talk back and act stupid to make friends. It's just like, be yourself.
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#22 Sean

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:12 PM

I dislike sheep

Hmm...... Just Kidding!

I dislike people who act like idiots when i first meet them. Im sorry but in my mind first impressions are lasting impressions.
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#23 Sean

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:18 PM

(sorry for ne1)

but i h8 jehovas witnesses

I personally im not from that religeon but i hate Religeon Haters (Cant remember the word.)

You are now on my hate list, and as the above post says, your never getting of it.
Stadic Ingame...

#24 Chewbob

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:21 PM

Aww Sean, you've broken his heart. You'd sure break mine if you hated me :P

#25 Isengard

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 09:32 PM

I hate all of you...!! that's y I quit Nightmist :P
*Click* *Click*:

#26 Hatrix

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 10:09 PM

(sorry for ne1)

but i h8 jehovas witnesses

I personally im not from that religeon but i hate Religeon Haters (Cant remember the word.)

You are now on my hate list, and as the above post says, your never getting of it.

I hate people who can't remember the word for "Religion Haters".

Dumbass, go slam your face into a tree or something. And while you're slamming your face into the tree, think about how much I hate you.
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#27 Malavon

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 10:41 PM

No mal you missed the point, the flame was because in the same sentance he says he doesn't hate. he says that haters should be shot, a strong statement that usally only comes with something you hate so much you wish it removed from the plnet and your visual range.

Well, I didn't think he was being serious with the "hate people shoiuld be shot!!!!" comment, but that could just be me getting it wrong. That's beside the point though: you don't have to hate someone to want to shoot them.

#28 Xlithan


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Posted 23 November 2004 - 07:45 PM

:unsure: how can you hate somebody you've never met? People on this forum may say they hate me, but... the majority of people i know in person like me.... And also, alot of people in person are different to how they are here. Rappy Ninja might be the smartest and most mature person you could ever meet! Until you know them PROPERLY, how can you hate them?

But i personally hate loud people who try to impress people by showing off. I hate people who are constantly disrespectful to other people and adults. I hate chavs (townies, scallies, neds), because of the way they act, the way they bad mouth random people on the streets, and their attitudes (some are ok though, but the majority are just down right scum).

Other than that, i can accept people for who they are, as long as they don't annoy the hell out of me.

#29 Go Away

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Posted 23 November 2004 - 08:06 PM

I try to hate or like people one a one-by-one basis. Seems to me hating someone before you meet them isn't really justified. /shrug

#30 Penguin


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Posted 23 November 2004 - 11:33 PM


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