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Deaths Playground

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#1 trigger happy

trigger happy
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Posted 12 September 2004 - 05:19 AM

ok this is my first time so bare with me lol

"The sky is grey today"; thought Phalisip. He looked around and saw many people wondering around the town market in the grand city of Nightmist, buying things, selling things, even some thiefs stealing things. But most of all he noticed the stronger town folks. The ones that looked strong enough to weight fair in a war. Thats when he thought it up, the idea of Deaths Playground.

Phalisip is a middle aged druid. He spends most of his days wondering around in the near by forests. He sports bear skin around his shoulders and wolf teeth on a small rope around his neck. His feet are bair to feal the ground better for when he moves and he weilds a weaponed bought at a mighty near by town called Windia, a Hawk Talon. His pants are made of leather, most likely just bought from a local.

Phalisip walked over to Boars Tusk Inn and waited at a table many hours, waiting to find the perfect wariors. He must of waited many hours, maybe even a day or so. Finaly he couldnt bare waiting anymore. He stood up on a table and got the people's attention. "Listen everyone for i shall tell you what will come of the shy meadow north of Nightmist. I will be waiting there for anyone who think ye be strong enough to win my most prized item."; shouted phalisip. "Then meet in 4 days in the middle of the meadow north of Nightmist for a war to be remembered. The winner of this battle will be the last man standing and he shall be the one to gain the prize!"

Phalisip then handed the bartender a large piece of paper he withdrew from his napsack just moment ago. The letter contained all the information about this battle that was needed, where, when, why, and anything else needed for the curious ones. Phalisip then commanded the bartender to place this paper in a obvious place for everyone to see. So the bartender did as told, he places it on the plainest wall in sight and made sure that everyone saw him do it.

Phalisip then left the pub and walked down viper street, thinking to himself as he walked. "Deaths Playground, what will come of this, and who will gain my most prized posestion?"; Phalisip thought aloud.

Edited by trigger happy, 12 September 2004 - 03:13 PM.

#2 Squee



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Posted 12 September 2004 - 01:51 PM

Nearly half asleep, Squee sat in a corner at the Boars Tusk. His Robe covering his terribly disfigured face and fur-covered body - the runes of lightning and thunder on his dressings remained idle and seemed almost invisible against the grey-tint of the Robe.

Suddenly, his pointed ears twitched and he was roused. Scanning around the room for a moment, he instinctively grabbed his staff which too, remained quite dull, not glowing its usual eerie aura.

A druid... Squee thought to himself. Why is a druid starting a war? ...And in that beautiful meadow, too...

Almost before he had finished with his thoughts, he ran out of the Boars Tusk quickly - the gold coins still spinning to a stop on the table where he sat.

In front of the Boars Tusk, chest heaving in and out as he breathed doggedly, Squee opened his mouth and cried as loudly as he could, standing at his full 3 foot height.

"Bwasphemer! Bwasphemer!"

((Squee has a speech impedement. I'll post what he says OOC at the end of my posts; don't worry.

"Blasphemer! Blasphemer!"

/t trigger happy, Can you use quatation marks for when your character(s) talk? It just makes it easier to read.))

Edited by Squee, 12 September 2004 - 01:52 PM.

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#3 Liquidus

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 08:21 AM

Liquidus Would Arise From His Table After He Noticed Squee Up And Run Out Boars Tusk, He Stood There In a Black Leather Vest And Black Leather Pants, He had tribal Markings Over His Arms, And Scars On His Face to His Side He had His Sowrd Which Was Made Of The Finest Metal Around The Realm, He Thought To Himself Amount As He Walked To The Wall Where This Poster Of A Battle Was Placed. He Would Grab The Paper Off The Wall Reading It To HimSelf. He Thought Silently *Why Would A Druid Rage A War?* He Would Think Heading Outside The Tavern To Where Squee Stood Panting Heavily. He Looked At Squee Briefly Before Walking To The Sourthern Gate House. He Would Make His Arrival The The GateHouse And Look Around Seeing The Regular People There. He Would Place The Poster On The Left Wall Of The GateHouse Knowing It'd Be Better Noticed There. Then He Leaned Againest A Wall Folding His Firm Built Arms Over His Chest.

#4 damelia

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 03:33 PM

ok this is my first time so bare with me lol

"The sky is grey today"; thought Phalisip. He looked around and saw many people wondering around the town market in the grand city of Nightmist, buying things, selling things, even some thiefs stealing things. But most of all he noticed the stronger town folks. The ones that looked strong enough to weight fair in a war. Thats when he thought it up, the idea of Deaths Playground.

Phalisip is a middle aged druid. He spends most of his days wondering around in the near by forests. He sports bear skin around his shoulders and wolf teeth on a small rope around his neck. His feet are bair to feal the ground better for when he moves and he weilds a weaponed bought at a mighty near by town called Windia, a Hawk Talon. His pants are made of leather, most likely just bought from a local.

Phalisip walked over to Boars Tusk Inn and waited at a table many hours, waiting to find the perfect wariors. He must of waited many hours, maybe even a day or so. Finaly he couldnt bare waiting anymore. He stood up on a table and got the people's attention. "Listen everyone for i shall tell you what will come of the shy meadow north of Nightmist. I will be waiting there for anyone who think ye be strong enough to win my most prized item."; shouted phalisip. "Then meet in 4 days in the middle of the meadow north of Nightmist for a war to be remembered. The winner of this battle will be the last man standing and he shall be the one to gain the prize!"

Phalisip then handed the bartender a large piece of paper he withdrew from his napsack just moment ago. The letter contained all the information about this battle that was needed, where, when, why, and anything else needed for the curious ones. Phalisip then commanded the bartender to place this paper in a obvious place for everyone to see. So the bartender did as told, he places it on the plainest wall in sight and made sure that everyone saw him do it.

Phalisip then left the pub and walked down viper street, thinking to himself as he walked. "Deaths Playground, what will come of this, and who will gain my most prized posestion?"; Phalisip thought aloud.

a women of small stature came into the pub the next day and looked at the posting. she smiled and wrote down the information of a piece of parchment after retreiving her masters items that he requested. she ran home in a hurry. her long black dress flowing behind her as she ran barefoot to a mansion. she came inside the well decorated mansion and to a huge room where her master sat in his study. she looked at her arm as she walked to him, "Master danax....i heard of this i thought you might like to show everyone your greatness?" she showed him her arm and hands him the items. he took the items with a gloved hand as he looked up from the wooden table and at her with a smile. she held out her arm further and he gently took it and began reading it. she watched him and kept quiet as she looked over his new clothing. he was engulphed in a white shirt tight to his form and black pants that seemed to hang down slightly. upon the back of his chair was a cloak that he wears outside. he looked up at her and smiled, "thank you my dear, you will be comming with me to assist with wounds and weapons" a large smile came upon his face and she nods and cursies, "yes master" she whispers as he got up and placed his cloak around his shoulders. they both went out to guest house where they had all of his fine weapons.

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