(OOC:Some of you may know me, many of you may not, I've been around nightmist for awhile. rp'ing on and off, but with large gaps, this is the storyline to write in my last dissapearance. and a challange to Eternal Breeze, and her advisor Amy.)
Malhavoc stood in the sleeping fox inn, The place was desolate and lonely as it often was at this hour of night, the bartender did not notice him, nor did the maid as he moved camouflaged through the sorrounding. as quiet as a mouse he climbed a rafter to his usual spot in the dusty beams above.. Crouching down he felt the ceffects of his magick leave his body, he wasn't the man he had been when he left. His eyes seemed more yellowish and he now possedd some new.. tricks.
He had run into several old friends, Several old enemies, And even better. Several people he respected. Eternal was one of them, The gurl used to habbit here, he used to protect her, and now she could kill him if she had the heart. Or so he thought on this night anyway.
It had been a fair while since he had traveresed this realm. His last stay he had met someone, And gave a leap of faith. The person had returned by destroying his castle, taking his possessions and leaving him as week as a newborn nightmist chyld, That however did not last. and his eyes and soul burned for revenge. No longer did he go by the name Draken Malhavoc, he went by what suited. what better to call a deadly wraith of the past then l'oubilie-the forgotten.
Eternal had not known the full of the story until their last encounter. and he pondered where she would go from there. Time would tell he was sure, but for the moment. he had better and more pressing things to scratch his mind then the thoughts of the gurl he loved to hate..But she was such a pleasent distraction. So in this mindframe he sat hunched in the rafters of the Inn like the old fool he was. waiting and pondering his next act.

Return To The Mist.
Started by
, Apr 29 2006 04:24 PM
11 replies to this topic
Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:24 PM
Posted 05 May 2006 - 02:36 PM
Eternal_Breeze stands ready for battle. Although the woman was not going to fight anyone in particular, it was just something that she always did, remained prepared. Her right hand remains at the handle of her Halberd and she calls out, “I must be off Amy, I shall stay in touch”. She starts to exit the pub of Draco Keep knowing that although she didn’t have to answer to anyone, for some reason she always let Amy know where she was headed.
Stepping in front of Eternal, Amy stood with billowing robes near Eternal Breeze in the dimly lit Pub. Her soft crystal blue orbs met the intense gaze of her fighting friend. “Eternal, your health is still not restored from your last battle with that man. I am sure you did damage to him, however, only one as stubborn as yourself refuses help to be healed.” Amy knew well that she had the power to assist her friend with healing. But Eternal actually was one of the few she knew that absolutely despised magic. She knew some of the reason why although the woman never truly shared the entire reason for her firm resistance for it to be used nearby her. “Please, take this. I know your ways well my friend, and if you will not allow me to at least give aid to you, take these triko roots before venturing forth”, she says as she pulls a small pouch out of the folds of her azure robes and holds them out to the woman.
Eternal nods and with her left hand, she reaches for the pouch. “Thank You dear Amy, I must go now… tis information I must find out about the man. He was betrayed and I want to know why. I could kill him with my own hands at times indeed, but I shall not let anyone else destroy him!” Her emerald gaze flashes amber for a moment and her lips tighten in a determined hiss. The fingers of her right hand tighten around her weapon and she takes a slow deep breath. “I will start at the Sleeping Fox, the bartender there may have some information. I know not when I will return, I will send word.
Amy steps out of the woman’s way… she knew she couldn’t stop her. No one ever could. She would send for Little One to follow in the shadows though. At least the small assassin could warn her should Eternal get in trouble. She says nothing of this though, after all-- what Eternal didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. She smiles to Eternal and calls out, “Journey safely my friend.” She heads to the Draco Chapel to pray for her comrade.
Eternal forces a small smile as Amy walks out. Amy would send reinforcements she knew, the woman always did. She never let on that she knew though. Once information was obtained she would make sure the “reinforcement” was sent home though. She slips the triko root into the pocket of her breaches and steps out. Moving quickly through the grassy meadow she steps through the Northern Gatehouse of the City of Nightmist and into the Sleeping Fox Inn. Her leather boots thud softly as she steps into the inn and makes her way to the far end of the bar. Pulling out a stool she sits down to where her back is to the wall and she can see those that enter. She wouldn’t order an ale, she had business to take care of. She didn’t even question the bartender at first, she merely listened and watched.
After Amy gave Eternal a few minutes, she called out to Little One…as the Archmaster Assassin comes in she says “Small one, Eternal is at it again. She headed first to the Sleeping Fox, watch from the shadows, but do not make yourself seen.”
Little One nods “yes Miss Amy… she won’t see me” she says and putting on her Petal Concealing Armor and grabbing her Emerald dagger, she takes off within the shadows.
Stepping in front of Eternal, Amy stood with billowing robes near Eternal Breeze in the dimly lit Pub. Her soft crystal blue orbs met the intense gaze of her fighting friend. “Eternal, your health is still not restored from your last battle with that man. I am sure you did damage to him, however, only one as stubborn as yourself refuses help to be healed.” Amy knew well that she had the power to assist her friend with healing. But Eternal actually was one of the few she knew that absolutely despised magic. She knew some of the reason why although the woman never truly shared the entire reason for her firm resistance for it to be used nearby her. “Please, take this. I know your ways well my friend, and if you will not allow me to at least give aid to you, take these triko roots before venturing forth”, she says as she pulls a small pouch out of the folds of her azure robes and holds them out to the woman.
Eternal nods and with her left hand, she reaches for the pouch. “Thank You dear Amy, I must go now… tis information I must find out about the man. He was betrayed and I want to know why. I could kill him with my own hands at times indeed, but I shall not let anyone else destroy him!” Her emerald gaze flashes amber for a moment and her lips tighten in a determined hiss. The fingers of her right hand tighten around her weapon and she takes a slow deep breath. “I will start at the Sleeping Fox, the bartender there may have some information. I know not when I will return, I will send word.
Amy steps out of the woman’s way… she knew she couldn’t stop her. No one ever could. She would send for Little One to follow in the shadows though. At least the small assassin could warn her should Eternal get in trouble. She says nothing of this though, after all-- what Eternal didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. She smiles to Eternal and calls out, “Journey safely my friend.” She heads to the Draco Chapel to pray for her comrade.
Eternal forces a small smile as Amy walks out. Amy would send reinforcements she knew, the woman always did. She never let on that she knew though. Once information was obtained she would make sure the “reinforcement” was sent home though. She slips the triko root into the pocket of her breaches and steps out. Moving quickly through the grassy meadow she steps through the Northern Gatehouse of the City of Nightmist and into the Sleeping Fox Inn. Her leather boots thud softly as she steps into the inn and makes her way to the far end of the bar. Pulling out a stool she sits down to where her back is to the wall and she can see those that enter. She wouldn’t order an ale, she had business to take care of. She didn’t even question the bartender at first, she merely listened and watched.
After Amy gave Eternal a few minutes, she called out to Little One…as the Archmaster Assassin comes in she says “Small one, Eternal is at it again. She headed first to the Sleeping Fox, watch from the shadows, but do not make yourself seen.”
Little One nods “yes Miss Amy… she won’t see me” she says and putting on her Petal Concealing Armor and grabbing her Emerald dagger, she takes off within the shadows.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 11 May 2006 - 02:59 AM
Eternal sat for quite awhile before even moving. With the stool situated so that none could get behind her and her shoulders back she sat with her feet in front of her the heels of her leather boots flat upon the floor and her left hand rested upon her left thigh… her right, as always, was on her weapon. Her fingertips didn’t even flinch. Other than the fact that her intense emerald gaze traveled about even to the shadowy corners of the Sleeping Fox now and then one may think she was a soldier, sitting at attention. Her wine colored lips parted slightly she would inhale the musty early evening air of the tavern. Although it may seem to any that happen to see her there that she was daydreaming, her mind was alert… watchful in fact. Not much got past the female warrior even though she made no inclination that she was anything other than lost in thought.
Several came and went but none seemed to stay. Although she had not seen the smallest of Amy’s comrades, Little One, she would bet her life that the assassin was there somewhere within the shadows. She watched as the bartenders changed shifts and still she had not even ordered anything. A small group of figures went through a hatch in the corner of the tavern and she chuckled to herself, knowing full well of the Scarlet Daggers Guild that was nearby although she herself had never been there.
The air seemed a bit heavy and her steady orbs flickered a bit and turned an almost amber color, something that always happened when she was in the presence of magic of some sort. Her grip tightened on her halberd momentarily but she forced herself to loosen it. She was not quite sure who it was, but would make no notice of her knowledge yet. If it indeed was Malhavoc, any sudden shift would alert him that she knew he was there. After all, after the beating they had both given each other she knew the battle was not over. She had served as a guard in other realms and knew how to be perfectly still for hours on end if necessary.
The bartender walks by and once more asks, “What’ll ya have?” as he wipes down table next to where she is sitting. “Nothing” is all she replies at first and then forces a small smile on her otherwise emotionless face… She had no time for idle chitter chatter usually; however, he may have information. She wouldn’t straight out ask him though. “Been mighty quiet in here as of late. I was sitting here thinking that most of the old crowd does not frequent this place like they used to hmmm”. She would say no more until he responded she knew and she placed her left hand upon the table tapping the surface absently.
Even though she merely sat, she was ready for whatever may come. At least she thought so. There was magic nearby, she knew it… felt it in the innermost part of her soul, and she didn’t like it at all.
Several came and went but none seemed to stay. Although she had not seen the smallest of Amy’s comrades, Little One, she would bet her life that the assassin was there somewhere within the shadows. She watched as the bartenders changed shifts and still she had not even ordered anything. A small group of figures went through a hatch in the corner of the tavern and she chuckled to herself, knowing full well of the Scarlet Daggers Guild that was nearby although she herself had never been there.
The air seemed a bit heavy and her steady orbs flickered a bit and turned an almost amber color, something that always happened when she was in the presence of magic of some sort. Her grip tightened on her halberd momentarily but she forced herself to loosen it. She was not quite sure who it was, but would make no notice of her knowledge yet. If it indeed was Malhavoc, any sudden shift would alert him that she knew he was there. After all, after the beating they had both given each other she knew the battle was not over. She had served as a guard in other realms and knew how to be perfectly still for hours on end if necessary.
The bartender walks by and once more asks, “What’ll ya have?” as he wipes down table next to where she is sitting. “Nothing” is all she replies at first and then forces a small smile on her otherwise emotionless face… She had no time for idle chitter chatter usually; however, he may have information. She wouldn’t straight out ask him though. “Been mighty quiet in here as of late. I was sitting here thinking that most of the old crowd does not frequent this place like they used to hmmm”. She would say no more until he responded she knew and she placed her left hand upon the table tapping the surface absently.
Even though she merely sat, she was ready for whatever may come. At least she thought so. There was magic nearby, she knew it… felt it in the innermost part of her soul, and she didn’t like it at all.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 15 May 2006 - 05:21 PM
As she sat there in silence she heard him... she knew it was him although she didn't even have to look up. The smirk on her face widened slightly and yet she made no notice that she had discovered his presence. Instead, she looks to the bartender and stands. Her gaze was flickering first to amber then back to emerald. Her hand tightened on her sword and although she sensed him even closer as she noticed the change in the shadows she spoke not to him. He wished to watch her let him watch. She walks over to the bartender and slips a few silver coins onto the bar.. "get the man ducking behind that table a drink hmm.. I think he needs it. " she tilts her head back and laughs a bit but as she does so a few flickers of crimson blood drip from the corner of her mouth and her eyes close momentarily. She had to get out of here, and get out fast. She says nothing more but walks to the door her right hand on her halberd and her left draws near to her body to support the rib that had been cracked. Murmering to herself she said "what i need is a good fight, a good adventure indeed" and she walks out going to head to the tunnels of spiders to both rest and fight.
Within the shadows little one moves.. slowly, knowing that the warrior would probably need her even though she knew she would never ask. She follows her not sure she has time to warm Miss Amy. She would let her know though as soon as she could.
Within the shadows little one moves.. slowly, knowing that the warrior would probably need her even though she knew she would never ask. She follows her not sure she has time to warm Miss Amy. She would let her know though as soon as she could.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 19 May 2006 - 04:57 PM
Eternal_Breeze moved out of the Sleeping Fox Inn still smirking and headed north, her footsteps making barely a sound as she moved onto Viper Street and further still, past the Northern Gatehouse. There was an unusual amount of traffic gathered near the magical slats of the gatehouse and although the guard house seemed unmanned, there was a Crystal Templer among the crowd at the edge of town. She started to travel briefly to the Draco Honoris Keep but decided otherwise. Should she venture there she knew that Amy would have questions of her that she wasn’t ready to answer. Instead she slowly walked to the east. Alert as she was among the deer and small bunnies of the grassy meadow she noticed a new creature and her eyes flashed to amber as the magical aura of the Magimox seemed to permeate the air. She spotted the Sentry Spider and with a swift blow of her halberd, struck it down and leaped downward, into the passage she knew was there.
For a long moment she leaned against the rough stone walls she glances down the gloomy corridor to the east. With her left hand she wiped the small trickle of blood and took a slow breath. It was difficult to breath however she knew that her body would heal. Fumbling within her pocket she grasped the small pouch with triko root and unwrapped the medicinal herb. Breaking only a small bit off of it she placed it within her mouth and returned the rest to her pocket. She knew what lie ahead within the Subterranean Passage. Mumbling to herself she said “I have to find the answers, he used to frequent down here… and although he was within the Inn crouched down like a child playing hide-n-seek, perhaps some answers lie within the area of our first battle.“ She smirks some and brushes a strand of honey colored hair from her eyes. Her orbs had returned to emerald and after resting for a moment she took a step to the East, searching for answers.
Meanwhile, Little_One stayed close by. She had not spoken to the woman and was not sure whether the warrior had spotted her yet. She had been given instructions by Miss Amy though and wasn’t about to lose her if she could possibly help it. She snuck past the slain body of the Sentry Spider and had been ready to crawl down into the passage when she spotted Eternal resting there. Not wishing to give herself away she thought that perhaps this was the perfect time to warn Amy. She herself had traveled the passages and realized that although there were several dead ends and caverns within the place, she could more then likely find her if she hurried. Until Eternal moved from the space she didn’t want to enter into it. Instead she moved to the Barrier Forest not far from the Grassy Meadow and went into Draco Keep. “Miss Amy, Miss Amy” she called out. When there was not an answer she moved to the desk that rested within the Anteroom and scrawled a quick note with quill and ink. “Miss Amy, Eternal doesn’t seem quite well. She is headed into the Spider tunnels for something. I will report when I have learned something. Love, Little One”. She moved to the Clan Chapel that Crusher had built long ago and placed the letter there, knowing that Miss Amy would surely spend some time there and went back out. She hurriedly moved to the secret passage in the grassy meadow and peered down… just in time to see Eternal move east. Crawling down she held her Emerald Dagger tightly within her small but powerful grasp and sticking to the shadows, tracked her comrade in silence.
For a long moment she leaned against the rough stone walls she glances down the gloomy corridor to the east. With her left hand she wiped the small trickle of blood and took a slow breath. It was difficult to breath however she knew that her body would heal. Fumbling within her pocket she grasped the small pouch with triko root and unwrapped the medicinal herb. Breaking only a small bit off of it she placed it within her mouth and returned the rest to her pocket. She knew what lie ahead within the Subterranean Passage. Mumbling to herself she said “I have to find the answers, he used to frequent down here… and although he was within the Inn crouched down like a child playing hide-n-seek, perhaps some answers lie within the area of our first battle.“ She smirks some and brushes a strand of honey colored hair from her eyes. Her orbs had returned to emerald and after resting for a moment she took a step to the East, searching for answers.
Meanwhile, Little_One stayed close by. She had not spoken to the woman and was not sure whether the warrior had spotted her yet. She had been given instructions by Miss Amy though and wasn’t about to lose her if she could possibly help it. She snuck past the slain body of the Sentry Spider and had been ready to crawl down into the passage when she spotted Eternal resting there. Not wishing to give herself away she thought that perhaps this was the perfect time to warn Amy. She herself had traveled the passages and realized that although there were several dead ends and caverns within the place, she could more then likely find her if she hurried. Until Eternal moved from the space she didn’t want to enter into it. Instead she moved to the Barrier Forest not far from the Grassy Meadow and went into Draco Keep. “Miss Amy, Miss Amy” she called out. When there was not an answer she moved to the desk that rested within the Anteroom and scrawled a quick note with quill and ink. “Miss Amy, Eternal doesn’t seem quite well. She is headed into the Spider tunnels for something. I will report when I have learned something. Love, Little One”. She moved to the Clan Chapel that Crusher had built long ago and placed the letter there, knowing that Miss Amy would surely spend some time there and went back out. She hurriedly moved to the secret passage in the grassy meadow and peered down… just in time to see Eternal move east. Crawling down she held her Emerald Dagger tightly within her small but powerful grasp and sticking to the shadows, tracked her comrade in silence.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 23 May 2006 - 06:27 AM
It was in the shadows that the woman stood. Elven it seemed by decent and yet something so much more. Something truely unexplainable. She sat within Malhavoc's personal chambers. Letting her fingers trail through his slave girl's hair, "It's alright for now pet. Soon enough he'll truely awaken. Not just the small portion that you see walking now. I could not awaken him all at once. I guarded him. But even that has it's bounds I'm afraid." Lavender eyes pierced the darkness as she'd walk from the shadows in thier entirity and sighed lightly.
The woman's long black gown swept the ground in which she walked on. It flared delicately about her form as she'd start pacing the chamber awaiting Draken's return. She knew he was up to something. But she didn't know what. The actions he was doing or have had done had alerted her within the temples of time. And any sort of disturbance that massive couldn't be good. Infact it was very bad for those that would cause that problem. As she'd leave her asylum of peace to venture to the cause of the disturbances normally and just decimate them. Instead she waited for Draken.
Maybe for her own reasons she'd protected and looked out for him. Maybe because she felt the world needed his type of chaos. Either way the woman had made sure for mayhaps centuries. That he had remained unharmed. Maybe she had an alterior motive. Maybe it was because she cared. None the less it was There and she had plans.
The woman's long black gown swept the ground in which she walked on. It flared delicately about her form as she'd start pacing the chamber awaiting Draken's return. She knew he was up to something. But she didn't know what. The actions he was doing or have had done had alerted her within the temples of time. And any sort of disturbance that massive couldn't be good. Infact it was very bad for those that would cause that problem. As she'd leave her asylum of peace to venture to the cause of the disturbances normally and just decimate them. Instead she waited for Draken.
Maybe for her own reasons she'd protected and looked out for him. Maybe because she felt the world needed his type of chaos. Either way the woman had made sure for mayhaps centuries. That he had remained unharmed. Maybe she had an alterior motive. Maybe it was because she cared. None the less it was There and she had plans.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 05 June 2006 - 01:33 PM
As she sat upon the bed she thought of some of his last words to her. He had been so angry, and yet, why was he? She did not seek answers to harm him. In fact, although most would consider him a foe to her, she truly thought of him as a friend. One she fought with often and one she at times would like to kill and take the last breath from with a quick blow from her halberd. He had said "I am not what I was Maybe I wanted you to save me...for a change" what did he mean? Did he truly save her? She couldn’t remember. Actually they had both kept each other alive, perhaps only because out of all the years when they had a chance to kill each other, they never took the final blow, not he nor herself. She could still feel the chill of his hand when he spoke finally before he disappeared… "Honor amongst thieves, love amongst foes. You know me better then almost anyone I have ever bedded with and all we have done is fought. take what you want from here and know me better."
She didn’t come to take anything from him. And yet, she wondered what he was so defiantly hiding from everyone else. She glances over to the journal that lies on the nightstand beside the bed. She leans against the frame for a long moment debating on if she even wants to know. She truly did not come to pry into his life. However, perhaps by finding answers from him, she could find out who betrayed him without days and perhaps even months of further searching.
The fire that he had lit was still burning and the stench of his burned cloak still permeated the air. She smirks a bit, he had been furious when she kicked the chair over. Although she was glad that he was not seriously hurt, it amused her at how fast he had thrown his charred cloak onto the floor. Flipping through the journal she could tell it was very old. The crinkled parchment in places was worn and dark rust colored stains even ran through several pages at a time. She assumed it was blood, after all, for some reason when she had been around Malhavoc along with the smell of lavender and jasmine the slight odor of vitae was present. Perhaps from the many victims that crossed his path. The journal seems to be written in more then one language. One she can not understand, perhaps a long forgotten Elven or something else. She knew a few elves, perhaps they could help her. And yet, she knew she would show the secrets within to no one else. So continues flipping through the pages, slowly, one after another. Now and then she closes her eyes and just holds the journal. After all, she was delving into something she knew she couldn’t take back… knowledge was something one couldn’t just erase.
She had been flipping through the journal for some time when she stopped and moved closer to the fire that still flickered. She up righted the chair that she had earlier kicked over and sat down with her halberd across her lap and drew the journal closer. The passage read as follows: "Days bled into years, years into millennia .. how long has" a few sentences once more in a language she couldn’t understand but then they become readable again. "Life no longer mine, but for me to take.. How her pureness makes me boil with rage, she will be mine to... So tired.. fighting beyond imagine.. why did I bring her to my lair?” she pauses here, wondering who he speaks of. Her mind races at the many people she had seen him with, and yet, she knew not of who he spoke. She reads on… "Awoken...She awoken me.. this lady.. a different lady from when I slept.. why cant I remember? hahaha amusingly so like …would let it come! My things are gone, gone with my memory... I will find who.. and they will be punished! my castle...flames.. my strength is gone…but I have been cursed twine by thine, who are they and why! taking what I was and giving me anew! Like a newborn chyld!" the writings trail off in similar incoherent babble but in the end, ink is scribbled heavily and boldly.
Most of the words are in the ancient tongue, several stand true. "Elizabeath, purity gone, taken by me, the lizard breath.. And Nepid, brother betrayed necromancer unto himself, let him both command their dead bodies, retched thieves will beg!" These are the last words the are written upon the journal she finds as she flips through the rest to find nothing else. Nothing but a blackened rose tucked between the last page and the cover. She bites her lip in thought. ~Elizabeath~ she thinks to herself. She knew she had heard that name.. But where?
She stands and looks about the small cavern. She couldn’t just leave the stuff here. Yet she could not take it. She needed to get out of here. By now Amy would surely be worried. She stacks up the books that she had knocked down as well as the journal and sets them all upon the edge of the bed. She grumbles low, remembering she was angry at him. Why had he brought her here. If he had indeed “wanted her to save him” as he had said surely he wouldn’t have for one, trapped her regardless for how short a period of time, and two … been so callous. Or would he have?
She smirks some, she did want to help him, and she at times wasn’t so nice to him either. She whispers to herself… “okay my friendly foe, I will find out who this person is that has betrayed you… I will ensure the safety of your secrets… and then I shall disappear from your life, for our paths are no where near the same of each other.” She knows she can’t just leave the journals though so as they sit on the edge of the bed she wraps the bedcloth around them and ties it, and holding it like a satchel she swings it over her shoulder and heads out…. Leaving the fire burning as she steps into the darkness of the tunnels, not knowing exactly where he had brought her to begin with.
She didn’t come to take anything from him. And yet, she wondered what he was so defiantly hiding from everyone else. She glances over to the journal that lies on the nightstand beside the bed. She leans against the frame for a long moment debating on if she even wants to know. She truly did not come to pry into his life. However, perhaps by finding answers from him, she could find out who betrayed him without days and perhaps even months of further searching.
The fire that he had lit was still burning and the stench of his burned cloak still permeated the air. She smirks a bit, he had been furious when she kicked the chair over. Although she was glad that he was not seriously hurt, it amused her at how fast he had thrown his charred cloak onto the floor. Flipping through the journal she could tell it was very old. The crinkled parchment in places was worn and dark rust colored stains even ran through several pages at a time. She assumed it was blood, after all, for some reason when she had been around Malhavoc along with the smell of lavender and jasmine the slight odor of vitae was present. Perhaps from the many victims that crossed his path. The journal seems to be written in more then one language. One she can not understand, perhaps a long forgotten Elven or something else. She knew a few elves, perhaps they could help her. And yet, she knew she would show the secrets within to no one else. So continues flipping through the pages, slowly, one after another. Now and then she closes her eyes and just holds the journal. After all, she was delving into something she knew she couldn’t take back… knowledge was something one couldn’t just erase.
She had been flipping through the journal for some time when she stopped and moved closer to the fire that still flickered. She up righted the chair that she had earlier kicked over and sat down with her halberd across her lap and drew the journal closer. The passage read as follows: "Days bled into years, years into millennia .. how long has" a few sentences once more in a language she couldn’t understand but then they become readable again. "Life no longer mine, but for me to take.. How her pureness makes me boil with rage, she will be mine to... So tired.. fighting beyond imagine.. why did I bring her to my lair?” she pauses here, wondering who he speaks of. Her mind races at the many people she had seen him with, and yet, she knew not of who he spoke. She reads on… "Awoken...She awoken me.. this lady.. a different lady from when I slept.. why cant I remember? hahaha amusingly so like …would let it come! My things are gone, gone with my memory... I will find who.. and they will be punished! my castle...flames.. my strength is gone…but I have been cursed twine by thine, who are they and why! taking what I was and giving me anew! Like a newborn chyld!" the writings trail off in similar incoherent babble but in the end, ink is scribbled heavily and boldly.
Most of the words are in the ancient tongue, several stand true. "Elizabeath, purity gone, taken by me, the lizard breath.. And Nepid, brother betrayed necromancer unto himself, let him both command their dead bodies, retched thieves will beg!" These are the last words the are written upon the journal she finds as she flips through the rest to find nothing else. Nothing but a blackened rose tucked between the last page and the cover. She bites her lip in thought. ~Elizabeath~ she thinks to herself. She knew she had heard that name.. But where?
She stands and looks about the small cavern. She couldn’t just leave the stuff here. Yet she could not take it. She needed to get out of here. By now Amy would surely be worried. She stacks up the books that she had knocked down as well as the journal and sets them all upon the edge of the bed. She grumbles low, remembering she was angry at him. Why had he brought her here. If he had indeed “wanted her to save him” as he had said surely he wouldn’t have for one, trapped her regardless for how short a period of time, and two … been so callous. Or would he have?
She smirks some, she did want to help him, and she at times wasn’t so nice to him either. She whispers to herself… “okay my friendly foe, I will find out who this person is that has betrayed you… I will ensure the safety of your secrets… and then I shall disappear from your life, for our paths are no where near the same of each other.” She knows she can’t just leave the journals though so as they sit on the edge of the bed she wraps the bedcloth around them and ties it, and holding it like a satchel she swings it over her shoulder and heads out…. Leaving the fire burning as she steps into the darkness of the tunnels, not knowing exactly where he had brought her to begin with.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 05 June 2006 - 04:52 PM
As the man entered the chamber. She'd snap her fingers at the pet and pointed. Knowing full well if the slave girl knew what was good for her. She'd heed the woman's signal and depart. Her temper was flaring and lightning in her lavender eyes. Oh yes you could say she was ever so slightly perturbed at the moment. Her voice whip lashed despite the fact she was aware of how weak he appeared. She knew that things weren't always what they seamed. And she'd be willing to bet despite his apperance his mind was as sharp and twisted as ever, "Draken! What have you done? Who and what are you doing now! You're darkness and intent have allerted the watchers of the temple of time!"
She'd start pacing before him damn straight up livid at him. The watchers of the temple were not a good thing. They made her ALMOST seem tame. Ok that was a lie but who was counting. She'd sigh and turned to him and pushed him into a chair. "Rest. Damn it why you did what you did is beyond me. I should turn back time and stop you. Then stab you repeatedly with a venom laced dagger until you were crawling. I don't know what you were thinking. I doubt you even do think at all anymore!" She'd rage and yet she mellowed slightly seeing his pain with her own lavender eyes.
Slipping her hand into her pocket. She'd withdraw a brilliantly glowing emerald like stone and handed it to him. "This is an elf stone. It is used to pull fort toxins in the body. Mayhaps it will help. Although I should wish your death upon you. It would serve you right after all for being such a pain in my ass. " She'd calm down and sit down before speaking again. So he was granted a few moments of silence.
"Draken you're my friend, And I've looked out for you and protected you. But something is up. I know it and so does the Temple of Time. You allerted us some how that some great misdeed has or was to be done. And I can't allow that. I dont' wish it to result in your death. So please tell me what's going on. So I may try to avert the others from coming after you."
She'd start pacing before him damn straight up livid at him. The watchers of the temple were not a good thing. They made her ALMOST seem tame. Ok that was a lie but who was counting. She'd sigh and turned to him and pushed him into a chair. "Rest. Damn it why you did what you did is beyond me. I should turn back time and stop you. Then stab you repeatedly with a venom laced dagger until you were crawling. I don't know what you were thinking. I doubt you even do think at all anymore!" She'd rage and yet she mellowed slightly seeing his pain with her own lavender eyes.
Slipping her hand into her pocket. She'd withdraw a brilliantly glowing emerald like stone and handed it to him. "This is an elf stone. It is used to pull fort toxins in the body. Mayhaps it will help. Although I should wish your death upon you. It would serve you right after all for being such a pain in my ass. " She'd calm down and sit down before speaking again. So he was granted a few moments of silence.
"Draken you're my friend, And I've looked out for you and protected you. But something is up. I know it and so does the Temple of Time. You allerted us some how that some great misdeed has or was to be done. And I can't allow that. I dont' wish it to result in your death. So please tell me what's going on. So I may try to avert the others from coming after you."
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 05 June 2006 - 06:57 PM
Eternal looked about the room one final time. She had not been able to get all the books that he had kept within the room, but she had several journals and some letters. She had not looked through them all, nor would she. She had an idea of who had started this rampant meltdown of her friendly foe and she shook her head.. "is a dangerous thing to mess with someone I consider a friend" she muttered to herself and she adjusted her left hand to hold the bedcloth full of books over her left shoulder. As she steps into the tunnel one of the books dropped and she bent down to retrieve it. As she did so she spotted a darker spot upon the stone corridor and leaned the bundle upon the floor. Reaching out she touched it and then rubbed her fingers together. There was no mistaking the sticky crimson drops. They weren't hers, any blood that she had left would be gone she was sure. She narrows her gaze and looks about carefully. Lifting the small pile of books back over her shoulder after tucking the one that fell back inside the bedcloth she tightens her grip on her halberd with her right hand and looks to the north, south, and east. The room she had just left was to the west and she glances into it momentarily.. a low whisper escapes her lips.. "I will find the answers.. I promise" she never made a promise she didn't keep and she didn't intend to start now. She wondered where the small thief that usually shadowed her was, surely she was near. However, she made no move to call out.
~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~
Posted 17 June 2006 - 05:12 PM
She was enraged as it was that he'd thrown her through the portal. So when she stepped from his shadow in a burst of blue flames. "Draken who the hell do you think you are. Do you forget whom kept you alive? Are you That screwed up in the head to think I'd permit that?" She cast off her cloak and there stood a raging tempered elven seeming woman. Her cool lavender eyes shot flames in which most didn't know within her. Although. Rachel would.. She'd know the little elven woman all to well. As the woman had been her protected charge's love for long. Until things had fallen. And although the Lady Whisper remained close. She'd let him go about his own life. As she had done. And it was one of the first fallings she had. Was a innocent night. That had gone oh so wrong.
So now she stood to Malhavoc in a full rage. "You tricked me so long ago. And made an enemy of me. What's more. Anyone that knows me. Knows you don't take or screw with what's mine Draken.. Where is she! I've waited long enough in this game. WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER YOU TOOK FROM ME!!" She'd scream at him. Her temper was raging and with the combination of Demon and Vampirics within her. She was a normally not one that should be riled. And yet here the woman was. She was furiously growling in hatred for the facts that she'd kept him alive. And now her reason was revealed.
So now she stood to Malhavoc in a full rage. "You tricked me so long ago. And made an enemy of me. What's more. Anyone that knows me. Knows you don't take or screw with what's mine Draken.. Where is she! I've waited long enough in this game. WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER YOU TOOK FROM ME!!" She'd scream at him. Her temper was raging and with the combination of Demon and Vampirics within her. She was a normally not one that should be riled. And yet here the woman was. She was furiously growling in hatred for the facts that she'd kept him alive. And now her reason was revealed.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 18 June 2006 - 09:44 PM
The Confrontation and Secrets of the Past Revealed..... As well as a new little twist.....
Whisper: turned her eyes to that of Draken. Her eyes then narrowed and as she'd stalk to him. The long blond hair of her shifted like a silken cloak while as her elven ears twitched and lavender eyes flashed dangerously. Oh she was gettingt pissed off now. He knew she wanted her child. He knew because he'd taken her when he had banished her. Her temper flared dangerously as she'd suddenly spring
Whisper: onto that of Draken with nails extended. "Delaney!! You named Our Daughter Delaney!! ! !" She'd roar in anger. Her eyes flashing with hatred. "Where the hell is she!! Sleeping my fat ass! What did you do to her and why does it stink here!" She'd roar in anger. She didn't know what had happened. Only that she knew he took what was hers too. She'd glare to him wishing nothing more then to claw his eyes out.
Draken Malhavoc: *his eyes flared as his senses retourned to normal after his encounter with amy, his hands sprung up but not in time, her nails dug into his shoulder, his arms kicked out to break the grasp almost immediatly his fangs baring his own elven ears alert to the surrounings..just incase, his green eyes flaring red as he pushed her back with the extent of his strengh "you have no Right to her!
Draken Malhavoc: you haven o right to be here! And if you do not leave, you will never See her again!" he glared at her, snarling, his long silvery hair clouding around his face hidding his elvish decent for a moment. his long cloak drapped over his shoulder showing the leather doublet and britches he wore beneath, each laced steel plates to hinder blows. a hole however showed on his left shulder "You will leave!"
Whisper: *Screams at him as she'd charge him yet again,"The hell I will She's mine too! And I've never seen her since you stole her from me. So I have EVERY right to her!! More then you do. You probably corrupted her and made her like you. You.. You... Give her to me now!" The minutely petite elf was not one to piss off and now she was throughly furious as she'd pull the crystal dagger from her pocket
Whisper: And went to stab it for that of his throat. Wanting to hurt him. Not kill him. THough why she didn't was even a mystery to her. But none the less the black gowned tiny woman was furious and had every intent on hurting Draken. As well as make him give over her daughter too. He'd had her long enough..
Draken Malhavoc: He groweled at her her words, almost hissing. His hand came up and his bracer collided with just below her wrist, he was allready backed agenst the wall. and it showed in his desperate movements "you filthy weakling. You could never handle her, your putrid blood...it was a moment of sheer insanity that she was even concieved!" he snarled, his hand moving to her chest, grabbing at her armor.
Draken Malhavoc: Intending to whirl her around into the wall, to bash that stupid knife from her hand, he Towered over her, he always had. the short little thing she was, his eyes enflamed with rage traced her body within miliseconds, and a part of him seemed to remember what he had might of seen in her, the burried broken side deep with him, he managed to push her back once more, but not nearly as far.
Whisper: She'd retreat a few steps as his bracer collides with the one hand however she'd change tactics and simply stab that of His chest in a non crucial area. But enough to make him bleed and feel pain like he kept making her feel. She'd shake her head as the two of them always ended up fighting,"You owe me to just see her. You denied me even that. I kept you alive now restore her to me!" He should be
Whisper: glad she didn't know that the slave girl was the daughter. And even more glad she didn't know he'd used magic and "Fried" Thier daughter to "Death" Or es she'd go into an even worse rage and what few bounds she had on him. Would be lost as would any wish to keep him in the world of the living. She was however pissed and wished her daughter and him hurt like he had made her.
Draken Malhavoc: the dagger Clinked, as it slipped between the steel plates, his hand came down grasping on her wrist and squezing, arm shaking to keep the dagger from going the 4 inches it had allready slipped. His nails bit her as if they were fangs, and his eyes closed in, the other free hand grasping onto her opposing shoulder he glared "Wreatched creature You have seen her!" and with that his knee came up
Draken Malhavoc: and leg extended forcing her and the dagger out of his space, in a moment electricity of a mighty storm was brewing in the palm of his hand, and his mental tricks were snt out, the sorroundings of the clan house begining to melt and vanish into walls and berriers as he whished them..weather or not this worked on her was another story all together....A soft growl and an angry glare
Whisper: *Flames came to her grasp as she'd go to burn him now,"LIAR!" She'd scream at him as she'd turn the flames now at him. Intending to burn him in one way or anther at the same time her form braced to keep him from doing further damage. Feeling the way he'd disarmed her of the dagger. That wouldn't stop her though. If anything it just pissed her off more. As she'd chage him again. She watched as he'd
Whisper: brew the storm to his grasp and shook her head,"I can do that too Draken... No Stop screwing around. Where is she.. She's the key to the imbalance I told you of. Now damn it where is she!!!" Whisper was now to the point of all out roaring in elven. Her ears twitch slightly as her hair swirled about her slender form as the flames swirled within her grasp and soared towards that of Draken's form.
Draken Malhavoc: He laughed, pulling the dagger from his hcest and dropping it to the floor. oh how it looked like one of his own.. his attention back to her he laughed once more "you won't kill me. If you did-you'd be just like me!" he snarled at her a hand on the bleeding wound, he flinched at her power, it was stronger then he remembered but he refused to bow to her will refused to surrender. The lightening in
Draken Malhavoc: his palm was not intended for her, not directly, it was a rapid attack and required him to move preciesly, the lightly shot to the ground, carried by the platting in the clan room, at the same time he jumped to avoid the shock, hopping this would render her unconsious. he snarled from the air at her, eyes beaming with his own fury "iI am no liar! you should know bettr then to question me lil'one!"
Whisper: *screams * damn it draken!* She'd jump into the air and large demon wings tore from her delicate form. She'd hover there angrily. "you're going to piss me off." She'd shift her large demon wings back and then swiftly swept them forward to blast him with a shock of wind. "Get the hint.. And Give me my daughter... I may be little. But I'm bigger and meaner then you. I know other ways
Whisper: besides that of Killing Malhavoc!!" Her voice screetched out. Her blood streaming down her back. Flowing like a silent crimson water fall from where her wings had tore through. It was a pregnant dog when it happened and it hurt her to... Her eyes reflected the massive amounts of pain she was enduring but still she'd refuse to bend to him.
Draken Malhavoc: He watched the blood fall, as he landed on the ground in a crouching position, a hand still on the bleeding side of him he could not help himself but place a hand out and whisper "Whisper, your hurt.." he stood very slowely keeping his eye contact on her "what the hell am I doing" he thought to himself as he began to walk towards her very slowely being very weary of her wings and "hidden" power.
Draken Malhavoc: His hand moved from the wound just below his rib, smeared in drying blood he held them outward to her and a green type of light began to grow to them "I can heal you.." he whispered very softly bowing his head no longer wishing to make eye contact with her any longer, feeling himself unworthy he sighed and bowed moreso to appear less threatening
Whisper: *she'd drop to the ground and slip her hand to her back."Yes I'm hurt.. And I don't know what you're doing. Why would you wish to heal me? What are you playing at?" She'd inquire quietly. Her lips drew into a frown as she'd star at him. Fangs shining from the corner of her lip. She was definately an odd combination. And yet she was more then that. Shift a fireball into that of her hand
Whisper: FLicking it at his side to cauterize that of his wound to where he'd not bleed anymore. Although she'd nod her head to let him near her. But she still wasn't trusting of him. How could she be when he'd betrayed her more then anyone ever had and stole one of the few things. That she ever treasured...
Draken Malhavoc: *he put his hands to her back after moving slowely around her, his hands eminated in the green light and the warm tingling sensation spread to the base of her wings the wounds began to regenerate and seal and when he was content with their work he sprung his move, rappidilly as fast as his elder body could permit a hand slipped around her throat, the other around her body and he helled her close
Draken Malhavoc: to his form, not applying any dangerous or intimidating pressure at all, rather he smelled at her neck, and kisseed it and shook his head noting some things never changed. he pushed her away from hr and turned his back his words low and quiet "Shes not your daughter, and you've seen her.. have seen her for awhile now..shes no ones daughter.. shes...sleeping" he wanted to go to the vine cave.
Draken Malhavoc: wanted to find Delaney, to unburry her and ensure he hadn't harmed her..he wouldh ave to control her again..dominate her, he couldn't have his own daughter betraying him, but if he left now he knew that whisper would follow him easy, and it would be the end of his best kept secret...how many other possesion had he taken from her that day? why did she care of progeny so much..She could have more...
Whisper: Her eyes flared as he'd grasped her throat. "You're an idiot Draken.." She'd roar to him,"She's my baby.. my last baby.. She deserves to have her herritage. Not just be what you want her to be!" She cared about her children. That was something he not understand. She didn't believe him when he said she weas sleeping. THe scent of the room was making her ill. Her elven senses triggered strongly to
Whisper: the room as well."Amy? Here? Draken what are you doing?Are you mad? You can't just keep whom you want when you want. " She'd changed her tactics to trying to reason with him. But she could have easily just attacked based on sheer magic or her fighting skill. A dagger here.. a cross bow bolt there.. either way she'd not give up even if it meant hurting him to nearly the point of death..
Draken Malhavoc: He didnt turn to look at her for quiet some time, didnt say a word or move, but when he did his face was back to its older more rigged self as if something broke deep inside of him. his words were soft as he walked towards her "she sleeps...she sleeps" is all he could come to say" he lifted a brow to her scenting the room "Beyond your halfbred demon filth, I cant smell anything, besides what say
Draken Malhavoc: do you have in what company I keep, you have respected my wishes to stay away for years!" he growled ever so softly another step closer, a hand lifted this time touching her cheek, as if two were in control of him, one that spoke and one that moved his body. he seemed to sigh a bit and even his head shake a little when his hand fell "you have seen your daughter"
Whisper: Her eyebrow immediately lofted as he called her a half breed. She was or had been a pure breed elf. But upon her relationship with DayWokr she'd been sired. And for him to insult her by Day's blood was going to piss her off. As his hand caressed her cheek. She'd grasp his hand,"Draken see reason... I want my baby.. she is part mine... Can't you understand that.. Who was my daughter that I've seen?
Whisper: All I see is you and a burn mark from where your slave girl was... Before you shoved me through the portal. You had to be so bad as to burn a poor little slave.. I don't get you." She'd sigh softly. Then would let go of his hand. Wanting to make him see reason and let him at least be near her. He'd deprived her of her child.. And now he was playing games. She was angry and irritated but at his fracturing mind. She couldn't jsut all out k
Whisper: kill him it wouldn't be lady like after all. And needless to say She was a pregnant dog but that's about it.
Draken Malhavoc: He looked at her as she mentioned the poor slave girl. his head lowered. he murmbed "why did it happen, why did we part ways" he sighed softly hand falling to her chest when he raised his head, a different more malicious look upon it "Yess tell us half-breed, why did it all happen?" the voice was cold and menacing, and nails dug into her chest on the outstretched hand. he knew she couldn't kill
Draken Malhavoc: him her code prevented it, andshe would never see delaney again. he pulled her in close, almost close enough to kiss and glare into her eyes with all the spite and hate of every betrayl he had seen "You are weak, she is not your Daughter, your not worthy of the blood within her vaines half breed!" he growled in a low menacing town, and to add insult to his words leaned in and kissed her every so lightly.
Whisper: *hissed as nails dug into that of her chest. Her temper flared again but she'd supressed it. She'd slap his hand away from her chest. "Don't push it breed.. You call me a half breed and yet you're no better then I.. Only I have Demon in me. But that is the Only difference. Her hand lifted to his face lightly with a malicious grin, "I"m far from weak. I was once.. I'm not now... And if she'd not
Whisper: my daughter. Then she will not be yours. I will wipe her existance out of the lines of time." She'd smirk. Her eyes showed she may.. Or may not be serious. But she was well within her bounds as she had the power and ability to do so.. Although when he gathered her to him. the hand she'd moved to his cheek. She'd Slap him hard a second after his lips brushed hers. She'd laugh in his face. "Weak...
Whisper: trying to use seduction to win me over to fall silent. That worked once dear fool.. Never again." She'd laugh.
Draken Malhavoc: His head turned from her but still he held her close, a smile upon his lips "you're too late. she allready isnt my daughter, or yours shes nothing more then a...a.." he paused, did she remember anything of his family history? dare he got into detail to what he'd done to the trecherous daughter. no he think not. instead he turned to a smile, while a blood tear ran down from some dying part inside
Draken Malhavoc: of him, and his lips parted in the cruelest voice he could muster "nothing more then a burning slave, as you would sa" he didnt move to escape her at those words, after all it had been over ten years since she had been this clos to him. and he missed the close ness, even know her scent. it wasnt hi seducing..Another tear fell and he whisprered "she sleeps, I beg-forgiveness" and with that he falls
Draken Malhavoc: to his knees. Head lowered, cloak spreading out around him in a circle, tearz falling down his face, the personalities changing at will from all of his stress, he couldn't stand to be weak but here he was. and again like his father awaiting the beating for being so
Whisper: her eyes flared wide at his words.."You made her a slave.. then killed her.. WHY! How could you! She was your own child! Are you Insane!!" she'd scream Angry to high hell that he'd done that. She should smite him down now ,"Save it.. I grant no forgiveness.. And I hope she does sleep and her spirit awakens to haunt and hate you.. " She'd shove past him and with a glitter and flame the wings
Whisper: seeped back into that of her own flesh and in thier place was a crystaline staff... " I was wanting to teach her her herritage and let her meet her brother and sister... But you deny me all as always.. So be it Draken. Now the guardians of hell and the temple of time will not have someone to protect you.. You will face that on your own.. I hope when her spirit awakens.. She hates you since I can
Whisper: not and more so. I hope she stabs you in the back and leaves you for dead. Because... I will not be there to help you this time.." She'd cross her arm over her chest. Where as the other one caressed over the crystal staff within her grasp. Those lavender eyes of hers now flamed to deep purple anger and pain.
Draken Malhavoc: He started to laugh, ever so softly, let her leave in her anger, let her take her protective grace away she wouldn't make it out of the room. His hands touched a panal on the floor and in an instant the rooms construction changed, it all began to glow. it did not take him long to feel it was workiing, his magic was leaving him...all the inanate ability it restored...he stood ever so softly, his
Draken Malhavoc: Cloak dropping off of him. Slim trimed from training, he glared at her, his doublet and britches glistening from the steel plating reflecting the rooms light. talons grew in their place of his finger nails, he knew the hawk talons would not have the same effect without the magick but this was the only way he knew he could pull this off. the only way he could trap his blo ved whisper and not die
Draken Malhavoc: in the Process "theres no leaving.. I didnt give you the grace to rise from my table half-breed. Its quiet rude you know" he took a step towards her glaring "lets see what that half breed blood can do for you, without its magicks, Bloodline Versus Bloodline cheri' Day was week, I remember him, how easily he'd sucumb to my arrows" he glared at her, another step circling now preparing for his assult
Draken Malhavoc: as his eyes watched her, trying t o anticipate the effect of the trap on her, it would damn them both, but he would not loose her again. He may have allready lost his daughter... "shes not dead you know...but you will never see her unless you surrender now to me" he points to a collar laying on a stand in the cornor of the room "Be mine completeltly this time, and you will have your precious
Draken Malhavoc: daughter back lil'one" he continued to circle step by step closing the gap, ready to assult her. make her give to him. what he could never seem to have, a faithful partner for all of eternity. if he could not control her mind, he'd have her heart!
Whisper: She wouldn't leave but as the room shifted. Her eyes flared wide in shock and fear for a mere moment. The room absorbed her natural ability to use magic. that was fine. She was far from helpless. She'd smile lightly. "Yes I learned from you. I'm quite rude. Now take that in progress. And I will leave when I damn well please. " She'd tirade... His little crack at Day pissed her off to where she'd
Whisper: swing her staff aiming to knock him unconcious. She'd follow his pointed fingers. A collar? He thought to control her. Not even Day had dared beyond the once. And after that he learned swiftly,"I submit to no one. I will be No one's Pet!" SHe'd snarl at him,"Now you are changing your story. A moment ago you said she was sleeping and gone... Now you say I can have her back. Stop screwing around!"
Whisper: She'd rage at him him. Watching the way he circled her. She wasn't afraid of him in any way.. Nore would she submit... She'd take her daugher back one way or another. So with that thought she'd take a fighters stance. Her firey nature coming out in the petite little elven form.
Draken Malhavoc: He smiled seeing her stand to figt, he did not want it to come to this but his suprises were far from over, he layed low to the ground, two legs spread and powered to attack her, one hand behind his back the other on the floor, his eyes emerald and green around her, his mental prowess catching her thought he smiled "day may not have been this Callus, but he didnt have your daughter. I do.."
Draken Malhavoc: He lept forward his arms protected by bracers as the claws saught to swipe accross her chest in a flurry of melee attacks, it was the time he needed to prepare to grapple her to the floor, the faster he could close the gap between the two the better it would be for him, his eyes and movement as fast as sight itself as he pushed to have her on the ground, agenst a wall, cornered in anyway that he
Draken Malhavoc: could end this quickly
Whisper: She'd scream and spring back swiftly each time he swiped for her chest. Her dress shreadding. "Knock that off Malhavoc!" She'd roar and keep springing. Only to cartwheel to the side of him swinging her staff out. The staff swung out suddenly to the back of his knees. She wanted to take him down and out to show him. That she not only wasn't weak but also to show she would fight for her daughter.
Whisper: Those eyes of hers shifting to a beguiling hue of purple.
Draken Malhavoc: HE felt the staff make contact with one of his knees with the dislodging sound of a crack, but he was faster and it wasn't going to stop hi, he'd flip backwards and the tolons would grip her staff as it swung under neath her, and when he landed he'd jerk it close with one hand and swing at the other indening to disarm her, keeping his wait off the bad knee now watching her intently "if you want her
Draken Malhavoc: you wil lbe mine once more" he cried out in pain and anguish his thoughts hi own but none the less clearly apperent, his eyes were not really a colour to speak of, turning an abscent grey, to keep his inner thoughts a secret, he wouldn't be left alone, she wouldn't take his daughter...Delaney would learn still...he'd break her yet..
Whisper: She taunted him then, "Grab the staff Malhavoc.. I dare you..." She'd laugh as she'd jerk her staff trying to keep it within her own grasp. Anyone but her that would hold the staff would become cursed. Deeply tainted with the souls of the damned. Thousands of lost warriors who'd died and was cold and hateful. Her laughter rung out at him. "I am no one's. I'm a free spirit. Wild and free like my
Whisper: ancesstors. I run in the wind and shall for all eternity. I won't let anyone possess what is no one's." She'd extend her arms out as if daring him now to strike at her. She would fight back til her last breath..
Draken Malhavoc: He sighed, releasing the staff knowing not but to argue with her, his claws coming down at her once more as he would leap and try to take her with force "there is no point to this! if you want her you will submit!" and with that he gave up the chace, the claws retracting back into his fingers and he stood and bowed to her, and pointed to the collar once more, without saying a word, knowing once
Draken Malhavoc: she placed it around her neck, the magick in it would not permit her to leave
Whisper: *She'd pushed him back from her as he'd bow before her. She'd drop the fighter stance. Watching him stop the fight. She'd frown at him,"Weak." She'd walk to where the collar was. And picked it up looping it around her finger. "I won't be collared.. You're not man enough Malhavoc." She'd mock him softly. Walking until she stood before him spinning the collar. "I won't bow down to no one...
Whisper: Find another compromise.. I don't wish to be your slave or pet. " She'd drop the collar to his feet. Then looked to him with her eyes glittering darkly.
Draken Malhavoc: He watched her, play with the collar insult him...watched however as the collar shrunk and became a small silver leather entwined band around her finger. and he whispered ever so lightly to her "then do not be my pet,or slave. be my wife" a cruel smile slipped accross his face as he watched her, eyed her waiting for the shock, and possibly hes death that would follow.
Whisper: The collar shrunk to a ring on her finger and stuck. She'd gasp and try to pull it off. "what the hell... Don't you have a wife... You don't like me remember.. you hate me remember.... what's more you don't love me..I'm afraid I can not submit.." She was stunned though. and her confusion showed in her eyes. Although she'd be tugging and pulling at the ring on her finger that was once a collar
Whisper: but through his magic he'd make it a ring that held her there and she felt sapped of her magic which angered her.
Draken Malhavoc: He shook his head and looked to her grey still in his yes and the emotionless face stairing at her blankly "wasnt my magic, some things have a life of their own" he looks at the ring now on her finger pondering to himself not really replying to her at first thinking to himself, he even sat down, and with a long and drawn sigh he finaly decided to talk. He eyes looked up to her and a metallic
Draken Malhavoc: tone echoed, without a flavour of emotion. "Why don't I love you?" he didnt say more then that. didnt even really seem to expect an answer rather his head dropped down and stared at the floor once more
Whisper: She'd frown at him,"You know as well as I that your love died within your heart long ago. Why pretend so now and try to confuse me. What do you have to gain? A powerful alliance. My silence for you to do as you wish to our daughter?" She questioned him unheeded. Answering him with more questions. She'd hold out her hand to him as well."Please... I... take it off.. I can't be held like this.. " She
Whisper: chose to use reasoning with him again. Hoping beyond hope that his chaotic sides would see her right and he'd not try to keep her a prisioner.. It would supress her wild spirit. And ground her back to the reality in which she once lived.
Draken Malhavoc: He looked to the ring as if he didnt hear a word she said. rather the ring seemed to be talking to him, her questions her beggins, even he himself seemed gone, only a shell left as it reflected upon itself his lips move and the small crack of his voice is heard "I can't take it off, I didn't put it on, you did" he looked back down to the ground eyes closed and a tear fell down, the prince of chaos
Draken Malhavoc: from long ago having returned to its body once more, the small boys mind playin in the sand, humming something in ancient elvish, "If I stay, it wont be long for I am burning on the inside" the little boys face lifting up, a soft smile "got you too huh?" he whispered softly, looking at her finger. seeming to understand more then the chyld of this persona should.
Whisper: She looked back to the ring that glittered on her hand."I can't remove it.. you can't remove it... Damn it.. damn you.. you tricked me... Am I now bound to you.. I don't understand..." As though the fight and will left her.. She'd sink to her knees and stare at the ring now glittering upon her hand then back up to him. Watching as his head lowered and eyes closed. Only for a tear to fall. Prince?
Whisper: My old friend? How are you in draken's body? Were you always draken playing with me? Toying with me?" She'd question. She was lost and it showed within her glittering lavender eyes that sparkled with tears. She'd close her eyes trying to well up a surge of power to leave in her burst of flames. And yet they'd not emmit as wished.."no...." She'd mermer and her head fell forward almost dejectedly."w
Whisper: who got me prince? what is this game..." She'd not look up from the dejected position upon the floor...
Draken Malhavoc: He watched her and almost Giggled when she tired to escape as if it amusehim his little timid voice rang "drkane is what my dad calls me, and what I grew up into, I'm not allowed out to play as much as I used to though" with that he sighed, and went back to drawing then eyes flaring up in a suprise manner he giggles some more "oh!" he mutteres and looks to the ring as if trying to recall her
Draken Malhavoc: Question. "he got you, the one you have a spot for, in that fiery heart, thats why you can't remove it" he snuggled slowly scooting along the floor like a kid till he sat infront of her and took her hand and began to look at the ring inspect it quizzickly "Everything in life is a game, don't you know. .." the boy withdraws into himself and the colder older voice of draken remerges "I cant remove
Draken Malhavoc: it you put it on, just like Delany put on her collar, I cant remove them, and now she sleeps, and you seek to destroy me, the perfect family ruinited once more!" he laughed and tossed her hand aside and turning his back to her stood slowly.
Draken Malhavoc: (btw, consideirng all the fighting hes done over the past week, good luck reasoning with him, hes literaly spinning out of controls)
Whisper: She'd turn her gaze up then at him.."The game doesn't amuse me. I wish to leave now. I didn't put the ring on. I was playing with a collar. You made it change! You did this Draken.. Damn you all to hell!" She'd rage.. Then felt a jolt of pain run down the length of her spine."He has a spot in my heart.. Mayhaps but he's swiftly making it regret." She'd murmer.. "And I doubt my daughter... if she's
Whisper: anything like me would Allow anyone to make her put a collar on!" She'd lament softly.... "And I don't wish to destroy you.. I just wish for my daughter to be returned and the fueding stopped... " She'd watch as he tosed her hand aside and walked away..
Draken Malhavoc: *he stopped, and turned back to her. whispering on last thing "delany is in my abude in the spider tunnels, she is being healed. you can find her there. you have more of a heart then I, for that ring would only bring pain to me "he whips a tear* it show its now" he walks straight for a wall, and dissapears through it as if it never was there.
Draken Malhavoc: <TW an exit would be open to her now as the room powers down at him leaving>
Whisper: *She'd get up as he left her there. She'd walk to a shadowed corner and curl up in a chair she'd drag with her..Her head lowered."I will find her Draken... I won't forgive you for this... " Her fingers spun the ring on her finger. But it wouldn't come free... or off her.. However... As the exit opened she'd rise up and walk for the door only to collapse in a cold faint on the ground.
Whisper: As it was a common problem when the demon in her broke free.. it caused her to bleed with the wings weakening her.. then the usage of powers drained her mentally. Until she'd collapse and her body enter a state of rest until able to awaken and gain control of herself..
Whisper: turned her eyes to that of Draken. Her eyes then narrowed and as she'd stalk to him. The long blond hair of her shifted like a silken cloak while as her elven ears twitched and lavender eyes flashed dangerously. Oh she was gettingt pissed off now. He knew she wanted her child. He knew because he'd taken her when he had banished her. Her temper flared dangerously as she'd suddenly spring
Whisper: onto that of Draken with nails extended. "Delaney!! You named Our Daughter Delaney!! ! !" She'd roar in anger. Her eyes flashing with hatred. "Where the hell is she!! Sleeping my fat ass! What did you do to her and why does it stink here!" She'd roar in anger. She didn't know what had happened. Only that she knew he took what was hers too. She'd glare to him wishing nothing more then to claw his eyes out.
Draken Malhavoc: *his eyes flared as his senses retourned to normal after his encounter with amy, his hands sprung up but not in time, her nails dug into his shoulder, his arms kicked out to break the grasp almost immediatly his fangs baring his own elven ears alert to the surrounings..just incase, his green eyes flaring red as he pushed her back with the extent of his strengh "you have no Right to her!
Draken Malhavoc: you haven o right to be here! And if you do not leave, you will never See her again!" he glared at her, snarling, his long silvery hair clouding around his face hidding his elvish decent for a moment. his long cloak drapped over his shoulder showing the leather doublet and britches he wore beneath, each laced steel plates to hinder blows. a hole however showed on his left shulder "You will leave!"
Whisper: *Screams at him as she'd charge him yet again,"The hell I will She's mine too! And I've never seen her since you stole her from me. So I have EVERY right to her!! More then you do. You probably corrupted her and made her like you. You.. You... Give her to me now!" The minutely petite elf was not one to piss off and now she was throughly furious as she'd pull the crystal dagger from her pocket
Whisper: And went to stab it for that of his throat. Wanting to hurt him. Not kill him. THough why she didn't was even a mystery to her. But none the less the black gowned tiny woman was furious and had every intent on hurting Draken. As well as make him give over her daughter too. He'd had her long enough..
Draken Malhavoc: He groweled at her her words, almost hissing. His hand came up and his bracer collided with just below her wrist, he was allready backed agenst the wall. and it showed in his desperate movements "you filthy weakling. You could never handle her, your putrid blood...it was a moment of sheer insanity that she was even concieved!" he snarled, his hand moving to her chest, grabbing at her armor.
Draken Malhavoc: Intending to whirl her around into the wall, to bash that stupid knife from her hand, he Towered over her, he always had. the short little thing she was, his eyes enflamed with rage traced her body within miliseconds, and a part of him seemed to remember what he had might of seen in her, the burried broken side deep with him, he managed to push her back once more, but not nearly as far.
Whisper: She'd retreat a few steps as his bracer collides with the one hand however she'd change tactics and simply stab that of His chest in a non crucial area. But enough to make him bleed and feel pain like he kept making her feel. She'd shake her head as the two of them always ended up fighting,"You owe me to just see her. You denied me even that. I kept you alive now restore her to me!" He should be
Whisper: glad she didn't know that the slave girl was the daughter. And even more glad she didn't know he'd used magic and "Fried" Thier daughter to "Death" Or es she'd go into an even worse rage and what few bounds she had on him. Would be lost as would any wish to keep him in the world of the living. She was however pissed and wished her daughter and him hurt like he had made her.
Draken Malhavoc: the dagger Clinked, as it slipped between the steel plates, his hand came down grasping on her wrist and squezing, arm shaking to keep the dagger from going the 4 inches it had allready slipped. His nails bit her as if they were fangs, and his eyes closed in, the other free hand grasping onto her opposing shoulder he glared "Wreatched creature You have seen her!" and with that his knee came up
Draken Malhavoc: and leg extended forcing her and the dagger out of his space, in a moment electricity of a mighty storm was brewing in the palm of his hand, and his mental tricks were snt out, the sorroundings of the clan house begining to melt and vanish into walls and berriers as he whished them..weather or not this worked on her was another story all together....A soft growl and an angry glare
Whisper: *Flames came to her grasp as she'd go to burn him now,"LIAR!" She'd scream at him as she'd turn the flames now at him. Intending to burn him in one way or anther at the same time her form braced to keep him from doing further damage. Feeling the way he'd disarmed her of the dagger. That wouldn't stop her though. If anything it just pissed her off more. As she'd chage him again. She watched as he'd
Whisper: brew the storm to his grasp and shook her head,"I can do that too Draken... No Stop screwing around. Where is she.. She's the key to the imbalance I told you of. Now damn it where is she!!!" Whisper was now to the point of all out roaring in elven. Her ears twitch slightly as her hair swirled about her slender form as the flames swirled within her grasp and soared towards that of Draken's form.
Draken Malhavoc: He laughed, pulling the dagger from his hcest and dropping it to the floor. oh how it looked like one of his own.. his attention back to her he laughed once more "you won't kill me. If you did-you'd be just like me!" he snarled at her a hand on the bleeding wound, he flinched at her power, it was stronger then he remembered but he refused to bow to her will refused to surrender. The lightening in
Draken Malhavoc: his palm was not intended for her, not directly, it was a rapid attack and required him to move preciesly, the lightly shot to the ground, carried by the platting in the clan room, at the same time he jumped to avoid the shock, hopping this would render her unconsious. he snarled from the air at her, eyes beaming with his own fury "iI am no liar! you should know bettr then to question me lil'one!"
Whisper: *screams * damn it draken!* She'd jump into the air and large demon wings tore from her delicate form. She'd hover there angrily. "you're going to piss me off." She'd shift her large demon wings back and then swiftly swept them forward to blast him with a shock of wind. "Get the hint.. And Give me my daughter... I may be little. But I'm bigger and meaner then you. I know other ways
Whisper: besides that of Killing Malhavoc!!" Her voice screetched out. Her blood streaming down her back. Flowing like a silent crimson water fall from where her wings had tore through. It was a pregnant dog when it happened and it hurt her to... Her eyes reflected the massive amounts of pain she was enduring but still she'd refuse to bend to him.
Draken Malhavoc: He watched the blood fall, as he landed on the ground in a crouching position, a hand still on the bleeding side of him he could not help himself but place a hand out and whisper "Whisper, your hurt.." he stood very slowely keeping his eye contact on her "what the hell am I doing" he thought to himself as he began to walk towards her very slowely being very weary of her wings and "hidden" power.
Draken Malhavoc: His hand moved from the wound just below his rib, smeared in drying blood he held them outward to her and a green type of light began to grow to them "I can heal you.." he whispered very softly bowing his head no longer wishing to make eye contact with her any longer, feeling himself unworthy he sighed and bowed moreso to appear less threatening
Whisper: *she'd drop to the ground and slip her hand to her back."Yes I'm hurt.. And I don't know what you're doing. Why would you wish to heal me? What are you playing at?" She'd inquire quietly. Her lips drew into a frown as she'd star at him. Fangs shining from the corner of her lip. She was definately an odd combination. And yet she was more then that. Shift a fireball into that of her hand
Whisper: FLicking it at his side to cauterize that of his wound to where he'd not bleed anymore. Although she'd nod her head to let him near her. But she still wasn't trusting of him. How could she be when he'd betrayed her more then anyone ever had and stole one of the few things. That she ever treasured...
Draken Malhavoc: *he put his hands to her back after moving slowely around her, his hands eminated in the green light and the warm tingling sensation spread to the base of her wings the wounds began to regenerate and seal and when he was content with their work he sprung his move, rappidilly as fast as his elder body could permit a hand slipped around her throat, the other around her body and he helled her close
Draken Malhavoc: to his form, not applying any dangerous or intimidating pressure at all, rather he smelled at her neck, and kisseed it and shook his head noting some things never changed. he pushed her away from hr and turned his back his words low and quiet "Shes not your daughter, and you've seen her.. have seen her for awhile now..shes no ones daughter.. shes...sleeping" he wanted to go to the vine cave.
Draken Malhavoc: wanted to find Delaney, to unburry her and ensure he hadn't harmed her..he wouldh ave to control her again..dominate her, he couldn't have his own daughter betraying him, but if he left now he knew that whisper would follow him easy, and it would be the end of his best kept secret...how many other possesion had he taken from her that day? why did she care of progeny so much..She could have more...
Whisper: Her eyes flared as he'd grasped her throat. "You're an idiot Draken.." She'd roar to him,"She's my baby.. my last baby.. She deserves to have her herritage. Not just be what you want her to be!" She cared about her children. That was something he not understand. She didn't believe him when he said she weas sleeping. THe scent of the room was making her ill. Her elven senses triggered strongly to
Whisper: the room as well."Amy? Here? Draken what are you doing?Are you mad? You can't just keep whom you want when you want. " She'd changed her tactics to trying to reason with him. But she could have easily just attacked based on sheer magic or her fighting skill. A dagger here.. a cross bow bolt there.. either way she'd not give up even if it meant hurting him to nearly the point of death..
Draken Malhavoc: He didnt turn to look at her for quiet some time, didnt say a word or move, but when he did his face was back to its older more rigged self as if something broke deep inside of him. his words were soft as he walked towards her "she sleeps...she sleeps" is all he could come to say" he lifted a brow to her scenting the room "Beyond your halfbred demon filth, I cant smell anything, besides what say
Draken Malhavoc: do you have in what company I keep, you have respected my wishes to stay away for years!" he growled ever so softly another step closer, a hand lifted this time touching her cheek, as if two were in control of him, one that spoke and one that moved his body. he seemed to sigh a bit and even his head shake a little when his hand fell "you have seen your daughter"
Whisper: Her eyebrow immediately lofted as he called her a half breed. She was or had been a pure breed elf. But upon her relationship with DayWokr she'd been sired. And for him to insult her by Day's blood was going to piss her off. As his hand caressed her cheek. She'd grasp his hand,"Draken see reason... I want my baby.. she is part mine... Can't you understand that.. Who was my daughter that I've seen?
Whisper: All I see is you and a burn mark from where your slave girl was... Before you shoved me through the portal. You had to be so bad as to burn a poor little slave.. I don't get you." She'd sigh softly. Then would let go of his hand. Wanting to make him see reason and let him at least be near her. He'd deprived her of her child.. And now he was playing games. She was angry and irritated but at his fracturing mind. She couldn't jsut all out k
Whisper: kill him it wouldn't be lady like after all. And needless to say She was a pregnant dog but that's about it.
Draken Malhavoc: He looked at her as she mentioned the poor slave girl. his head lowered. he murmbed "why did it happen, why did we part ways" he sighed softly hand falling to her chest when he raised his head, a different more malicious look upon it "Yess tell us half-breed, why did it all happen?" the voice was cold and menacing, and nails dug into her chest on the outstretched hand. he knew she couldn't kill
Draken Malhavoc: him her code prevented it, andshe would never see delaney again. he pulled her in close, almost close enough to kiss and glare into her eyes with all the spite and hate of every betrayl he had seen "You are weak, she is not your Daughter, your not worthy of the blood within her vaines half breed!" he growled in a low menacing town, and to add insult to his words leaned in and kissed her every so lightly.
Whisper: *hissed as nails dug into that of her chest. Her temper flared again but she'd supressed it. She'd slap his hand away from her chest. "Don't push it breed.. You call me a half breed and yet you're no better then I.. Only I have Demon in me. But that is the Only difference. Her hand lifted to his face lightly with a malicious grin, "I"m far from weak. I was once.. I'm not now... And if she'd not
Whisper: my daughter. Then she will not be yours. I will wipe her existance out of the lines of time." She'd smirk. Her eyes showed she may.. Or may not be serious. But she was well within her bounds as she had the power and ability to do so.. Although when he gathered her to him. the hand she'd moved to his cheek. She'd Slap him hard a second after his lips brushed hers. She'd laugh in his face. "Weak...
Whisper: trying to use seduction to win me over to fall silent. That worked once dear fool.. Never again." She'd laugh.
Draken Malhavoc: His head turned from her but still he held her close, a smile upon his lips "you're too late. she allready isnt my daughter, or yours shes nothing more then a...a.." he paused, did she remember anything of his family history? dare he got into detail to what he'd done to the trecherous daughter. no he think not. instead he turned to a smile, while a blood tear ran down from some dying part inside
Draken Malhavoc: of him, and his lips parted in the cruelest voice he could muster "nothing more then a burning slave, as you would sa" he didnt move to escape her at those words, after all it had been over ten years since she had been this clos to him. and he missed the close ness, even know her scent. it wasnt hi seducing..Another tear fell and he whisprered "she sleeps, I beg-forgiveness" and with that he falls
Draken Malhavoc: to his knees. Head lowered, cloak spreading out around him in a circle, tearz falling down his face, the personalities changing at will from all of his stress, he couldn't stand to be weak but here he was. and again like his father awaiting the beating for being so
Whisper: her eyes flared wide at his words.."You made her a slave.. then killed her.. WHY! How could you! She was your own child! Are you Insane!!" she'd scream Angry to high hell that he'd done that. She should smite him down now ,"Save it.. I grant no forgiveness.. And I hope she does sleep and her spirit awakens to haunt and hate you.. " She'd shove past him and with a glitter and flame the wings
Whisper: seeped back into that of her own flesh and in thier place was a crystaline staff... " I was wanting to teach her her herritage and let her meet her brother and sister... But you deny me all as always.. So be it Draken. Now the guardians of hell and the temple of time will not have someone to protect you.. You will face that on your own.. I hope when her spirit awakens.. She hates you since I can
Whisper: not and more so. I hope she stabs you in the back and leaves you for dead. Because... I will not be there to help you this time.." She'd cross her arm over her chest. Where as the other one caressed over the crystal staff within her grasp. Those lavender eyes of hers now flamed to deep purple anger and pain.
Draken Malhavoc: He started to laugh, ever so softly, let her leave in her anger, let her take her protective grace away she wouldn't make it out of the room. His hands touched a panal on the floor and in an instant the rooms construction changed, it all began to glow. it did not take him long to feel it was workiing, his magic was leaving him...all the inanate ability it restored...he stood ever so softly, his
Draken Malhavoc: Cloak dropping off of him. Slim trimed from training, he glared at her, his doublet and britches glistening from the steel plating reflecting the rooms light. talons grew in their place of his finger nails, he knew the hawk talons would not have the same effect without the magick but this was the only way he knew he could pull this off. the only way he could trap his blo ved whisper and not die
Draken Malhavoc: in the Process "theres no leaving.. I didnt give you the grace to rise from my table half-breed. Its quiet rude you know" he took a step towards her glaring "lets see what that half breed blood can do for you, without its magicks, Bloodline Versus Bloodline cheri' Day was week, I remember him, how easily he'd sucumb to my arrows" he glared at her, another step circling now preparing for his assult
Draken Malhavoc: as his eyes watched her, trying t o anticipate the effect of the trap on her, it would damn them both, but he would not loose her again. He may have allready lost his daughter... "shes not dead you know...but you will never see her unless you surrender now to me" he points to a collar laying on a stand in the cornor of the room "Be mine completeltly this time, and you will have your precious
Draken Malhavoc: daughter back lil'one" he continued to circle step by step closing the gap, ready to assult her. make her give to him. what he could never seem to have, a faithful partner for all of eternity. if he could not control her mind, he'd have her heart!
Whisper: She wouldn't leave but as the room shifted. Her eyes flared wide in shock and fear for a mere moment. The room absorbed her natural ability to use magic. that was fine. She was far from helpless. She'd smile lightly. "Yes I learned from you. I'm quite rude. Now take that in progress. And I will leave when I damn well please. " She'd tirade... His little crack at Day pissed her off to where she'd
Whisper: swing her staff aiming to knock him unconcious. She'd follow his pointed fingers. A collar? He thought to control her. Not even Day had dared beyond the once. And after that he learned swiftly,"I submit to no one. I will be No one's Pet!" SHe'd snarl at him,"Now you are changing your story. A moment ago you said she was sleeping and gone... Now you say I can have her back. Stop screwing around!"
Whisper: She'd rage at him him. Watching the way he circled her. She wasn't afraid of him in any way.. Nore would she submit... She'd take her daugher back one way or another. So with that thought she'd take a fighters stance. Her firey nature coming out in the petite little elven form.
Draken Malhavoc: He smiled seeing her stand to figt, he did not want it to come to this but his suprises were far from over, he layed low to the ground, two legs spread and powered to attack her, one hand behind his back the other on the floor, his eyes emerald and green around her, his mental prowess catching her thought he smiled "day may not have been this Callus, but he didnt have your daughter. I do.."
Draken Malhavoc: He lept forward his arms protected by bracers as the claws saught to swipe accross her chest in a flurry of melee attacks, it was the time he needed to prepare to grapple her to the floor, the faster he could close the gap between the two the better it would be for him, his eyes and movement as fast as sight itself as he pushed to have her on the ground, agenst a wall, cornered in anyway that he
Draken Malhavoc: could end this quickly
Whisper: She'd scream and spring back swiftly each time he swiped for her chest. Her dress shreadding. "Knock that off Malhavoc!" She'd roar and keep springing. Only to cartwheel to the side of him swinging her staff out. The staff swung out suddenly to the back of his knees. She wanted to take him down and out to show him. That she not only wasn't weak but also to show she would fight for her daughter.
Whisper: Those eyes of hers shifting to a beguiling hue of purple.
Draken Malhavoc: HE felt the staff make contact with one of his knees with the dislodging sound of a crack, but he was faster and it wasn't going to stop hi, he'd flip backwards and the tolons would grip her staff as it swung under neath her, and when he landed he'd jerk it close with one hand and swing at the other indening to disarm her, keeping his wait off the bad knee now watching her intently "if you want her
Draken Malhavoc: you wil lbe mine once more" he cried out in pain and anguish his thoughts hi own but none the less clearly apperent, his eyes were not really a colour to speak of, turning an abscent grey, to keep his inner thoughts a secret, he wouldn't be left alone, she wouldn't take his daughter...Delaney would learn still...he'd break her yet..
Whisper: She taunted him then, "Grab the staff Malhavoc.. I dare you..." She'd laugh as she'd jerk her staff trying to keep it within her own grasp. Anyone but her that would hold the staff would become cursed. Deeply tainted with the souls of the damned. Thousands of lost warriors who'd died and was cold and hateful. Her laughter rung out at him. "I am no one's. I'm a free spirit. Wild and free like my
Whisper: ancesstors. I run in the wind and shall for all eternity. I won't let anyone possess what is no one's." She'd extend her arms out as if daring him now to strike at her. She would fight back til her last breath..
Draken Malhavoc: He sighed, releasing the staff knowing not but to argue with her, his claws coming down at her once more as he would leap and try to take her with force "there is no point to this! if you want her you will submit!" and with that he gave up the chace, the claws retracting back into his fingers and he stood and bowed to her, and pointed to the collar once more, without saying a word, knowing once
Draken Malhavoc: she placed it around her neck, the magick in it would not permit her to leave
Whisper: *She'd pushed him back from her as he'd bow before her. She'd drop the fighter stance. Watching him stop the fight. She'd frown at him,"Weak." She'd walk to where the collar was. And picked it up looping it around her finger. "I won't be collared.. You're not man enough Malhavoc." She'd mock him softly. Walking until she stood before him spinning the collar. "I won't bow down to no one...
Whisper: Find another compromise.. I don't wish to be your slave or pet. " She'd drop the collar to his feet. Then looked to him with her eyes glittering darkly.
Draken Malhavoc: He watched her, play with the collar insult him...watched however as the collar shrunk and became a small silver leather entwined band around her finger. and he whispered ever so lightly to her "then do not be my pet,or slave. be my wife" a cruel smile slipped accross his face as he watched her, eyed her waiting for the shock, and possibly hes death that would follow.
Whisper: The collar shrunk to a ring on her finger and stuck. She'd gasp and try to pull it off. "what the hell... Don't you have a wife... You don't like me remember.. you hate me remember.... what's more you don't love me..I'm afraid I can not submit.." She was stunned though. and her confusion showed in her eyes. Although she'd be tugging and pulling at the ring on her finger that was once a collar
Whisper: but through his magic he'd make it a ring that held her there and she felt sapped of her magic which angered her.
Draken Malhavoc: He shook his head and looked to her grey still in his yes and the emotionless face stairing at her blankly "wasnt my magic, some things have a life of their own" he looks at the ring now on her finger pondering to himself not really replying to her at first thinking to himself, he even sat down, and with a long and drawn sigh he finaly decided to talk. He eyes looked up to her and a metallic
Draken Malhavoc: tone echoed, without a flavour of emotion. "Why don't I love you?" he didnt say more then that. didnt even really seem to expect an answer rather his head dropped down and stared at the floor once more
Whisper: She'd frown at him,"You know as well as I that your love died within your heart long ago. Why pretend so now and try to confuse me. What do you have to gain? A powerful alliance. My silence for you to do as you wish to our daughter?" She questioned him unheeded. Answering him with more questions. She'd hold out her hand to him as well."Please... I... take it off.. I can't be held like this.. " She
Whisper: chose to use reasoning with him again. Hoping beyond hope that his chaotic sides would see her right and he'd not try to keep her a prisioner.. It would supress her wild spirit. And ground her back to the reality in which she once lived.
Draken Malhavoc: He looked to the ring as if he didnt hear a word she said. rather the ring seemed to be talking to him, her questions her beggins, even he himself seemed gone, only a shell left as it reflected upon itself his lips move and the small crack of his voice is heard "I can't take it off, I didn't put it on, you did" he looked back down to the ground eyes closed and a tear fell down, the prince of chaos
Draken Malhavoc: from long ago having returned to its body once more, the small boys mind playin in the sand, humming something in ancient elvish, "If I stay, it wont be long for I am burning on the inside" the little boys face lifting up, a soft smile "got you too huh?" he whispered softly, looking at her finger. seeming to understand more then the chyld of this persona should.
Whisper: She looked back to the ring that glittered on her hand."I can't remove it.. you can't remove it... Damn it.. damn you.. you tricked me... Am I now bound to you.. I don't understand..." As though the fight and will left her.. She'd sink to her knees and stare at the ring now glittering upon her hand then back up to him. Watching as his head lowered and eyes closed. Only for a tear to fall. Prince?
Whisper: My old friend? How are you in draken's body? Were you always draken playing with me? Toying with me?" She'd question. She was lost and it showed within her glittering lavender eyes that sparkled with tears. She'd close her eyes trying to well up a surge of power to leave in her burst of flames. And yet they'd not emmit as wished.."no...." She'd mermer and her head fell forward almost dejectedly."w
Whisper: who got me prince? what is this game..." She'd not look up from the dejected position upon the floor...
Draken Malhavoc: He watched her and almost Giggled when she tired to escape as if it amusehim his little timid voice rang "drkane is what my dad calls me, and what I grew up into, I'm not allowed out to play as much as I used to though" with that he sighed, and went back to drawing then eyes flaring up in a suprise manner he giggles some more "oh!" he mutteres and looks to the ring as if trying to recall her
Draken Malhavoc: Question. "he got you, the one you have a spot for, in that fiery heart, thats why you can't remove it" he snuggled slowly scooting along the floor like a kid till he sat infront of her and took her hand and began to look at the ring inspect it quizzickly "Everything in life is a game, don't you know. .." the boy withdraws into himself and the colder older voice of draken remerges "I cant remove
Draken Malhavoc: it you put it on, just like Delany put on her collar, I cant remove them, and now she sleeps, and you seek to destroy me, the perfect family ruinited once more!" he laughed and tossed her hand aside and turning his back to her stood slowly.
Draken Malhavoc: (btw, consideirng all the fighting hes done over the past week, good luck reasoning with him, hes literaly spinning out of controls)
Whisper: She'd turn her gaze up then at him.."The game doesn't amuse me. I wish to leave now. I didn't put the ring on. I was playing with a collar. You made it change! You did this Draken.. Damn you all to hell!" She'd rage.. Then felt a jolt of pain run down the length of her spine."He has a spot in my heart.. Mayhaps but he's swiftly making it regret." She'd murmer.. "And I doubt my daughter... if she's
Whisper: anything like me would Allow anyone to make her put a collar on!" She'd lament softly.... "And I don't wish to destroy you.. I just wish for my daughter to be returned and the fueding stopped... " She'd watch as he tosed her hand aside and walked away..
Draken Malhavoc: *he stopped, and turned back to her. whispering on last thing "delany is in my abude in the spider tunnels, she is being healed. you can find her there. you have more of a heart then I, for that ring would only bring pain to me "he whips a tear* it show its now" he walks straight for a wall, and dissapears through it as if it never was there.
Draken Malhavoc: <TW an exit would be open to her now as the room powers down at him leaving>
Whisper: *She'd get up as he left her there. She'd walk to a shadowed corner and curl up in a chair she'd drag with her..Her head lowered."I will find her Draken... I won't forgive you for this... " Her fingers spun the ring on her finger. But it wouldn't come free... or off her.. However... As the exit opened she'd rise up and walk for the door only to collapse in a cold faint on the ground.
Whisper: As it was a common problem when the demon in her broke free.. it caused her to bleed with the wings weakening her.. then the usage of powers drained her mentally. Until she'd collapse and her body enter a state of rest until able to awaken and gain control of herself..
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Posted 11 August 2006 - 02:11 AM
At this point. Whisper is now dead and gone from this rp. *bows to all* have a good day and good life.
.·:*¨¨*:·.ßëttër Ôff Å£öñë.·:*¨¨*:·.
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
Demonskys on Main, Demonskys/Lilly on 1a
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