Raise Fighter Stam To 7?
Posted 04 March 2004 - 07:40 PM

Posted 04 March 2004 - 09:58 PM
Posted 04 March 2004 - 10:32 PM
Posted 04 March 2004 - 11:38 PM
Posted 05 March 2004 - 02:11 AM
Creator of All Things Fluffy
Evil Zoloft King of Un-Certain Insanity
Posted 05 March 2004 - 02:19 AM

Posted 05 March 2004 - 02:30 AM
Posted 05 March 2004 - 04:16 AM
Yes that what hes tellin youSo your telling me that I don't have the correct equipment?... Err...
o ya NO if you give them more stam like alone said then everyone would want more stam on there class plus that would defeat the perpuse of have beserkers wouldnt it......
No images allowed in signatures - Crane
Posted 05 March 2004 - 06:20 PM
a fighter with cobalt and a couple of bracelets can be a pretty tough opponent . . .
and even a fighter with basic equipment can tear a berserker to pieces 1 on 1
Posted 05 March 2004 - 07:33 PM
Posted 07 March 2004 - 08:11 AM
Posted 09 March 2004 - 01:01 AM
Posted 16 March 2004 - 07:57 PM
I am the old felicity, if i were on your friend add helius plz.
Posted 17 March 2004 - 03:50 AM
What the what?
Posted 17 March 2004 - 02:22 PM
So, you spend over 10 mill gold on items and your only 'pretty tough'? Thats bullnuts. They should be far better than 'pretty tough' if they have the best weapon in the game.sorry I should have elaborated on what I was getting at . . . .
a fighter with cobalt and a couple of bracelets can be a pretty tough opponent . . .
Posted 17 March 2004 - 09:00 PM
I think what was meant was... "they're good, even if the weapon/armor that you have isnt the best you can get for that level.So, you spend over 10 mill gold on items and your only 'pretty tough'? Thats bullnuts. They should be far better than 'pretty tough' if they have the best weapon in the game.sorry I should have elaborated on what I was getting at . . . .
a fighter with cobalt and a couple of bracelets can be a pretty tough opponent . . .
For example.... i could have much better armor on my fighter. But he still does okay.
What the what?
Posted 17 March 2004 - 09:19 PM

Posted 18 March 2004 - 04:45 PM
7 is pointless...they only get like 1 more hit in the first round...after that, it's still 4 stam regen.
so 8 stam then?
no, that would seriously overpower them
what fighters really need is a unique skill ....parry and riposte -- as mentioned by other player sound nice ofcourse the % rate have to be mod so it won't overpower fighters.
Posted 20 March 2004 - 01:31 PM
Why not just rename them warriors and start calling this Revelation?No.
7 is pointless...they only get like 1 more hit in the first round...after that, it's still 4 stam regen.
so 8 stam then?
no, that would seriously overpower them
what fighters really need is a unique skill ....parry and riposte -- as mentioned by other player sound nice ofcourse the % rate have to be mod so it won't overpower fighters.
Posted 20 March 2004 - 08:56 PM
Personally, I dont know, and I dont care. Nightmist is Nightmist, not revelation, and this will not change because Revelation and Nightmist have common traits (whether they be many, or few), they are seperate gamesPeople need to stop using that as an argument, and come up with a better one.
Stamina is not the issue with fighters. The issue is that all you can do is attack. There are no special skills, no nothing. What people should be asking about is "What can we give to fighters? What abilities or traits can we give them to set them apart from all the other classes?"
and before anyone says "give them 7 stamina", i mean, without altering stamina.
I like the suggested idea of counter attacking...
What the what?
Posted 21 March 2004 - 03:19 PM
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back
Posted 21 March 2004 - 04:42 PM
Violets are blue
In Soviet Russia
Poem write you!
Belzabar in-game
Posted 15 April 2004 - 11:03 AM
Posted 16 April 2004 - 12:52 PM
While fighters could use a little help, I also don't really think they should get any kind of usable skill. It's nice to have one class that doesn't have to worry at all about skills or spells, especially for people new to the game.
Posted 16 April 2004 - 05:39 PM
fighters dominate zerkersfighters are ok, with my lvl 23 i owned a lvl 25 zerker 4 times
the point is that vs cleric spelled/hypno ranger/spelled druid they hit for 15s-30s if arch

btw I STILL think stances should be added in
that would be MAJOR bad ass
Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 16 April 2004 - 05:41 PM.
Posted 17 April 2004 - 09:18 AM
no you just like human fighters thats where your problem is devalSo your telling me that I don't have the correct equipment?... Err...
I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.
Posted 17 April 2004 - 11:52 PM
/t chewbob Shut the f*ck up... This is not revelation, and never will be. So drop it...
/t kar Your a moron... Add something to the goddamn post, or dont post at all... And if you do choose to add something, add something beyond 'I dun think dees mak meh incinvble so me sya no' Sorry... I had to say it.
And on the 7 stamina thing. Its a bad idea, Fighters can hold their own with 6 stamina... Hell My little guy fighter holds his own just fine with only 3 stamina... What fighters need at the highers levels IS as someone stated, combat abilities such as parry and riposte. Also, Stances has been suggested so many times, and Its such a wicked awesome idea for fighters... I still dont know why It hasnt been put in.
Bottom line, Fighters dont need more stamina, or better equipment. They need combat abilities.
Copying From many is Research.
It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval
Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:51 PM
If he meant that he would have said it.I think what was meant was... "they're good, even if the weapon/armor that you have isnt the best you can get for that level.
As said, raising fighters stamina to 7 isn't a good idea. Can't be assed in posting reasons, just look at other peoples posts.
Posted 20 April 2004 - 09:06 PM

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