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Member Since 07 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2005 06:00 PM

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In Topic: Ç®ÿþ±íç §ó£ðì뮧,

08 March 2005 - 05:56 PM

bump :-p gl w/ ur clan johnjay

In Topic: §u‡c‡ð€

08 March 2005 - 05:51 PM

Suicide suck... there is no explanation, they just plane suck...they can't handle anyone with the same amount of crits as them... they always gotta load double the amount of crits or bring a friend along or maybe 3 or 4...they are too cocky.. this was pretty funny, Gary ( existenz ) went afk 1 north of mayor, and i was training adepts and funny enough i seen em, i killed his party of 8-10 :) of course he had to cry in pages about coming to own me, but c'mon stupidy like that doesn't give you lot a good name...


gary sucks so badly lol vrs his 8 man party i owned em with 4. :rolleyes:

and heres some ownage of suicide noobs :P

Relik was hit by America's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Relik was hit by America's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Relik was hit by America's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Relik was ripped to shreds by America's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Relik was cut down by America's mighty rapid fire!
Relik fell to the floor, his injuries getting the better of him.
Grave was hit by Snap's berserk from his Halberd.
Grave was hit by Snap's berserk from his Halberd.
Snap berserked at Grave, but missed.
Grave was hit by Snap's berserk from his Halberd.
Snap berserked at Grave, but missed.
Grave was hit by Furio's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Grave was hit by Furio's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Grave was ripped to shreds by Furio's rapid fire from his Bow of Prophecy.
Grave wasn't fast enough to avoid Furio's rapid fire!

Josh u own nuts bro and u didnt own me with 4 at all i owned you 5 on 5.

and i dont use 8 crits for petes so stfu

so moose YOU

umm no you didnt. bye