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Member Since 17 May 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2005 01:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Meteor Strike...

19 May 2005 - 09:29 PM

Is that like the decoding of the bible that said we are going to die in 2000? or 1995? or 2001?

In Topic: Who Thinks The Tsunami Is The Worst Natural...

08 January 2005 - 11:56 PM

Yes it is the worst natural disaster in 'modern' times, we know this so I believe this poll was a bit tasteless. I'd love to help the people out there, but I know I can't just up and go down there and help. When people are using the argument 'well they didn't care about 9/11' try thinking not as an American for once please? I'm from the UK, we cared about 9/11 and I'd hope if we have a natural disaster over here people would care about us as well. Also 9/11 was hardly a natural disaster was it?

(On the bit about the poles melting, yes they are melting but if you actually looked into it you would find it is a natural occurance and happens in 3000 year cycles, with every 12000 years being a larger flood, and guess what: the last one happened just over 12000 years ago)

In Topic: Evolution Vs. Creationism

08 January 2005 - 11:06 PM

I believe in evolution, (and the multiverse theory) but have nothing against people who believe in religion of any form. When people come up with arguments like: but DNA is so precise, the answer I believe is the same as with physics arguments such as why is gravity as strong as it is. If DNA was different, then we would not exist just like if there were 6 dimensions instead of 3/4/10/11 (depends how deep into theoretical physics you want to go) then we would not exist. The multiverse physics theory solves this by saying every possible universe exists, so I think that argument would hold just as well for DNA being so precise. If everything hadn't turned out exactly as it has done we wouldn't be here to question it.

Also, there have been computer programs created that 'mimic' life in the simplest of forms and have been found just using simple rules, like if this pixel is surrounded by more than 2 pixels it will suffocate and die, that complex patterns can emerge and can start to actually simulate life in its entirity (movement - yes, reproduction - yes, sensitity - bit hard for a computer program, growth - yes, respiration - no need can get energy elsewhere, excretion - bit hard, nutrition - not needed).

Going on what was said before about how you need to 'prove' something, that is not at all accurate. There is practically nothing we can prove indefinitly, as they all hinge on other accepted 'truth's' before. It's just these theories are tested continuously and continue to give results that happen to be what are predicted. A proof can only be considered a proof if mathematics has made it being false irrational, and there isn't anything mathematical you can use to prove/disprove God to my knowledge.

(Just incase I get some nice arguments like, how can you believe in infinite numbers of universes, how can God have generated a number like Pi, which has no pattern only an infinite formula to calculate it)

In Topic: Computer Haven

08 January 2005 - 10:48 PM

Lol go for it, im not using it. (That is not me condoning anyone breaking into my house and using my pc btw)

In Topic: Computer Haven

08 January 2005 - 09:11 PM

Home PC:
Athlon XP 2800+ (overclocked)
1024 DDR RAM (running at 370fsb if anyone cares)
Radeon 9600XT
Windows 2K
Thermaltake Xaser III case pwns all B)
750kbps cable line

University Laptop:
2.8 P4
256 333fsb DDR (soon to be 512 if it ever gets delivered :unsure: )
Mobility Radeon 9000
40+160GB harddrive
10Mbit internet

(btw that BBC was infact the nightmist server, the specs he has on the site are those for his gaming machine which he spends all your donations on :))