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Issue And Concerns About Drops!

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#1 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 08:42 AM

Ok....issues here. Some friends and i went to lay into some tomb spirits earlier this morning for a little fun and some hopeful drops. We had...meh..i would say about 220+ mixed mana stones.(Lodes and Advanced) We step down into the area and proceded to kick some spirit butt! 200 stones in.....6 rusted crowns....220+ stones in....1 tomb gloves drop. Total mark up for run was 28k, 1 set of tomb gloves, 8 rusted crowns. Now i do know tomb spirits drop at a low rate but.....w...t....f...I have been on main now for about a month, with my friends and other people. Alot of you know i was on 1a for many many months before hand. Something funny i am noticeing here. 1a items drop more then main. >.> why??? Bosses that drop all the time and you can count on- CG & GSW-. Bosses and other monsters you can count on to drop nothing...everything else. We have killed HL i dont know how many times and he contiues to be a pain.(He must have that bracelet shoved so far up his arse it is stuck sideways and it will never come out.) But alas! i have news! I caught wind that staff lowered the drop rate of items on main due to people timeing the bosses and ripping them a new one as the boss spawned in. Is anyone else a little upset about this possible bit of information?? I mean i can understand staff dont want alot of the nice items in game, but lowering the drop % to the point of getting your hopes up after weeks of killing the thing, or spending a fortune on mana and it FINNALY dieing dropping nothing is like someone kicking you in the nuts and saying "Oh i know what you WHERE expecting, but i thought i would give your system a shock and make it so in the future your kids will come out looking like something that has been sent through the wood chipper half a dozen times." Can i get a little staff input here please about what is really going on? Or do i just need to blind fold myself and let HL contiue to have a go at my neither regions for a few mores weeks, and hope he pities me enough to bend over and pull the bug out his arse? Ty :ph34r:
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

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#2 Gaddy

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 10:23 AM

You need to take a composition course before I will ever be able to fully read your posts.

However, I do not think the drops are setup differently between the servers. The Tomb Gloves drop rate was lowered a ton quite a long while ago, way before 1-alt was released.
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#3 Cadabra


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 10:36 AM

Someone else killed and got drop? not mentioned it?
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#4 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 11:04 AM

GadMan, i dunno what it is, but i dont see anyone else having a problem reading what i post. i could understand if i typed liked this --> ef teh HL dnt Drp i ser i m ging to b made and do somithings crzy.

But i dont type like that, never have.

And yes Matty i know you have been ripping into the bosses man.How you manage to walk onto the square and sweet talk HL, or Adel, OR Cappy into slipping you the sweet stuff i will never know lol. You doing a little extra work for them on the side somewhere? Or are you bribeing the bosses with a little spare pocket change? i got to know lol.

P.S. I happen to be doing very well in my college courses by the way, top of my class a thank you! :ph34r:
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

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#5 Crane


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 11:04 AM

Someone else killed and got drop? not mentioned it?

It's a fair possibility.

I know drop rates have been modified in the past, normally because a huge flux of the item in question appeared in-game that the designer did not intend, although modifying the drop rate can be risky because it increases the value of the drops already in-game, which may have been hoarded by only a handful of players. Then again, in some cases, lowering drop rates is the best thing to do if, for example, a boss drops a high-end Crystal Shard too frequently, which is what Genevieve did (or still does).

Of course, a drop rate may not have been modified at all and it may simply be unlucky statistics. For example, Heritage said that Genevieve drops mostly Brights now, but it may just be luck. The only way to be sure is for a staff member to look over the settings and confirm if they've been changed or not... the exact ratios, however, have to remain a secret.

Edited by Crane, 07 December 2008 - 11:05 AM.

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#6 Scripto


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Posted 07 December 2008 - 02:28 PM

Lol I have gone to the tomb spirits with 20 crits filled with lodes used them all and did not get any gloves... other times I have gotten 3-4 just luck of the draw.. as as far as I know none of the drops on anything has been changed in a long time...

And yes, I would have to agree with Gaddy.. your post is alittle hard to read because everything is pushed together.. would be easier next time is you made it alittle more neat.
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#7 Gaddy

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Posted 07 December 2008 - 05:24 PM

I am just saying...paragraphs, normal punctuation---these things help.

Anyway, no, there is not a way to time the bosses because they are set to random spawns by hour or 10 minute timers. Random as in percentage spawns, which means there is no way to know if it will spawn in exactly one day or hour, etc. An hourly boss could take 10 mintues or 5 hours to spawn, just by luck. The day bosses could take an hour or a week, though either is unlikely.

So no, the boss drop percentages have not been adjusted for that. And, to my knowledge, none of the drop rates have been changed from what they were before 1-Alt was developed.
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#8 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 08 December 2008 - 07:09 AM

all i wanted to know.Ty
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

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#9 «¤ºxXl3úÐXxº¤»

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Posted 09 December 2008 - 09:01 AM

For the record, me and mike trained lucky on tomb spirits on 1a, sololing them. I killed 221 before i got a tomb gloves drop, and not many crowns either. If it's been said sorry, but i just wanted to say that on 1a it's not ez either. Same with tk i know that tk is stingy too on 1a from experience.
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