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Member Since 23 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2010 07:43 PM

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In Topic: A Real Vampire Roleplay

26 July 2010 - 01:29 PM

She stumbled into the bar around 12, it was dark but only the beginning of the day, at least for vampires. she sat at the bar and ordered a drink.Although she was relatively young for a vampiress her body made her look much older. Standing 5'2 with a slim frame she was not only shorter than most vampires but also much less muscular, but strenght wasn't her weapon, magic is how she fought her batttles. She was absolutely stunning tonight, she wore a black lace corset, plaid mini skirt and knee high leather boots. And even though she already had abnormally large breasts for a vampire her size the corset just amplified then. Anyone who saw her would think nothing of it, but tonight she was out for blood, and she was going to use her looks to get what she wanted.