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Member Since 09 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 05 2009 09:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pandemonium

10 May 2009 - 08:42 PM

Joke all you want about the phrase coined by members of your own clan. You know ya'll use this method, and used it against us while we were getting tokens for alex. If you would rather make satirical remarks than to fess up to it be my guest. [clan] Soandso: CLAY WONT ANSWER HIS PHONE!!!!

In Topic: Pandewalkietalkie

10 May 2009 - 08:37 PM

My tweet said clay shouldn't be a comedian.

In Topic: The Challenging Parts Of Nightmist

10 May 2009 - 08:18 PM

I never agreed that posts should be deleted. I'm just wondering why people seem to get worked up every time and think they all bring the solution but don't seem to realize that most of their solutions come from within their own messed up view point. I already said earlier on this thread that I realize it's more of a venting place then anything else, so I'm not judging anyone for their opinions.

But as far as stamina count goes, as in your example, has nothing to do with opinions. You have 8 references (other classes) for every decision you make on one particular class. The things that lack to put this references in effect are ground rules. Ground rules are easily made by taken into account the role playing aspect. Fighter should win 80% of open fight against thief. Berserker should win 70% of open fight against fighter. Of course this is as shallow as can be, as there are a lot of other factors included. But it is how you secure the platform, then every new addition/update can, where needed, run through these ground rules (laws) and the outcome will show you where tweaking needs to be done.

Just because you don't see immediate action taken (as of when the idea for the new server started) doesn't mean things aren't heard. As far as Walt goes, he tends to go a little overboard, with the whole "stfu" in font size 7. Discussions are great, personal attacks and pushing people into heated convo's are not. This doesn't mean that I don't occasionally do the same, but I try not to argue with the obvious outcome of that.

I dont really think that was the case in this situation. Posts being deleted arent based on people's view points being skewed. In the case of the experience cap being turned off I didnt see how anyone's views were skewed other than scripto's, prophet's, wind's, and gaddy's. They all wanted the cap to stay on because they didnt think it was "fair" to lose the same exp as 1alters. We posted our opinion on why their logic was wrong and obviously had more people's "messed up" viewpoints disagreeing with staff than not. But instead of letting us discuss something fully, mark decides to lock the topic. I dont see how you can judge this situation based on this one event. People have been complaining about this for months upon months.

I have to disagree with your opinion yet again. It is opinion that 8stam shouldnt be added. Weather i present flawless facts or not there will be people pushing that thieves should keep the 8th stamina. In the same way that everyone was presenting "flawless" facts about why the exp cap should be taking off. That worked well...

While it is good to try to steer clear of heated arguments, we dont live in a perfect world and everytime there is a discussion period there is a good possibility that some form of argument will ensue. It happens. But i find it funny people have "the sack", as walt put it, to post about how walt goes overboard, but nobody has the self-assurance to do the same about staff. They arent immortal. They are wrong too. And i know for a fact im not the only one that agrees with walt about gaddy possessing a "holier than though attitude". Im sure this will cause someone to feel that i am personally attacking staff. But im really not. Im just posting what should be adjusted. Maybe staff will disagree with me, but that doesnt mean that my viewpoint is garbage and should be deleted.

In Topic: Internal Character Stat

10 May 2009 - 01:11 PM

Good idea.

In Topic: The Challenging Parts Of Nightmist

10 May 2009 - 01:04 PM

I dont see how my opinion's weight varies based on what i am discussing. My opinion on hating scrubs, and my opinion on 8stamina being to much for thieves have the same value. Maybe you love the heck out of scrubs and want to "debate" me on why it is the best show on network television. Or maybe you think thieves should get 9 stamina. All i am trying to say, is a conflict is a conflict. I cant see eye to eye with you about scrubs being a good television series in the same way i can't see why you would think 8stamina, or in my hypothetical scenario 9stamina, isn't going to be overpowered. It's a fact that 8stamina will do more damage than 7. It is my opinion that 7stamina is enough. There, that better?..

But to be fair, it doesnt matter how objective we are in a discussion that is not particularly aimed at staff. On a side note... Assuming that was your point of being objective, we dont have 1a staff anyways?... i know i know, its personally my fault.. me and the other 1alters... .. ;o

Maybe walt's intentions from his post were to make me elaborate my ideas? That would be pretty objective of him if you ask me. Or maybe he wanted to “own” my post. Who care's what his intentions were, he didnt say anything that should be deleted in my opinion. Sure he was being a little aggressive, but if thats how he wants to post, why cant he? I dont see why he shouldnt have the right to project his idea's, or comment on my ideas in any manner he wants(as long as it doesnt consist of bad language, or something that would really offend someone). ESPECIALLY, if the person he is responding to (ME) doesnt see anything wrong with it.