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#1 drizzt_dourdenson

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 10:36 AM

hail my brethren!

many of you may not recognize me, but i was a member of old. i have been away for a long while, but wished to congradulate you on remaining to be one of the strongest clans in all the realm. i can see that my absence has not affected you too harshly as you are still doing quite well for yourselves. i doubt though that i shall be returning just yet....i just had the rush of old nostalgia hit me and felt the need to check in on the realm of nightmist once more. i shall probably not remain long though. but, i can still remember the days when i met your original founder and invited him into the stronghold of midian in the clan of the nightbreed. ahh the good ol' days, when seth the relentless was our strongest foe. alas, those days are long gone. i doubt it shall ever be the same again. but i am rambling now. you probably care not for the tales of a sentimental old fool. just know that i am indeed proud of you all my brothers. may your blades never loose thier edge and your cups be forever overflowing.

farewell friends.

#2 Trevayne

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 03:37 AM

We've met a few times over the years, but I was still training initiates when you were leaving the game the first time so we never knew each other well.

Cyric (the original founder) left Nightmist for good a little more than a year ago, leaving the clan in the hands of Amy and myself. Most of us are quiet these days, but you still see a face or two in the shadows from time to time.

It's always good to see an old player stopping in. I hope I'm around next time you do!
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#3 Julius

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 05:01 PM

Yarr, I do enjoy my cup forever flowing full. Drizzt come back and say hi to some of us soon.
Julius/Juls main
Julius 1 alt

#4 Amy

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Posted 09 September 2006 - 04:23 AM

*She smiles as she hears his voice upon the wind. “Ahhhh… Drizzt,” she mutters to herself. He had been there long ago, when she and Crusher would train their teams at the swamps just north of the path that headed across the large forest, and yet it had been long since his presence graced the lands they all knew. She remembered he would often frequent the Sleeping Fox Inn and there would partake of mugs of ale and tales of legends. Her boot-clad feet carry her there to the now often silent inn that sat off of the path of Viper Street. With soft crystal blue orbs she looked about the Inn and yet none stood at the bar or sat at the empty wooden tables. “Hmm, I know I heard him,” she whispers to herself and then looks about with a crooked grin as she spies the trapdoor that leads to the Scarlet Daggers Guild that Little One and the others would frequent when they were but young and in training. Shrugging a bit she does all she knows to do, she travels to Draco Keep and scrawls a quick note on a piece of parchment and rolls it up with his name in plain view on the outside. She travels back to the Inn and leaves the scroll with the bartender with the words, “if you see Drizzt Dourdenson please insure he gets this” and slips a few pieces of gold for task.*

The note reads:

Drizzt, I know not if you remember me, yet we are indeed still here. North of the grassy meadow within the Draco Keep. Should your travels ever bring you toward home again, please, stop by and see us. The banquet tables shall be full and we shall feast in celebration! Until that moment though, may your journeys fulfilling.

Travel Safely,

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

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