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Rappy = Ez Pk

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#1 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 05:22 PM

ok well first of all i suck at fighting and rappy is going to come up with excuses and insult me and all that stuff and i don't ahve logs :P but i can tell you what happened being pretty sure you trust my word more then what rappy sais.

ok so i just finished dinner and i wanted to c if there was anyone at captain and when i logged on i saw rappy and one of his friends being there. now i only had one crit online at that time and they were on the square so i couldn't log them on at first.

after running and coverting a few times they got my thief (rappy claimed i was scared of him) (btw the thief has like 10 armor and that i only use to c if anyone is on the square) so then while rappy and his m8 were fighting captain i logged on some crits, went to get my thief and then returned to captain square.

so rappy and his friend are still there.

i go on the square, kill fizzles and rappy_ninja_is_kool and move off the square

then when my crits regained stamina i go back to fight them only to find about 6 crits of rappys friend no rappy! he ran! i killed all the crits that were on the square without losing any! (gained 10k in the proces) then decided to log off (that's why i have no logs ^_^ )

later i had a lil convo with rappy where he actually sais he had 17 crits on

Fizzles Pages You from (Hidden): actually I had 17 but seeing as I had no cleric or mana at all cept 1 crystal
Fizzles Pages You from (Hidden): I couldent spell

well i had a total of 8 crits that could attack and 1 cleric. he would have been able to pwn me even without spelling. but he ran! like a chicken.

once again i suck at fighting and rappy will prolly say i'm tlaking bs but this is true!

edit: names of crits of rappys friend i killed and remember were nas, xzibit metallica and a few more alts (just so some ppl know who the guy is cuz i have no clue).

edit2: i said i just finished captain instead of dinner lol :D (yes i am obsessed)

Edited by jurian, 25 September 2004 - 05:31 PM.

Even in death my hate will go on

#2 Consumed


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 05:35 PM

ya...i kinda got screwed over when rappy ditched... :P
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#3 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 05:38 PM

ya...i kinda got screwed over when rappy ditched... :P

he he yeah for someone with such a big mouth he sure runs fast just to leave his friend behind and die.

btw good to see your not disagreeing with what i wrote or make up excuses like rappy did. respect for that ^_^
Even in death my hate will go on

#4 Sneaky

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 05:49 PM

He's a meow, I've had times that i was fighting someone in barracks with one mage and hed hit and run me with his thieves n zerkers, little whiny pregnant dog.

Rawr go jurian
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#5 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:09 PM


I told you I was comeing back with only 6 alts and only 5 manas... but when I got to captain... no jurian ? scared to 8v6 when I have my pvp team... =(

edit: I say full alt war or 8v8 me or something jurian... lmao also you BETTER be able to drop to drop a 56 armor lvl 28 gnome cleric and a 86 armor ling ranger SPELLED with csotws AND hitting good rounds

becaseu you came on screen spelled and it still took you 6 alts to drop 2 of mine

yours have csotws and... mine have no eq and cleric was nude

nice just nice

how about that duel ?

oh wait jurian... whats this ? a log in my nm foldier from about a month ago

You revealed All_Yous.
A Dwarven Grenadier attacked All_Yous with its Satchel Charge.
All_Yous was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
Hateraid berserked at All_Yous, but missed.
All_Yous was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
All_Yous was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
All_Yous was hit by Mirdon's rapid fire from his Elven Long Bow.
All_Yous was ripped to shreds by Mirdon's rapid fire from his Elven Long Bow.
All_Yous fell to the floor, his injuries getting the better of him.

You went West.
Kitchen: You have entered what appears to be the mess hall. You can return East to the inner cabin.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon are here with you.
You can't go that way.
You went East.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues North, East, and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon, Dwarven Grenadier, Silversail Defector are here with you.
A Silversail Defector attacked Alleria with its Angled War Blade but Alleria was mostly shielded by her armor.
You healed Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool by 100 hp.
You healed Amp by 43 hp.
Target is at full health.
Hateraid berserked at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
Hateraid berserked at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
Hateraid berserked at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
Hateraid berserked at a Silversail Defector from his Halberd.
Mirdon rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from his Elven Long Bow.
Mirdon rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from his Elven Long Bow.
Mirdon rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from his Elven Long Bow.
A Dwarven Grenadier attacked Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool with its Satchel Charge but Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool was mostly shielded by her armor.
A Silversail Defector throws a Crimson Shiv at you for 68 points of damage.
Alleria rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Enchanted Bow.
Alleria rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Enchanted Bow.
Alleria rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Enchanted Bow.
Sabotage, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet just arrived from the North.
Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Elven Long Bow.
Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Elven Long Bow.
Dwarfie rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
Dwarfie rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector from her Enchanted Bow.
Dwarfie rapidly fired at a Silversail Defector, but missed.
You went East.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues South and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon are here with you.
You went West.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues North, East, and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Alleria, Mirdon, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet, Sabotage, Dwarven Grenadier, Silversail Defector are here with you.
You went West.
Kitchen: You have entered what appears to be the mess hall. You can return East to the inner cabin.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon are here with you.
Sabotage, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet just arrived from the East.
You don't have enough magic to cast that spell.
You can't go that way.
You went East.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues North, East, and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon, Dwarven Grenadier, Silversail Defector are here with you.
You went East.
A Dwarven Grenadier just arrived from the West.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues South and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon, Dwarven Grenadier are here with you.
You just used an Advanced Mana Crystal.
Ciribus cast Righteous Fury on you, increasing your strength and chance to hit.
You cast Righteous Fury on Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Ciribus, Alleria, Mirdon, increasing their strength and chance to hit.
Sabotage, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet just arrived from the West.
You can't go that way.
You just used an Advanced Mana Crystal.
You went West.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues North, East, and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Alleria, Mirdon, Silversail Defector are here with you.
A Silversail Defector throws a Crimson Shiv at Hateraid.
You healed yourself by 67 hp.
You went East.
Inner Cabin - Second Floor: You are in a hallway in the inner cabin. The cabin continues South and West.
Hateraid, Rappy_Ninja_Is_kool, Dwarfie, Amp, Target, Herle, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Alleria, Mirdon, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet, Sabotage, Dwarven Grenadier are here with you.
Pennywise was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
Pennywise was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
Hateraid berserked at Pennywise, but missed.
Pennywise was hit by Hateraid's berserk from his Halberd.
Mirdon rapidly fired at Pennywise, but missed.
Mirdon rapidly fired at Pennywise, but missed.
Pennywise was hit by Mirdon's rapid fire from his Elven Long Bow.
Sabotage, Pennywise, Xinix, Headshot, Approved, Bloodwolf, Helpless, Neverwinter, Crashmaster, Icewater, Beautiful_Tragedy, Godly, Dust, Black_Velvet just went West.

never saw someone run so fast from a 8v15 as you did jurian... just amazeing

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 25 September 2004 - 06:15 PM.

Page/Memo Beatrix

#6 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:17 PM

nope you didn't tell me.

and like i said excuses. and i never spelled up lol your talking bs there dude :P

still it was two vs 1 with more alts and your like god if i believe your words. you should be able to kill me even wiht a level 1 with your hands if your as good as you say you are.

fact is: you ran and let your friend die!



Edited by jurian, 25 September 2004 - 06:19 PM.

Even in death my hate will go on

#7 2Pac

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:18 PM

Yall still playa hating on rappy god dam leave to poor guy alone he aint done nothing rl to you this is merely a game grow up stfu and be quite no one cares.
Thúg LíFè

#8 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:21 PM

nope you didn't tell me.

and like i said excuses. and i never spelled up lol your talking bs there dude :P

still it was two vs 1 with more alts and your like god if i believe your words. you should be able to kill me even wiht a level 1 with your hands if your as good as you say you are.

fact is: you ran and let your friend die!

well jurian how abou this

you log EVERY alt you have in your possession and I log all mine and we meet and captain and post results ?

or I will only log my pvp team fizzles, rappy_Ninja_IS_Kool, Satanya, alleria, dwarfie, abj

you log all you have

and we post results

because in truth what happened is when none of my alts have stam or my healer you jump invis or just came in (I forgot) with FULL macros and get me totally off guard ? I mean it really isnt that hard to jump and kill just 2 alts when your useing ZERKERS who have csotws and rangers

so yeah... if its easy just try it again

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 25 September 2004 - 06:22 PM.

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#9 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:24 PM

Yall still playa hating on rappy god dam leave to poor guy alone he aint done nothing rl to you this is merely a game grow up stfu and be quite no one cares.

rofl didn't rappy tell you he is a she? and rappy made it this way not us. crappy and his big mouth. i'm sorry her big mouth
Even in death my hate will go on

#10 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:25 PM

also this is a pathetic attempt at makeing a warpost :P

I can show you some warposts because I am just going to hunt you from now on

uhoh jurian still no response to any of my duel offers

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 25 September 2004 - 06:26 PM.

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#11 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:30 PM

you should know i don't duel anyone.

anyone will tell you that. i don't like fighting so i don't fight
Even in death my hate will go on

#12 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 06:31 PM

then dont act like you can if you make these posts ? :P

point is yeah when I was training few adepts with me and useing fizzles... yeah I gotta admit those 8 alts with macros did manage to drop a 56 ac lvl 28 gnome cleric and one arch ranger it took 6 alts too... what a shame

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 25 September 2004 - 06:33 PM.

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#13 jurian


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Posted 25 September 2004 - 07:13 PM

rofl read the first 9 words, they say i suck at fighting so i don't act like i can fight or am a great pker like you do.

second the point is not that i needed 6 alts (i think it was 4 or 5 anyway) the point is that you have a big mouth and claim that you are so great but you ran and let your friend die while you could pretty much ahve owned me.

end of our discussion, let other ppl post their thoughts/comments.
Even in death my hate will go on

#14 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 07:56 PM

/cheer Jurian

*pokes her tongue out at crappy*

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


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#15 Exodia



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 07:57 PM

jurian owned rappy, now thats a new low for rappy :P
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#16 Vodka

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 08:32 PM

YAY, go 'lag monster', go!
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#17 alone

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 08:42 PM

I have a small willy..

Edited by alone, 25 September 2004 - 08:42 PM.

"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#18 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 25 September 2004 - 11:38 PM

I have a small willy..

Rofl... We ALL needed to know that -.- how amazing. We all learn something everyday lol /lick Alone

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


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#19 dec

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 12:44 AM

i poo
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#20 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 02:02 PM

rofl read the first 9 words, they say i suck at fighting so i don't act like i can fight or am a great pker like you do.

rofl read the words in my post

its you running from a 8v16

I was only bringing 6 this time and you ran so obviously you only killed 2 alts because you jumped me with macros ? correct ? yes correct
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#21 jurian


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Posted 26 September 2004 - 03:37 PM

i only killed 2 cuz you ran before i could kill more :P
Even in death my hate will go on

#22 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 04:28 PM

i only killed 2 cuz you ran before i could kill more :P

I noticed you ran before I could kill your whole party 6v8 ?
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#23 Prophet

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 04:38 PM

If you read his post you'd realise that he logged because no one was left...how was he supposed to know you were coming with "6" alts?
Si Senior!

#24 jurian


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Posted 26 September 2004 - 04:39 PM

lol i never intended to stay and kill captain so i logged off like i said in my first post.

last reply from me on this matter so talk nuts like you allways do.
Even in death my hate will go on

#25 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 04:45 PM

if jurian doesnt reply I own him and this log is false
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#26 Fable

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 05:33 PM

Why the hell is this in the Clan Forum? Posts where it belongs, god damn.

But that IS funny.

#27 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 05:50 PM

if jurian doesnt reply I own him and this log is false

Thats the only way u really could 'own him' huh? u sound like a 8 year old

Edited by Da_J_Mooney, 26 September 2004 - 05:50 PM.

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#28 Payne

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Posted 26 September 2004 - 06:43 PM

Crappy Was EZPK'ed by Bill :P he Killed Fizzles then Rappy ran to Town.

Then Crappy Tried to EZPK me at cg but was hitting and logging lol man he's cool
Astinus on 1alt Only

#29 Exodia



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Posted 27 September 2004 - 12:00 AM

**nods wit rob** ... crappy is pathetic, plain and simple
Primex ingame

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