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New Area: Haunted Hallow

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#1 Demented Kitty

Demented Kitty
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Posted 09 August 2007 - 11:45 PM

1.Name of Area- Haunted Hallows

2.(The story behind the area)<->Where it all began...long ago when the founding great elves came to kantele, they planted the seed for a great monument to this new world.They wanted a lasting statue of greatness to remain behind when there energies would be expired and they left this great land.This one tiny seed grew to become what was once known as the Nymph Tree.This tree stood for many years while the great town around it thrived and grew to be a great city.The nymph tree itself was heard about across the land as the greatest being that nature herself ever created.The tree was so large, it blocked out the sky above the city, and the trunk of the tree spread almost as wide as the great city did. People never questioned the thought of the land beyond the tree,and for years it went without thought.One day, a stranger came calling upon the great elf city.This lone man had traveled many miles to reach the great land to lay his eyes upon the marvel of the great tree itself, for he knew the tree held great potential. Unknown to the elves of the city this stranger brought with him chaos and darkness, an evil none had ever encountered before.He knew when he laid eyes upon the tree it would be he who would extract the powers it held.So one night, while the elf city slept, he ventured out towards nature's greatest achievement, and before dawn, he slaughtered it taking in all it's glory and wealth. Before the town awoke to the suns blessed rays he was gone like a thief in the night, never to be heard from again.The towns people awoke and where in shock, there great monument to the world had been destroyed!They wept for there beloved tree, they mourned for weeks at it's untimely death.Time passed...nature changed the earth around the great elf city, and many elves moved on from the land.Many survivors of time remained in there homes, living there lives one day at a time not paying mind to the history about them.One day there came upon the great elf city a disease.The living things around the city began to die off, people began to fade away or vanish with no clues left to where they might of went.The few scattered people of the city gathered to hear there great leader at what once was the Nymph tree.He told them all he had found something new..something unclean in there city and he wished to show them all!He turned and pointed towards the roots of the Nymph tree, and hidden deep within could be seen a lone tomb stone.It had cracked and faded due to times grasp on it, but it still remained, a beacon in the gnarled and decayed undergrowth.The leader of the town told his people he found a path behind the Tomb stone, a path to a dark and unholy place where great evil had been sleeping.He described to his people of a large graveyard lost to the world and forgotten by time.The towns people where in shock. Their could be no way something so evil could be planted next to something that was once so great.Two days later the leader of the town perished with an unknown illness.Soon the whole town faded away, and became over run by monster and over growth.Soon adventures came to the town and found the tomb stone.They spoke between themselves of untold treasure that might be hidden away beneath the earth's dark depths.They began to dig and one of them fell against the marble slab.His action caused the slab to slide back revealing a hidden stair way.The adventures looked down the dark stair and began there decent........-Your journey begins here.You decide your fate. Shall you go on, or remain behind afraid of the unknown....that choice...is yours...-

3.Restirctions to Area- This area is designed for characters lvl 20+. All Classes are allowed to enter.

4.Monster/Item/Trap list-


-Library info for Bone Scythe:
Base damage: 29, Can be used by: fighters, paladins, thieves, Berserkers Description: Although this light weapon seems fragile, it's sturdy design makes it excellent for hand to hand combat.The handle of this dark tainted weapon is made from the bones of past warriors of the realm.The long curved steel blade is stained with the blood of fallen heros.The blade itself pulses a deep blue hue as it arcs through the air.This weapon is truly one that could strike fear in the heart of anyone who comes face to face with it. Level needed to equip it: 30, Magical: No, Vamparic: 0.05, Armor: -2, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30's damage: 0, Monster damage table: , Mana leech: 0
( this might need a little work, we will go along with any ideas.)

-Library info for Onyx Bulwark :
Armor base: 12 , Can be worn by: clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, pacifists, Description: This shield seems to be designed to protect those with evil intent.When you hold it in your hands you feel the emotions of the dark enchanter who once wielded it himself.The black base seems to enhance the deep crimson grooves that spread throughout the shields face, making it appear as if the shield itself pulses with the blood of past weilders.This item is rare in itself as it has been lost in the realm for many years, only to resurface for some dark purpose. Level needed to equip it: 25, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: -1, Absorb spell: 0..
(I know there may be an issue here with the Theif Armor.Threw it in as an idea.)

-Library info for Onyx Ring:
Armor base: 2, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: The beauty of this ring does not come from the black base or the gold inlaid vines scribed around the ring itself, but the detail in which the ring itself was crafted. This small unique ring is of high value, being one of the most sought after items of it's time.The smooth black band is enhanced with the vines of the lost Nymph tree, every detailed can be seen, shining brightly even in the dimmest of light. Level needed to equip it: 20, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Absorb spell: 0..

-Library info for Golden Spider Egg:
Description: This large sought after egg is from Atarax Robustus commonly known as the Funnel Web Spider.The golden shell seems to sparkle in the sunlight when one turns it in there hands to better inspect it.This is a rare item in the fact that very few have managed to slay the great beast., Type of item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

-Library info for Stone Fragment:
Description:This hand sized piece of stone seems to have been broken off a marble surface somewhere in the realm.The dark polished surface seems to give some hint as to what it may have been chipped from., Type of item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

-Library info for Shadow Key:
Description: This key seems to pulse of dark energy.The small black iron key fits easily in the palm of the hand and seems to have no known use.., Type of item: Doesn't do anything special, or is a key.

-Skeletons-Already in Game.
-Ghosts-Already in Game.
-Vampire Bats-Already in Game.
-Wolf Spiders-Will be like a Mutant Beetle.
-Bloodied Mummy-Will be like Gardener
-Wandering Shade-Will be like the phantom located in Tomb Spirit Area
-Possessed Drow-Will be a little stronger than normal drows.
-Voodoo Doll-Will be like Modern Art Sculpture.
-Onyx Raven-Will be like the Toucan
-Hooded Cultist-Will be like the Sand Spider.(*Grins*)

Boss Monsters

- Funnel Web Spider-Will be like the Mayor.
-Saria Niassey-Will be like the Bandit Leader
-Necro Niassey-Will be like a self healing Lyzanthir


-Instant Death
-100 damage
-60 damage
-50 damage
-30 damage
-10 damage

5. Attraction to the Area-
Due to alot of players who have already seen everything Nightmist has to offer i believe this area will provide new challenges and give players a taste of new items to trade or tinker with themselves.This is a decently spaced area that players can enjoy if it be by themeslves on Multi or a party of friends on 1A.(If the character base increases enough for it to go to 1A)There are alot of challengeing areas, twists and turns, and little gadgets ot move about to get to the required goal.

6.Items/Monsters/Traps Teaser Trailer :)

Monster info:

-Skeletons, Ghosts, and Vampire Bats have there own descriptions.

-Wolf spider- A member of the order Delnopis, one of the few net web using spiders,it is a rather large mutated spider which seems to stare deep into your soul with its shiny black compound eyes.Its abdomen is rather large and oval shape for a spider of this species.It scuttles towards you on it brown hairy legs raising up quickly to strike you.The Wolf spider is in Healthy Condition.

-Blood Stained Mummy-The partially decomposed remains of a humanoid, animated by foul magic. The Blood Stained Mummy seems to wobble on its unstable legs as it makes its way towards you, old congealed blood can be seen leaking from the corners of its mouth. A foul odor of decayed flesh can be found drifting in the dank air surrounding the mummies presence.The Blood Stained Mummy is in a good condition.

-Wandering shade- This ghastly apparition seems to come from the shadows of the room at you with lightning speed!The tattered cloth hanging from its body gives one the impression of one who was stabbed to death.The shade turns to look at you, its pale withered face shrunken in pausing only for a moment before it attacks!the Wandering shade is in Good Condition.(Unkillable.)

-Possessed Drow - The Possessed Drow has dark glossy skin, its thin stature makes it appear taller then it really is. Long white hair falls around its shoulders as it approaches you. The eyes of the Drow seem to be glazed over as if in some sort of trance, it raises its dagger and thrusts it at you in a mad attempt to end your life.The Possessed Drow is in Healthy Condition.

-Voodoo Doll - Tattered and worn cloth wraps the black magic inside of these little dolls. Black beads sewn on for eyes, makes it look as if this doll is full of vicious intent and staring deep into your soul. The crooked cloth smile spread across this doll's face only adds to the sadistic look.Old dried blood can be seen stained on the little dolls body, and little rusted pins can be seen sticking out of the little dolls form in all directions. The Voodoo Doll is in Healthy Condition.

-Onyx Raven - Measuring almost three feet from the tip of its bright orange, sharp beak to its fan-shaped tail, the Oynx Raven's blue and black feathers glisten and shimmer in the dim light of the shadowy graveyard. The bird's eyes shine brightly with an unnatural intelligence and you have the feeling that it somehow understands your purpose here. The Raven is in a healthy condition.
-Hooded Cultist - As you gaze upon the Hooded Cultist you get an eerie feeling.The long blue and black cerimonail robes the figure wears covers it's face well falling beyound it's feet to the floor.A faint glow can be seen comeing from behind the shadows of the figure's dark hood.The cultist holds in it's left hand a small black serated blade.It mumbles a strange incantation before it attacks thrusting forward with amazeing speed! The Hooded Cultist is in healthy condition.


-Funnel Web Spider - The Funnel Web Spider seems to be a creature not truly born of nature.It's large black hairy legs lift it's hulking body off the ground several feet into the air towering over you.It's hundreds of beady black glossy eyes reflect your expression of horror as it slowly moves forward and down to gaze upon you. A thin green venom drips from it's ten inch fangs to the ground puddling at your feet.The spiders body is massive, several human lengths long and covered in a coarse sleek black hair.The spider lets out a massive screeching roar causing you to cover your ears before it leaps upon you.The Funnel Web Spider is in healthy condition.

-Saria Niassey - As you enter the room you gaze upon the bewitching Necromnacer.She looks up at you slowly, a thin greedy smile spread wide across her face as she lifts a hand to you.She seems to be dressed in a fine silk dress, but unlike any you have every seen before.Her long black hair seems to shine with an unatural sheen as it flows over her shoulders and down her back.As you step towards her to take her offered hand her expression changes to one of menace and hate as she glares at you before she steps back drawing a dark staff from thin air prepareing to attack.Saria Niassey is in healthy condition. ( There is a required item to get into this boss room, it is already in game.)

-Necro Niassey - As you look upon this dark and ancient spell caster you see he is clad mainly in blood red chain mail armor.His feet are protected by worn red dragon hide boots with bronze toe gaurds.He wears red dragon hide gloves on his hands studded with what appears to be dragon teeth.He appears to have what is a black worn cloak draped over his body hiding his face and shoudlers.As you look past his shoulder you can see twin Bone Handled War Scythes strapped to his back by means of chains and strange looking locks.He holds a onyx Bulwark in one hand. A strange black mist seems to float around him as his gaze falls upon you.When his eyes lock on yours you notice a bright red flash explode from the shadows of his hood where his eyes would be.He removes one of the scythes from his back and is upon you before you can blink. Necro Niassey is in healthy condition. (Required Item to enter this room.)

Traps Teaser-(I will not be putting all the trap areas on this post.It will be a surprise.)

- In one area-
Instant Death-You hear a loud cracking sound and as you look up you see the support beams crumble letting the earth above collapse on top of you killing you!
50-Pov-Rusty Needles appear to come out of no where striking you all over your body.
Witness-Rusty Needles come out of no where striking *person* damaging them.
30-Pov-You trip over a loose board on the floor and fall face first onto the ground.
Witness-*person* trips on a loose board falling face first on the ground.

- In another Area-
Instant death-You step onto what you believe is solid ground but you are fooled!The ground gives way beneath you and you fall 20 feet onto your head breaking your neck instantly!
100- Pov-A lone arrow streaks out of the distance hitting you in the back.
Witness- A lone arrow streaks out of the distance and hits *person* damaging them.
30-Pov-A rock is thrown from behind a Tomb stone pinging you in the head. Witness-You watch a rock fly out from behind a tomb stone and hit *person* in the head damaging them.

(You will have to find the rest for yourself.)

Area Description- (This will be a tease as well, you will have to locate the other areas to find the descriptions.)

- Graveyard description-:As you move about the dark graves and crypts you hear stranges noises comeing from all directions withen the mist.You get the feeling you are being watched but you don't know by what.You may go *directions.

-???-description-:You stand in a brightly lit hallway, which appears to be made of a black shiny rock material.You run your hands over the walls feeling there smooth texture and you at once know the hall is made out of Onyx stone.You may go *direction*

7. Map Size

-Graveyard- this area is 17x13 useing a standard mapping program.
-Basement Level One-this area is 20x14 useing a standard mapping program but do understand it is not a normal squared map.
-Basement Level Two-this area is 26x26 useing a standard mapping program but do understand it is not a normal squared map.

-Side note-
This area was designed by my wife and myself based on questions asked by players and some things players wanted to see in the game itself.WE know it needs a little work, but please understand this has been worked on for many weeks.Staff have answered questions for us,(Ones they are allowed to answer.) and many questions have be asked to players.Time has been spent hunting and researching to make sure all of this is the way it is needed to be.This area speaking for myself looks awsome.I do hope it goes into the game so you guys can enjoy the little twists and turns this area provides.Thank you.
Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#2 Throwback

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:03 AM

bone scynthe better than cobalt, cant happen, 25 base damage and make boss similar to atrium seems how TK takes us 20 minutes to kill

ring base of , make it another cg...magic weapons needed to conquer the immense evil surrounding the area

i like the mixture of monsters, healers could go here and so could attackers for lots of exp....however location of Voodoo dolls would and POD would have to be considered because Zeum keys are needed to get Scupltures whereas i see no requirements for keys here

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#3 Shapeshifter

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:04 AM

SUPPORTED! I love it... sounds fabulous.... Can i farm Onyx Rings? :)

Now just an area that has a jade ring and both my favorite stones would be in game..... hrm.....

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#4 Demented Kitty

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:09 AM

There are keys required for this area, three are required infact.This is very very detail.I left some stuff out so you guys would have to find them. :)
Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#5 Myrdon

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 12:19 AM

Sounds good, with a few adjustments to keep things balanced it could work.


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Posted 10 August 2007 - 01:17 AM

I like it, think it would be cool to randomly run across on 1 alt when i log on. I give it my support! good luck Cody and Cricket :)

#7 shomer

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 01:47 AM

monsters could be more powerful, since strongest monster is like a sand spider and strongest boss is like lyz. makes the area too easy for the drops that are available
Page me on Heritage

#8 Lupe™

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 01:53 AM

Lupe ingame.

#9 Demented Kitty

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 01:54 AM

i wish i could show you guys the maps so you could see how everything is spread out.beleive me this is not an easy area, but it is not an area that you can just run through either.thre are multiple traps, loads of different monsters and things we did not post.We gave you an idea of what is there.this is an area designed for 10-12 people.it is enjoyable and challengeing at the same time lol.

Edited by Demented Kitty, 10 August 2007 - 01:57 AM.

Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#10 Freek

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 02:03 AM

monsters could be more powerful, since strongest monster is like a sand spider and strongest boss is like lyz. makes the area too easy for the drops that are available

yeah for a 29 BD weapon.
Freek ingame.

#11 Walt

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 02:27 AM

Sounds like a nice area. Just get staff to tweak it a bit and get it put in. I'll support it.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#12 Demented Kitty

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 04:01 AM

ok...let me add this..you think the area is easy..ok,i will give a little more of the area away.there are 3 floors..all three floors are riddled with traps and ktp monster, some squares are ktp/trap...so lets say for example you land on a square with a voodoo doll that might hit you 3 times with a trap on that that hits you for 100 points of damage?A mage might not live through that, and that would do alot of damage to any other person.Why do you think the area is 20+.I cant show you everything or you guys would understand.
Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#13 Throwback

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 05:32 AM

i now unsupport because it would be just unfair for MD to have all the good items :)

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#14 Snoopy


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Posted 10 August 2007 - 09:15 AM

The idea is nice, although the end wepon is not balanced to the boss, you would need to incresed to to for example a slef healing enchanter hitting like the giant cham. Make it a worthwhile fight for such a weapon
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#15 Gaddy

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Posted 10 August 2007 - 08:55 PM

I don't think it is currently likely for a large area to be put into either map.
We have so many huge places now that it almost deters players from bothering to log on and explore them.

That goes in addition with the sysops who make areas usually having their own concepts, etc.
The balancing is the real difficult part in many cases...along with the coding, and the large majority of that would fall on the sysop and/or sysops team.

I'm not saying it isn't possible; I just wanted to explain why I doubt such an area will be implemented.
I would suggest looking smaller, and possibly putting twists on things such as class/race/level requirements.

Also, as general concept---it is better to type up just descriptions of drops and monsters, without stats.
It prevents the item from being judged on stats, etc...which will change in nearly every concept.
This also allows the name of your weapon to be a possible thing---if you put the name here, it isn't likely to go in game, to prevent people from knowing it is coming and thus starting to ask how to get around it....which is another reason sysops like to work their own areas when they put in the long hours to balance and work things.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#16 Trevayne

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 02:37 AM

This sounds interesting. There are a number of issues with the area though, so I offer a few quick impressions as a constructive critique:

1) I'm treating this as a suggestion for 1-alt, since development on multi is on hold.

2) I believe you mean "Hollows" instead of "Hallows". Nothing about this area sounds sanctified (hallowed), but it does seem to refer to a valley or empty space within (hollows).

3) The story is interesting, but basing stories off existing players in game is generally not a good idea. These would almost certainly be changed.

4) The balance of the monsters/drops is very far off. The monsters you list (comparable to the gardner, drow, mutant beetle, mayor, bandit leader) can easily be taken by a small party of level 23-25 characters, yet your primary reward matches the best-available crafted weapon in game.

4a) Your top reward (Bone Scythe) is as powerful as the most powerful crafted weapon (Sword of Existence) with the same base damage and vampiric stats, yet the monster strength for the area is far, far below either Chronos or Tirantek (where other base-29 weapons are dropped). I suggest you talk to a player who has crafted a Sword of Existence to get an idea of just how hard that is to accomplish.

4b) The onyx ring matches the ring of Apollo in strength, yet also seems far easier to obtain.

5) Relying on traps to set the difficulty of an area rarely ever works. Death traps kill a character or two while you are exploring, but once the first maps are made, very few if any characters will die in them. Damage-based traps are better, but can be avoided with thieves or mages with protect. The use of damage-based traps extensively also makes it so that a single mage can wipe out entire parties (as happens often on the way to Chronos or in the Barracks). This gets worse if you have KTP monsters on the square, as now you have made the party a sitting target.

6) Your reasons why we should include the area boil down to "people want a new area". The staff are very aware of this. What you need to tell us is why we should choose to work on *this* area rather than some other areas. The best way to do this is tell us why players will continue to use the area long after it has lost it's novelty. Everyone will explore any new area that comes out. What we want is an area that will continue to attract people long after that.

7) There are already a large number of undead areas in game. Why do we need another area tailored to healers?
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#17 Demented Kitty

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Posted 12 August 2007 - 12:03 AM

-Haunted "Hollows" would be a fine name to change it to.

- We wanted to base the story on the truth, is why we included a fact about one person who actually managed to kill the tree, we gave no names though.

-We do understand that the monsters in the area and some of the items do need some work, we are open for suggestions by staff to fix any of this issues in anyway.We did not want to give everything away so we gave a general idea of things.Some of these monsters are designed different then the monsters they will be the same as.We compared them to similar Hp to some of the monsters in game, where infact the hit rates and attacks we designed for them are far different.(To Trevayne-we will be glade to speak with you about the monsters and or send you the detail list we have if you so wish it.)

-The ring's base armor was suggested by a veteran player and we would be glad to speak about this if needed as well.

- Ok the traps in the area where designed to cause confusion and chaos when there are people in the area.Mages would have a hard time to go through here with a party based full of them.They would find that there mana would not be able to support actually takcling the area by themselves or in large parties.Again the monsters themselves would prevent lone people from ventureing in without some sort of healer in the party.

-The only thing in this area that is actually healable is the Bloodied Mummies, ghosts, skellies and bats.BUT the ghosts,skellies,and bats where added to give it a graveyardish feel.The area is only able to be entered by those lvl 20+.We all know after such lvl that these "baby" monsters dont really give the exp required for a healer to level.So we dont believe that players would go into the area on a cleric or paladin just to heal them,the bloodied mummies are down in lower levels so without the key to go down to them which in it's self is not easy to get they wont be able to go down and train off them.This area was spoken to with some of the players in nm and they believe the same.

-I do agree yes alot of people do want new areas in the game, but we did not just add this for a new area.With the destruction fo the Nymph Tree we designed the story and this area to fall behind it.The only reason why a player would go to the Elf village now would be to get the bows and armor that have equivelents to them in areas easier to reach.The enchanted bow can be purchased in Harabec while the bow of Prophecy is purcahse in the elf village.Same applies for the Briar Garments,sky Tunic, and the Vest of demons.The same armor equivalent can be found in Harabec a well without the fuss of going through the tunnels and dealing with those monsters.The only reason a player would go to get these items would be for a change,meaning they dont want a fire leaf tunic or a Enchanted bow.There is one other attraction to Kantele but i will leave it out due to alot of people dont know of it, and alot of people cant use it.This new area was suggest as a replacement for the Nymph tree and hopefully will bring new life to the elf village meaning people will buy the equips there.The area itself might seem large, but do keep in mind the areas do not spread out from each other but they stack ontop of each other

This area if for all classes and for all players.We have spoke to players to get an idea of what they would like to see, and how they would want to see it.

(If any staff have any questions please feel free to ask about them, we will help in anyway we can.Catch us on Nepharious_Malhavoc/Ebil_Necro_bunny or Soporette/Raven_Malhavoc or Staffer elf knows how to get ahod of us on msn if any questions are needed.Thank you all for your support.)
Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#18 Shapeshifter

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 05:27 PM

Personally i like the idea of the area, yes its a new area so everyone is going to gawk and explore it, but like Trevayne mentioned. once its lost its novelty, most new areas are abandoned. i dont think that this area will meet the same fate, it seems to be an area designed as a dungeon that would attract many people for a long time to come, and with the attraction of the special items in Kantele nearby, people would be more apt to return to flourish in that town as well.

It also seems to me that everyone has neglected to notice that the original post for this idea said that it wasnt a complete introduction, to allow for some surprizes when it comes into play, but just a teaser enough to build interest in the area to speed along its developement.

From what was given in the beginning, i do agree with alot of the changes mentioned.

I like the idea of this area, especially because it will bring new life to that part of the realm. And who doesnt like to see a new area now and again!

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#19 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 09:10 AM

You know i am actually sad this did not get more responce to it then what it has recieved.People complain that Nightmist has gotten boreing and there is nothing new to do, that it is just the same old things and areas over again.This area took us weeks to develope, and even though there are some things that need to be worked out it gets crapped on and left for dead.Those reasons are why no one speaks up for anything.I wont be doing this again.My wife on the other hand thinks i am takeing this to far.Good luck with it. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#20 Trevayne

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 12:24 PM

I'm going to offer this as constructive criticism once more. I hope that you take it as such, as I think you both have some potential.

If your complaint is that staff have "crapped on and left [your area] for dead", then I think you should take a second look at what you are doing. Your post received two detailed and thorough responses from staff in just over 24 hours. We raised issues surrounding the development of the area, especially balance issues, which you have not addressed since then. Then, only 10 days later, you issue this complaint? Did you expect us to drop the variety of things we are doing, the game issues we are addressing and the quests we are already developing, just to cater to your suggestion? Do you think you are the only group out here wanting our already limited time? Treating staff with this kind of disrespect only demonstrates to us that you would be difficult to work with and makes none of us want to bother.

If your complaint is that players have "crapped on and left [your area] for dead", then I think that area development is not for you. Talk to any of the people (current staff or past) who have built things to this game and you'll find out that releasing an area doesn't bring you a stream of accolades. It brings a long series of complaints. Development is a thankless job, and quite honestly, if your ego needs stroking on this regular basis then I doubt that you'll be happy building content for Nightmist.

I wish you luck with your other endeavors.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#21 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 10:35 PM

1) I never have bashed staff in this comment or at any other time.So no i am not complaing about staff's limited time to help with anything.Infact i take up for staff whenever possible.I know staff are busy and that they do alot for the game, this being said i don't think the first comment should of been made.Ask most of the staff i have anything to do with, i do what ever i can when ever i can to make your lives easier.On top of this i have not seen anyone from the staff team ask questions about this area at all, not saying you need to drop everything you are doing to rush this area in.I know you are currently trying to work the colisuim out, and that there was a recent quest and other ideas going on that need to be handled.I will take up for anyone of you staffers if at any time you need me, so your comment just cut a very deep wound, i suggest you talk to Elf a little more and find out alittle more about your players.

2)This area was not designed for someone to stroke our ego, infact it was designed to give nightmist a little more bang for it's buck.Yes i am a little upset with some of the players due to a lack of responce on this area topic.People want things done but yet no one wants to put in there 2 cents worth on the subject, and some people take it a step further and add a buck of sarcasim.This topic has been veiwed more then once by the same person i am sure,yet they veiw it and leave no remark of constructive construction ideas.We know that alot of the items need work, we knew that comeing into this.We knew there might be some concerns about the area as well.We have pages upon pages of things wrote down on paper for staff when...and i say WHEN they are ready for it.The lack of stimulis on this topic is what i was mentioning, and the fact that when in game we get beaten because "this is not right. or it should not be like that you need to change it."Yet people don't want to hit us with ideas just comments on how bad it is.Now we do get from players that the area is awsome, we want to see it in, we like it why is it not happening.We defend staff then saying they are busy and will get to us when they get a chance, there are more pressing matters at hand.You can ask any player that knows us in the game, we don't bash..we get upset and ask questions, but never bash.If..IF you want to know something about us, or help to contribute to this area if there is a chance now that it goes in you know how to contact us, if not please feel free to contact Soporette and Nepharious_Malhavoc in game in 1a.We will be open to suggestions and ideas for anything anyone has to say as long as it is constructive.I will repeat a statment previously made in earlier posts.This area was nto designed only by what we knew, but people people in the game as well, questions where asked and answers given.If it helps any let me post a few names now all of which are in 1a server.

Freek-Puremourning-Sleeping-Malhavoc-Elf-Oracle-Atronach-Earth_Angel-Dude-Menace-Corrine-Binge-Myrdon-Devotchka-Eurox-Memphis(There are many others, if i have forgotten any please forgive me i am upset and not well at the moment.)To all of you who have helped us in this journey to help nightmist endure i thank you and salute you.*Salutes all the people who has helped him in anyway possible.*Thank you once again. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#22 Foxie


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 10:59 PM

I'm going to add my response to this. Since I think you have worked hard on this. I've spent 30 minutes reading through this and thought it through.

- your weapons would need serious adjustment.
- the monsters you mention to be slimiar to this eg the spider boss, one would expect to have a poison ability. What i'm getting at here is just duplicating monsters isn't always a good idea. I'd want to see what you think it would attack for, how it would attack, it's hp etc in detail.
- the monster difficulty is in no way is balanced with the damage of the death traps.
- with death traps like you speak a healer would be essential.. i don't think to lead a party round there would be enough mana (you'd need to think about adding shops etc)
- the so call difficulty of the area i think would be in the wrong place location wise. The further afield from the central towns (windia, arilin, nm, and rh) the more difficult the area.

Re Multi

- there is no need for an area like this on multi, it would pose no challenge to the majority of players left playing multi.
- there are too many areas becoming unused. I think would end up the same way in time.
****Since development on multi is on hold atm i wont post advice.****

Re 1a

- atm staff are pretty busy just getting the game on an even keel at the moment and ironing out all the small problems
- new areas for 1a need something UNIQUE about them (think about level restrictions, party restrictions, class restrictions) but realise that for what you restrict, the weapons/monsters and exp need to find a balance.
- I don't think we need more undead areas.
- With so many traps it is going to become a party only area (on 1a this becomes a problem slightly because of clans and the limited amount of players)
- right now I don't think 1a is ready for a new area.

General Area Design Advice

- publish your maps on here. Staff have to find it interesting enough to consider and without maps it is hard to see where all your traps are etc.
- a staff member will have to agree to donate their time to make this so complaining about the lack of attention/comments you have recieved from staff will not win you any favours.
- if this ever goes into the game your design will only become a draft for staff. Monsters, Boss Drops and the map design will all be altered.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

#23 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:23 PM

Trevayne set guidlines for area devleopment that i followed when all this was posted, no where was there a mention of maps needing to be posted on the forum, the monsters in the area are uinqe, the above mentioned monsters are LIKE the above mentioned monsters.They are not exactly liek them.We have attacks,damage base, page vocals, vocals for the square.We have done all the work.We left some stuff out due to the fact we did not want everyone to know exactly what is in the area, and if we added maps to it what would be the point of exploreing it?If a staffer would like at some point in time when they are not busy to sit down and chat about the area i am down with that.Until such time is allowed i ask players to contiue giveing ideas and posting your thoughts on this area, don't just look it over and shrugs saying well it is a good thought or it is a bad though.Let us know what you think, nothing can be done without communication, and that is what is lacking here. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#24 Foxie


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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:29 PM

Basically i'm the only one who would be adding any huge development (monster + item wise) the grid other staff can help with on 1a.

Without maps of the trap locations this post does not give me enough reason to even consider using the area as a blue print. I'll repeat what i said...
- if this ever goes into the game your design will only become a draft for staff. Monsters, Boss Drops and the map design will all be altered.
... so posting maps, all descriptions, examines, traps, reads, monster stats etc IS necessairy to get my attention to even consider the area an idea to work upon.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

#25 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 21 August 2007 - 11:37 PM

So you're interested in contributing an area of your own to the game?

Post your area below, but first please ensure it follows these guidelines:

1) Name: Your area needs a name!

2) Story: Give us a well-written story for the area. This can be in the form of a few paragraphs or a few bullets. The story should give an idea of the background of this area as well as a hint of what the area will "feel" like.

3) Restrictions: Is the area restricted to certain areas/classes? Is it restricted to players with a certain item? Is there an entry fee?

4) Contents: A brief list of the monsters, items, traps, areas, and anything else you would put in the area. Items should be described in explicit detail (as you would see from /library). Monsters can be described either by relating them to existing monsters or by explicit stats. (You can design a monster that is "about as tough as a black bear" or one that "has about 150 HP and hits for about 15").

5) Draw: A description of why players would want to go to the area. Is it a good place for training? A good place to make gold? Are there valuable shiny things to be found? Is it designed mostly for parties of 30 archmasters, or can five novice rangers take on this challenge?

6) Writing samples: Give some sample room/monster/item descrptions. If you are describing a room, you should give the room's name, the short one-sentence description that players get when they enter, and the more detailed description that they get when they look around. Punctuation and grammar are obviously essential. Style counts.

7) Maps: Design, but do not post maps. Instead, give us an idea of how large an area is (either in number of squares or in relation to some in-game area). We recommend using a combination of ASCII Mapmaker and Paint (or any other graphics editor) to build custom maps.

Areas are typically evaluated on four dimensions:

1) Style: If your command of the English language is on par with a well-trained gorilla with a laptop, your area is unlikely to be added.

2) Balance: Rewards for an area must be balanced with the difficulty of the area and must fit in with existing items and areas in game. No, you cannot have rabbits drop cobalts or introduce that shiny base 80 damage flamethrower.

3) Excitement: Is this something that players will actually want to do? Does it provide something that does not already exist in game?

3) Need: Is there a need in game for this kind of area, or does it simply duplicate many other under-used areas?

(adapted from similar posts by Kalypso and Pandilex)


Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

(this was what i posted off of, this guidline.if maps are required i will give them to staff in person.On a side question, why should players design areas and design every detail in an area if staff are going to change it all?Just a question.)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#26 Demented Kitty

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 07:56 AM

:) If there was any bashing of staff earlier... I apologize... it was not meant to be bashing and im sure those staffers that understand right now what me and Neph are going through understands. This area was not built just because players want a new area.....This area was thought of to bring new stuff into the game... spark some interest in the game and attract new people. I can understand however that the area will be changed around a little to keep from those who get the maps of the area... cant conquer the area in one day... This area should be fully explored. But Emma... the reason being there was no detail posted on the items, monsters, no maps.... no details at all is to keep others from stealing ideas. *shrugs* doesnt matter to me really.... whether it goes in or not is up to staff. *shrugs* take all the time you wish..... doesnt matter to me... right now i am working on other things for nightmist anyway... so i really.... am quite busy.... BUT if you have questions about it..... do page me on Soporette or Neph on Nepharious_Malhavoc. Do know that we understand that the area has some issues and problems it needs tweaked out... But that is something we would have to work on.... And another thing.... THIS IS NOT AN UNEAD AREA! The only reason the skeletons, ghosts, and bats are in it is to keep the effect of the area up....... ALL other monsters are killable with melee and spells... but can not be healed to death except for a Bloodied Mummy..... So do remember..... this is not an undead area..... We meant this area to be for everyone.... and the way it is designed... is to be hard to get to the final boss to get the items. Believe me.... this is not an easy area.... is why the level restriction is 20+. *shrugs* doesnt matter up to you guys....

Edited by Demented Kitty, 22 August 2007 - 08:01 AM.

Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

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