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#1 ice_cold

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Posted 06 October 2011 - 07:40 AM

This is where it starts, where it all began. I came through the fog in the late of night and there it was, I found the gate of told. The Nightmist Portcullis lay infront of me and my new life has started. I've been a bandit it in Royal Forest for so long I don't know what to do with myself, so I start at the Boar's Tusk Inn to get a mug o' rum. Crafted from long dark wood, the inn is frighteningly large and mildly lighted. All around me travelers laugh, and whisper, sing, as well as talk about passed adventures and city gossip. I can still hear the town crier from outside. I slither up to a stool where adventurers-for-hire lounge around to hear about bounties and new jobs available to them. I order my drink and take a good look around. Multiple races and walks-of-life come together in this place; a gnome and an elf are studying each others magic in a corner, and a well cladded man with large sword on his hip talks to a barbarian-looking man three barstools down. This is as good a place as any to start my path to good, maybe I can even meet someone.

Edited by ice_cold, 06 October 2011 - 08:04 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#2 Shapeshifter

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Posted 10 October 2011 - 03:18 PM

My ears perk as I hear the door to the Inn open, the quiet hiss of wood on wood, and the dull thump of the door closing again. Sitting at a table on the far side of the tavern, I glance around the tavern area. I see many familiar faces, and a fair share of people Ive met in passing, then I lay eyes on the newcomer. By the looks of his garb and the way he walks, a thief. I focus a bit more of my attention on the stranger, making sure that I can pick him out of the crowd with ease, wanting to be aware if he tries to sneak up on me.

I watch and listen as he slithers up to the bar and flags down the barman for a drink. His eyes are what confuse me the most. From what Ive seen at a glance, theres something different in them, compared to the many thieves that Ive had to strike down in my travels, in leu of them trying to take my life. Curious about this interesting fellow, I get up and adjust my cloak, tucking my gold pouch into my pocket and making sure its secured tightly. I walk across the tavern floor, my Torashuko hanging on my belt, ready to slip on at a moments notice. As I walk towards the bar, I glance around the room, keeping a small portion of my attention focused on the other patrons of the Boar's Tusk, not wanting to get blind sided, should this thief happen to have other friends hidden in the bar. I smile and nod curteously as I make eye contact with a few of my closer friends, my bonded family. I take a seat at the bar next to the thief leaving one bar stool between us.

"Tell me, weary traveller, you're new here? Yes?" I look toward him, sitting forward against the bar. "Your eyes..." I say as I look him over once, then make clear eye contact with my own crystal blue elven hues. "...they hold something different than the normal crazed bloodthirst, or greedy hunger, of your guild. They tell a story, one Im quite interested to learn... Should you have the time, or care, to tell it..." With that, I flag down the barman and order us both another drink, passing him a few coins from under my cloak.

"Let me first start with a proper introduction. My name is Garavon, high elf from the far away lands of Llanowar, though the people of Nightmist have come to calling me Fang. This tavern is something akin to my home, and I hold the same high regard for it."

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

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