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Questions And Concerns

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#1 Shapeshifter

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:56 AM

With the new implements on the 1-alt server, the kill to pass monsters would seem prime real estate for pk'ers. knowing that everyone traveling from town to town would have to stop at that square means they'll have time to strike when they know the 'target' has used all of their stamina and can't leave the square anyway.

And because of the adjustments to the xp gains, the players that have already arched have a great advantage, not only do players below them have to stop at the ktp squares, leaving them open to pk from the higher levels.. it is much harder for them to catch up to their 'peers' and thus making the playing field not level at all. it rewards the players that spent all of their time training

The teamplay aspect will be semi-inflicted with people geting nastalgic about training or leaving the safety of towns because of the increased pk rates, especially those at ktp areas...

I do agree with all of these new upgrades, i just suggest that the ktp be lifted from town entrances only... and that maybe something be done with some dmg ratios.... yes i know its alot more work than buckling down with monsters.... but ktp monsters at gates only further unbalances.. not rebalance issues.....

Plz dont flame the topic agreeing or disagreeing solely because you dont like the updates. Remember, staff do what they can do to make things even out..... and remember the work that staff put into this already...

Edited by Shapeshifter, 14 April 2007 - 04:58 AM.


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#2 eclypse

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:02 AM

ktp towns = not good for anyone but lappa which is probably why JLH did it (and i dont care if im banned for saying this)
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#3 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:07 AM

:) if three or four people actually work together..then a few pkers will be no match for anyone..yes it will be harder for those who solo...but this game is designed for co-op only...when people learn to stick together there will be no issues..certain pkers wont be much of a match for a party of say 3 clerics, a druid a fighter and a zerker...so....when yall want to go training..let me know...take a friend..and stop complaining..stock pots, crystals...and work together.....stop biteing each others heads off..in or out of clan...and stop backstabbing...and maybe you will learn to enjoy nightmist a little better. :)
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#4 sly

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:11 AM

stock pots, crystals...

easy gold + supplies nice, very nice

#5 Jimbates

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:15 AM

Yea i think i can agree with that, the only real problem i have is with the KTP at towns and the fact that they are nerfing all the healers yet not the mages. The mages that already have beam have a huge advantage over everyone, i think this should get looked into and if possible reduce either the dmg or accuaracy of beam...

As far as people working together, i'm just gonna get this out here right here and now, most people on this server act about the same as on the multi..they don't give a rats ass for the person next to them whether they are an ally or in their clan or happen to be an enemy. Its all the same stupid nuts from the main server and i don't think people will be able to ever work together aside from a select few...If people really want this to be improved then they need to start by showing the example, even then its not a guarentee that anything will change..

Other than that, i agree with what autek says on another post that staff that don't play the game ought to find out from those that do play the game and from the nightmist populus what things can and can't be improved rather than just decide to improve on a few things they think need some improvements, cuz thats just gonna piss everyone off and they'll all quit playing.

#6 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:23 AM

As far as people working together, i'm just gonna get this out here right here and now, most people on this server act about the same as on the multi..they don't give a rats ass for the person next to them whether they are an ally or in their clan or happen to be an enemy. Its all the same stupid nuts from the main server and i don't think people will be able to ever work together aside from a select few...If people really want this to be improved then they need to start by showing the example, even then its not a guarentee that anything will change..

people working together...how about this....STOP STABBING PEOPLE IN THE BACK...AND MAYBE THINGS WILL FLOW BETTER....i know people who have went to help with bosses...drops hit the ground..people snatch and run...or someone is told that they can have the drop...someone drops it...the person agreed upon does not get it..and the ones who snag the drops runs.....this i have seen on several occasions...and have talked to many people who have had this problem..no one is going to work together...if they are screwed over.....and yes staff also do play weither you know it or not...God of war is oracle kannabis is scripto....several other staffers who do not wish to be known play as well....so think about it before you spit it...."Personal Quote From Malhavoc
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#7 shomer

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:31 AM

maybe set the ktp squares as no exp loss squares, like the small path north of ngh?
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#8 Ghost_Wolf

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:37 AM

maybe set the ktp squares as no exp loss squares, like the small path north of ngh?

This defeats the purpose of gate training....you go down....hit a monster...gain exp...the monster kills you..you lose no exp.....you go back...repeat...what is the point?if you make the square no exp loss....then you make the monsters no exp gain.....think about it....
Link-Nepharious_Niassey (Main)

Love is a 36' carbon tip chainsaw and rib spreaders....nuff said.

#9 Throwback

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 05:39 AM

still what is point of training when u cant make it to a bank to deposit or a vault with ur fresh drop......dont like ktp never will until im higher lvl to pk

Vegas 1a....formerly known as Memphis

#10 Freek

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 08:29 AM

Go go ktp pk's!! List keeps growing! :)
Freek ingame.

#11 Sleeping

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 11:27 AM

[Clan] Woodstock: mages beam is far from overpowered, lets review why: mages are one the hardest to level to 26 before it gets a lil bit easier, weakening beam without strengthening anything else on them would basically be taking mages out of the game, and heres why. If beam is nerfed in damage, why would druids still be allowed to get an almost equivalent damage spell at level 10 and mages level 25? druids have morph and can fare rather well in melee if needed. mages also have the lowest hp and the lowest armor, so now make them hit like little babies because a few people cant roll a different race other than halfling? Speaking of, lets start on that. When you roll your character, you have the choice in how and what your good at. Halflings hit more frequent yes, but you are sacrificing hp and magic resistance in the process. every race will have its str's and wkns's. also, only 2 mages have beam since this server opened, wow, 2. i'm gona stop there and add more when someone addresses it.
Does not play well with others.

#12 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 12:43 PM

stock pots, crystals...

easy gold + supplies nice, very nice

Yes. For the 2 Beam mages in game

#13 Consumed


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Posted 14 April 2007 - 03:10 PM

:) if three or four people actually work together..then a few pkers will be no match for anyone..yes it will be harder for those who solo...but this game is designed for co-op only...when people learn to stick together there will be no issues..certain pkers wont be much of a match for a party of say 3 clerics, a druid a fighter and a zerker...so....when yall want to go training..let me know...take a friend..and stop complaining..stock pots, crystals...and work together.....stop biteing each others heads off..in or out of clan...and stop backstabbing...and maybe you will learn to enjoy nightmist a little better. :)

its hard to get that many people in on party considering the amount of people on at a time...like right now for instance theres 18 and 4 are in our clan... and our clan is often a clan with the most people on... but anyways... with that few people its hard to co-op... and stocking pots and crystals isnt going to do to much...considering mages can round most crits on the game... if they hit... which they will have plenty chances on the ktp sqrs...

as of now it seems like mages beam is overpowered...but i really dont think it is... they have weak armor/con and it really ballances out... and after a certain amount of hp its not that easy for beam to round you...

unfortunately i think beam seems crazily overpower because people keep getting owned on there little adepts... more often than higher lvl crits thats for sure... unless they team invis pk...but o well...heh... its all good...

anways ima put this to a close... peace out
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#14 Eamon

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 03:51 PM

If you think beam is overpowered, train a mage. Dont bust someone else's nuts because they spent time training the hardest class and most expensive class in game to train, to be the best. Or, train a zerker, and macro berserk on the mage, and as soon as you see him pop up, hit the macro. Its not like there's that many mages in game to macro.

Stop whining about something you cant change. Instead, figure out what you can do about it.

Edited by Eamon, 14 April 2007 - 03:52 PM.

#15 joanna

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:08 PM

If you think beam is overpowered, train a mage.

As i sed before there are 2 beam mages in game. Both got almost all thier exp by gate-training, which you cannot do any more. Getting exp on a mage alone any other way is extremely hard and slow, and it looks like those 2 beam mages are going to be the only 2 beam mages in game for a long time....

Prove me wrong? Train a mage.

#16 Phibie

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:32 PM

If you think beam is overpowered, train a mage.

As i sed before there are 2 beam mages in game. Both got almost all thier exp by gate-training, which you cannot do any more. Getting exp on a mage alone any other way is extremely hard and slow, and it looks like those 2 beam mages are going to be the only 2 beam mages in game for a long time....

Prove me wrong? Train a mage.

It don't seem like it's gonna be much longer seeing as theres already another expert mage (Rick)

Phibi - main / Survivor- 1a

#17 MessiahX

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 04:49 PM

Still think ktp should be replaced with nerfed xp.

#18 Eamon

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Posted 14 April 2007 - 06:42 PM

If you think beam is overpowered, train a mage.

As i sed before there are 2 beam mages in game. Both got almost all thier exp by gate-training, which you cannot do any more. Getting exp on a mage alone any other way is extremely hard and slow, and it looks like those 2 beam mages are going to be the only 2 beam mages in game for a long time....

Prove me wrong? Train a mage.

Think its that bad? Squee made it to sorcerer without alts on NM, with people able to load alts to look for him/watch for him if they didnt like him.

And on top of that, characters can still hit and run they just cant hit and run at gates/bosses. Noone's stopping you from having a level 1 thief sitting on a square in the desert covert so that you dont drag monsters away from that square, and hitting it from a square away. They are just preventing you from doing it at the gatehouse.

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