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#1 Perfection

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 03:58 AM

I suggest he drops the seal of miscreation always again, 2 opal spheres in a row? i would prefer to fight the Blue Dragon personally  :D

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#2 Stig

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:48 AM

That is some terrible luck.  The chance of an Opal Sphere dropping is the same as a Blade of Time.  I'll keep an eye on this though.

#3 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:57 PM

Is this the one that spawns every 12 hours? If so, yeah that's a crap luck and a waste of someone's time.

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


Naamah - Main

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#4 Gaddy

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:57 PM

I agree with Trial of the Gauntlet being log-to-local.
I disagree with reducing Telatin spawn rate and inserting alternative drops.

I suggest returning Telatin to his original spawn rate and putting those alternative drops on another boss.
Possible Harabec options for alternative drops: Bandit Leader, Adel, Spirit of King Durmeal, any mini-boss in Trial of the Gauntlet, or Blue Dragon with reduction in Dragon Skin drop rate, thus possibly increasing it's value while matching demand for low numbers of new archmaster druids. I think Blue Dragon with fewer Dragon Skin drops would be best for Opal Sphere, especially if it sells for gold.

I've been arguing this same point, but I feel ignored or brushed off on the topic.
On Nightmist, people don't typically do 1-2 hour dungeons to be thwarted by a 12-hour spawn boss that doesn't drop the final key. This area has been around for a decade, and the sudden change to drop rate, spawn rate, and log-to-local is a MASSIVE impact.
These changes do not line up with anything that has been commented about the Harabec Dungeon. I've never heard people complain about the Blue Dragon being camped, but there is a lot of frustration with the camping of final or high-end bosses like things such as Time Knight, Credenza, or Bolted Chest. Training in the Hall of Brute might be boring, but people can still PK there, if they have a problem with someone leveling clerics too much...?

Can we at least have a discussion or justification of why this much loved area is being tampered with after a decade? Because it's basically cutting off regular access - it's now limited to 1 or 2 people per day by the delayed spawn rate. And why is having multiple Seals of Miscreation farmed such a huge issue when things like the Time Mummy and Waldren still allow farming of keys with hourly (if no less) spawn rates?

If you have an issue with people quickly going to the Blue Dragon or training in the Hall of Brute, why?
And why is camping a key drop treated differently than people being able to camp primary bosses with MAJOR drops like Credenza, Time Knight, Bolted Chest, and Dvengar Runemaster?
And I am not arguing that those MUST change, though I think Credenza and Bolted Chest camping are rather unfair - generally speaking. I just don't agree with cutting off access to the Hall of Brute or Blue Dragon, and I don't see how it is aligned with other areas or the design of Harabec Dungeon.

These tweaks to Telatin just make no sense and feel like targeting or pushing players away from an old area. And I disagree with that agenda, whatever it's purpose.

Log-to-local, I understand and agree with mostly - same as Hall of Brute and Hall of Ail.
But changing the hourly spawn rate and drop rates are too far.

Altering Telatin removes casual game play and makes the Harabec Dungeon less approachable. You either have to make multiple runs into the dungeon (using multiple Dungeon Keys most likely) or spend 2+ hours running through the whole Harabec Dungeon - and now the Seal of Miscreation might not drop and ruin your efforts, much less if the Blue Dragon has already been killed.
That is cutting the heart out of an area. And I think it is the wrong way to accomplish whatever is being done. But I have not gotten explanation of the change - unless it is as simple as dislike for players frequenting the area or training on Torturers, which can be done in the Hall of Ail anyway.

I love the effort and work that is performed by our single active staff member, Stig.
Having a quest again for Halloween was excellent, and player input made it all the better. New Grandmaster areas and bosses have been outstanding for players who have been around for ages and adore new content, such as me.

However, unilaterally making negative changes to old areas des not seem fair in this case. This is pure access cut-off without explanation.
There should at least be allowance for some discussion or feedback, in my opinion.

This is my 3rd dissertation on the changes made to Telatin and Trail of the Gauntlet.
So I will stop for now.
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#5 Stig

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:54 AM

You win.  I'm a heartless destroyer of worlds.  A selfish cabbage.  Kill me.  KILL ME NOW.  DESTROY ME!  SHUN ME!  GRIND ME INTO DUST AND THEN KILL ME!  I suck at being staff.  I am not suited to the role.  You know this, you all know this... even my closest friends know this but won't say it to my face.  SAY IT NOW.  GO ON.  SAY IT.  COME ON, TELL THE TRUTH.

#6 xxx

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 01:03 AM


#7 Perfection

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 01:55 AM

/t Stig


I disagree, you want honesty then here it is from my opinion.

You are great as staff, you provide excellent additions to the game. Fun quests. As Well; as being as helpful as you possibly can.

Your interpersonal skill are lacking at times, but still you are a great person.

I'm not actually sure why the other staff are still staff. They don't do anything.


Issues such as the above posts of course will arise when everything is left to 1 person,


I don't believe anyone is attacking you directly; however i can see how it could seem personal through some misinterpreted comments.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#8 Terron

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 04:02 AM

I dunno, this change seems to promote blue dragon as a prize ending.  also, imo, means your seals will likely strike a boss outcome opposed to "not in".


I've been playing both servers as of late.  On the 1a side we get changes like this all the time and they have 20x the impact.(an example is: We successfully killed Red Dragon with 3 level 39+, and next trip it spawns "kitsunes" that have a chance to hit 200-250 damage attacks that are magical and unavoidable on top of the dragon doing the same.... our 25 trips a year have been shrunk to a mere handful on account of playerbase)   On the multi-alt side something definitely needs done about players being able to perform the 35 minute slaughtering of 82% of the ingame bosses. (I'm not blaming anyone , just don't see why it isn't prohibited in some ingame fashion.)


Frankly, I believe this change is a step in the right direction.  Even better would be a reduced alt cap on most of the lower tier bosses. (kinda like how level caps like scarlet daggers area prevent OP characters, or in a sense make the roleplaying aspect as if the scarlet daggers are just a teeny clan not worth a GMs time.  I really find it no different when 18 legendary berserkers slaughter a Demonic Piss Ant and get a halberd in 2 cycles.)  


Stig is doing the best job he can, we really go about complaints in the wrong fashion.  Stig will alter the opal sphere if it becomes an ongoing problem.


"Suggestion: Telatin

Hey Stig, The Opal Sphere drop has continually hindered my progress towards the Blue Dragon.  Could you maybe raise Telatin's spawn rate so that he spawns in 4-6 hours rather than 12? ty!"

"Wake Up!!" 

#9 Perfection

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 04:31 AM

/t Terron na bro you misunderstand the "request"/"complaint"/"suggestion" read again Gaddy's post. 

And frankly I do not care about the time of the spawn, just the drop which for 10 years+ has been a seal of miscreation 100% drop rate.


Sorry but 1a is an afterthought and has to be modified constantly. Nightmist was originally only 1 server with no alt limit at all.. I do not care about or am suggesting anything for 1a, nor do i see how 1 server affects the other.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#10 Gaddy

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 05:04 AM

You win.  I'm a heartless destroyer of worlds.  A selfish cabbage.  Kill me.  KILL ME NOW.  DESTROY ME!  SHUN ME!  GRIND ME INTO DUST AND THEN KILL ME!  I suck at being staff.  I am not suited to the role.  You know this, you all know this... even my closest friends know this but won't say it to my face.  SAY IT NOW.  GO ON.  SAY IT.  COME ON, TELL THE TRUTH.

Stig, I already said that I think you're great staff and, that I love and appreciate your work on the game. I am pushing back against one change that I disagree with now - not your performance, efforts, or capability - which are exceptional.

You've done TONS of great work, but as Joe said, operating on an island is bound to draw some disagreement. I believe of the dozens if not hundreds of updates and additions that you've made, this is the only one that I've posted heavy disagreement.

So please, do not react as if this is an indictment of your efforts. This is a one-off frustration because I feel you've made a mistake and refuse to review it or take feedback seriously.
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#11 Terron

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 06:10 AM

I think you are mistaken, 28k modems never did more than 1 character successfully. /scroll and other commands came later to compensate.  20 alt limit was basically added after "ram" was obtainable at a store and super comps could sustain upwards of 50 characters, this is also when the 30 character maximum party was removed.


You are also naive in the fact that the seal can be 100% and Telatin spawn 2x a day for a whopping 2 seals, where as 50% drop and a 6 hour spawn is also "2 seals" but isnt dominated by "1" account as often.  That lil' fact alone is a bonus to this game if you want it to hold interest down the line for other people.  Or we can just lose 2 people and gain 1 old returner per year til its no-one left.

"Wake Up!!" 

#12 Perfection

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:29 PM




You are also naive in the fact that the seal can be 100% and Telatin spawn 2x a day for a whopping 2 seals, where as 50% drop and a 6 hour spawn is also "2 seals" but isnt dominated by "1" account as often.  That lil' fact alone is a bonus to this game if you want it to hold interest down the line for other people.  Or we can just lose 2 people and gain 1 old returner per year til its no-one left.



buttt....  exactly.. if it was hourly spawn (as originally set) it is not dominated or controlled by any one account 

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#13 Perfection

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 12:41 PM

f^%k this, just close the topic.. continues to evolve into things that were never said.. now Terron is talking about old players returning as to new players joining?  where are the new players?  there are none.. wtf. no one is left my man.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#14 Sneaky

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 02:08 PM

an example is: We successfully killed Red Dragon with 3 level 39+, and next trip it spawns "kitsunes" that have a chance to hit 200-250 damage attacks that are magical and unavoidable on top of the dragon doing the same.... 


Was that the first time the Red Dragon was killed? Was the change made by the person who originally designed the area? The complaints here stem from the fact that an area that opened a decade ago was changed for no meaningful reason. I get that you're playing both servers now, but when was the last time you did the harabec dungeon on main? 


The alternate drops on Telatin (Opal Sphere, Psionist's Skull) are actually worth more than a seal of miscreation -- so we're not complaining for the game to be made easier. Also, the fact that Telatin was hourly wasn't as big of an issue as the fact that you could log your party 4 squares away from him -- a party of 20 could farm as many seals as you wanted. Making the area log to local solves this problem; changing Telatin's drops just cuts off access to the Hall of Brute. And beyond this, to Gaddy's point, why was the dungeon cherry-picked? You can log a party 6 squares away from Credenza -- which has more valuable drops, and in fact is camped by one player. 



Stig, no one was attacking you personally, and we think you're good staff. You asked our opinions on friend chat, and we gave them to you -- you can't expect everyone to always agree with your point of view. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#15 Terron

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 05:18 PM

no red dragon has been killed around 100x with 6 drops and 94 nulls lol. didn't really warrant a change when it costs 25k to enter and it wouldn't have been successful w/o the potions on the floor.  I'm used to changes on 1a  to deter abuse by "few" accounts. multi should be geared the same direction. (this was a comparative statement above, not a dig at staff, players,  or either server, cuz i don't really care)


I agree with everything being hourly and lower drop rate really.


nothing is being said other than "give it some time, stig will correct anything array"


basically 1) stig changed something 2) some large accounted vets don't like it 3) they upset stig 4) a player agrees with stig...   Is this wrong?


hopefully next change is credenza area l2l then, aswell as chronos being entirely l2l, and burns up orb of time like its supposed to, dunno but i hope there is more balancing to come.


i also understand you weren't complaining about making it easier.  the general complaint is 12 hour spawn not being 100% drop to achieve the endarea boss.  I just feel as stig made telatin the endarea boss a low percentage of times, and made dragon more of a bonus boss, which i think is better.  people who run through dungeons and gather all the seals and go to dragon are more likely to see it spawned and that's a good thing.


I, in no way, meant for this to be taken as an argument. i just listed a comparison and voiced my opinion. 

"Wake Up!!" 

#16 Sneaky

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 07:50 PM

2) some large accounted vets don't like it 


^ I think this is misleading -- it's the large account vets voicing complaints, but honestly, the changes as Stig made them probably benefit the large established account vets much more than new(er) players, if for no other reason than it cutting off access to some of the best cleric training in game. Makes it harder for people to catch up, widening the XP gap between established and newer players. 


The point I keep coming back to is the original area designer's intent -- I don't think Stotic meant for you to not be able to at least check the blue dragon after defeating Telatin. The change was made, if I recall correctly, after Stig realized how many Seals of Miscreation could be farmed when he kept his main party logged in the Dungeon (fair point, what happened to those seals that were farmed? If they weren't deleted, seems a bit unfair to make a change of this magnitude after you had successfully farmed a bunch of seals to keep checking the blue dragon...). Making that portion of the dungeon log-to-local solved the farming problem. Lowering the spawn rate, AND reducing the drop rate, effectively gutted the area. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#17 Gaddy

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 09:17 PM

I agree with everything being hourly and lower drop rate really.
nothing is being said other than "give it some time, stig will correct anything array"
basically 1) stig changed something 2) some large accounted vets don't like it 3) they upset stig 4) a player agrees with stig...   Is this wrong?
I just feel as stig made telatin the endarea boss a low percentage of times, and made dragon more of a bonus boss, which i think is better.  people who run through dungeons and gather all the seals and go to dragon are more likely to see it spawned and that's a good thing.

I have two different points below:
1. You don't know why Stig changed Telatin; so I don't think you "agree with Stig". We understand that there are some valid reasons to make changes to Harabec Dungeon, and below I address some possible issues and solutions. However, Stig did not say what is driving his change.

2. You are implying that the change may benefit players outside of the people who currently kill bosses. However, Blue Dragon is already setup to prevent that. Additionally, I explain why I might come off as annoyed by your posts.

3. Added while writing - none of this is meant to push Stig away or discourage him from continuing work on Nightmist. He's the best staff Nightmist has ever had.





Part 1:
We are having to make up Stig's case. Stig has not stated why he made these adjustments. The lack of explaination and feeling like discussion and input about the change have been ignored without cause, are why I have stated I am frustrated.
Because I am an Advisor, Stig usually at least discusses changes and balancing with me - so I might feel more entitled to input than players or Stig feel I should, but that has not been stated either.

There are more practical (in my opinion) fashions to implement solutions, but I cannot even suggest them because I do not understand why Stig feels the Harabec Dungeon needed a change.
1. Want Blue Dragon in more often:
You can increase Blue Dragon spawn rate and modify his drops, but that does not seem appropriate to me because of his high HP and experience per damage.

2. Against players training on Torturers:
You can decrease their spawn rate like Tomb Spirits, but I disagree with making such a change after players have had 10-years to use the area. Training on Torturers exists and is not "broken" (e.g. - exp and gold is within reason). It can also be done outside of the Hall of Brute anyway.
There was also a period where you could not come back from the Blue Dragon square. So if you went to kill Blue Dragon, you could not then hit Torturers until you ran out of mana. That is another option that makes more sense than simply cutting off the ability to go into Hall of Brute.

I do not understand or agree with removing training options for clerics, paladins, and pacifists at high levels. They are the least common classes at high level because they rarely get to train unless you focus on them.

3. Blue Dragon drops are not all that valuable enough:
That's largely because they aren't that necessary anymore -
Sovereign Sword - no longer top-end weapon next to Sword of Light and Edge of the Eclipse
Gloves of Vigor - used by many clerics and paladins, but every other hitter switched to Gauntlets of Virtue
Dragon's Skin - druid only armor - one of the least common archmaster classes with mage and paladin - of course they are in abundance

You could add new drops to the Blue Dragon or increase how much these trade for with the Platinum Coin / Gold Sovereign systems, if you wanted to purely increase the value on drops. Or you could raise the Blue Dragon's gold drop if you wanted him to be more of a prize.
Or you could halve the chance of drops and give Blue Dragon a null drop, if you didn't want a purely upward value on the area.

Part 2:
It's not that your points are invalid, but they are a bit annoying because it doesn't sound like you actually go to Harabec Dungeon on Main, which makes it seem a discussion with someone trolling - or disagreeing just because it doesn't impact their play.

Blue Dragon does not fit into the group of bosses that are poached or quickly killed within 30 minutes of spawning. That is my point in my first post about how many other areas are boss-farms while Harabec Dungeon was well designed to prevent people like me with boss checking crits.

Blue Dragon is already setup to prevent easy checking of the boss because Seals of Miscreation are not wasted by players, even when heavily farmed. Almost every boss in-game is easier to check than the Blue Dragon. The only exception that comes to mind is High Pristess Ku'Nal.

The last two sections of Harabec Dungeon are level 29 limited, yet you describe it as if it is for newer players or those without amassed characters. It's not - at inception, level 30 was the game's max, and Harabec Dungeon was the peak of difficulty in-game.

Harabec is a classic area. It was the best in-game aside from possibly Chronos when it was first made. It is frustrating to see changes that, from most players' perspective, make it less playable.




Part 3:
That said, since then, we have gotten even better areas and quests. Largely, those have come from Stig. Tirantek changed the game by being so detailed, massive, and challenging. The Caludron of Shadows and other grandmaster areas and bosses have upped the game again for top-level players - I still haven't figured out the puzzles with some.

And there are several other massive efforts and additions: The Pyramid of the 3rd Moon with Ganyemede, Pyramid of the Mortal God with Imhotep, Castle Darksparrow, Kyriarchian Sect, and quests. These are the finest developments Nightmist has ever had, and they all come from Stig.
Stig alone has produced about half of the game, if not more.

I was a staff member. It is really hard to deal with players and other frustrations. It is also difficult to produce areas, monsters, items, and descriptions that players may or may not appreciate. Most of us (former staff) did next to nothing for the game relative to actual development and implementation, especially me. And we had teams of 3-7 people to support and advise on developments. So, my critique and input must be taken with a large grain of salt.
Stig is the best staff member we have ever had, period.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#18 Gaddy

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 09:32 PM

Meanwhile in the real world (if you consider Australia real, Joe):



Blue Dragon is some ki​nd of sea lizard found in Queensland. It is trending on Facebook this afternoon....

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#19 Terron

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 06:01 AM

guess after so many changes exactly like this one on 1a im more or less immune to the bs of asking for clarification.  I could ask about it directly, on forum, email or whatever. but why?  I'm sure if stig felt like clarifying to an "advisor" the entirety would be listed on the staff forum for advisors to nitpick there, in private.


as for me going to dungeons...as i've literally been on main for um 12 days in the past 5 years nope haven't been there since the change.  But i have been there probably 150x since inception.  12 days and I have 18 level 29's so it wont be too long.  If the drops are soo bad, why do you care about making it there 100% lol?  Also I don't need to understand "why" to  agree with a staff implement.  the mere fact that he cared enough to look into an area and alter it, is enough for me.  Just sit back and take the good with the bad and just enjoy that nm still exists.  this last sentence should look familiar, you posted it to me on my last complaint.

"Wake Up!!" 

#20 Peacemaker

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 04:38 PM

Going a bit back to something i saw on here. Red Dragon was changed due to three people being able to do it. Which while people wanna talk about one acct abusing something, that was something that was going to be abused by one acct and maybe help of 1 other person giving those two accts top tier stuff without needing others help and charging outrageous amounts for their stuff as well. So if you wanna point fingers at the red dragon being changed then you can point right here. Yall bragged so much about being able to do stuff with just yalls acct that i complained and complained and complained and i even came up with the suggestions of spawning a kitsune on there to make it a little more challenging. So your red dragon blame can go to the mirror. Three to four people on a top tier boss on one alt is not supposed to happen. So all yalls bragging bout how few crits you needed to do it is what got it changed. Reason its not done as much now is that you have to invite others along with you now. Amazing how much stuff changes when just a tad bit of team work is needed.



Now back on subject of Blue Dragon, Telatin etc. The drop rate does change stuff tbh. I rarely go there and if on the few times i go i didnt get the seal then i'd prolly just stop going and count it up as a place not worth the time. If you dont want seals farmed then make entire place log to local. Will make you require a key everytime. Will everyone like this? No not at all. Also though i can see where they say its not fair to stop the farming now after so many other have benefited from it.

Peacemaker both servers.

#21 Terron

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Posted 22 November 2015 - 06:43 AM

yes 6-8 was doable with, imo a difficulty of 7-8 out of 10, before kitsunes.  last trip i went on, nighthawk got blown to smitherines by rapidly summoned kitsunes which all seemingly hit a devestating 200+ damage unavoidable attack on him at exactly the same time. i mean it wasnt like we were ignoring kitsunes to damage dragon, we killed the 2, it summoned all 3 and killed him almost like a pker.  that is partly why i chucked this boss into a "fk that" column. go there take my 39 cleric and lose 45m exp? no ty.  be different if it was 1-2m lol but 40-50? time doesnt grow on trees. :D

 but really enough about 1a, if anything id rather just ignore it, or whine about how its just 1 huge server of vines/vamp bat slaying, but everyone including staff know that already lol.


as for the topic, i'm sure most agree on the items bd holds, but telatin dropping decent items and getting to "skip" bd on a few trips isn't the end of the world. its the end of a single trip that is still resulting in atleast 1 item. 

"Wake Up!!" 

#22 ice_cold

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 06:37 AM


I agree with everything being hourly and lower drop rate really.
nothing is being said other than "give it some time, stig will correct anything array"
basically 1) stig changed something 2) some large accounted vets don't like it 3) they upset stig 4) a player agrees with stig...   Is this wrong?
I just feel as stig made telatin the endarea boss a low percentage of times, and made dragon more of a bonus boss, which i think is better.  people who run through dungeons and gather all the seals and go to dragon are more likely to see it spawned and that's a good thing.

Part 1:

Stig has not stated why he made these adjustments. The lack of explaination and feeling like discussion and input about the change have been ignored without cause, are why I have stated I am frustrated.
Because I am an Advisor, Stig usually at least discusses changes and balancing with me - so I might feel more entitled to input than players or Stig feel I should, but that has not been stated either.


Funny, because Terron doesn't have access to the staff forum but I do.


You state here that Stig did not state why he made this adjustments, however 3 days before this topic was even created you were told on the staff forum as to why these changes were made, and Terron is pretty spot on right? Can't lie to me Gaddy, I've already read the post. Not only that, but what you did is have a discussion with him there, said the same things you did here, and you're trying to act as if you aren't being provocative towards Stig.


I think we all remember a time when one might not find a certain boss in for a period of time, but now with people having parties all over the map logged here and there and being able to destroy bosses by themselves within minutes, it's probably a good thing if there's some checks and balances.


Then again, what do I know.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#23 Gaddy

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 07:52 AM

No, the staff forum post that I made did not get an explanation of why farming these seals is addressed at this point.
Perhaps you read Stig's responses in a different light than me, but I do not see an explanation - just that he was surprised Seal of Miscreation could be heavily farmed, not why that is an issue now. There was more time addressing the fact that other, more significant areas are still left as designed while the Blue Dragon already has significant prevention, which is why I have felt blown off on the topic. I state that in my first post here.

I'm not sure what you mean by me being provocative toward Stig, but my point was that I am not trying to upset him or insult his ability to staff and design - he's the best ever, period. However, many of the active Main players disagree with this change, and we've posted here attempting to get him to address rebalancing so the area doesn't end up in disuse.

Seeing as you don't play the Main server, I'm not sure what you know. But almost every time I log-in, there are 2-3 bosses available.
Blue Dragon was never part of the quick-check issues, as far as I know - except perhaps with Undin's recent effort to reach level 40. And I point out and suggest solutions to that issue with other bosses both here and on the Staff Forum, which you either disregard or want to pretend I didn't bring up. Why?
I might be less of a cabbage about it, but I find your comment a lazy effort to make me look bad. Maybe I do from your rather bias perspective...
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#24 ice_cold

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 08:10 AM

From Stig, his very first post after you made a topic on staff forum, "There was an issue of people farming Telatin by simply logging their party on the Plagued Spider, or before the final part of the Gauntlet with all the mini-bosses."


Seems like he explained everything he needed to in that single sentence.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#25 ice_cold

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 08:57 AM



Part 1:
We are having to make up Stig's case. Stig has not stated why he made these adjustments. "There was an issue of people farming Telatin by simply logging their party on the Plagued Spider, or before the final part of the Gauntlet with all the mini-bosses." -Stig

There are more practical (in my opinion) fashions to implement solutions, but I cannot even suggest them because I do not understand why Stig feels the Harabec Dungeon needed a change.


1. Want Blue Dragon in more often: but that does not seem appropriate to me because of his high HP and experience per damage. -Gaddy

2. Against players training on Torturers: but I disagree with making such a change -Gaddy

3. Blue Dragon drops are not all that valuable enough: Drops have no value because there's better stuff!!! -Gaddy

You could add new drops to the Blue Dragon or increase how much these trade for with the Platinum Coin / Gold Sovereign systems, if you wanted to purely increase the value on drops. Or you could raise the Blue Dragon's gold drop if you wanted him to be more of a prize.
Or you could halve the chance of drops and give Blue Dragon a null drop, if you didn't want a purely upward value on the area.

Part 2:
Harabec Dungeon was well designed to prevent people like me with boss checking crits.  -Gaddy  "There was an issue of people farming Telatin by simply logging their party on the Plagued Spider, or before the final part of the Gauntlet with all the mini-bosses." -Stig

The last two sections of Harabec Dungeon are level 29 limited, yet you describe it as if it is for newer players or those without amassed characters. It's not - at inception, level 30 was the game's max, and Harabec Dungeon was the peak of difficulty in-game...... " - "Blue Dragon drops are not all that valuable enough: Drops have no value because there's better stuff!!!" - Gaddy


Part 3:
Tirantek changed the game by being so detailed, massive, and challenging. 
It's not - at inception, level 30 was the game's max, and Harabec Dungeon was the peak of difficulty in-game...... -Gaddy


The Caludron of Shadows and other grandmaster areas and bosses have upped the game again for top-level players - It's not - at inception, level 30 was the game's max, and Harabec Dungeon was the peak of difficulty in-game......


And there are several other massive efforts and additions: The Pyramid of the 3rd Moon with Ganyemede, Pyramid of the Mortal God with Imhotep, Castle Darksparrow, Kyriarchian Sect, and quests. These are the finest developments Nightmist has ever had, and they all come from Stig. 

Stig alone has produced about half of the game, if not more.


 It is also difficult to produce areas, monsters, items, and descriptions that players may or may not appreciate. 



It seems to me, with Stigs 1 sentence, and some rearanging your own words, you can pretty much come up with the answer as to why:

A] He did this

B] Why it was needed

C] That things change

D] Why he's probably the best person to make this decision


I've done a very large amount of development for Nightmist, though the vast majority of it has been on 1a. This includes 100+ monster changes, creating 25+ monsters, multiple bosses, multiple areas, numerous items, tons of descriptions, crafting recipees, npcs, I've worked on both alternate leveling systems on 1a, had updated the wiki with vast amounts of information, I've worked with numerous staff over numerous years to include kharybdis (ian), jen, don, maarten, Stig, and wes. With all that, even when I disagree with him, I don't just come to the forums where everyone can see, I talk to him in private or on the staff forum. In the end I don't complain much if he doesn't listen to me because, well, even with all that I just stated, I haven't done nearly anywhere close to what Stig has done for the game. Like you said, he's probably created at least 50% of the game, he probably knows a bit better what to do then us.


I don't know why you would think I'm biased, doesn't make a whole lot of sense. To be biased I would need to either be against or for the change, since I don't play there isn't much reason for me to be biased right.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#26 Gaddy

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 10:22 AM

You're bias because you don't like me.
I do not understand your modifications to my post in your quote. You are making my point - I presented both sides because a change is reasonable, but Stig has not explained why it was necessary. Players did not argue that Harabec should not have been touched. The consensus is that the changes are too much when all 3 are combined (L2L, spawn rate, drop rate).

As you said, the game needs checks and balances - they're missing without player input and pushback since Stig is the only active staff.
If players disagree and he leaves the change in place, that's his power. It doesn't mean we should not post logical alternatives and perspective.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#27 ice_cold

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 11:11 AM

This whole dislike I have for you has been invented by yourself. I have an indifference towards you. I have no reason to dislike the vast majority of people on nightmist, why would I?

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#28 Terron

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Posted 02 December 2015 - 05:09 PM

Just like the player's indifference to 100+ mob changes resulting in..................added hps, added damage, increased attack speed, nerfed gold drop, and ofcourse, my personal favorite, unavoidable magic attacks on mundane training monsters.  add in reduced vamp and characters like a lvl 36 paladin cant even kill a 3 stack of magimox ffs. Run , Run, Run away and heal ... It's pretty rediculous to take 270-350 undodgeable damage from a stack of 3 monsters  that are as mundane as a magimox.  especially when crossserver a 5 stack of magimox could be owned by a journeyman cuz they are just glorified mutant rats with higher hps. Sorry for the rant but i keep hearing this echo in my head that sounds like, cough** "Wrong server", but oh well too late now.




as for this topic , this change has done nothing but add 2 drops to an area that has a 100% chance of an item. It's irrelevant that the new drops aren't on the dragon, If you start to finish the area you get a drop.  Its about as effective as complaining why lord Darksparrow isn't a 100% guarantee, while moving all Burton's non-key drops to confine.  I mean, it is staff's call, and i'm sure if no advisors played ingame, they wouldnt have complained about the change at all, just on principle that they wouldnt care. This thread would have only had Stig's 1 reply and that would have sufficed. lol

"Wake Up!!" 

#29 Sneaky

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Posted 03 December 2015 - 03:01 PM

This topic should've been locked two weeks ago when the discussion devolved into bickering. 


Control-F, 1a -- 8 instances found. This is a topic about main. I don't think there's a cage big enough to contain all the red herrings flying around this topic. 1a and Main are different games, period, and what someone developed on one server has no bearing on the other.


Have to respond to this -- Terron, the point of comparing this to Darksparrow is completely invalid. Darksparrow was designed to not be a 100% guarantee, Telatin was. Everyone agreed that the ability to farm seals was a problem. Just disagree with fundamentally changing an area that has existed for over a decade. 


just an aside, Ice_cold, I don't know if this is intentional (and this comment will probably be edited), but your posts come across as incredibly condescending. 

also, Gaddy, I miss when you used to post in colors. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#30 Terron

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Posted 03 December 2015 - 04:44 PM

Its completely valid....confine can be altered to drop all burton's drops aswell and still have percentage on drops to drop at exactly the same rate as it is currently.  every trip you will get to cycle and pound 1 more boss. because that's literally all that's changing, you lose out on the 4-5 minutes of alt esc click that is blue dragon.
I mean you're still getting to kill blue dragon 90-95% of the trips and get an item on 100% of your runs through dungeon.
Edit - 2nd paragraph removed - Gaddy

"Wake Up!!" 

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