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Palace Of The Crone

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#1 brewcrew

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 07:45 PM

Name- Palace of the Crone

Story- In the days of yore lived a beautiful princess named Kaliri. She was so beautiful that her family feared for her safety. She was too beautiful for one man to lay claim. In their fear, her parents turned to their gods, hoping for protection. They spirited her to the Pantheon temple, where she would live in relative safety and comfort. Atleast that was their hope. Her beauty was so revered, that the gods themselves coveted her. The gods of that time fought jealously for her hand, using all the powers at their command. Battles ensued, dividing the Pantheon irreversibly. Brothers fought against brothers, such was her beauty. The heavens were shattered, broken by carnage, mayhem, and bloodshed. From this destruction two gods distinguished themselves. Lyrandi, the god of war, 2nd son of the earth, protector of realms. His brother Ochrae, King of the Pantheon, god of creation, god of magick, god of the sun, the 1st born son of the earth. So evenly matched were these two that no victor could be determined through battle. The two celestial beings endeavored to do battle in a field of a different nature. They showered Kaliri with gifts, creations of the gods themselves. They pursued her with an insatiable hunger and vigor. Plying her with devotions of undying love, promises of immortality. Beasts were created, of untold power and beauty, to guard her from prying eyes. Treasure flowed in like vast river into the sanctuary, until the palace itself became a labrynth. One god visited her at night, forgoing the lavish gifts the other had bestowed on her. He frequented her bed chamber, giving her flowers, poems, songs. These proved to be the deciding factor. Kaliri fell madly in love with her god, and vowed to spend the rest of eternity with him. So when the day arrived for Kaliri to choose, she chose Lyrandi. Ochrae, taking slight at this mortal girl choosing the younger brother over the King of the gods, decided that if he would not have her no one would. He turned her palace into a prison. One of which she would never escape, not even in death. Ochrae cursed Kaliri, transforming her beauty into something grotesque. No longer would she hold sway over the pantheon, nor would any mortal have her. His curse caused her soft skin to wither, taking the look of an old crone. Thus she was called for all days, as the god, in his benevolent cruelty, granted her immortality. To sit in her palace, with her creatures and treasures, never to look at the light of day again.
As the god's power weakens in this realm, provides a chance to strike and release this poor soul from her torment.

Lyrandi's Spectre: My power is fading from this realm, please release my beloved! Her anguish has lasted long enough. Come brave travelers, bring a cacophony of friends and you shall be rewarded!
Lyrandi's Spectre: A fate worse than death, can you imagine her pain?! Come, you will find what you need on the beach. I will provide a guide.
Location: Silversail

Restrictions- 1 druid, 1 mage, 1 cleric, 1 berserker, 1 paladin, 1 ranger, 1 thief.


Ochraen Centaur:
The Ochraen Centaur is not only beautifully wrought, but extremely dangerous. Its eyes glow with celestial power of an untold age. It's hoofs stomp at the sight of you, and its beauty nearly hides its long bow pointed directly at you. The Ochraen Centaur is in healthy condition.

Ochraen Centaur: How dare you enter here mortal!
Difficulty: about like a sand viper
Pod: 90
Drops: 900 gold, slight chance for long bow.
Location: within labrynth.

Ochraen Lion:
The Ochraen Lion appears to be pure gold, upon closer inspection it is not an artifact but an actual Lion! It crouches in preparation of attack. The Ochraen Lion is in healthy condition.
Difficulty: Sand Spider
Pod: 80
Drops: 350 gold.
Location: within labrynth.

Roc of Lyrandi:
The Roc is a beautiful bird, gracious, fierce, and proud. The Roc is Lyrandi's personal pet, spying battlefields for its master, and serving in any way he commands. Lyrandi has granted it wisdom and speech. The Roc of Lyrandi is in healthy condition.
Roc of Lyrandi: My master bids you to release his beloved from her torment. I have been sent here to aid as I can.
Roc of Lyrandi: Have the weary rest here, but we must be quick, Ochrae has minions all around us.
Roc of Lyrandi: Before you find her, you must consult Lyrandi's Oracle. She can not come here, you must go to her.
Roc of Lyrandi: I cannot travel with you, Roc's are creatures of air, the oracle is where no beast of air may go, just follow the breeze!
Location: Conservatory
Maybe have it cast healing spells like hired guides do.

Onyx Turtle:
The Onyx Turtle has a shell as black as midnight, it shimmers in the light. It slowly makes its way towards you, this giant turtle spies you and begins to charge. The Onyx Turtle is in healthy condition.
Difficulty: high armor, low wisdom (hence the mage needed).
Drops: superior mana crystal (slight chance) 200 gold.
Location Seastone Walkway.

Flawless Seagull:
The flawless seagull is no ordinary bird. Its wings looked to be carved of amethyst, its eyes are peerless as diamonds. It swoops to meet you! The Flawless seagull is in healthy condition.
Difficulty: just like seagull
Drops: 100 gold, very small chance of amethyst.
Location: Seastone Walkway, Ocean Aquarium

Boss: Leviathan
The leviathan is a monstrous sea beast. Its dragon like body writhes as it smells fear, its scales glimmer as it flashes, striking like a coiled snake! Its sole purpose is to prevent Lyrandi's allies from seeing the oracle. The leviathan is in a healthy condition.
Difficulty: GSW
Drops: 10000 gold, Sea stone.
Library info Sea stone: Stone infused with celestial power, granting the holder the ability to breathe underwater! Type of item: Doesn't do anything special or is a key.
Location: Seastone Archway.

The oracle is beyond compare. Her beauty radiates the entire Aquarium. Her mermaid like body glistens in the light, her whole being radiates warmth and great sadness. She stares at you with eyes like iridescent pearls. She is in a healthy condition.

Nymphri: Welcome travelers, I have foreseen your arrival. I am Nymprhi, daughter of Lyrandi. I am the goddess of the sea, and oracle to my Lord father. He built this aquarium for me, so that i might help guide those who come to absolve us of our sins.
Nymphri: By ancient laws I cannot give you aid for free. You must find your own path, although i can provide some insight.
Nymphri: Pay me the homage due to a goddess, and i shall provide you with help. ***There is something that must be given/done but i will not reveal as of now***
Nymphri: Ahh that is what i sought. Well then, the road ahead is paved in gold, but to find what you seek do what you're told.

I have much more to add but i have friends coming so i will have to edit later!

Edited by brewcrew, 14 March 2012 - 10:42 PM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#2 Stig

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 08:52 PM

It's a nice idea with a lovely backstory. Unfortunately there is no system available that allows an area to be restricted in the way you have described. I can only restrict a maximum number of crits, along with countermeasures to prevent players bypassing the restricted square, or restrict which classes and races can enter, but I can't program it to say "one of this and one of that". It would make a nice feature though, but I doubt we will see it in Nightmist.

If you're lucky, something from this may be adapted.

#3 brewcrew

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 08:59 PM

Thanks for the imput Stig! I will keep this in mind as i add more and edit, I just wanted to put some of my ideas out there, I really only spent about an hour on the storyline and just made it up as I went.
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#4 Apocalypto

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:26 PM

Agree with the thought, but like stig said, i didnt expect it to be an early addition(if ever). I do like premise and all of the area. It intrigues like a mofo lol..

Assuming that kind of coding wont be dont to address the issue of having people use different races and classes, then maybe the mobs could be balanced to where heal spells being able to kill some mobs, magic(druid/mage) spells being able to kill some mobs.. and then, maybe different weapons that could only be wielded by certain classes that would be able to do any "real" damage to the mobs within the area.

#5 IXThunderDomeXI

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:30 PM

I like the story but not the restrictions
Angry_Anarch/Matityahu in game.

#6 Shera

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Posted 14 March 2012 - 09:30 PM

Wow gg! That was honestly one of the most entertaining backstories that I've read for an area. I like it!

Pok Alex and I were talking the other day about how for zerks they cant wear a lot of different armors. One of things that we were talking about was that it might be fun to craft some items for all crits to wear including zerks, or especially zerks since it would have to be 0 ac. Alex came up with how about having lions have a chance to drop there skin and having to take so many of the skins and so many bunny furs to Serenade the Tailor to craft a Fur Loincloth. It would be interesting to maybe have the Ochraen Lion be the ones to drop their hides if they get implemented into the game.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix

#7 brewcrew

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:48 AM


Restrictions: 8 party members

Nymphri: 1 of each is what you need, follow the gold to what you seek. Find his Priest to set her free, go in to the light, or be frightened and flee!
Nymphri: that is all I can bestow upon you now brave companions. The old ways still hold power here, and I must not rebel against them. You may pay the ancient price to the North, nothing in this world is free.
North would be a mana/ pot shop

Obsidian Basilisk:
The Obsidian Basilisk is a large coal black snake. It appears to be solid glass, yet fluid. The large snake senses your approach as it suns itself. Its fangs drip with venom. The Obsidian Basilisk is in healthy condition.
Difficulty: Anaconda (same poison)
Pod: 80
Drop: 350 gold, slight chance at fangs.
Location: Ruby Solarium

Mithril Cobra:
The Mithril Cobra is as beautiful as it is deadly. Its body is cut from living mithril, giving it a statuesque appearance. Its cape unfurls as you enter its domain, it stands ready to devour all in its path. The Mithril Cobra is in a healthy condition
Difficulty: King Cobra
Pod: King Cobra
Drop: 1000 gold, Sanctuary Key
Location: Ruby Solarium
Item info for Sanctuary Key, wrought of exquisite precious metals, like ruby, topaz, and gold. Its size and ornate craftsmanship depicts its importance. Type of item: doesn't do anything special or is a key.

Ether Dragon:
The Ether Dragon is a testament to the powers of yore. It appears to be beams of light crafted into a living host. Its lightning fast reflexes and glimmering body makes you wonder if you've stepped into the ethereal realm. The Ether Dragon is in a healthy condition.
Difficulty: Nether beast
Pod: 80
Drop: 500 gold
low wisdom, high dodge rate
Location: Sanctuary of the Crone

Nexus Beast:
Tendrils of power weaved acutely through time and space give this beast an eery aura. This unnatural monster gives you a chilling feeling down your spine. It stalks you ferociously and you wonder if you have stepped into the wrong place and time. The nexus beast is in a healthy condition.
Difficulty: Skeletal Warrior
Undead monster
Drop: 300 gold
Location: Sanctuary of the Crone

Boss: High Priest's Shade:
The High Priest's Shade is a vestige of ancient power, Ochrae's tether into this world. Its many years in servitude to the God King has scoured it of all humanity. It has forgotten its purpose and only seeks to destroy all life that come near. The High Priest's Shade is a blight to all life, and fills you with dread as you peer into its light less eyes.
High Priest's Shade: You have come to free her from my master.
High Priest's Shade: Free me from my torment as well, or i will devour you!
*upon death* High Priest's Shade: To free her you must confront my master himself. He is tethered to her very existance, his malice and hatred bind her to him even as his power wanes. Such is his hate.
Drop: 3000 gold, Bedchamber key
Location: Sanctuary of the Crone

Old Crone:
The old crone is a hideous sight. More wraith than woman, a malevolent presence fouls the air as she passes. Pain and anguish fill her eyes, and you find yourself wanting to weep. The Old Crone is in a healthy condition.
Old Crone: At last my saviors have come. My god has not forsaken his beloved.
Old Crone: I was once beautiful; but greed and jealousy have brought this tragedy upon me.
Old Crone: His brother, HE has done this to me, and without no recourse to hope for. I am not allowed to pass on to the Ether in peace, I am chained here, forever wishing to die.
Old Crone: You there, Sorcerer! You must sense his presence, he is not tangible in this universe. This plane of existence has forgotten him, thus his power has faded but you hold the key to the doorway! Lift the veil to his dismal plane! The pantheon of gods await your success, but you must go through him to reach it! It is why you have been brought here, my beloved thinks of all! Please release me, let me pass with my beloved from this world. Only combined may you aid me!
Location: Kaliri's Bedchamber

Ochrae's Shade:
Ochrae's Shade is an immense figure, disfigured by its hatred it has but one purpose, one thought. The shade is a poor reflection of its former self, all remnants of its deity have been grotesquely transformed by its lust for vengeance and malice! Driven by its madness it looks to consume you as well!
Ochrae's Shade is in healthy condition.
Ochrae's Shade: My pitiful brother, this is all he could send?! What a shame.... FOR YOU!
Difficulty: Banshee
Pod: 85
Drops: TBD, thinking of having an item drop for each class, maybe an equal drop rate for each item (More to come on this).
10000 gold
Location: Nexus Plane

NPC: Lyrandi
Lyrandi is magnificent to behold. Such power and grace, he makes for an imposing foe, but he smiles kindly as a tear falls from his eye.
Lyrandi: My many thanks mortals, the ancient ways prevented me from releasing her, maybe there is hope for this world as we dwindle from the realm.
Lyrandi: Here, this is a token of my gratitude, i can never repay what you have done for me and my Kaliri. We may pass from this world now, who knows what lies ahead? *wink*
Lyrandi: It is not much considering what you have faced for me but do what you will with it.
(was thinking, maybe he drops something similar to azoic armlet, or another stat bracelet, or may have a couple that would have a certain chance each time...More to come on this)

Also, descriptions for squares to come as I have time, feel free to suggest on this thread. Maybe some drop ideas, monster ideas. Also I have been thinking of ways that you would need 1 of each class and have come up with a few, I will update it as I have time, but feel free to post your ideas as well..

Also big thanks to all who have liked and supported this insane rambling of mine, I might even work on the backstory a bit more, as there are many facets that can be explored. Feel free to PM me with any suggestions, or questions!

Edited by brewcrew, 15 March 2012 - 09:25 AM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#8 brewcrew

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:54 AM

By the way,
Thank you everyone for posting! I take it as a huge compliment that staff and players alike have liked my backstory. /t Shera, thank you for the kind words as this is pretty much my first forte into a project such as this!

EDIT: also, I will be drawing some pics for the area, once they are finished of course. I will post them asap!

EDIT2: was also thinking, maybe the bedchamber areas would be female only? is that possible? could say "A mysterious and jealous force prevents you from entering the Bedchambers"

Edited by brewcrew, 15 March 2012 - 09:40 AM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#9 brewcrew

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:13 PM

Posted Image
here is a quick sketch of the crone, very basic and rough. I just wanted to give an idea of what kind of things i have been "thinking" about the area. I will post a prettier, less primitive sketch. Please don't flame my 5 minute sketch lol, as it was only a starter

Edited by brewcrew, 15 March 2012 - 10:14 PM.

Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#10 Apocalypto

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 01:25 AM

that ruined it for me

#11 brewcrew

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 01:57 AM

lol jerk, i told you it was a 5 min sketch that i crapped out.
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#12 ketchup

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:38 AM

Good job

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#13 Dangerous

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 02:38 PM

Posted Image
here is a quick sketch of the crone, very basic and rough. I just wanted to give an idea of what kind of things i have been "thinking" about the area. I will post a prettier, less primitive sketch. Please don't flame my 5 minute sketch lol, as it was only a starter

That'll be me later on :lol:

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