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Just An Idea

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#1 Cadabra


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 02:59 PM

Ok i was talking with a friend the other day and remebred a few things that used to be fun on multi and maybe if staff could be active for maybe 2 hours for 1 - 2 days a week to do them then maybe we could have a lil fun on 1alt and show new players nightmist isnt just a boring run down game.

#1. Quizes.
#2. A staff member used to paste there location and first person to find them got a prize.(dunno what they called it lol)
#3. Moshes (we have a few now and then already but would be nice to see more)
#4. Russian Roulette, now i know there is enough people on time to time for this to be run.
#5. CTF on a saturday night?

Now i know there aint alot of people on everydat but atleast 2 nights a week i see ateleast 20+ users.

Now these are just suggestions feel free to shoot them down or support them.

I personally would like to see peoples/staffs views on these.

Edited by Cadabra, 04 November 2008 - 03:01 PM.

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#2 Walt

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 05:11 PM

All but #5 seem feesable. I've heard CTF isn't teally doable on 1a for some reason or another. I'd like to see more events run once in a while. It was fun until the last staffer to become staff just went *poof*
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#3 shomer

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 05:16 PM

i don't think they've done CTF on 1a because of the fact it's set up for bigger parties and would take too long to complete, although some players i'm sure wouldn't mind being in there for awhile if it meant having a lil harmless fun
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#4 Sausage


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 06:06 PM

You only need 8 people for CTF. I love CTF. Please bring it to 1a, it's one of the most enjoyable lil excursions I've ever played.

Plus I guaranteee, if the people are on, we could round up people for CTF quicker on 1a than main.

I could've swore there was once a guy named Tecton that did a pretty good job of running all these events (-CTF). Guess he fell of the face of the earth.

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#5 shomer

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 06:34 PM

ah i didn't know it was adjusted for the 1a server yet
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#6 Trance

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 06:39 PM

All of it would be interesting to see implemented. Never even tried CTF on main so would be nice to see what it's like lol.
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#7 Elf

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 07:09 PM

;) 10-19-2008 19:08:14: Elf has started a mosh for levels 1 to 40, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Nightshade Elixir is the prize for the winner.

19:13:15: The following
4 people are in the mosh arena: Phoenix, Silfver_Ek, Heartless, Borat.

Heartless was assassinated by Borat.

Phoenix was cut down by Silfver_Ek's mighty Claws!

Silfver_Ek was assassinated by Borat.

The Mosh Server: Borat won the mosh!!!

End of log.

Over and over I get 4 or 5 players into a mosh I run.
Even when more are logged they do not join. gets disheartening sometimes.

I do not know CTF well enough to run it.... sorry.

I did the post where I am and come fine me game very recently...
the same player ran around to find me each time.. none others bothered.

Russian Roulette is ok.
Vengeance I had to stop.. players insisted on dropping the grenades :ph34r:

I can run more moshes.... just seems sad when none enter other than to collect up
mana and pots from the mosh before.


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#8 Sausage


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:07 PM

ah i didn't know it was adjusted for the 1a server yet

It's not on 1a yet. It's 8 people for main. Unless you weren't referring to my comment lol.

And elf, I agree that there are plenty of times when there aren't enough people to get good events running. However, there are still times when these events could be ran, and I think they'd have a warm welcome,

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#9 Cadabra


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:22 PM

;) 10-19-2008 19:08:14: Elf has started a mosh for levels 1 to 40, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Nightshade Elixir is the prize for the winner.

19:13:15: The following
4 people are in the mosh arena: Phoenix, Silfver_Ek, Heartless, Borat.

Heartless was assassinated by Borat.

Phoenix was cut down by Silfver_Ek's mighty Claws!

Silfver_Ek was assassinated by Borat.

The Mosh Server: Borat won the mosh!!!

End of log.

Over and over I get 4 or 5 players into a mosh I run.
Even when more are logged they do not join. gets disheartening sometimes.

I do not know CTF well enough to run it.... sorry.

I did the post where I am and come fine me game very recently...
the same player ran around to find me each time.. none others bothered.

Russian Roulette is ok.
Vengeance I had to stop.. players insisted on dropping the grenades :ph34r:

I can run more moshes.... just seems sad when none enter other than to collect up
mana and pots from the mosh before.


Was a good mosh silfver had me down to 40 odd hp.

Back on topic.

I know not many people join moshes as most dont think they stand a chance at winning or they dont enter because all we get is moshes. You try your best we know that but theres more than one staff member.

Try and tweak prizes and see how it goes?

Maybe start running events on certain days and post days/times in the event part so people know? maybe that will attract players that dont play dued to lack of events and such?

Edited by Cadabra, 04 November 2008 - 08:27 PM.

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#10 shomer

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:35 PM

i always thought it was 12 or so for CTF on main, i know we had to bring in an extra alt a couple times because there weren't enough players
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#11 Sausage


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:43 PM

CTF, well since Trev brought it back onto main, has been 8 players. Trev used to put it in my hands to get the ppl together if we wanted to play lol.

I think we need to take this one step at a time. I like all these ideas. I think we should play around with one thing at a time. Who knows, maybe triplex will make it's way into the fun.


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#12 Gaddy

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:48 PM

I always make moshes require gold or the sort to enter in order to make it matter if you join or not, and it causes there to be very limited participation. I do not like running moshes willy-nilly though.

As far as the multi-server, all of the ideas seem reasonable to run. I won't be running CTF though.
I also don't know that RR will work with the lower numbers. With 35 people on, you got around 10-15 participants and some with two or three characters entering. It'd be less of a pot to snatch with only 4-8 players entering.

The easiest things to run are moshes because they were developed well enough to require little to no oversight. Realize that events are not fun for staff most of the time. We get complaints, etc. So the easier, the more likely to be run.
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#13 Sausage


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 09:48 PM

Well in all fairness gaddy, from our point of view, you guys don't seem to be doing much else... 'Sides elf.

And that mosh was fun.

And this topic is about the possibilities of these activites on 1a btw.

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#14 Angelus

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 10:38 PM

and show new players nightmist isnt just a boring run down game.

That could be considered misleading.

And Gaddy if it really was your 'job', then you guys would get fired because of the lack of customers. :ph34r: So I doubt anyone with a right mind sees it like that.
Angelus ingame.
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#15 Cadabra


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 11:59 PM

To my knowledge there hasnt been an RR for a long time, last time i saw one ran most people were noobs and say 11 high lvls so yeah nearly everyone who plays now certainly knows how to enter DECENT events.

Gaddy: you run a mosh 1-40 what about all the lvl 20's that may want to have a shot at some free gold? it's obvious they aint gonna win cos you get douches who will enter and just click em off for the hell of it instead of saying "lets let the kids play this one and be nice for a change".

Edited by Cadabra, 05 November 2008 - 12:02 AM.

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#16 Gaddy

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 06:41 AM

Level 20s should be training. ;-p
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#17 Cadabra


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 04:05 PM

Level 20s should be training. ;-p

True but they like to be in for free gold so they can buy higher lvl's. I help newbie's out as much as i can and would like to see then have there chnce in most events. RR is best event a newbie would prob be best with as its random.

So.. any chance we can have info on whether this is possible please?
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#18 Cadabra


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Posted 07 November 2008 - 02:55 PM

Take it this is being ignored?
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#19 Oracle



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Posted 07 November 2008 - 09:32 PM

If staff deem it worthwhile, then I'm sure they'll do these or what they can to entertain you guys.

#20 jurian


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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:00 PM

If staff deem it worthwhile, then I'm sure they'll do these or what they can to entertain you guys.

your logic is slightly flawed (sp?). you are suggesting there is any other staff active besides elf. elf does her best but she can't manage it on her own since i've heard a rumour about her having a live and work or something strange like that.
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#21 Gaddy

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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:29 PM

Jurian, you're hardly active enough to know who is around as staff, and no players can see me online 90-95% of the time I am on.
It is far more often than I log my mortal characters, though that also varies with how I feel about playing.

Mark is also on enough to keep track of things.

11-09-2008 23:16:20: Stadius has started a mosh in the cube for levels 1 to 17, the entrance fee for the pot is 2000 gold, the winner gets the pot total, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Life Essence is the prize for the winner.
23:21:21: The following
1 people are in the mosh arena: Kermit.
The Mosh Server: Kermit won the mosh!!!
End of log.

Umm...why bother running things for lower levels?

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#22 jurian


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 02:58 PM

Jurian, you're hardly active enough to know who is around as staff, and no players can see me online 90-95% of the time I am on.
It is far more often than I log my mortal characters, though that also varies with how I feel about playing.

Mark is also on enough to keep track of things.

11-09-2008 23:16:20: Stadius has started a mosh in the cube for levels 1 to 17, the entrance fee for the pot is 2000 gold, the winner gets the pot total, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Life Essence is the prize for the winner.
23:21:21: The following
1 people are in the mosh arena: Kermit.
The Mosh Server: Kermit won the mosh!!!
End of log.

Umm...why bother running things for lower levels?

you and mark on 1 alt? only staff on 1 alt i ever see is elf. also most of the time elf is on i'm sleeping due to time zone difference so that might be the same for you. Mark i do see alot on multi.
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#23 Sausage


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 03:57 PM

I'm on enough to see who's on as staff. Only activeness I've seen from gaddy is 2 moshes in last month or so and no sign of mark. Elf on the other hand... Well I think we all know she puts in work.

Gaddy, there was also only about 7/8 people on when you ran that mosh. Noone else in my clan had anything worth taking and rest must've been busy or also no crits. There was only 1 crit on at the time that could've joined. Low level moshes have been run in the past with great success. Don't let this one lil instance say "why bother running things for lower levels?"

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#24 Cadabra


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 04:13 PM

Jurian, you're hardly active enough to know who is around as staff, and no players can see me online 90-95% of the time I am on.
It is far more often than I log my mortal characters, though that also varies with how I feel about playing.

Mark is also on enough to keep track of things.

11-09-2008 23:16:20: Stadius has started a mosh in the cube for levels 1 to 17, the entrance fee for the pot is 2000 gold, the winner gets the pot total, type in /mosh enter to enter the mosh. A Life Essence is the prize for the winner.
23:21:21: The following
1 people are in the mosh arena: Kermit.
The Mosh Server: Kermit won the mosh!!!
End of log.

Umm...why bother running things for lower levels?

I had to loan a lvl 13 to join on and was too slow.

Clay is right you ran that with 8 people online and lately ive seen what 10 low lvls on and 10 high lvls at at like 7 pm server time til 12 pm server.
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#25 Elf

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 05:51 PM

There are 12 characters online, (12 users).

Online users:
Astinus, Atrocity, Azalyne, Chaos, DarkAlliance, Hierophant, Incognito, Lethal_Dose, Nepharious_Niassey, Peacemaker, Shapeshifter, Unforgiven.

The following
12 people have been in the mosh for 4 minutes:

Peacemaker, Shapeshifter, Chaos, Astinus, Lethal_Dose, Atrocity, Hierophant, Unforgiven, Incognito, DarkAlliance, Nepharious_Niassey, Azalyne.

*wipes a tear* y'all made me so happy !!!
almost like old times =)

Elf :ph34r:

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#26 Gaddy

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 06:38 AM

^Not for low levels. :-p

Anyway, there were 13 on when I started the mosh. I remember checking.

Again, you do not see when I am online. And 1-alt I mainly log into for a short period to look about. I do not play or sit and track what goes on all the time. There is no real reason to do so.
That is why I said that the simple things such as moshes were what I would run, rather than things that take sitting there and waiting on players and participation.

I suggest begging JLH for the automation systems that were discussed years back. Simple little things that would run Russian Roullette and other (very) basic events. He's not entirely dead when it comes to coding and working on Nightmist; it's just the constant nonsense and such that he doesn't deal with---or things that do not have definite and clear reason behind them.
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