Mages Vs Druids
Posted 13 January 2006 - 06:10 PM
Posted 13 January 2006 - 09:44 PM
Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:49 PM
I voted mages because mages 8 / 10 round a druid before it can do anything literally, and as druids can't hit a full round of SW very often because of counterspells and stuff a mage would win easily.
Posted 15 January 2006 - 12:24 AM
PvE Druids in pretty much every case
And jared d00d if I have to read about another dynamic fox I am going to poke my eyes out.

Posted 16 January 2006 - 06:23 PM
yup mages eat up mana extremely quick and are very weak (you cant realistically keep AoP up for a whole trip... Gaea's you can and most people do)... PvP mana isnt much of an issue and the extra damage of the mage is more helpfulPvP mages in most cases....
PvE Druids in pretty much every case
/me gives jared a medium rare spit roast fox steak
Posted 21 January 2006 - 07:52 PM
(note: i've never won against one)
deimos the noob said no
Posted 21 January 2006 - 08:01 PM
Sept. 1- Xian beats Moops
Sept. 8- Judgement beats Moops
Nov. 10- Moops wins 1-alt PT! (didn't face mages just want to boost my ego)
Dec 15- Cuba beats Moops (I swear he uses a program to attack)
Dec. 29- Cuba beats Moops (program...)
Look's like I'm 0-4

deimos the noob said no
Posted 21 January 2006 - 08:47 PM
Lmao MikeNov. 10- Moops wins 1-alt PT! (didn't face mages just want to boost my ego)

Edited by Äññöÿäñcë, 21 January 2006 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 03 February 2006 - 10:49 AM
Posted 04 February 2006 - 09:42 PM
Posted 04 February 2006 - 09:57 PM
If they weren't, maybe he uses wis-boosting equipment...i use strength.
deimos the noob said no
Posted 07 February 2006 - 05:17 AM
And yes, I have used nightshades a few times.
But, take for example, the 1 alt pt final against Jared on Chiquita. I did use one nightshade that I had left in that final match, but Jared also used one nightshade on me, and he was the first one to use one. Druids can beat mages, people on druids just need to learn that when you are going against a mage, in a pots duel, take in 14 pots, and steal all the mana you need from the mage. Not only do you have extra healing potions, but you steal the mage's mana, and he cant do anything.
Posted 07 February 2006 - 05:24 AM
Random choices are Chiquita, Melancholic. Thats the one where we both used one.
Random choices are Chiquita, (Creaper). Used like 3 nightshades in that match.
Random choices are Xian, (Creaper). Dont believe I used one in that match.
Random choices are Creaper, (Cuba). Lost by 20 hp, and he had NO mana left.
Those are the 5 times that I have faced a mage on a druid in the 1 alt PT.
Posted 17 February 2006 - 07:21 AM
Character Name: Wind on both servers!
Posted 23 February 2006 - 07:10 AM
Isn't that when a druid would morph at mod, recieve a bonus 100 hp, and then proceed to disembowel a mage, while it's busy trying to eat mana to make up for the fang/ talon effect.
Hmm mmm, have accomplished this a few times in pk'ing, but maybe I'm wrong.
Posted 23 February 2006 - 07:50 AM
How many mages do you see change into fierce lions or wolfs?
Its so cool! <3
And besides - if you know what your doing a druid can take a mage easy. (Tracks also helpful)
Posted 23 February 2006 - 09:35 AM
How?And besides - if you know what your doing a druid can take a mage easy. (Tracks also helpful)
For myself, I prefer druids mostly, but then again, mages are pretty neat

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 23 February 2006 - 09:55 AM

Posted 02 March 2006 - 04:19 PM
Thats all I have to say about that...
Posted 02 March 2006 - 04:53 PM

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned
¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯
Posted 02 March 2006 - 08:40 PM
High Spell Damage
High Armor Spells (Dependant on current ac)
Haste (Stam Regain)
High Mana Costs
Few Intell Mods (to increase damage)
Low HP
Vortex Gate works in very few places
High Spell Damage
High Armor Spells (lasts longer than mages, not current ac dependant)
Camouflage (lasts longer than mages)
Morph (hits harder and more often than a fighter)
Mana Leech
Many Widsom Mods (to increase damage)
Fairly High HP
Yet to think of one
Therefore....Druids > Mages
Posted 03 March 2006 - 07:36 AM
I still like my mage though.
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