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Member Since 25 May 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2010 03:53 AM

Topics I've Started

Selling Lvl 30 Druid (1-alt)

20 August 2009 - 11:27 PM

General lookover of what is equipped that is included in the pricing:
Female Human Archmaster Druid. She looks strong, smart, fast, and average looking. In one hand she holds a Hawk Talon, which glows with a magical aura, the other a Shield of Faith. She is wearing a Sand Wurm Hide, and a Pirate Hat protects her head. She is a member («ßªÑãÑ뮫»Gºßzë®s») of ßåÐ KîЧ and she is in a healthy condition

Her Stats:
Race/Class: Female Human Archmaster Guardian. Str:19, Int: 9, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 17, Chr: 8, Lev: 30, Exp: 254,966,459, HP: 306, MP: 288, Stm: 5.

Im looking for 200k with all that is listed in her general lookover included but if its just items you are looking to buy separate let me know kk thnx :)
(just in case you didn't see it in the topic title or whatever this is a 1-alt crit and im only selling for 1-alt gold :P ) kk thnx