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What's The Longest You've Been Online?

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#1 Bowlin

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 01:20 AM

I've looked at some profiles and afk's a few months back and I was quite amazed at how long some people are online at a time. I saw JLH's profile and it said he had an AFK of 5000 minutes, that's like 3.5 days...or some people who've been AFK for 1000 minutes. Now, myself I've been AFK for over 300 minutes one time but that was a while ago. So, anyway, how long have you been on nightmist? whether, AFK, DND, or just plain on.

Edited by Bowlin, 04 December 2004 - 01:23 AM.

I'm not the one who's confused, boy. You don't even know who you are! -Rafiki

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#2 Cule

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 01:52 AM

lil over 24 hours once, but that was a long time ago ... ill never do that again :unsure:

#3 Dan

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 01:53 AM

Mine was close to 50 hours

#4 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 02:03 AM

36hrs once b4 that is when i was a newbie trying to figure out what to do and where to go. :unsure:

#5 Vodka

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 02:41 AM

k, I don't feel as bad then. I've been on for 17+ hours.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

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#6 Nocturnal

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 03:12 AM

I'm not exactly up there in the high score lists. But about 14 hrs is my longest.

I did bet someone to go 1000 Minutes before.... :unsure:

#7 Ryuku


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Posted 04 December 2004 - 04:16 AM

I went up to like, 20 hours at once, home alone, and no one to boot me off :unsure:

#8 newb

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 04:19 AM

I remember one time I played for like 12 hours.

God...that makes me feel horribly empty...


#9 Bowlin

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 06:23 AM

I remember one time I played for like 12 hours.

God...that makes me feel horribly empty...

I had that exact same feeling too.
I'm not the one who's confused, boy. You don't even know who you are! -Rafiki

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#10 Chewbob

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 09:33 AM

Probably like 4 hours.

#11 two

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 11:31 AM

prolly six hours in a double exp time. man it was emasculating

#12 Lady_Maha

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 11:38 AM

24 hours when I wanted to finish my mage. was on all day before that, but caught some sleep. The next morning I got on at around 7am and finally arched it the next day at the same time.
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#13 alone

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Posted 04 December 2004 - 07:53 PM

You used to be able to stay logged on for as long as the server was on, but too many people were jsut staying logged on for no reason at all. So JLH added the hour inactive boot.
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#14 Thrice

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 07:52 PM

I know Myself and Stigmata have been logged on nm for a very long time, a while back...

#15 Exor

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 07:57 PM

prolly like 12 hours
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#16 EvilDognapot

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 08:22 PM

i made a nice idler once and stayed on for something like 2000 minutes maybe. just stuffed myself with food and drink. off topic, the reason my crit isn't online right now doing the same is because the packets are no longer text and seem to be dynamic, what gives?
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#17 Matt

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 11:17 PM

I think the longest has ben 5000 minutes when JLH went a bit nuts.

Doggy, John dynamicly encrypted server/client data to prevent proxy's which would make leet bots.
"Faith; noun. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel." --- Ambrose Bierce

#18 EvilDognapot

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 12:30 AM

I think the longest has ben 5000 minutes when JLH went a bit nuts.

Doggy, John dynamicly encrypted server/client data to prevent proxy's which would make leet bots.

damn, i wish he would dim it down a bit for guys with auto-feeders.
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#19 Crane


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Posted 08 December 2004 - 12:50 AM

I think the longest has ben 5000 minutes when JLH went a bit nuts.

Doggy, John dynamicly encrypted server/client data to prevent proxy's which would make leet bots.

JLH was AFK with the message 'brb' during that time!
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#20 Matt

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 04:42 AM

I think the longest has ben 5000 minutes when JLH went a bit nuts.

Doggy, John dynamicly encrypted server/client data to prevent proxy's which would make leet bots.

damn, i wish he would dim it down a bit for guys with auto-feeders.

shrugs, i think he just wants to prevent any sort of auto program, and he has done a good job. But there are some nice bots out there atm, that don't even need nightmist focus. Although encrypting the data does make a proxy VERY difficult which could be used in making leet bots that could respond to tells, read the text of the game and judge it's next action by that etc.

lol doggy, I remember asking you how you trained in the guild for such long times because it got tedious for me at times, and you responded with "proxy".. at the time I diddnt know what you meant.. good times =X

Edited by Matt, 08 December 2004 - 04:43 AM.

"Faith; noun. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel." --- Ambrose Bierce

#21 Darklin

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 09:16 AM

1337 minutes :unsure: I was bored B)

01010100 01100001 01101100 01101011 01001110 01100101 01110010 01100100 01111001 01010100 01101111 01001101 01100101

#22 Devotchka

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 01:48 PM

All I have to say is scary..very scary.. Btw no comment on how long *hides* :unsure:
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#23 Eternyte

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 04:27 PM

Devotchka: Total Game Time: 238 days, 23 hours and 52 minutes.

Edited by Eternyte, 08 December 2004 - 04:27 PM.

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#24 Deathwish

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 04:37 PM

I've been online around 40 hours once.. very, very long ago :unsure: I started seeing things and the White walls had a Magenta/Purple colour it was scary o.o
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#25 Bun

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 07:59 PM

how long did it take archie to arch a paci lol he like didnt sleep till it was arch

I never went to asia this year i fly by and gave them a big wave.

#26 EvilDognapot

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 08:34 PM

I think the longest has ben 5000 minutes when JLH went a bit nuts.

Doggy, John dynamicly encrypted server/client data to prevent proxy's which would make leet bots.

damn, i wish he would dim it down a bit for guys with auto-feeders.

shrugs, i think he just wants to prevent any sort of auto program, and he has done a good job. But there are some nice bots out there atm, that don't even need nightmist focus. Although encrypting the data does make a proxy VERY difficult which could be used in making leet bots that could respond to tells, read the text of the game and judge it's next action by that etc.

lol doggy, I remember asking you how you trained in the guild for such long times because it got tedious for me at times, and you responded with "proxy".. at the time I diddnt know what you meant.. good times =X

well it wasn't a proxy so much, but just a packet editor repeating the same thing. i actually found some nifty bugs when i started playing with that. if i never manage to influence the game in some meaningfull way i'll still know that avatar commands and direction commands were redone because of me. but before i used that tool i just had a second mouse without a trackball that i could lazily click away while watching TV. training is boring.
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#27 Devotchka

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 10:25 PM

Devotchka: Total Game Time: 238 days, 23 hours and 52 minutes.

ssshhh they weren't supposed to know :unsure:
To hurt is to feel
To feel is to scream
This is what it's like
In my most intimate dream

#28 Lady_Maha

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Posted 08 December 2004 - 10:34 PM

how long did it take archie to arch a paci lol he like didnt sleep till it was arch

Something like 2 and a half days...
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

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