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Nightmist Reset

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#1 Autek

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:40 AM

In light of Crane leaving Nightmist over how messed up this game has become, I've decided to try and make a difference. Hopefully the rest of the Nightmist community will agree and aid in the saving of Nightmist. The main changes that I think need to be done are listed below. If anyone has a suggestion or a constuctive comment, please add your thoughts!

Needed Changes

Staff and mortal characters:
I am surprised it took this long to realize that staff may not use their powers the way they should when they have mortal characters! It is absurd to say that a Staff member will not be biased towards a friend of theirs when that staff member breaks up a fight involving a friend. Obviously a staff member can travel around a map, and get insider information on new areas, maps, etc. Of course they will use that information to better their mortal characters and help their clans/friends.

Staff Positions
It is quite obvious that several staff members do not do much for the game. Most that stick out are in fact some of the newer staff that were allowed to keep their position after the so-called 'Trial Period'. We need to get staff into the game who do not mind foregoing their rights at having mortal characters, and staff who just flat care about the game and it's future.

On another note, we cannot just make all of the best players in the game staff members. Many of the best out of the playerbase were handed these staff positions, and because they are still allowed to play on mortal characters, are forced to split their online time between their staff and mortal characters. This caused them to be rather dull in both areas. None of them, as far as I can tell, really play the game like they used to before being staff, and none of them (At least of the new ones, besides Trevayne) seem to be doing their job as a staff member as well as they should.

Another reset!
This, is needed in my opinion as much as anything else. Nobody can honestly say that there is not a problem with the amount of gold and level 30 characters in the game. Come on now, 2000 of the 16000 (A lot of which I'm sure are name holders etc.) have reached the highest level possible. That in itself is out of control. It is not bad that people have reached that point, but when that % of the playerbase has no more training to do, they turn to bickering with each other, giving staff a hard time for moshes, etc. Players need to have something to do, and adding more staff/areas is not enough to keep them busy. As for the gold problem, when players have so many high level characters, and have nothing to do but kill bosses, each boss is killed I'm sure within an hour of it's spawn. This leads to way too many drops in game, depreciating their values immensely, and gold rarely changes hands. Also, with so many characters ingame, monsters are just swept through no problem and gold massed quickly. All of these problems are caused by one common thing. And that leads me to my next point, Alts.

Alts are the cause of basically all the problems in Nightmist as we know it.

Even moreso recently. Players with alts are able to train 20 characters at once rather than just 1, as it should be. That right there is the cause of so many level 30 characters.

All areas are now insanely hard, especially the new ones. Bosses especially have had to have their stamina and health increased dramatically, on several occassions I'd imagine, to keep it a challenge for players. Bosses are not meant to be killed by 1 person on 25 characters, so their stats are upped. Then, players just decide they will buy more characters so they can do it on their own. And it just keeps going back and forth.

Players fighting with each other is always because of egos. When a player has 25 characters on, and can kill a boss alone, he/she decides they're better than the guy who only logs on 10 characters. They go back and forth, fighting, arguing, and just downright being assholes to one another. If alts were not in the game, and players were forced to make a party of say 10 members to kill the Crystal Giant, and everyone was on one character, it would make it much more difficult to start a fight. Even if a fight were to erupt, it would be settled over a simple 1v1 battle and it would be over with.

More than anything, alts have ruined the game. The game is made more difficult to accomodate for them, and in turn, one who does not want to play on 10+ characters, is forced to conform or be left in the dust. They have created a surplus of basically every item in the game, not to mention gold. And lastly, they have led to a very ego driven, unruly playerbase.

Character Sales
There should be no character sales, or transferring of characters from account to account. Everyone should have to earn what they have, roll their own characters, and basically advance on their own.

To sum it up

I believe that a major reset should be in order. We need to fix the problems that are driving the good people away from the game, and driving the game itself into the ground. Sure, we all would lose what we have put so much time into to get, but lets look to better the game and it's future. It is something that needs to be done. The game itself is amazing, and what is wrong with it can be fixed by a reset! We have no need for a Nightmist 2, NM1 can be saved!

For God's sake JLH, Pandilex, and whoever else cares about the game, let's push towards bettering the game that we have devoted so much of our lives to. JLH you must see that the game you've spent so many years on is running itself into the ground. It's time to step up and make the changes necessary. The current Nightmist is great, there is no need for Nightmist 2. If it is a money issue, I would gladly pay to play a cured version of NM1. Please, hear what necessary changes have been brought up, and make it a reality!

Devoted 6 year veteran of Nightmist,

Autek in game.

#2 sly

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:46 AM


#3 combusta

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:04 AM

ima say this once, and once only. Nm2 is coming out soon dont expect much to happen to Nm1.

and if u dont like this game. pure and simple. LEAVE

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#4 Thunderja


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:23 AM

I find it amusing how everyone is suddenly in crisis mode.

But granted, there are a couple of valid points ;).
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#5 MysticStorm

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:31 AM

I agree with everything but the alts. Sorry, but there are people in this game that log on very late hours/early mornings when hardly anyone is around or wishes to train so it's hard for people to find others to train with. Not to mention, you have people with 2 or 3 comps that they can use to load up a crit and they would be the ones to propel far ahead of everyone else. Again not fair to those that have a family, pay bills, and can't afford 2 or 3 computers. Perhaps maybe lowering the amount of alts used would be a better suggestion. Dial-up from what I have heard from some people can load up to 10 alts successfully so maybe lower the alt limit down to 10?

One point that I strongly agree with.. The crit sales! I gave that opionion a few months ago that the crit sales should stop. Of course I got flamed badly for it, but hopefully you'll have better luck. Less crits in game will lead to decline in gold making and force people to roll their crits. It would also stop theft for both sharing and hacking. If you can't transfer a crit out of the account, you can't steal it. So JLH would no longer have to deal with thefts due to sharing and what not. ;) I'd also like to see Item/weapons sales stop as well. If we eliminate the ability to sell items/weapons, then money stops changing hands and would force the item to be destroyed or what have you and force people to go boss hunting more and to spend the actual amount of gold on items/weapons that was intended instead of being able to buy a cobalt in game sold for 10 mil for 6 mil (? if that's how low it's dropped now). It'd also stop the boss hording by people. people are not going to want to sit at a boss just to see their inventory get full. However, it would cause more pk's this way, but it would give people something to do? Make it interesting for clan wars that's for sure.

I don't see a need for a reset to NM 1 just for the fact that even if there was a reset... some players have already done everything in this game that there is. They are not going to be willing to do everything all over again and some of us have clans that we worked our butts off to build off. I know I have with my clan which is 80 percent built up with solely my gold that I earned training and not by constantly selling stuff or crits and not relying too much on other people's gold. So that would be very unfair to myself and others who have built their clans that way.

Basically what needs to happen is for something to come along that will make people spend their gold. How? I don't know but something has to come along. I thought when the moshes came along, that would suck more of the gold out of the game but then when the new staff came and started running free moshes non stop, there was no longer a need for players to pay 50k for a mosh. Maybe cut out free moshes all together and force players to pay for a mosh would be the ultimate step. And no I don't mean "ok well you have to pay 500 to enter a mosh." no because that's just putting more gold into 1 players hands (the winner). I mean seriously no more moshes. If players want a mosh, they pay 50k for one to be ran.

Far as staff goes.. we do have some lazy staffers. Only good staffers that are in game now is Omega, trevayne, and Amy (and well, was crane) that I have seen. But then again, I log on late night/early mornings so others may be on when I'm not, but those are the most active staffers that I constantly see on and actually help people. I think that the staff crits should be like a paci, only be able to log the staff crit on, but don't agree that they shouldn't be able to use their mortal crits. Maybe restrict a few areas that their mortal crits can go into or do not allow them to go into a new area whatsoever for say maybe, 6 months so they don't learn every secret and therefore can not give secrets out and this would include their staff crits not being able to go into the new areas as well.

This is all I can think of at this late hour. If I have anything more to say, i'll be sure to post again.

Edited by MysticStorm, 09 August 2006 - 07:37 AM.

#6 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:37 AM

ditto to What mysticstorm pretty much said

#7 MysticStorm

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 07:54 AM

Another idea that just hit me! Considering how most arches are just sitting in an account and such... there should be a way that instead of just being able to log arches on every 90 days so that they don't get deleted, THAT ALL CRITS, not just arches *just used them as an example but they included* should have to gain a certain amount of experience or pay some type of in-game dues to stay active. I preferably would like to see dues being payed. Like for every arch you have you pay 500 in-game gold (price is based on level) once a month. This way then, people will not be as willing to have as many alts and those crits that are deleted, they can't be restored till due is paid. This will suck a lot of gold out of game too. And of course, this can be done on a temp basis as well till the economy is more stabled.

#8 alone

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 09:15 AM

The current staff were primarily decided by the player-base. Remember the suggestion thread?
JLH had said time and time again that he has no problem with the work his staff do. They're not paid to do what they do, so getting anything at all from them is a positive.
Not doing their job properly? What is their exact job? You know staff have varying amounts of power, right?
and as for friends of the staff, I'm close friends with at least four of the current staff, and have never once seen any preferential treatment.

Tell me how a reset will really help? It'd take less than a month for the same people to have their same groups of arch characters - Only difference, they won't be fully kitted up yet (like that will really take long to happen), and their stats won't be as good as now.
The last reset included a new world map and lots of other major changes.

As I see it, Nightmist is a hopeless cause, and has been for a long time. It's why I previously suggested admin dump it, forget about it and concentrate on making DS a game that will work.
Giving a couple of the most active and mature current staff near-on admin controls would keep this game ticking over until DS is ready for play-testing, and JLH shouldn't worry about it anymore. That's providing the staff would take on the task...
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Posted 09 August 2006 - 01:42 PM

1. Will reset change the attitude of the players?
2. How will those honest players feel who got what they have right now because of their own hard work, effort and dedication, if JLH will reset NM1?
3. In game or IRL, = “Whoever holds the gold, makes the rule”.
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#10 Trance

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 03:14 PM

I bust my arse training too much to have to deal with a reset now. I'm, going to have to agree with a lot of the things karla, and others are posting. The game, as is, is incredibly enjoyable. If you associate/hang round with dips#$%s then what can you expect? "Theres too much gold/crits, archs...etc etc"....and? If a person has the time to sit and "jew", train, buy/sell crits then so be it. I've met a lof of decent ppl and a lot of garbage ones. Just go on your merry way and ignore. The game, as is, is fine to me and if reseted will only do one thing....get rid of the ppl who actually worked to get where they are at, and those are the ones that help make this game a fun experience.

EDITE: and this was one of the other things that also works

and if u dont like this game. pure and simple. LEAVE

Edited by Trance, 09 August 2006 - 03:17 PM.

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#11 Dark


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 04:51 PM

First time this is happened.... i agree with karla on this also lol, also think the upkeep idea is pretty nifty, not expensive to keep crits alive unless you have alot, or dont play anymore. on average this woodnt be much more than 30-40k for average player per month.

#12 Prophet

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:29 PM

I didn't even read the post but for everyone to lose there work would just suck, I had to deal with it once and dealing with it a second time is just bs.

P.s. I'm not being arrogant about your views, but a reset is never going to be the answer.

Edited by Prophet, 09 August 2006 - 05:30 PM.

Si Senior!

#13 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:33 PM

Page/Memo Beatrix

#14 Exodia



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Posted 09 August 2006 - 05:51 PM

lol yeh lets give nm a reset all because crane cant get his own way... wow lets have a tea party and cry...

fact is, grow up and stop cryin, ITS A GAME
Primex ingame

#15 MysticStorm

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:04 PM

/me falls over and has a heart attack "OMG, I have never had so many people agree with me in one thread before"

I just don't want to see all the hard work gone that many of us have done and a reset is honestly not needed. It's like as Trance said anyways.. most of us can have crits arched within a month so it honestly wouldn't do any good.

/t Dark lol I can't believe you liked that idea... I thought that would be the first idea flamed lol. But yeah, I couldn't see the average player paying ridiculous amounts. Just figured 500 per arch, maybe 400 for masters, 300 for adepts and lower and lower. A specialized bank would have to be set up for it or something but it's better than the system we have now. It's just not enough.


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Posted 09 August 2006 - 06:39 PM

All areas are now insanely hard, especially the new ones. Bosses especially have had to have their stamina and health increased dramatically, on several occassions I'd imagine, to keep it a challenge for players.

*if admin. dont make new areas/boss, drops, items, "players complain"
if they make new areas/boss, drops, items, "players still complain"

Bosses are not meant to be killed by 1 person on 25 characters, so their stats are upped. Then, players just decide they will buy more characters so they can do it on their own. And it just keeps going back and forth.

*If you have 25+ uber crits/uber items (not saying that i have) but, arent you going to do the same thing to get a chance for a boss drop?

Players fighting with each other is always because of egos. When a player has 25 characters on, and can kill a boss alone, he/she decides they're better than the guy who only logs on 10 characters.

*if he/she got 25+ uber crits with uber items to kill the boss, so be it. aint that an insperation or driving force for you to try and achieve? we had a poll like this just recently "if he/she can do it, so can i (lol somethin like that), and dont conclude that all players with uber crits and items acquired them by hacking or stealing, that is just not fair.

They go back and forth, fighting, arguing, and just downright being assholes to one another. If alts were not in the game, and players were forced to make a party of say 10 members to kill the Crystal Giant, and everyone was on one character, it would make it much more difficult to start a fight. Even if a fight were to erupt, it would be settled over a simple 1v1 battle and it would be over with.

*can be solved by ignore pc. but some players can even testify that they even made good friends from the people who are pking them. this is just a game for cryin out loud, be a sport. if a player lose or got owned, train harder, revise your fighting tactics, search for areas where you can train in peace, but most of all have fun.

More than anything, alts have ruined the game. The game is made more difficult to accomodate for them, and in turn, one who does not want to play on 10+ characters, is forced to conform or be left in the dust. They have created a surplus of basically every item in the game, not to mention gold. And lastly, they have led to a very ego driven, unruly playerbase.

*people basically like to point out and highlight the bad sides, and tend to overlook at the good sides. if the game suck so much, why are some players staying and playing the game for several years. yes, some of them left, yet some returned. what about the effort of JLH and other players who donated to upgrade the server, to run the game, to make maps, descriptions, and other sacrifices just to make all players (even ungrateful ones) enjoy playing the game.

JLH is not a GOD and definitely NOT PERFECT...... he is just one of those nerdy dude who cant get dates on weekends and decided to make pc based games like nightmist.

So lighten up and enjoy the game while it last, cause when he find a date a figured that he needs more money to spend for gifts, jewelry, car, and if the donations are not sufficient to run the game any longer, "he may pull the plug".

i apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes....


Come closer if you dare, evil is our lair…….. ΣXCΩΠVIC

#17 Autek

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 01:16 AM

'If you don't like the game, quit'

Attitudes like that are exactly why this game has been driven into the ground. Nobody cares enough to try and make a difference and fix it!

Those who have just completely shot the idea down, seem to be those with the largest parties of alts, with the largest egos, and the biggest assholes who have driven the good people away. Coincedence? I think not. It's people like that who are the cause of the game's collapse.

I appreciate those who have defended their comments and given valid reasons for what they believe should happen.

Heres a new idea. Let people keep their alts and all that they have worked so hard to get, and just make another copy of the game on a different server with the suggested changes, and put the good staff, like Crane, Trevayne, Amy, and maybe another good one in charge. I guarentee the game would be much more enjoyable and lasting than this. Make it pay to play if that is the issu, and it would still be successful.

Also, Crane was just the last straw to push me over the edge to suggest this. Deval, a very notable veteran, left recently along with countless others in the past.
Autek in game.

#18 Tyler

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 01:53 AM

Reset is bad idea in my opinion. Didn't bother reading all the posts before mine, but it won't happen. If another reset happened, the playerbase would want another to follow some years after. Work for what you're worth, and try to train in places that the people with over 30 archies don't. Work your tail off, and maybe you could be one of those people.

Don't agree with admin dumping the game either. Many players like the game as is. Why does everyone have to go all crazy? I like the game how it is... no changes needed for me, and I'm sure not the best player in the world.

Edited by Tyler, 10 August 2006 - 02:20 AM.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#19 Autek

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 03:49 AM

My account is worth roughly 15 mill. It is not like I am poor and jealous of the rest, but aparently I am the only one who is willing to give it up for a cleaner game. /sigh
Autek in game.

#20 Tyler

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 04:11 AM

kk. I would be willing for a reset, as my account isn't worth quite 15m, but I just feel it wouldn't be right for the people that have earned their things. Not to mention I highly doubt it will happen. Been suggested before and even with support, JLH just shut it down.

CEO & Founder of Twisted Tactics.



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#21 Elrik

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 04:12 AM

How about no reset? I've finally begun to get better and more efficient at this game, and I'd rather not lose it all. I'm sure that many other players would rather not lose all thier hard work, and for some people, custom pictures bought for real money. And with Nightmist 2 in development, why would someone even suggest resetting nightmist?

And about the 2000 archmasters, have you forgotten that they were TRAINED by players through hard work and determination? They didn't just appear like litter on a highway. If anything, that should be evidence AGAINST a reset.

The only reset I'd support is the /reset for characters ;)

#22 fallen

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:18 AM

NM2 now pls.
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#23 Trance

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 12:50 PM

How about no reset? I've finally begun to get better and more efficient at this game, and I'd rather not lose it all. I'm sure that many other players would rather not lose all thier hard work, and for some people, custom pictures bought for real money. And with Nightmist 2 in development, why would someone even suggest resetting nightmist?

And about the 2000 archmasters, have you forgotten that they were TRAINED by players through hard work and determination? They didn't just appear like litter on a highway. If anything, that should be evidence AGAINST a reset.

The only reset I'd support is the /reset for characters ;)


and /t Autek only people who honestly have to the right to complain about dumb players are probably staff. Since they have to deal with so many nitwits. JLH gave the rest of us /ignorepc for that (which i honestly thing should be more like /ignoreaccount ) And if they get around bothering you then do it again. It's not that I don't see where you're coming from...but the game (w/ the help of staff and the players) is great. There will always be those folks who are arrogant/snotty/a#%munches and they will always find a way to mess around with something. I see them all the time....but do you know primarily how? on forums or as im running by them while in a town. Just don't deal with them you know? /ignorepc them and move along on you merry way taking care of what you want to and doing what makes this game great, exploring and hanging out with the good folks that are still here.
All cars should come equipped with cleanse. Screw drunk driving!
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#24 MysticStorm

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:08 PM

Ok here is the thing I am noticing.. The mentioning of NM2. Has anyone ever thought of the fact that since we as players can't even make NM1 a good game, that JLH might be more hesitant to bring NM2 out? I mean, eventually, we will all run into the same problems there. Too much gold in economy, players being unruly *even with the whole p2p, you'll still encounter a bunch of a-holes*. But what then? People gonna cry for a reset of NM2 when things get out of hand? Not gonna happen because people aren't going to want to lose all the hard work they have done especially when they paid to play the game. Even though NM1 isn't p2p and is a free game, doesn't mean that what people have done in this game makes it of less value and Autek, that's just what you need to see from people's point of view here. I don't see people rushing to NM2 too fast when it first gets started or goes to p2p.. Not a lot of people can afford it to be honest or they're under the age of 18 and mommy/daddy will refuse to pay it. So we have to make the best of NM1 and see how to change the current situation without screwing everyone else in etirity. I don't see NM1 shutting down any day soon even with the release of NM2 and there will be too much temptation of players playing both games. NM1 is not in that bad of shape as to what some are making it out to be.

#25 alone

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:35 PM

The point of DS is that the entire game will be created, in all stages, by both JLH and Pandilex. One of the other problems with NM is that Staff had free run with their area/monster/item designs [i](in a lot of cases I'd imagine)/i], therefore balancing was throw to pot.
Yes, there will still be the same problem with players causing trouble. However, how many times will someone want to pay money to just get banned and lose it within a few hours?

But, we'll never know until we get that far. I just hope the world is already under construction, otherwise I'd be suprised to see a decent world created any time soon.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#26 Horny

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 08:56 PM

I haven't read most of the replies but... It's nightmist.. it will always get this way.. what is the problem exactly? I just say we all shut up, learn to be nice, and keep training. It works wonders for me. Except the shutting up part.

Thank you, have a nice day.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#27 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:06 PM

if you even think 15m means stuff just my crit Beatrixs equip is worth 2x your account not counting what the cirt is worth itself (roughly 35m) so what about us people who never did anything and have accts with 100m+ stuff in it ? ;)
Page/Memo Beatrix

#28 Autek

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Posted 11 August 2006 - 12:50 AM

Rappy, in no way do I mean that my 15m account is near the top lol, but all I'm saying is that it's not like I have 2 adepts I would be willing to give up.

People keep saying that there will be just as many level 30's as there are now. Now, you can train 20 characters at once. It would take like 5 times the amount of time of the game running to get up to 2000 arches. Probably more. Not to mention when a ranger or fighter has to depend on partying with a cleric/paladin to stay alive in areas far from town, training will be slowed immensly.

Oh well though, that was my last rebuttle. It's obvious that I am alone in trying to change the course of the game's downward spiral. I'll continue to try to conform and enjoy the parts of the game that I still can, and cross my fingers that someone else will realize things need changed.
Autek in game.

#29 alone

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Posted 11 August 2006 - 01:01 AM

Oh well though, that was my last rebuttle. It's obvious that I am alone in trying to change the course of the game's downward spiral. I'll continue to try to conform and enjoy the parts of the game that I still can, and cross my fingers that someone else will realize things need changed.

Yes, you're right. You're the only person that's trying to change the game- It, of course, isn't that you're one of the few who believe the only way is to reset the entire game...
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#30 Autek

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Posted 11 August 2006 - 01:23 AM

I can't think of the last time something was done to this game to cure it's downward spiral. The only 'Improvements' have been new areas for 30 arches to clear. Nothing dealing with the problems, just more stuff to keep people busy so they will stop complaining. The old nightmist, for those of you can remember when people played on 1 character, never had the problems that this version has, and it is because of alts. You could make this game 1 alt, but that would be absurd with the characters ingame now. The only way that I could see it possible would be to have a Reset. That is why I put out the idea. It was turned down. We can keep playing this version until everyone has quit and JLH turns it off.

I concede.
Autek in game.

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