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Member Since 12 Oct 2010
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Topics I've Started

Changelog, 28Th December 2024

28 December 2024 - 01:33 PM

Both Servers


Area changes:


- Some monster spawns have been changed in the far South-East of the Grassy Path / Worn Path.



Multi-alt Server


Monster changes:


- The Drider Warlord's resistance to non-magical weapons has been reduced from 75% to 33%.


Item changes:


- A couple of new weapons have been added to the game - up to you to find their specific shops.

- The Dragonclaw Scythe is now less effective against the Stone Dragon and Shadow Drake.



1-alt Server


Monster changes:


- The Forest Bandit does not penetrate armour anywhere near as much, has a new drop and some of its other drop rates have been adjusted.


Item changes:


- The Apex Bow and the Moonbow Sling have swapped locations.

Changelog, 15Th December 2014

15 December 2024 - 11:37 PM

Both Servers


Area changes:


- The Dome of Teptok in Harabec Dungeon is no longer log-to-local (except Teptok's throne).


Monster changes:


- Blackguard Burton spawn rate increased to once every 12 hours.

- Demonic General XP increased from 80 (70 on multi-alt) to 85.


Item changes:


- The Dragonclaw Scythe now has a 1.25 modifier versus loyalists.

- The Silver Staff now has 1.5 modifiers versus vampires and wolves.



1-alt Server


Monster changes:


- Drow Champion XP increased from 74 to 94.

- Elbon the Adorner can now transmute two extra jewel types.

- Forest Bandits now have a new drop and don't drop Leather Bags as often.



Item changes:


- The Carapace now gives 40 ac, +1 Str and -1 Chr and can be used by both Druids and Thieves, but can no longer be traded to the Druid Sage.

- The Perfect Garnet Ring now gives +1 Dex, +1 Con instead of +2 Con. (See Developer's Note)

- The Shepherd's Crook has had its double-damage modifiers changed to "elemental", "mumm", "sculpture", "soul" and "spirit".

- Small Rubies can now be bagged and, because they appear singular in some crafting recipes, unbagged in the same places.



Developer's Note

Getting the stats right on the perfect legendary rings is not an easy task unfortunately.  There is very little that competes with the power and versatility of +2 Strength of the Perfect Ruby Ring, and there would be Hell to pay if it were nerfed in some way.  Additionally, simply adding +1 Str on another ring as its perfect bonus would not amount to much when you can go all the way with +2 Str - granted, Druids and Paladins have an option with +1 Str, +1 Wis on the Perfect Emerald Ring, buffing their spells somewhat.  It also gives other classes a Strength option if a Ruby Ring is unavailable to them.


Dexterity has traditionally been a risky stat to buff because of its prestige and power at level 30.  While PvP is not as important as it once was and the effects of Dexterity aren't as profound as one approaches level 40, I'm still wary about giving the Perfect Sapphire Ring +2 Dex.  There also isn't any other option for +1 Dex among the rings, so with that in mind, for players who lack a Sapphire Ring, I've decided to experiment with giving the Perfect Garnet Ring +1 Dex, +1 Con over +2 Con point, since it opens the ring up to other classes while still being useful for Thieves.  I do like giving players options!

Note that nothing is set in stone, and I am willing to revisit this topic at a later date based on player feedback regarding the perceived and actual use and power behind the rings.  Happy experimenting!

Changelog, 1St December 2024

01 December 2024 - 11:02 PM

Both Servers


Area changes:


- The Hall of Brute (Harabec Dungeon) now logs you to the Broken Arm Tavern instead of your local tavern.

- Harabec now sells Superior Healing Potions and Superior Mana Crystals instead of Lodestones (1-alt only).


Monster changes:


- Albino Beetle XP increased from 65 to 85.


Item changes:


- The Maelstrom Hammer now does additional damage versus scarabs.

- The Mana Core now fully restores you.

- Superior Healing Potions and Superior Mana Crystals are now overall cheaper.



1-alt Server


Monster changes:


- Blooms now sometimes drop a levelling item.

- Wolves now sometimes drop a fully intact Wolf Pelt.


Item changes:


- The Blood Knife can now be used by additional classes.

- The Ice Staff now does additional damage versus Talaskan Digestors.

- The Moonbow Sling now has a modifier for "rav" instead of "raven".

Changelog, 17Th November 2024

17 November 2024 - 11:39 AM

Both Servers


Monster changes:


- Mutant Crab XP increased from 37 to 57.


1-alt Server


Item changes:


- The Diamondedge now affects "dragon" instead of "armor".

- The Moonbow Sling has had its description updated, can now also be used by Thieves and affects "raven" and "vulture" rather than "wildebeest" and "zebra".

- The Cursed Obsidian Altar now accepts a couple of extra items.

- More than one NPC now takes interest in the infernal jewels.

- The Ilythiiri Keeshe has had the damage modifier against Drow increased from 1.5 to 2, and now also affects Driders.

Changelog, 7Th November 2024

07 November 2024 - 12:19 AM

Both Servers


Area changes:


- The Hooded Lantern can now be used in place of the Torch in some locations (as long as it's not consumed).


Item changes:


- The Sword of Light now has damage modifers for the Balrog and the Djinn.

Multi-alt Server


Area changes:


- There is an extra room in the Primal Forest.


Item changes:


- Some shops will now allow you to sell the low-end drops from the previous Halloween quest.

1-alt Server


Area changes:


- The Hallowed Wood and the Haunted Botanical Garden are now permanently open with some minor adjustments.


Monster changes:


- The Black Orc Geomancer's attack speed has been reduced.


Item changes:


- The Reaper's Scythe can now be used by fighters and berserkers.