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Nm Talent Pool

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#1 Pandilex



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Posted 24 April 2009 - 02:45 PM

Thinking of giving 1a a bit of a shake up, ideally I need someone who is passionate and literate about managing the game. I don't know if there is anyone out there who can do this, but if there is, post/send a pm/email.

Looking for someone who knows a lot about 1a, is interested in rebalancing it, selecting some people to design and build areas, and managing them.

On the off chance the ideal person exists, I am posting this.
If you build it, they will come.

#2 Walt

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 03:31 PM

I can think of 2 ppl off of the top of my head you should speak too about this. Their real name and forum names are as follows.


They both have great knowledge of the game. From past experience with speaking to them, they have pretty decent ideas about balancing.

You also have quite a few people you could choose from to "area develope". All you woulod have to do is take a peak in the Improving the game sections. You should be able to easily weed out the contenders from the pretenders yourself.

GL with your search. Maybe this is the transfusion NM needs. At least having one of the two co-creators showing interest in the game is a start.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#3 Gaddy

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 03:31 PM

Rather late for your yearly April fools post.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#4 Walt

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 03:56 PM

Rather late for your yearly April fools post.

Bit off topic are we?
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#5 Tietsu

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 05:11 PM

Simon, I don't even think you read my E-Mail!

Experience: I am a guy who has spent numerous hours in areas that most players wouldn't imagine of training at. I led the way for some of the fellow Druids in Faravar, but I do give credit to Superbeast (Cody) for showing me that the place even existed. I also spent most of my time in Midnight Copse, fondling around there, marking maneaters and exploring.

My number one passion for playing a game is the exploration and knowledge gathering. I'm the type of person who will try to solo Faravar/Midnight Copse/Forest of Silence/Lush Jungle. I am the first person to set foot inside the Orchard of Spirits on 1 ALT (Druid-Only Area). In my experience of playing this game, I see many unbalanced measures that could be selectively fixed.

Passion: Night Mist 1 ALT is my single most favorite game out of any gaming system created, because it is unique. It is a text based game, no graphics hardly. For me, I love a story. I love creating stories. This game is one huge story that can be endlessly added to and I wanted so much to be apart of it. I'd consider helping develope nightmist an internship, maybe start my own game one day in the far off future.

Knowledge: I am one of those guys who has a Nightmist Folder on their desktop that has sub folders of Area Development - Detailed Alchemy List (Drops and Recipes (I am very often asked how to craft weaponry from people on main)) - Monster POD List (Even those rare quest mobs).

I can't say I have the most knowledge about the game, considering many people have played Multi for years and now play 1 ALT. Knowing the area is half the battle, especially on 1 ALT, but I am the guy who will calculate POD on all monsters I come across to figure out if the difficulty is worth trainig on them.

Player: I do own a Cobalt. I'm not gloating. This is what I consider a culmination of my hard work and countless hours put into this game as a player (I give credit to Chris and Grahn, without them I wouldn't have ever played the game as long as I have). I would like to put in the same hard work into re-creating the 1 ALT server as you suggested, in balanced measures.

Final Note: If it were up to me, the server should be shutdown, reset, fixed and re-opened with a better balance than it has now. There are way too many already over powered characters that were trained by exploits (I don't say this as they did anything wrong, but many things were changed after the fact, which I find unfair to the new struggling player population).

Edited by Tietsu, 24 April 2009 - 05:22 PM.

#6 Dangerous

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 05:46 PM

Alec & Alan have my vote, they're both good guys and have a great knowledge of the game.

#7 Cruxis

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 06:09 PM

I sent you a PM Simon.

Show support for Alex pls.

Edit: Also, I would support Alan and/or Alec for staff.

Edited by Cruxis, 24 April 2009 - 08:17 PM.

#8 Gnarkill



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Posted 24 April 2009 - 06:30 PM

JP and Alex supported.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#9 Dangerous

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 07:29 PM

Is JP passionate about nightmist? always seemed kinda bitter imo.

Oh and forgot about Alex, so Alec/Alan/Alex... 3 A's coincidentally ^.-

#10 Isolated

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:03 PM

f uck you I wont do what you tell me

#11 Foxie


    525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year?

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:09 PM

On main Azure/Foxie in game.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

#12 Gnarkill



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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:21 PM

Not supported, if indeed you are implying a desire to come back as staff.

Reasoning is nothing personal I just think its time some fresh blood gets a shot at being staff. Someone like JP or Alex who knows the game well and has been on 1a alot and hasn't been given the chance before.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#13 Foxie


    525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year?

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:33 PM

I wasn't implying returning at all... just a small suggestion that handing 1a over for someone to manage.. and to someone who isn't currently staff is an odd one.

Edited by Foxie, 24 April 2009 - 08:33 PM.

On main Azure/Foxie in game.
On 1a Azure, Melody, Faith, Solstice, Wylow, Hope in game.

#14 Gnarkill



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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:37 PM

thats alot for me to read out of a "hmm.." lol so sorry for jumping the gun on that one..The current state of 1a is a serious mess.. staff have abandoned it pretty much aside from Gaz(who is doing a pretty darn good job thus far even though I had my doubts) and the ones we did get got ran off or quit. Gaz can't be on 24/7 and do it all alone so I completely agree with Simon's decision. :P get us some peeps over here!

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#15 Angelus

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:37 PM

Not like there are other options as current staff have no desire to do so. Have to work with the options you do have.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#16 Ascer

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:54 PM

Rather late for your yearly April fools post.

Bit off topic are we?

How about Walt? He's always unbiased and reasonable.

#17 Raylen


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 09:28 PM

Well I ought to post; it only seems reasonable, as my name appears to have been mentioned.

I can do everything listed. I know enough, certainly about 1a. I get on with everyone alright I think (unless you all secretly hate me). I am good at working as part of a team on an online game. I am literate.

I would be most interested in working with members of the playerbase and other staff to develop and improve the game.

As far as others go...I would certainly support JP in any kind of staffing capacity. Alex has been staff on another text-based game. Alec I would support although perhaps leaning more towards area development.

Walt I would not support due to possible tensions this may create. I have nothing against Walt (<3) but I feel it would be a short-sighted move.

Anyway, after consideration, yes I would be happy to do the job if asked.
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#18 brewcrew

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:02 PM

i say alex (Cruxis).......But BOO to all pande nominations!
Prophet 1a #1 pande pwning clan!

#19 Scripto


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:05 PM

Sadly enough.. this post better be a bad joke..

Sorry kids...
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
Kannabis (Mortal)

#20 Sausage


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:13 PM

Please explain to me why this should be a bad joke?

Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#21 Cadabra


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:19 PM

Please explain to me why this should be a bad joke?

I was going to say the same thing...

Why should multi have staff and 1-at have none?
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#22 Scripto


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:47 PM

Honestly.. 1alt is a joke.. has been since the beginning....

As it stands right now.. the 1alt is mine to run.. has been for awhile...

I have worked on a few new things for it for awhile now off and on but mainly been offline stuff that I can do on the go...

Yes its a slow process being as I haven't really done much of it... plus the point that unlike most of the 1alt players (no offense to anyone in general) I do have a life outside of Nightmist and prefer doing other stuff then sitting on the computer.. especially since the weather keeps getting nicer with each passing day...

And even if I had more time to do more on it.. I wouldn't even consider putting a rush on it..

You want to know why... because 1alt don't deserve it... (Again, no direct offense to anyone.. but you guys no it as much as I do..)

How about you guys deal with what you have? You guys don't need more areas.. you guys mainly need an a slap to the back of the head...

Come on.. no everything in the game has been completed at that.. Any of you have Ceramic Javelins? How about that wisdom bracelet drop? Anyone craft a cobalt bow? Or how about buy a one of the other versions of a cobalt instead of playing it safe and buying the ones from Windia.. you know what I am talking about, SoBs, TBs? Something?

Work with what you have.. I remember back when new areas were rare and hardly came out.. when everyone was excited and camped the Giant Centipede to get the gloves and killed each other over them... back then.. we delt with what had and and it worked, which made new stuff that much more better when it did come out.. now all you hear is we want new, we want new, we want new.. over and over and over.. and as soon as something is done... everyone complains because its not just what they wanted and it some how was better for these people better then us...

When you guys can honestly appreciate what you guys have now.. that I will push more to add more.. but till then.. why both?

Why should I work my rear off for you... what so you guys can yell and complain about what I did.. nd do what ya'll did to the last staff that actually tryed and tryed again to do stuff for you guys and you guys just harass her till the point that they don't want to log on to the server they once loved?? Ya.. because thats is a reason to make me want to work harder..... Rightttttttttttttt

So how about you guys sit down and think about that for awhile?

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
Kannabis (Mortal)

#23 Tietsu

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 10:47 PM

I edited my post

I do appologize, I was hastey. I should more or less have said......

Scripto, if you don't care, step down and let someone who wants the job and has the time for it.

Edited by Tietsu, 24 April 2009 - 10:53 PM.

#24 Tietsu

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 11:02 PM

I'll add that I agree with you though. 1 ALT is a sad joke, because of its imbalances. Should be built from scratch by people who want the job of doing it.

#25 Scripto


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 11:05 PM

I'll add that I agree with you though. 1 ALT is a sad joke, because of its imbalances. Should be built from scratch by people who want the job of doing it.

I 110% agree with you there as well.. that is what should have been done in the very beginning but it wasn't... and like has been pointed out millions of times in the pass.. the staff team had no idea 1alt was comming out... it was just handed to us and you guys at the same time and we were told to work with it..

Its to far gone to do what it actually needs.. shut down and reset and redone.. sadly enough...
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Scripto (Staff)
Kannabis (Mortal)

#26 Tietsu

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 11:16 PM

120% agreed, =p

#27 Desendent

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:10 AM

Emma or Alan plz
Neo Ingame

#28 Walt

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 02:22 AM

Rather late for your yearly April fools post.

Bit off topic are we?

How about Walt? He's always unbiased and reasonable.

This actually made my kids give me funny looks at the laugh I made.

Honestly.. 1alt is a joke.. has been since the beginning....

As it stands right now.. the 1alt is mine to run.. has been for awhile...

I have worked on a few new things for it for awhile now off and on but mainly been offline stuff that I can do on the go...

Maybe this is why Pandilex made this posting then. Could it be he feels a shake up is in order

Yes its a slow process being as I haven't really done much of it... plus the point that unlike most of the 1alt players (no offense to anyone in general) I do have a life outside of Nightmist and prefer doing other stuff then sitting on the computer.. especially since the weather keeps getting nicer with each passing day...

And even if I had more time to do more on it.. I wouldn't even consider putting a rush on it..

The weather was pretty crappy in upstate NY this winter, so is this really an excuse, "It's getting nicer and nicer out?" I even think you ay have said something of the like this time last year either in FC or CC. I know you give of your free time to the game. You are free to come and go as you please.

I know nothing of the work you do at all when you do it. I know you kill alot of bosses on Main.

You want to know why... because 1alt don't deserve it... (Again, no direct offense to anyone.. but you guys no it as much as I do..)

How about you guys deal with what you have? You guys don't need more areas.. you guys mainly need an a slap to the back of the head...

Pandilex's first mention was about trying to rebalance the game. This seems to be first on his priority list. But many classes are lacking something. Maybe it is time something is done about this?

I myself think the realm is big enough at the moment. No new areas are needed until The game is conquered. The player base is too small as it is to add newer, and even harder areas? And the game does not need any new items that are better then the current stand alone bosses drop. This is the only plausable way to aquire any new items. If they are obtainable from bosses such as HL, TK, GH, etc, etc. and that is not what the economy needs.

Come on.. no everything in the game has been completed at that.. Any of you have Ceramic Javelins? How about that wisdom bracelet drop? Anyone craft a cobalt bow? Or how about buy a one of the other versions of a cobalt instead of playing it safe and buying the ones from Windia.. you know what I am talking about, SoBs, TBs? Something?

The CJ can be obtained as we speak. The only thing holding it from being done is that 2 different clans have the keys to get to it. As for cobalt bow, it can not be created because you yourself said one of the areas will not be opened up to the 1A server. And one of the components to crafting a cobalt bow is in this area. So try to keep things relavent please.

As for buying a 10 million gold Vamparic weapon, I would personaly play it safe in this regaurds. It is bad enough the leveling fees on this server is so costly, why take the chance of a wrong move and possible setback of many, many weeks of golding to save for an item with a different name?

Work with what you have.. I remember back when new areas were rare and hardly came out.. when everyone was excited and camped the Giant Centipede to get the gloves and killed each other over them... back then.. we delt with what had and and it worked, which made new stuff that much more better when it did come out.. now all you hear is we want new, we want new, we want new.. over and over and over.. and as soon as something is done... everyone complains because its not just what they wanted and it some how was better for these people better then us...

I completely agree with you on this. Again, 1A does not need any new areas, with maybe an area that is better for clerics. Otherwise you would have pretty much the same drops that any of the stand alone bosses drop now. A good portion of 1A has not been conquered. Those drops need to "flood the game" imo first, before anything new is made ready for the playerbase.

Why should I work my rear off for you... what so you guys can yell and complain about what I did.. nd do what ya'll did to the last staff that actually tryed and tryed again to do stuff for you guys and you guys just harass her till the point that they don't want to log on to the server they once loved?? Ya.. because thats is a reason to make me want to work harder..... Rightttttttttttttt

You shouldn't have to work your arse off for anyone but your boss who pays your wages and keeps you fed and sheltered. No one is asking you for this. I myself and it seems the 1A playerbase are only asking that you work a bit from time to time, and possibly give an update or two. The playerbase knows that atm, staff are very limited in their abilites to do things. Alot of the majore things wrong with the game are pretty much a coding issue.

You will always have a certain percentage of players complain that anything that was changed is unfair and biased. Complaints are given way to easily, and kudos not enough. That is the way the world is today. It is that way on NM, and it is that way in the real world. The human race pretty much sucks ass as a whole.

So how about you guys sit down and think about that for awhile?


Ok, I sat and thought about it. I then took the time to quote and rebut every point you made. Your turn now.

Thank you.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#29 Dublin

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 03:01 AM

I don't think this was supposed to be a "Vote for staff poll" but if I had to vote, my list would be..

#1 Crane - Gareth (If he would actually want to take the job.)
Reason - Scan the forums and look at Tirantek.

#2 Raylen - Alan
Reason - Knowledge, Unbiased, Friendly, and Scan the forums.

#3 Ryuku - Alex
Reason - Unbiased, Friendly, Knowledge, and Was staff on another text based game.

#4 Tietsu - Alec
Reason - Knowledge and Creative. If you would work on some of your people skills Alec you might be higher (Not a bash)


As to comment on Marks post..... Walt pretty much summed it up and I will wait until my input is actually needed.

#30 Trevayne

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 03:17 AM

It's so good to see that people are finally realizing that 1a needs a reset and a complete re-balancing.

However, given that JLH has said no every time that we've asked for this, I don't think you are likely to see anything come of this. Staff asked for this as soon as 1 week after the server opened, but JLH wouldn't allow it then. We asked four months ago, and again the answer was no. We've asked probably ten or twenty times so far... all to no avail.

Simon - Sarcasm aside, it's not fair to taunt players with things like this until you get JLH to agree to it. You don't have access to the source code anymore, so any attempt at rebalancing will require JLH. All you're doing is causing more problems and unhappiness.

I'd have posted this privately in the staff forum, but given that you don't bother asking anyone else before you make big public statements, you'll have to settle for a public posting in response.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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