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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2005 06:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Character Restore

13 February 2005 - 05:20 AM

I stopped playing about 5 months ago (or less) and most of my characters are gone now... one of which was Bahamut. If I restored that character, would I get the name back... because I think somebody took the name.

Spekkio Gone

10 September 2004 - 05:03 PM

Well I'm leaving due to some personal problems and other such things. Don't know when I'll be back.. or 'if' I'll be back for that matter.

Maybe I'll come back when one of the two happens, 'alt limit' or I get cable connection.

Peace everybody!

Lvl 1 Ling

06 September 2004 - 04:23 AM


Fan Art

05 September 2004 - 02:02 AM

Was wondering if it could be added. I have a couple pieces of art I would like to share with nightmist.


01 September 2004 - 04:45 AM

Shmee's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Pacifist. Str: 12, Int: 19, Dex: 19, Con: 17, Wis: 20, Chr: 21, Lev: 27, Exp: 106,552,490, HP: 238, MP: 307, Stm: 4.
Spells: Cleanse, Recall, Create Food, Create Water, Soothe, Salve, Depurate Undead, Lesser Pact, Justice Zone.
This character can still be /reset.

Bid! :P