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New Class?

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#1 ushka

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:25 PM

I was thinking of a crit that is mainly a grouper. (Would enhance grouping prospects in game ^_^

-> Illusionist <-

ok an illusionists role in a group is as a debuffer.
ok down to the body of this class idea.

Spells: (Just some suggestons)
Charm - Level 5 - Effect - Reduces target mobs str + dex by 2
Baffle (confuse) - Level 10 - Reduces target mobs wis + int by 5 (for casters)
Double Team - Level 10 - Boost players dex by 5 (player only not fellow players)
Blinding Light - Level 15 - Reduces target mobs dex by 7
Elude - Level 20 - Reduces all mobs on square wis + int by 7
Forsight - Level 25 - Target player has a + 20% (or 10?) chance of dodging attacks for next 30 secs.
Total Nerf (no i cant think of a better name) - Level 30 - Target suffers a - 10 decrease to all stats and damage.

Debuffs cannot be used on players. Nor can - str/dex buffs be stacked with another - str/dex debuff, however a str/dex debuff can be stacked with a int/wis debuff.

Characteristics (probably spelt wrong)

1) Has similar hp/mp progression of a mage because debuffs take quite high mana to cast.
2) Can use similar weapons and armors to clerics (so slightly stronger than mage)
3) Has about the same bashing damage of a druid.

This is kindoff a jack-of-all-trades class but is in a league of its own.. if you get me :P

Well please dont be too harsh (I did have to use dictionary to check elude meant what i thought it did)
Ermm.. thanks for your time?

#2 Crane


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:30 PM

I wouldn't call that a Jack of all Trades class, I would call that a God on Earth class. I don't know about you but it looks a bit over the top in terms of power, especially considering it is only an "illusionist".
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#3 jurian


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:44 PM

didn't bother to read snice it won't happen anyway.
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#4 Sean

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 05:33 PM

Make it but make 100mil per level. So to arch it will need 3000mil to arch. Then its godly powers are justified.
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#5 Ryuku


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 06:13 AM

I don't see how you train it, if it's like a druid, it can hit hard, but having the hp of a mage, hmm, interesting, I would guess you train it like a fighter? It's attack should be very weak so it would take a very long time to arch, I mean, 8 str and 13 dex arch ranger? Damn, it better be hard to train. My small opinion.

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