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Alternate Items

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#91 Sneaky

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 12:12 PM

Show me the dates for 1 year sam...venture bumped it in September, from may.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#92 Raylen


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Posted 17 October 2005 - 09:44 PM


Edited by Raylen, 17 October 2005 - 09:44 PM.

+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#93 combusta

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Posted 17 October 2005 - 10:08 PM

Show me the dates for 1 year sam...venture bumped it in September, from may.

lol i accidentally read squee's post as oct 14, 2004. My bad :( :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#94 Squee



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Posted 30 October 2005 - 06:52 PM

Name: Pudao
Description: The pudao is a fearsome weapon consisting of a long steel pole four feet in length and a flat steel blade another foot in length. A red, flowing ribbon streams from the back end, dancing with the wind in the heat of battle. A rather awkward weapon to wield, very few warriors are disicplined enough to use it in combat. However, those that do unlock its secrets find themselves fighting with deadly grace and absolute precision.
Original Item: Halberd

Edit: I realize you can't buy a Halberd in a shop. But I think that since you can buy a Crystal Ring in Tiranek (okay, not really but you know the point I'm getting at), I feel you should be able to buy a Halberd. I think at 80k or 90k, the Halberd wouldn't be devalued at all.

Name: War Fan
Description: Despite looking much like a noblewoman's fan, the War Fan is anything but a decoration. With steel vanes ending in needle-points, the fan makes an excellent weapon to strike quickly then conceal it as if nothing happened.
Original Item: Crystal Knife

Name: Sai
Description: A three pronged knife with a leather-bound hilt, the Sai is a weapon whose combat efficiency is vastly overshadowed by its aesthetic purpose. While relatively easy to "catch" an opponents blade inbetween the prongs, it makes very ineffective counter attacks.
Original Item: Oak Staff

Name: Tessen
Description: Resembling a fan in the most minimalistic way, the Tessen is usually wielded in the off hand as a shield. It is painted black and trimmed with silver while the end is attached to a short length of red string, woven together in a tight braid. Dense and heavy, the Tessen can be somewhat awkward at times but often gives much needed boost in protection against the vicious deziens of the realm.
Original Item: Iron Shield

Name: Dastana
Description: Finely crafted bracers made of alloyed metal, the Dastana slide over the forearms and protrude slightly over the back of the hand.
Original Item: Steel Bracers

Name: Brigandine
Description: The Brigandine consists of pieces of studded leather placed over top of strips of steel. Rather heavy on the shoulders, the Brigandine allows much more movement than other armours because of its fragmented pieces of metal.
Original Item: Chain Vest

Name: Cord Armor
Description: In places where leather is scarce, reeds can often be woven tightly together several times in order to produce a similar effect. Mostly worn by savages and barbarians of the land, the Cord Armor provides both protection from harsh climate as well as the dangers of battle.
Original Item: Studded Leather Doublet

Edited by Squee, 30 October 2005 - 07:10 PM.

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#95 Gnarkill



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Posted 31 October 2005 - 11:48 PM

Beatutiful Squee!!!!! supported! :(

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#96 Squee



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Posted 18 January 2006 - 01:20 AM

Name: Spell Book of Frost
Description: Soon after their initial training, mages often learn to manipulate the greater elements. Through concentration and rythmic chanting, a mage can displace the heat in a specific area, dropping it into friggid temperatures. It is not rare to see a confident warrior reduced to a cowaring serf as their brilliant armour is cracked and shattered into a thousand pieces.
Original: Spell Book of Flame

You chant a few words and extend your hand, creating a friggid mist, chilling the Small Snake for 32 points of damage.

Name: Scroll of Acid Arrow
Description: By feeding mana to a singular point on one's fingertips, small yet effective projectiles can be formed. Apprentice mages can, with a bit of practice, quite easily elongate these mana pricks and launch them with such speed and accuracy that they burn and eat away at flesh and soft materials.
Original: Scroll of Shock

With a point of your finger, you create a fine shaft of mana and launch it, blistering the Orc for 21 points of damage.

Name: Scroll of Bolt
Description: Manipulating polar fields to create sparks is nothing more than a party trick to the more experienced mages. Through the expansion and sharpening of the mind, a mage can go one step further and rearrange particles to their whim. Then, within the same instant, create a catostrophic chain reaction resulting in bolts of lightning sometimes a metre in width.
Original: Scroll of Blast

You extend your palms with a grunt of effort and summon a bolt of lightning, crashing into the Black Bear for 50 points of damage.

Name: Scroll of Scream
Description: Legends speak of mages so intouch with mana that, in the winter months, they exhale not mist but a strange, glowing dust - magic itself, they say. Whether or not the rumours are true, it cannot be denied that many mages discover the potency of using mana to raise their voices to incredibly high decibels, knocking over small furniture and uprooting sapplings. In fact, many would argue this spell is more about eye-to-mouth coordination than magic-weaving.
Original: Scroll of Blast

You shut your eyes tightly and loose a booming roar, knocking over the Brown Bear for 52 points of damage.

Name: Scroll of Mana Blade
Description: Mana compressed close enough together can begin to take on solid properities. However, only the most prestigous of mages can hope to master mana-weaving to this point, pressing pure magic into something tangible using the sheer might of their minds. When enough mana is collected, it can just as easily be shattered, leaving shards sharper than any metal. It is these blades that mages throw, rending flesh and leaving gaping wounds peppered with magic residue, resulting in massive bleeding if left unchecked.
Original: Scroll of Beam

You thrust your hands downwards, summoning shards that rend into Squee for 58 points of damage.

(These I suggested in October last year. I wrote up their on-screen dealies in hopes that it could be reconsidered.)
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#97 DemonBlade

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 01:06 AM

If it helps, I have most of the DnD 3.5 manuals. I can convert the info over to NM format if you want. I also can make a list of over 10,000 items that can be added. Some are shop items, some are monster drops. Here are just a few...

Name: War Axe
Type: Single Handed Axe
Image ID: 1048.jpg
Discription: This axe's blade is made of sharpened stone, while the handle is made from very rough cut oak. It is quite heavy.
Classes: Zerker, Fighter
Min Level: 10
Base Dmg: 12
Price: Monster Drop
Buy In: Monster Drop
Magical: No
Vampiric: No
Poison Chance: 0%
Mana Leech: 0.0
Armor Mod: 0
Str Mod: 2
INT Mod: 0
Dex Mod: -2
Con Mod: 0
Wis Mod: 0
Cha Mod: 0
Mon Dmg: Hydra:2 Vines: 2: Skell:1.25 Skeletal:1.25

Name: Garash
Type: Two Sided Sword
Image ID:
Discription: This strange weapon is basically a quarter staff with dual blades on each end.
Classes: Ranger, Fighter, Zerker, Paladin
Min Level: 25
Base Dmg: 25
Price: Monster Drop
Buy In: Ant Colony
Magical: No
Vampiric: No
Posion Chance: 0
Mana Leech: 0
Armor Mod: 0
Str Mod: 0
INT Mod: 0
Dex Mod: +2
Con Mod: 0
Wis Mod: 0
Cha Mod: 0
Mon Dmg: Hydra:1.25 Vines:1.25

#98 Phibie

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 01:40 AM

Name: Garash
Type: Two Sided Sword
Image ID:
Discription: This strange weapon is basically a quarter staff with dual blades on each end.
Classes: Ranger, Fighter, Zerker, Paladin
Min Level: 25
Base Dmg: 25
Price: Monster Drop
Buy In: Ant Colony
Magical: No
Vampiric: No
Posion Chance: 0
Mana Leech: 0
Armor Mod: 0
Str Mod: 0
INT Mod: 0
Dex Mod: +2
Con Mod: 0
Wis Mod: 0
Cha Mod: 0
Mon Dmg: Hydra:1.25 Vines:1.25

A weapon with +2 dex?!?! Way too overpowered in my opinion

Phibi - main / Survivor- 1a

#99 Cruxis

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 02:31 AM

Bunch of human zerks, basically with hallies and 21 dex, such rape.

#100 Crane


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Posted 14 February 2009 - 06:11 AM

Time to breathe some new life into this topic!

An alternative item for the Ring of Mistletoe and Ring of Noel for next Christmas!

Library info for Solstice Ring:
Armor base: 3, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, pacifists, Description: The night dominates, but the birth of the Winter God and the honour of the Great Mother brings hope and light, for the night can only retreat now that it has reached the extreme of victory. Embedded in a crystal of azurite, the soft light guides you and your companions through the cold darkness until you find your way., Level needed to equip it: 1, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 1

I even designed a little picture for it:
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The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#101 Sausage


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Posted 14 February 2009 - 06:56 AM

I'm speachless. That's amazingly beautiful and I want one.

What crane said.

On second thought, I want more than one.


Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#102 Crane


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Posted 28 March 2010 - 12:33 AM

A couple of headpieces that are more down-to-earth and yet worthy of a Mediaeval knight!

Library info for Mail Coif: (Branchwood Helmet)
Armor base: 5, Can be worn by: fighters, paladins, rangers, Description: Building on the experience of crafting flexible yet strong armour out of interconnected steel rings, ancient armourers of time forgotten developed this flexible coif of mail that fits snugly over the head and, while leaving the face exposed, provides a great deal of protection against a sharp edge. Upon closer inspection, you notice a faint band of bronze rings near the crest, giving the appearance of a halo if they weren't so tarnished., Level needed to equip it: 20, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0

Library info for Aventail Close Helm: (Helm of Triumph)
Armor base: 9, Can be worn by: fighters, paladins, rangers, Description: This masterpiece came from many generations of experimentation and experience in the forges. Polished to perfection, a steel shell with a studded gold trim sits snugly around your head, inner-lined with leather and sheep skin to provide comfort, able to withstand most attacks with ease. Pivoted above and behind the temples so it can be raised during diplomatic encounters, the visor beholds a distinctive muzzle, pointed and perforated for unrestricted breathing, while the only other apertures are a pair of horizontal slits for vision, but no more than what is necessary. Still discontent with their creation, the blacksmiths fashioned a curtain of mail around the underside of the helm much like a coif, providing protection over the vital chink that often lies between faceplate and breastplate., Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0

ADDENDUM: This is probably what the "Aventail Close Helm" would look like - the aventail is the curtain of mail that protects the neck:
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Edited by Crane, 28 March 2010 - 12:38 AM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#103 Crane


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Posted 18 April 2010 - 03:07 PM

Library info for Mask of the Wild: (Helm of Triumph)
Armor base: 9, Can be worn by: rangers, Description: Part natural, part artificial, part deception... the head of an abnormally large wolf wraps snugly around a comfortable metallic shell, the eyes staring, fangs glistening and fur bristling as if it were still alive. The animals of the Large Forest know to stay well clear of the hunter who wears the Mask of the Wild, for the wolf within brings the predatory spirit to the fray., Level needed to equip it: 30, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0

Rangers have very few alternatives to the Helm of Triumph, which is more suited to the warrior type. A Wolf Head could be an alternative drop from the Wolf Lord, which could then be combined with a Reinforced Helmet by the Forest Hermit to produce the The Mask of the Wild.

Alternatively, the Mask of the Wild could be, say, a level 35 item that offers +1 Strength or +1 Dexterity as well, in which case a similar recipe would suffice, except using a Helm of Triumph or Adamant Fullhelm instead of a Reinforced Helmet, and the Wolf Head drop rate being on par with the Feral Choker.

For an appearance on 1-alt, I don't know enough about the bosses and locales to give a good suggestion, but I'm sure it could easily fit in somewhere.

Edited by Crane, 18 April 2010 - 03:16 PM.

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#104 Stig

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Posted 31 May 2011 - 03:10 PM

Multi-alt has quite a wide selection of alternative items for common equipment, but 1-alt is a little bit behind, so if any of you guys have ideas for alternative items for 1-alt (should really be shop items), post them here and they might make it in-game.

#105 ice_cold

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 01:49 AM

Snakeskin Vest (Sold in Dendeya armor shop for 30,000 gold)
Raplaces - Spiked Armor
Wearable - Fighter

Tightly stitched together, a wonderous array of different snake species have given their lives to be utilized in this decorative vest. So interlaced to give its wearer the most protection while still allowing for ample movement, the snakeskin vest is a wonderful addition to any warriors arsenal.

Grapevine Halo (Sold in Dendeya armor shop for 32,000 gold)
Replaces - Feathered Helm
Wearable - Fighter, Paladin, Ranger

Thin vines have been woven together to create a sturdy helmet.

Silk Cap (Sold in Dendeya armor shop for 10,000 gold)
Replaces - Circlet
Wearable - Cleric, Mage

Expenisve tastes offer little protection.

Midnight Hood (Sold in Dendeya armor shop for 32,000 gold)
Raplaces - Feathered Helm
Wearable - Fighter, Thief

The midnight hood is made of a rare, silky fiber that has been painstakenly dyed to resemble the darkness of night. Holding itself close to its wearer’s body, it envelopes itself into an aura of obscured protection.

Edited by ice_cold, 30 August 2011 - 03:23 AM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

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