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A Dub

Member Since 16 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2005 04:42 AM

Topics I've Started

New Way To Battle Theft

08 January 2005 - 05:20 PM

i know if u forget your password, you gotta have something to remind you. don't use email or anything via internet. why dont you either, for one thing, use microsoft word and save it to a floppy disk, or use an unforgettable password, or even write it down, put it on your bulletin board or somewhere where you can find it? i dont have anyone from nm on msn messenger, i dont get stolen from. yall that get stolen from only allow yourselves to

My Official Return

05 January 2005 - 06:13 AM

i havent come back with my old alts, ive been told they were 'entrusted' to someone else, so i got somethin new. tonx, my main crit now, a 5 stat zerker. me and my bros have even started a new clan, the Blazer Ballin Boyz. I just would like to say hello to yall now, and to make it official.

Shield Of Faith

05 January 2005 - 06:00 AM

Don't really know the price, but i'll start with the price of the online shield, 45k. Any good offers? /p or /memo Tonx


23 December 2004 - 08:06 PM

Yall know the drill. /p or /memo tonx with offer or put on site.
preciate it


18 December 2004 - 07:54 PM

at the end of the night i'll take best offer. best now is the site at 89k, so at the end of the night i'll take it if thats best. if u have better offer, respond here or /page or /memo Tonx.